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Spread the word! More Brits in Thailand can now vote in the UK


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On 1/19/2024 at 9:50 AM, baansgr said:

It can't be classed as a benefit, benefits are non taxable. There is a minimum 10 years contributions required and the amount paid depends on how much you have paid

It is a benefit, and it is taxable.



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4 minutes ago, arick said:

Brits abd all commonwealth can always vote when they're in the UK so what the hell's up with the title of this article

Because now they can vote in UK elections if they live overseas and there's no time restriction as there was previously (try reading the thread!).

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On 1/19/2024 at 11:50 AM, pelagicpete said:

Not sure if this is true or correct, but I think I did read a while back that Starmer promised to update expat pensions in all countries with every increase, if Labour got into power this time. Did anyone else have that understanding?

No.  Because he did not make that commitment!

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On 1/18/2024 at 1:05 PM, NanLaew said:

Now, all you malcontents squatting in moobahns and bahn nawk, whining about how s**t your home has become, register to vote, vote Reform and let's get shot of the bloody Tories.


Reform UK... more like 'Fascist UK'

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On 1/18/2024 at 3:19 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

Reform?  Aren't they a bunch of extreme-right wing fascist thugs?  Even too extreme for Farage!

To people like you, anyone who is right of center is fascist.

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2 hours ago, sidneybear said:

Britian's main political parties are a uniparty, like two cheeks of the same decrepit arse. There's nobody worth voting for and only a revolution stands a chance of changing the place.

Isn't every western country the same?

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3 hours ago, sidneybear said:

Britian's main political parties are a uniparty, like two cheeks of the same decrepit arse. There's nobody worth voting for and only a revolution stands a chance of changing the place.


There was a remote chance of this in the 2017 election, and it was closer than many expected, but the biased media and 'establishment' were never going to let it happen.

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That's all well and good - but now we are living in Thailand - i want to know how much they are offering for our vote ? The current rate over here is about 2500 baht but that would have to be negoiated up to reflect their ability to pay.Of course in order to vote i would have to first be recompensed for not being able to vote at the last 9 elections first..

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I was in Pattaya a few weeks ago. There was often talks of politics, and honestly it was soul destroying. 


I'm not exaggerating when i say 99.9999% of British immigrants living in Pattaya are racist / xenophobic. 


Primarily everything revolved around immigration, and how Britain should not allow foreigners in. The irony that they too were immigrants in another country, and on top of that they were hardly the 'model type immigrants' Britain could be proud of in Pattaya (boozy sex immigrants) was lost on them. 


Any attempts to counter balance the talks (ie the official statistics state that immigration economically brings in more than it takes out, the need for workers in the NHS, low skilled jobs, etc didn't matter was usually met with greater degrees of racism. 


There was one faith that seemed to bother them more. 


Soul destroying, and i just avoid any Brit in Pattaya. Furthermore, if any of them engage in politics i walk away. 

Edited by DonniePeverley
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13 hours ago, DonniePeverley said:

Soul destroying, and i just avoid any Brit in Pattaya. Furthermore, if any of them engage in politics i walk away. 

Good, it will save me bothering!

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On 1/19/2024 at 10:02 PM, Bday Prang said:

due to the dishonesty of GPs  I had not seen a quack for 30 years prior to getting my jabs   so how have i cost the NHS anything


I dont think you understood my post.


But you may well be one of the ghosts



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2 hours ago, The Cyclist said:


I dont think you understood my post.


But you may well be one of the ghosts



               seems ridiculous to me that GP's are paid for those registered with them, even  If those people are not sick and not using the service.   Just another example of money being wasted,  the sooner the entire shambles is privatised the better.  There seems to be little accountability at present, and why would there be, after all its only public money, nobody really cares. Just as badly run as local councils for the exact same reasons.  

               I doubt I am one of the ghosts now having registered with another GP's practice I did this purely to get vaccinated so I am guessing they have done alright out of me so far, here's hoping I never have to contact them again , 


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3 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

               seems ridiculous to me that GP's are paid for those registered with them, even  If those people are not sick and not using the service.   Just another example of money being wasted,  the sooner the entire shambles is privatised the better.  There seems to be little accountability at present, and why would there be, after all its only public money, nobody really cares. Just as badly run as local councils for the exact same reasons.  

               I doubt I am one of the ghosts now having registered with another GP's practice I did this purely to get vaccinated so I am guessing they have done alright out of me so far, here's hoping I never have to contact them again , 



Not much to disagree with in the above, although I dont think total privatisation is the answer.

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19 minutes ago, The Cyclist said:


Not much to disagree with in the above, although I dont think total privatisation is the answer.

                  I don't know what the answer is  but it needs sorting out, Each and every government announces how much more  money they are going to throw at the NHS  with the sole aim of garnering political approval from the public. But it is never enough , lets be honest they could theoretically give them access to totally unlimited funding and it still "would not be enough"  its high time these wasters in the NHS were subject to some serious auditing, with a bit of jail time handed out to those responsible for squandering tax payers money on such an epic scale.   

                  They could start by explaining why they have now engaged a veritable battalion of woke diversity consultants, most of whom are paid more than consultants and surgeons and probably work a two day week from home,. After that they could take a long hard look at the corrupt procurement practices that have long gone unchecked. For those involved in these scandals it is a licence to print money. It is in theory a brilliant idea ( the NHS)  but human nature combined with a total lack of accountability have created what is basically a national disgrace 

                     How on earth can any overfunded organisation like this be permanently , "at breaking point"  "on its knees"  and how have they got the nerve to describe any of their employees as "exhausted"  "ready to drop"  or on the verge of collapse"    any body who has ever visited a hospital knows that this simply isn't true, I once had to visit the A&E department due to sustaining a minor injury at work ,on the night shift, the place was deserted but a video screen on the wall indicated a 2 hour wait, nobody else came in or out but I was waiting for 3 hours to get a a few stitches in a cut hand, when i was eventually taken in to the treatment area there were literally dozens of lanyard wearing staff lazing around gossiping and playing on their mobile phones. Absolutely criminal  in my opinion, and heads must roll

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33 minutes ago, DonniePeverley said:

Personally i think once you move abroad and leave the UK, you should have no rights to claim on pensions and come back to use the NHS. 


Free loaders. 

So, if you’ve paid into the pension and worked 10 or 40 years in UK. then move abroad, you believe you have no right to your pension ? I personally have never worked in UK so I do not benefit from anything, but if you’ve worked in UK and paid your taxes then of course you should have your pension !! Are you mad ? 

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