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Would you buy a BYD EV?

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1 minute ago, josephbloggs said:

Agree, any fake exhaust on any car is horrible. I was thinking maybe to give him/her the benefit of the doubt as it might be someone with a sense of humour........but then I saw the front with a God ugly bodykit on. Definitely not trying to be self deprecating or funny, just someone with no taste that has ruined what is a perfectly lovely looking car.

Some Thais have  weird taste when it come to their cars.

How about those  trucks with dozens of mirrors. I don't get it. They must cost a lot of money. and I am sure they don't make so much money that they don't know how to spend it.

And how about the trucks with all the Plastic dolls . I think they are Michelin men dolls, What's up with that?  

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1 hour ago, retarius said:

You are entitled to your opinion about climate change and I'm entitled to mine.

There has been nothing wrong with my education, so do not impugn it. I will admit it is 50 years since I was at university doing a PhD in radiation chemistry. My IQ puts me in the top 0.5% of people.  


I have zero interest in climate change and I will be dead before it affects me, so I don't care and I wouldn't be an early adopter of EVs to save the planet. I leave the planet saving to Greta and her pals. Democracy is the wrong system, anyway, to save the planet if planet warming is caused by industrial activities, and since the largest per capit are the tiny fraction of the planet in the greedy insane west, then I don't see a happy outcome at all. The scientist by the way are all driven by the same impetus....being a cheerleader is the way to big grants, so nay sayers or scientist that generate data supporting counter narratives are shunned. You are naive to believe whet they put out. 



The only green technology worth a <deleted> is nuclear, imvho and personally I wouldn't invest my money in anything else. Mini reactors is where my speculative money is invested. Of course nuclear has its own issues with waste, but that is a technology that already exists as opposed to the fantasy technologies you are talking about....fusion, Christ that has been coming since the Dark Ages. And yes I know the Yanks have claimed reproducible results of a lab experiment, personally I don't see it being a usable technology generating grid potential energy before the earth fries. 

I stated about 0.5% of the world's population are educated in thermodynamics. If you want to take that comment as impugning your level of education, it's your problem, not mine.

I would have thought radiation chemistry would actually be radiation physics, I could be wrong. Just as I could be wrong in assuming at the level of science you were engaged in, a training in thermodynamics would be an automatic inclusion in the syllabus.


About 95% of scientists accept global warming and climate change as fact, based on evidence. When you accuse me of naivety, it is disingenuous to suggest every scientist has their hand out for a big grant. What percentage of scientists are actually in that field? I'd suggest 10 - 20% at most, and I am not one of them. I retired from private industry 15 years ago. I have never been in any research grant cycle.


You also don't seem to consider the possibility naysaying scientists could be getting funding from sources with a vested interest in the status quo. IIRC, quite a few scientists work in the tobacco and alcohol industries.


You may be right about nuclear being part of the solution, I don't consider it is all. Case in point - Norway is 97% renewable energy. It has no nuclear reactors generating electricity.


You are also misrepresenting what I post. When I used the term cold fusion, I was referring to a scientific hoax.


Time will tell if your speculative money is well invested, although CSIRO in Australia has poured cold water on the economics of SMR nuclear plants.



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37 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Some Thais have  weird taste when it come to their cars.

How about those  trucks with dozens of mirrors. I don't get it. They must cost a lot of money. and I am sure they don't make so much money that they don't know how to spend it.

And how about the trucks with all the Plastic dolls . I think they are Michelin men dolls, What's up with that?  

I don't know, I like those trucks with the mirrors, the ones covered in Michelin men, the outrageous and impressive paint jobs, the oaches with the front lined with speakers, they all add to the distinct flavour of Thailand.  But I draw the line at fake exhausts, especially on an EV.

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10 hours ago, Gweiloman said:

Interesting post. 

The Chinese government cannot match the West’s sophistication and reach when it comes to propaganda and funding. MSM, NGO’s like NED, think tanks all over the world. In OZ, the ASPI is US financed and advised by retired US generals. The Japanese committed horrendous war crimes during the 2nd WW and yet many westerners think the Chinese are evil even though they (Chinese) were more often than not the victims in many colonial expansions and imperialism. 99% of China haters have never even set foot in China nor do they know how the system of governance works. It’s based on meritocracy and elections, not populism and financing. Such is the power and reach of western propaganda.


