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The horrors endured by Hamas's hostages: Barely any food, forced to sleep on plastic chairs, waiting to be executed...


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2 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Thank you.


No I am not confused.


Unlike many posters I try to do some research and look at both sides.


What Hamas did, NOT the Palestinians, did was very bad.


What the IDF is doing is far worse. They are committing genocide. If you don't believe me then start reading/watching the international news channels.


I am not bothered what posters say or think on an insignificant English language website in Thailand, but more at what innocent people are suffering in Gaza.


Look at how many people world wide feel something similar to the way that I feel, and there are hundreds of thousands of them in many countries across the world, governments included.


They are condemning Israel every day.

Pure deflection. This topic is about the hostages

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5 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


Why did Hamas become terrorists? Did Israel commit atrocities before October 7?

Having never been a terrorist I cannot say what would bring them to mass murder innocent civilians, rape, torture, mutilate them. Then take hostage over 200 more to carry on with the rapes, sexual assault, execution and torture. 


UN Watch has some clues though:

Report: U.N. Teachers Celebrated Hamas Massacre

As war wages on between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, UN Watch has released a new report that reveals how UNRWA teachers in the enclave, funded largely by the U.S. and EU, indoctrinate Palestinian children and promote terrorism and antisemitism.

Entitled “UNRWA: Hate Starts Here,” the report uncovers 20 UNRWA teachers and other staff members who celebrated the October 7th Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians on their social media accounts. 

The new cases are in addition to 133 UNRWA educators and staff who were exposed for promoting hate and violence in UN Watch’s last report, released in March 2023.



For your other question that you just edited in:


This has nothing to do with anything that went on before:


Guterres made a press statement in New York recalling that in his remarks on Tuesday he had specifically said no Palestinian grievance could justify the horrendous attacks by Hamas.



While I know you'd like to continue off topic, it wont be with me, this is an important thread on the hostages.


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Lets hope so, Hamas refused a deal and cease fire a week ago:


Qatar said to tell Israel that Hamas ‘agrees in principle’ to resume talks on hostage deal

Qatari mediators have told Israel that Hamas “agrees in principle” to resume negotiations for the release of further hostages taken by the terror group during the October 7 atrocities, in exchange for a weeks-long truce in the Gaza Strip, the Walla news site reports.

Citing three Israeli officials, the report says Israel is responding warily to the message and stressing that it will quickly emerge whether Hamas is indeed serious.


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3 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


Israel will not agree to any deal that includes a permanent resolution.

This is about the hostages :whistling: It was Hamas that refused the last deal after Israel was asking for it.

Edited by Bkk Brian
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17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Thank you.

My pleasure 

17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

No I am not confused.

Indeed not. You are a liar.

17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Unlike many posters I try to do some research and look at both sides.

See above.

17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

What Hamas did, NOT the Palestinians, did was very bad.

Hamas ARE Palestinians, and most Palestinians that are not Hamas, support Hamas and what they did and are continuing to do.

17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

What the IDF is doing is far worse. They are committing genocide. If you don't believe me then start reading/watching the international news channels.

I do not believe you. All it takes is a dictionary to know that. Claiming the IDF is committing genocide is just a bold-faced lie. A popular lie that a lot of know-nothings like to regurgitate, but a lie all the same. Even Hamas is not committing genocide. They'd like to, and they're trying to. but they can't do it alone. With your help, maybe they can. How great would that be?

17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

I am not bothered what posters say or think on an insignificant English language website in Thailand, but more at what innocent people are suffering in Gaza.

Then why not go help them? Or at least send Hamas money to get rid of the Jews you think are to blame.

17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Look at how many people world wide feel something similar to the way that I feel, and there are hundreds of thousands of them in many countries across the world, governments included.

Yes, all that feel-good virtue-signaling about how it's all the fault of those greedy Jews. Hitler would be proud. Hey, maybe you guys can help finish what he started. 

17 minutes ago, billd766 said:

They are condemning Israel every day.

Yes, which does nothing but help weak minded, intellectually lazy keyboard warriors feel better about themselves. 

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:


Of course. Israel is not interested in a permanent solution that involves Palestinian statehood and the return of the illegal settlements.

Again, hostages, this is not about the permeant solution, nobody knows what that will be yet, nobody has a plan for that yet, you just can't stay on topic.


Hamas has rejected an Israeli proposal for a week-long truce in the Gaza Strip in return for the release of some 40 hostages


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42 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


The Israeli government believes Gaza is Israeli land.

The Palestinian government believe Israel is Palestinian land, and that every Jew in the should be killed, except for the young women, who should be hobbled so they can't run away, gang raped for a few days or at least until they are dead. 

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3 minutes ago, Yellowtail said:

The Palestinian government believe Israel is Palestinian land, and that every Jew in the should be killed, except for the young women, who should be hobbled so they can't run away, gang raped for a few days or at least until they are dead. 


Agreed, but it doesn't detracrt from the fact that the Israeli government believes Gaza is Israeli territory.

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8 hours ago, ozimoron said:


Is Galen not an Israeli government minister?


I'm not familiar with any Israeli minister by that name. You're either misspelling it, or who-knows-what. Regardless, if your wide-brush comment was based on something this minister or the other said - that's not government policy, but ministers running their mouth. That's pretty routine for Israeli governments, especially when ministers are engaged in political rivalries and one-upmanship. Already addressed several times on these topics (never mind past ones).


8 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

The Palestinian government believe Israel is Palestinian land, and that every Jew in the should be killed, except for the young women, who should be hobbled so they can't run away, gang raped for a few days or at least until they are dead. 


You intentionally chose 'the Palestinian government' in order to muddy the water and to fit the comeback. The Palestinians are/were led by two separate leadership, with two different official agendas. What you refer to is the Hamas's version. The PA government does not hold such a policy.


8 hours ago, ozimoron said:


Agreed, but it doesn't detracrt from the fact that the Israeli government believes Gaza is Israeli territory.


See above. You can 'agree' all you like but it doesn't make your statement any more correct either.



Neither of you seems to have much use for facts.

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11 hours ago, billd766 said:

Thank you.


No I am not confused.


Unlike many posters I try to do some research and look at both sides.


What Hamas did, NOT the Palestinians, did was very bad.


What the IDF is doing is far worse. They are committing genocide. If you don't believe me then start reading/watching the international news channels.


I am not bothered what posters say or think on an insignificant English language website in Thailand, but more at what innocent people are suffering in Gaza.


Look at how many people world wide feel something similar to the way that I feel, and there are hundreds of thousands of them in many countries across the world, governments included.


They are condemning Israel every day.

I think genocide is too strong a term. Mass murder or mass manslaughter is a better characterization.

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4 minutes ago, placeholder said:

And your defense of Israeli tactics isn't about fitting your agenda?

And apparently, in furtherance of your agenda, you lump together different critiques of the Israeli bombing campaign.


Defense how? I do not offer wholesale justification, or glorification of - as some do.

I'm acknowledging that it's war, and war ain't pretty. No matter how you cut it.


In this instance, the lumping was the point.

Both of you strive for negative labels, which I doubt have little to do with facts or legalities involved.


As said of another poster's comments - you're jumping the gun.

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Another one that gets it:


“The loudest calls now should be for Hamas to release all hostages immediately. Until Hamas hands back every hostage and stops firing rockets and bullets at Israel, it cannot rationally portray Israel as the aggressor”.



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