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Lone Kuwaiti Tourist Fights Off Five Young Teen Robbers in Pattaya


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3 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

Interestingly, the local villain's but that involves effort.

and can get "complicated"     It  must be a pain to arrest a dealer with a sack full of meth  only to have to apologise to him and give him a lift home because he was working for a more senior officer,  Plus the only kudos they might get for nabbing an overstayer is mainly from a few on this forum

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13 hours ago, ezzra said:

Will be Interesting to know whey have they set up upon this young Kuwaiti guy in particular?

was he wearing an expensive items, did he insulted a Thai person, was he hostile to anyone?...

Your response is so wrong on so many fronts….

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13 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Perhaps it is, where YOU live, but not necessarily the same in the whole of Thailand.


That is the same as saying if 1 teenager is stabbed in London, the whole of the UK is over run with teenage knife fighters.

Well at least in the UK you can mitigate the risk by avoiding the type of youths  statistically most likely to be a potential knife wielding thug.  Here it's a bit more difficult as they are more difficult to identify , if you know what I mean  

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16 hours ago, steven100 said:


I blame the parents Thailand lacks responsible parenting.  Uneducated parents, they wouldn't know how to raise kids.

Go fine the parents 1000 baht each ...  and send the kids to army camp for 6 months. 



Well certainly the parents are partially to blame, but the art of parenting is getting lost worldwide, this is not just a problem here.


These kids need to be punished and they need to be punished severely, if not by the system, then by the parents, and if not by the parents then by the community. 

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11 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

                      Somehow I doubt it will remain this way,  recent events in Sa Kaew and elsewhere have received extensive media coverage highlighting a common issue with out of control feral teenage gangs,  many of their own "promotional" "tik tok" video clips have been broadcast on national TV.  Effectively giving them the fame and notoriety they seek and indeed feed off

                       These gangs, all basically bullies, have no reservations in attacking elderly and other such vulnerable members  of their own communities, and it is doubtful that foreigners would be afforded ot treated with any more "respect"

                       A senior police officer in Sa kaew even said that it was wrong to call these groups "gangs"  as they were merely groups of disorderly youths that was on TV a few days ago. With that attitude, and the usual "conflicts of interest"   there is little hope of any effective police intervention, so until some sort of vigilante action , Ie somebody kicking the $hit out of a few of them (and getting away with it)  is made public, I fear we will be hearing plenty more stories like this one especially in the short term 

Perhaps there is hope of social intervention, perhaps we can start taking it within our own hands, and society can start taking it within their own hands to simply beat these tiny punk insects down to size. 

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If the courts are unwilling to hold these young punks accountable, then perhaps the solution is to hold the parents accountable. If not what do you have, besides a society totally lacking in accountability. 

Edited by spidermike007
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42 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Perhaps there is hope of social intervention, perhaps we can start taking it within our own hands, and society can start taking it within their own hands to simply beat these tiny punk insects down to size. 

Another poster reminiscing about his childhood  and having to be in by a certain time has given me a lightbulb moment , Just need a couple of local curfews of males under 18.

Draconian punishments for non compliance for the brats and their parents, that are seen to be enforced,  Any gangs  would soon disappear. Job sorted. I've just gone through it in more detail in a newish thread about the predictable police crackdown now well underway 

                           The other way as you alluded to is perhaps for some vigilante justice to be handed out and broadcast on the news in a positive light  but I still think there is serious deterrent value  in both taking their motorbikes ,  mobile phones and banning them from ever having another mobile device , hit them where it hurts as they say  loss of phone and loss of face for all concerned including parents.   Have you got big jokes number   i might ring him

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7 hours ago, VBF said:

I also agree - sadly it's a sign of "woke" hitting Thailand as it has in other countries. The victims are too often disregarded in favour of the transgressors.

I disagree, I think Thailand has rejected woke totally, both legally and within the ranks of the women. The women here know that their femininity is their greatest power, and I think the rest of society has no real interest in woke nonsense.


This is a problem of the lost art of parenting, combined with society's unwillingness to take responsibility. The youth are a big problem and they have to be held accountable, and if they're not held accountable the parents need to be taken to task. 

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14 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I disagree, I think Thailand has rejected woke totally, both legally and within the ranks of the women. The women here know that their femininity is their greatest power, and I think the rest of society has no real interest in woke nonsense.


This is a problem of the lost art of parenting, combined with society's unwillingness to take responsibility. The youth are a big problem and they have to be held accountable, and if they're not held accountable the parents need to be taken to task. 

I'm not so sure , wokeness is like a cancer and will ultimately spread everywhere I was watching the news the other night and some cop was whingeing on about how the press should not be referring to them as gangs but as  "yawachon" a new word on me but according to her indoors is a far less perjorative word for a gang of youths.  Apparently they are not a gang just unruly children and should be treated as such !   However subsequent to his bleating there appear to have been several accusations of rape made if I heard correctly the perpetrator of one was 11 years old !    Amongst other allegations of violence and antisocial behaviour to add to the original shocking murder.