Someone in a highly sensitive position is probably able to afford more expensive vehicles than the BYD Dolphin or MG. Fitting spying devices and then being able to identify which purchaser could be in possession of sensitive government information seems like an extremely inefficient way of collecting information covertly. Much like saying that Tik Tok is spying on the American public. 

In any case, bit by bit, the sentiment is changing. My childrens’ generation is much more open minded and travelling the world more and more and seeing for themselves the truth. The aging racists are dying out. China’s BRI is helping millions if not billions of people particularly in impoverished countries in Asia and Africa. China’s goal of multipolarity and common prosperity is resonating with many peoples of the world. No intelligent person seriously believes that China will militarily invade their country. It is very simply not in the DNA of Chinese culture over the past 2,000 years.


Its not a case of fitting spying equipment. Here's an example of whats possible, its CCTV granted, but back doors can be built into anything. I agree, dont think that China is spying on everyone, but a back door gives the opportunity if a need is identified. There is a reason why much Chinese equipment is now banned from sensitive/government sites in the west.




It's a little naive to think that people with access to sensitive information are all well off and driving top of the range cars, Governments are the highest payers, not sure what the average wage at GCHQ is, but would guess many are buying second hand cars!


To be honest I have little knowledge of EVs, but do have some on the question you asked of the other poster.....his comments may seem far fetched to the majority but are quite sensible IMHO.


Of course, if you already have Chinese apps like 'we chat' installed on your phone fill your boots and buy what you want....... :)


Anyway apologies , back on topic, may consider much further down the line if I need a run around and have solar on the house, verdict is out for me for a while.

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13 hours ago, sungod said:

Governments are the highest payers, not sure what the average wage at GCHQ is, but would guess many are buying second hand cars!


Sorry typo,


Governments are not the highest payers.

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20 minutes ago, sungod said:


Sorry typo,


Governments are not the highest payers.

Couldn’t the security guys at Langley just sweep every car in the carpark daily for spying devices? Or am I watching too many movies, lol.

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1 minute ago, Gweiloman said:

Couldn’t the security guys at Langley just sweep every car in the carpark daily for spying devices? Or am I watching too many movies, lol.


What the Chinese could do is look for their vehicles that go and park at Langley, then target those vehicles one by one, they would know a lot about those people, name, address, daily habits, overnight mistresses etc, lots of nice blackmail material.

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10 minutes ago, Gweiloman said:

Couldn’t the security guys at Langley just sweep every car in the carpark daily for spying devices? Or am I watching too many movies, lol.

Back doors and 'spying devices' are separate things.

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1 minute ago, sungod said:

Back doors and 'spying devices' are separate things.

A back door would only allow the CPC to hack into their own infotainment system. Why would they need to do that? Am I missing something here?

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16 hours ago, retarius said:

You are entitled to your opinion about climate change and I'm entitled to mine.

There has been nothing wrong with my education, so do not impugn it. I will admit it is 50 years since I was at university doing a PhD in radiation chemistry. My IQ puts me in the top 0.5% of people.  


I have zero interest in climate change and I will be dead before it affects me, so I don't care and I wouldn't be an early adopter of EVs to save the planet. I leave the planet saving to Greta and her pals. Democracy is the wrong system, anyway, to save the planet if planet warming is caused by industrial activities, and since the largest per capit are the tiny fraction of the planet in the greedy insane west, then I don't see a happy outcome at all. The scientist by the way are all driven by the same impetus....being a cheerleader is the way to big grants, so nay sayers or scientist that generate data supporting counter narratives are shunned. You are naive to believe whet they put out. 



The only green technology worth a <deleted> is nuclear, imvho and personally I wouldn't invest my money in anything else. Mini reactors is where my speculative money is invested. Of course nuclear has its own issues with waste, but that is a technology that already exists as opposed to the fantasy technologies you are talking about....fusion, Christ that has been coming since the Dark Ages. And yes I know the Yanks have claimed reproducible results of a lab experiment, personally I don't see it being a usable technology generating grid potential energy before the earth fries. 

You had me until the bold text.

You are a greedy, self centered fool.

Good luck to you making money at our grandchildren’s expense, we will be better off when you go the way of the dinosaurs of old… can you hurry up please ?

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1 hour ago, Gweiloman said:

A back door would only allow the CPC to hack into their own infotainment system. Why would they need to do that? Am I missing something here?

Yes you are.

