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Thai man kills girlfriend in jealous rage over religion


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2 hours ago, proton said:

You are wrong, it was about a Thai muslim murdering his girl friend. Where ever islam spreads intolerance, oppression and misery follow, those excusing it and it's medieval practices are the disgrace.

So a Muslim man murders his girlfriend, but you've based your whole response in his being Muslim. If he'd been a Buddhist, which happens every day, or any other religion, would your response been so weighted? No. You just have a poisonous hatred for Islam, and are using this one incident to leverage it. Your arguments are thus totally invalidated.

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1 hour ago, FruitPudding said:


I dunno where you get the 5000 from, but there were plenty of Muslims worldwide dancing in the streets celebrating the rape and murder of innocent Israelis.


Not to mention, all the arranged marriages, female genital mutilation,  child brides, honour killings etc. etc.


A quarter of the world's population?  Damn! It'll be half in no time.

Fruit cake anyone?

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20 minutes ago, proton said:


Makes no difference how many so called 'moderates' there are, that does not affect the fundamental evil of the faith they follow. Most are kept in the dark about the reality of it by imams selective preaching and quoting. Muslims are victims of islam as well. 5000 extremists worldwide is laughable, more than that in Leicester! Extremists are just true followers anyway.

"What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof." What you write is garbage.

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9 minutes ago, bradiston said:

Oh right. Christian Scientist Monitor! Dated 2015. Is this the best you could come up with after your Google search?


Try this





This link you provided is dated 2015 as well, and updated in 2017.


So what's your point?


Poland hasn't had any problems with radicals or bombings, do you know why?


They don't let them in, in the first place.

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4 minutes ago, bradiston said:

😴 This is one of those interminable threads which occur occasionally on AN.


I suggest you study the charts and graphs in this link:








All I am getting from this is that there are too many Muslims 

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15. You will not discriminate or post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, disability, medical history, marriage, civil partnership, pregnancy, maternity, paternity, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other irrelevant factor.

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2 minutes ago, bradiston said:

You see? You've hijacked this whole thread to beat your gong. I'm not interested in your silly arguments about Islam. I could read those on a daily basis on any given day of the week in the Sun or Mirror, or on a 1000 websites. Bloody immigrants, Vol III, Chapter 2 etc etc etc. You're part of the problem.



No, you are part of the problem along with the other lefties and liberal deniers.


You are the one who went on a rant, not me, and when other posters answered you, you have tried to dismiss logical and factual responses.

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9 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:



No, you are part of the problem along with the other lefties and liberal deniers.


You are the one who went on a rant, not me, and when other posters answered you, you have tried to dismiss logical and factual responses.

Sob, so lonely...

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On 12/21/2023 at 12:05 PM, ezzra said:

Muslims settles feuds with blood for blood and honour killings, Muslim warriors have been knows to be cruel and mean and most blood thirsty of all armies in history, so maybe Islam is a religion of peace but not those who practice Islam...

Ad do Jews and Christians... :sad:

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On 12/20/2023 at 11:02 PM, prakhonchai nick said:

Many of us do not worship or believe in any God.  Far more peaceful that way!

Case in point, the USSR. Oh wait... ummm the CCP? oops... Pol Pot? oh crap... this isn't working, I give up.

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2 minutes ago, WDSmart said:
  On 12/20/2023 at 9:05 PM, ezzra said:

Muslims settles feuds with blood for blood and honour killings


2 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

Ad do Jews and Christians... :sad:

That's a new one on me. I'd be very interested in some sort of reference for that idea. I've never heard of a single instance of a Jewish or Christian honour killing, let alone about it being a part of their religion. On the other hand, I have heard PLENTY of vociferous outcries against such barbarity from Christians in the west. I haven't even heard of blood for blood being a way Jews or Christians settle feuds (not speaking of wars here, I'm assuming, due to the context, we are talking about personal feuds). Genuinely interested in where you heard this. Preferably from some sort of relatively reliable source....

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2 minutes ago, Sig said:


That's a new one on me. I'd be very interested in some sort of reference for that idea. I've never heard of a single instance of a Jewish or Christian honour killing, let alone about it being a part of their religion. On the other hand, I have heard PLENTY of vociferous outcries against such barbarity from Christians in the west. I haven't even heard of blood for blood being a way Jews or Christians settle feuds (not speaking of wars here, I'm assuming, due to the context, we are talking about personal feuds). Genuinely interested in where you heard this. Preferably from some sort of relatively reliable source....

The quote below is from Exodus, which is a book in both the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible (Old Testament). I hope you consider both these to be "reliable sources."

Exodus 21:23-25 "But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”

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17 hours ago, bradiston said:
  22 hours ago, FruitPudding said:

It would be better for the world if Islam disappeared.


17 hours ago, bradiston said:

If you said that about Judaism you'd be locked up for life.

Do me a favor and name one single country where that is true?

I could however name a bunch of majority Islam countries where you would be within complete acceptance if you slandered Judaism.

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15 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

The quote below is from Exodus, which is a book in both the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible (Old Testament). I hope you consider both these to be "reliable sources."

Exodus 21:23-25 "But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”


Totally irrelevant as nobody follows that, unless you can dis rail further by giving some examples, there are of course plenty of chopping off of heads, hands, whippings and stoning in the islamic world for as little as talking to a man unmarried, adultery and leaving the dreadful religion or even criticising the fake prophet It's mostly women victims, and gays of course.