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2 hours ago, HighPriority said:

You had me until the bold text.

You are a greedy, self centered fool.

Good luck to you making money at our grandchildren’s expense, we will be better off when you go the way of the dinosaurs of old… can you hurry up please ?

Whatever you think of me, this is the way of democratic societies are in the modern era. Greed obsessed and obsessed with their own self importance......a bit like climate activists actually, liking those private jet trips to annual Cop Meetings that achieve nothing, while they destroy the atmosphere.

I am pleased to not be a virtue signalling hypocrite like you, and to have the guts to say what I really am, instead of professing to be concerned about the climate but making minimal changes to your lifestyles. At least, I have the guts to admit what my view actually is and to stand against the credulous crowd. 


Those awful people in the west who shout loudest about about climate change, but make almost zero changes to their lifestyles which are not sustainable, make me sick. They sounds like what Jesus said about Pharisees, and that's what people like you are are, modern day Pharisees, judgemental hypocrites.


Why are western countries with such concern about the environment the biggest per capita emitters of carbon? And this is after they have outsourced their heavy polluting industries, like steel making, to the third world. If we to look at where to steel and the like is actually consumed by consumers, the situation would be even more dire. Even the big polluter, China, has much lower per capita emissions than the western world.


Democracies as I might have said, will fail in their endeavour to shift the costs and inconveniences of climate change to the third world poorer, and to make those nations pay for the damage that the western nations have already done. Frankly IMHO citizens in third world countries are as entitled to refrigeration and aircon as much as you or Americans are. 


There is huge problem with the whole strategy for reducing the impacts of climate change. The problem is that people, even if they believe the problem is man made, do not think the issue is urgent enough for them to make significant changes to their lifestyles. Sure we may change our house light bulbs with LED ones that are cheaper to run....even selfish old me has done that. But are we able to drastically cut our lifestyle? Start walking to the shops or using public transport instead of driving? The clear answer to that, and I'm sorry is no.  And when you base your whole strategy on something that will not happen, it will fail miserably. 


Now I believe I am being virtuous by rejecting all this crapola. I'm saying what other people are not prepared to say. If people actually listened to what I am saying and said to themselves we have to design our strategy around people like him, to convince and motivate, him to cut back on his energy use. Frankly, unless people in rich countries tighten their belts considerably, use a fraction of the energy they use now, which means driving a only 1000 miles a year in their virtue signalling EV car; stay hot in summer and freezing cold in winter; stop using planes for your holidays and use public local transport to travel to your chosen holiday spot; and shell out trillions of dollars in reparations for our past sins. If not our planet has not a chance of surviving if the climate scientists are correct (I doubt they are as they entire campaign has been alarmist doom porn).


The current strategy is tell tell rich nations that they can have their cake and eat it, all they have to do is to invest in 'green energy and renewables' and they will be able to keep their lifestyle. But it isn't true.

In my opinion, the one that you despise me even having, this has turned into a boondoggle where in which companies make products at are inferior to to past energy intensive ones, like washing machines, vacuum cleaners, clothes dryers and the like, or renewable energy generation which is simply inferior to fossil fuels or nuclear power and which are insufficient for our energy needs. Ask yourself why do all these companies making these products get vast subsidies from taxpayers via their governments. This is what the climate movement is about....the virtue signallers are naive and dimwitted. The latest Cop was packed with 'industry lobbyists' seeking extra handouts for their clients. Their staff are working overtime modelling how much the new faux 'agreement' will earn for their clients in the green industry. The climate change movement has been hi-0jacked and I want no part of it. The earth, will or will not fry, and the scientists will, or will not be proved right or wrong, by the end of this century. Personally I want no part of it at all, and all anyone has is a belief based on what they believe based on biased news sources in the simpleton media. My advice to you, is to ask yourself some questions before being judgemental towards older folk.


Edited by retarius
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17 hours ago, BKKBike09 said:


Since this is the 'Would you buy a BYD' thread, I think not. Why don't you start a suitable thread and then we can have it, champ.

I already said I would buy one if you look back, but you are too idle. I did not initiate this discussion about climate change, I have simply been responding to comments challenging me about my comments. 


Now I could be sarky and ask you what is the point of your comment? Is it about buying a BYD? NO. Is it about being rude to me? Yes. 

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9 minutes ago, retarius said:

Whatever you think of me, this is the way of democratic societies in the modern, no. Greed obsessed and obsessed with their own self importance......a bit like climate activists actually, liking those private jet trips to annual Cop Meetings that achieve nothing, while they destroy the atmosphere.

I am pleased to not be a virtue signalling hypocrite like you, and have the guts to say what I really am, instead of professing to be concerned about the climate but making minimal changes to your lifestyles, and I have the guts to admit what my view actually is and to stand against the crowd. 


Those awful people in the west who shout loudest about about climate change, but make almost zero changes to their lifestyles which are not sustainable. Sounds like what Jesus said about Pharisees, and that's what people ,like you are modern day Pharisees, judgemental and Why are western countries with such concern about the environment the biggest per capita emitters? And this is after they have outsourced their heavy polluting industries, like steel making, to the the world. If we to look at where to steel is actually consumed by consumers, the situation would be even more dire. Even the big polluter, China, has much lower per capita emissions. Democracies as I might have said, will fail in their endeavour to make the third world poorer nations pay for the damage that the western nations have already done. They are entitled to refrigeration and aircon as much as you are, and the loathsome climate lobbyists.


There is huge problem with the whole strategy for reducing the impacts of climate change. The problem is that people, even if they believe the problem is man made, do not think the issue is urgent enough for them to make significant changes to their lifestyles. Sure we may change our house light bulbs with LED ones that are cheaper to run....even selfish old me has done that. But are we able to drastically cut our lifestyle? Start walking to the shops or using public transport instead of driving? The clear answer to that, and I'm sorry is no.  And when you base your whole strategy on something that will not happen, it will fail miserably. 


Now I believe I am being virtuous by rejecting all this crapola. I'm saying what other people are not prepared to say. If people actually listened to what I am saying and said to themselves we have to design our strategy around people like him, to convince and motivate, him to cut back on his energy use. Frankly, unless people in rich countries tighten their belts considerably, use a fraction of the energy they use now, which means driving a 1000 miles a year in their virtue signalling EV car; stay hot in summer and freezing cold in winter; and shell out trillions of dollars in reparations for our past sins; our planet has not a chance in hell of working. The current strategy is tell tell rich nations that they can have their cake and eat it, all they have to do is to invest in 'green energy and renewables'. In my opinion, the one that you despise me even having, this has turned into a boondoggle where in which companies make products at are inferior to energy intensive ones, or green energy generators which are inferior to fossil fuels or nuclear power and which are insufficient for our energy needs. Ask yourself why do all these companies making these products get vast subsidies from taxpayers via their governments. This is what the climate movement is about....the virtue signallers are naive and dimwitted. The latest Cop was packed with 'industry lobbyists' seeking extra handouts for their clients. Their staff are working overtime modelling how much the new faux 'agreement' will earn for their clients in the green industry. The climate change movement has been hi-0jacked and I want no part of it. The earth, will or will not fry, and the scientists will, or will not be proved right or wrong, by the end of this century. Personally I want no part of it at all, and all anyone has is a belief based on what they believe based on biased news sources in the simpleton media. My advice to you, is to ask yourself some questions before being judgemental towards older folk.


Keep on talking, keep on burning oil, keep on not giving a damn.

You just keep on your path to destruction.

No 1 person can change the future, about the best we can do as individuals is to cause LESS destruction in this world, whereas you just want to keep pillaging the world.

We need to walk gentler on this planet.


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1 minute ago, HighPriority said:

Keep on talking, keep on burning oil, keep on not giving a damn.

You just keep on your path to destruction.

No 1 person can change the future, about the best we can do as individuals is to cause LESS destruction in this world, whereas you just want to keep pillaging the world.

We need to walk gentler on this planet.



When they start using "virtue signalling" you know they are anti-science and it's all political. Don't waste your time.

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On 1/6/2024 at 5:43 PM, Gweiloman said:

If only the 2019 riots in HKG could have been explained so simplistically as you have posted. It started based in part on the proposed extradition law to close a loophole that till today, allows a self confessed murderer to continue to roam the streets of HKG. One western country, no need to say who, exploited the situation to try and cause further chaos.

If I'm guilty of oversimplifying then you are too. There were street protests in Hong Kong pre 2019, pre the extradition case you refer to. There were years long sit-ins at various protest points in the city even before that. The extradition case was a final straw for the population after the CCP had already illegally abducted numerous book sellers in the city and tortured them in Chinese prisons without any charge or due process, because they printed books critical of the CCP and revealed their leaders corruption. Jimmy Lai is currently on trial in Hong Kong for the crime of publishing such critical news.