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10 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

The quote below is from Exodus, which is a book in both the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible (Old Testament). I hope you consider both these to be "reliable sources."

Exodus 21:23-25 "But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”

Sure, I can accept that as a reliable source, but I can't accept the ignorant application of that to Christianity and the treatment of it in the new covenant established by the leader of Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth.
Matthew 5:38-42 ““You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”
Didn't take the time to look it up, but I imagine you've heard of another verse that came to mind, something about loving your enemies and doing good to people who hate you and it goes on from there.
Doesn't sound to me at all like the kind of religion that has honour killings as a part of its practices. And since you've never heard of such a thing carried out as any sort of Christian thing, why do you make such a specious argument? I've never heard of honour killings carried out by Jews either, but I'm not familiar with their teachings on it or how they interpret that Exodus passage. But it certainly doesn't appear that they follow it and I wouldn't assume that's an accident. On the other hand, Muslims definitely follow it and that is well-known.

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5 minutes ago, Sig said:

Sure, I can accept that as a reliable source, but I can't accept the ignorant application of that to Christianity and the treatment of it in the new covenant established by the leader of Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth.n.

So, are you saying that Christians no longer revere and believe what was written in their Old Testament? If so, why do they still keep it in their Bible? 

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11 minutes ago, proton said:
26 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

The quote below is from Exodus, which is a book in both the Jewish Torah and Christian Bible (Old Testament). I hope you consider both these to be "reliable sources."

Exodus 21:23-25 "But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”


11 minutes ago, proton said:


Totally irrelevant as nobody follows that, unless you can dis rail further by giving some examples, there are of course plenty of chopping off of heads, hands, whippings and stoning in the islamic world for as little as talking to a man unmarried, adultery and leaving the dreadful religion or even criticising the fake prophet It's mostly women victims, and gays of course.

Good reason why nobody follows that. I just posted re Christianity. I don't know why it isn't followed in Judaism. The odd thing is why on earth would somebody post something of which they are in complete ignorance. Note that his first comment on it was regarding "practice", not only about what those religions may have in their texts. If one is ignorant about a religion and thinks they see an incongruity between that religion's texts and their practice, it seems like it might be better to get informed before making foolish comments. Just maybe an uninformed person doesn't know all and is able to make judgements on this kind of thing.

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2 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

So, are you saying that Christians no longer revere and believe what was written in their Old Testament? If so, why do they still keep it in their Bible? 

No, I am not saying anything of the sort about what they may or may not revere. Your question is absurd. Everyone knows they revere it. I'm not going to attempt to teach you the Bible in a forum. I'm not qualified, for one and for another, the Bible also says something about not throwing pearls to swine. Your comments/questions only show intellectual dishonesty and an unwillingness to look at facts.

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1 minute ago, FruitPudding said:


Given what recently Hamas did it's fair enough to fire back, so they don't come back and di it again.

This is off-topic for this page. I'd love to discuss that more with you, but I've been warned about this by Rimmer. :ermm:

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2 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

I'd love to continue this dialog with you, but I'm sure Rimmer, or someone like him, is ready to sanction me for posting off-topic remarks. So I'll just say IMO (which is a VERY reliable source) that all religions are based on historical bull<deleted> and are delusional, especially the three coming out of the Middle East. 

Ok, no problem. I don't think it is off topic, being that it is regarding honour killing. But I could see how perhaps it is drifting a bit.
Feel free to go the route of the CCP or the former USSR or Pol Pot or many others who thought/think along the same lines. Nobody is forcing you to follow any religion and if you have one, I hope nobody is attempting to force you out of it. I don't believe any Christian or Jew would. If they did, it would be against their teachings.

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7 hours ago, bradiston said:

Try promoting profoundly anti Semitic views in Washington DC. I don't think they'd go down well. Eliminating Judaism has been tried before, remember? And unless you lived in Iran, advocating the destruction of the state of Israel might also raise eyebrows.


But say the same thing about Islam? Well, who cares? There's only 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. Almost a quarter of the world's population. And your ideas are based on the activities of maybe 5,000?

Seriously??? Tell me you don't pay attention to the news unless it suits your narrative without telling me you don't pay attention to the news unless it suits your narrative. Well, this is getting into off topic arenas I think, so I'll let it go with that. You really should look it up. You are giving information that is 100% contrary to the facts. I don't know if it's possible to be more wrong....

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13 minutes ago, Sig said:

Ok, no problem. I don't think it is off topic, being that it is regarding honour killing. But I could see how perhaps it is drifting a bit.
Feel free to go the route of the CCP or the former USSR or Pol Pot or many others who thought/think along the same lines. Nobody is forcing you to follow any religion and if you have one, I hope nobody is attempting to force you out of it. I don't believe any Christian or Jew would. If they did, it would be against their teachings.

Thanks. I can assure you I will remain a complete atheist, and in fact, an agnostic.

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18 hours ago, bradiston said:

Or an orthodox Jew, or a fundamentalist Christian.

How many murders and terror attacks have been carried out in the name of Judaism and Christianity in the past 30 years? If you think it compares to the numbers for Islam you must be living under a rock. 

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