Even a murderer is entitled to due process if extradited. If not, that leaves you, and everyone else, exposed to arbitrary arrest and imprisonment by tyrants.

You hint at 'foreign interference' which is a trope straight out of the CCP playbook. I consider it the greatest insult of all because it proposes that the hundreds of thousands of intelligent Hong Kong'ers who peacefully protested on the streets of the city in July 2019 were all 'dupes' and only there because they'd been fooled by 'foreign influence'. Your lack of understanding of the daily problems those people faced shows your ignorance of life in the city and its realities. The broken CCP promises and undertakings of independence and free elections in Hong Kong were primary motivators for the protests.

The master of 'foreign influence' is of course none other than the CCP itself. It never stopped interfering after 1997.



I have family that’s living and working in HKG for the last 25 years.


I have friends who still work there and I was out for drinks on Friday night with one of them. He described the many shops which are still shuttered in the city centre - in a town where shop rents were always sky high. Now they can't find tenants. Schools which once had lengthy waiting lists are now closing through lack of pupils. The population has fallen. People are voting with their feet - especially the expat banking and finance community, they are all moving to Singapore. The CCP wants to run Hong Kong down, so its fine with them. They prefer Shanghai as their business and finance centre. It's a shame.



Yes, things have changed but is nowhere near as draconian as you make out.


Tell that to these folks:
3,300 protestors still on remand in Hong Kong, 265 jailed.

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On 1/6/2024 at 5:16 PM, retarius said:

My IQ puts me in the top 0.5% of people

Let’s put that to the test shall we?


On 1/6/2024 at 4:58 PM, retarius said:

and we don't even know what awful ecological damage and costs will be to replace batteries at the end of their life


You haven’t thought this through have you.

Let’s consider a battery you might actually know something about such as the Lead Acid battery in your ice vehicle. Lead is pretty toxic stuff so what happens to old lead acid batteries, by your logic they all end up in landfill contaminating the water supply. In fact in the USA (country chosen due to available data) 99% of old Lead Acid Batteries are recycled.


Lead is worth $2,000 / ton while Lithium is worth $29,000 / ton. Yet you think Lithium batteries won’t be recycled but instead create  “awful ecological damage”

Purely on economic terms your logic is flawed.


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17 hours ago, Flyguy330 said:

If I'm guilty of oversimplifying then you are too. There were street protests in Hong Kong pre 2019, pre the extradition case you refer to. There were years long sit-ins at various protest points in the city even before that. The extradition case was a final straw for the population after the CCP had already illegally abducted numerous book sellers in the city and tortured them in Chinese prisons without any charge or due process, because they printed books critical of the CCP and revealed their leaders corruption. Jimmy Lai is currently on trial in Hong Kong for the crime of publishing such critical news.

Even a murderer is entitled to due process if extradited. If not, that leaves you, and everyone else, exposed to arbitrary arrest and imprisonment by tyrants.

You hint at 'foreign interference' which is a trope straight out of the CCP playbook. I consider it the greatest insult of all because it proposes that the hundreds of thousands of intelligent Hong Kong'ers who peacefully protested on the streets of the city in July 2019 were all 'dupes' and only there because they'd been fooled by 'foreign influence'. Your lack of understanding of the daily problems those people faced shows your ignorance of life in the city and its realities. The broken CCP promises and undertakings of independence and free elections in Hong Kong were primary motivators for the protests.

The master of 'foreign influence' is of course none other than the CCP itself. It never stopped interfering after 1997.



I have friends who still work there and I was out for drinks on Friday night with one of them. He described the many shops which are still shuttered in the city centre - in a town where shop rents were always sky high. Now they can't find tenants. Schools which once had lengthy waiting lists are now closing through lack of pupils. The population has fallen. People are voting with their feet - especially the expat banking and finance community, they are all moving to Singapore. The CCP wants to run Hong Kong down, so its fine with them. They prefer Shanghai as their business and finance centre. It's a shame.



Tell that to these folks:
3,300 protestors still on remand in Hong Kong, 265 jailed.


Tell this to the folks who are on the bench in the US for voicing their discontent on January 6. 


But more importantly - when are you going to buy a BYD?  :clap2:

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