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2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

I'm not so sure , wokeness is like a cancer and will ultimately spread everywhere I was watching the news the other night and some cop was whingeing on about how the press should not be referring to them as gangs but as  "yawachon" a new word on me but according to her indoors is a far less perjorative word for a gang of youths.  Apparently they are not a gang just unruly children and should be treated as such !   However subsequent to his bleating there appear to have been several accusations of rape made if I heard correctly the perpetrator of one was 11 years old !    Amongst other allegations of violence and antisocial behaviour to add to the original shocking murder.


I think a lot of Thai women have been confronted with woke and uber feminism and have said absolutely not. I don't have any place for that in my life, my femininity is my center of power, and I reject the nonsense wholeheartedly. 


Combine their innate femininity, and the level of comfort they have in expressing that femininity, and it makes them very appealing. I see a  Western woman sometimes, who is beautiful, but cold as ice, and more masculine than I am, and there is no appeal, whatsoever. 


I think it can be described as the ability to manifest the dignity within femininity. Or, a woman who is not trying to be a man, having lost her sense of womanhood, along the way. 


Or a woman who is in touch with her body, and not plagued with feelings of shame and a fake sense of purity. Also, some Thai girlfriends, lovers and wives realize that a man enjoys sex, and allowing them that enjoyment, freedom and pleasure is just not a big deal. 


Lastly, there is a comfort level in the playing of roles here. It is an amazing quality many Thai women have. Allowing a man to be a man, and enjoying being a woman and acting like one. What is more appealing than that? And who wants to be with a woman who is more masculine than we are? 

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I think a lot of Thai women have been confronted with woke and uber feminism and have said absolutely not. I don't have any place for that in my life, my femininity is my center of power, and I reject the nonsense wholeheartedly. 


Combine their innate femininity, and the level of comfort they have in expressing that femininity, and it makes them very appealing. I see a  Western woman sometimes, who is beautiful, but cold as ice, and more masculine than I am, and there is no appeal, whatsoever. 


I think it can be described as the ability to manifest the dignity within femininity. Or, a woman who is not trying to be a man, having lost her sense of womanhood, along the way. 


Or a woman who is in touch with her body, and not plagued with feelings of shame and a fake sense of purity. Also, some Thai girlfriends, lovers and wives realize that a man enjoys sex, and allowing them that enjoyment, freedom and pleasure is just not a big deal. 


Lastly, there is a comfort level in the playing of roles here. It is an amazing quality many Thai women have. Allowing a man to be a man, and enjoying being a woman and acting like one. What is more appealing than that? And who wants to be with a woman who is more masculine than we are? 

                   Totally agree , especially with the last paragraph, that sense of  men and women fulfilling the role that nature actually intended does invoke a kind of comfort, a feeling that things are how they are supposed to be. To be honest I get a feeling of "nostalgia", if that's the right word. as it reminds me of how my parents interacted, and my grand parents before them. Each fulfilling the mutually complementary role that they were designed for and have evolved into since time began. Totally in line with nature and as such totally sustainable.  

                    To suggest that they are in anyway put upon , disadvantaged, or subservient  would be absolute rubbish , they are more than capable of putting their foot down and expressing their needs, and if my mrs and the other Thai women I know are typical, they have no problems whatsoever in  leaving  us mere men in no doubt about what our obligations in the partnership are. 

                   The way I see it they are the very embodiment of what is now referred to as "soft power"   And the confidence they have in their femininity   probably explains why Psycho disorders like anorexia and dependance on anti depressants are very rare in comparison to in the west Due to a refreshing lack of "feminism" they are not encouraged to attempt to be something they are not or led to believe they are missing out on not being a man

                     All of the above and the other points you mentioned are due to a dismissal of "feminism"  which I would argue is  totally  different than "wokeness" or "progressive liberalism"  That aberration never existed here until very recently, as an example  ladyboys and gays have peacefully co existed in Thai society with no issues for a lot longer than any of us have been here and are not just "tolerated" but are actually pretty much  embraced  by society . So its purely a western woke intrusion that is responsible for the recent trend of displaying rainbow flags here during "woke week" 

                     How it must upset the woke when they realise that the Thai language has few gender specific pronouns, that are used in casual daily conversation,  for them to misuse, and that their twisted ideology is really not wanted here, I doubt we will ever see the rainbow haired, permanently offended, social justice warrior types that are now  so vocal in western society , they will try to become relevant. I'm pretty sure they have tried to sow the seeds of wokeness in the world of academia  but personally I think a lack of a social welfare benefits system means that Thais generally have better things to concern themselves with than the "horror" of being misgendered. 

                    Lets just hope that common sense prevails and the feral scrotes responsible for this gang related problem receive a good old fashioned dose of right wing punishment and are taught a lesson they will not forget rather than some woke liberal counselling, that will enable them to self identify as victims                   


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Posting here to reply to all who mentioned my "woke" comment earlier, not just @spidermike007  and @flyingtlger to whom it was initially directed.

I get what you're all saying about Thai women and "woke" and yes you're probably correct, especially in comparison with Western women.

My comment was more about the Press and other media, who do tend to follow the West in some areas - reporting in a "Woke" style seems to be one of them.

Edited by VBF
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8 hours ago, VBF said:

Posting here to reply to all who mentioned my "woke" comment earlier, not just @spidermike007  and @flyingtlger to whom it was initially directed.

I get what you're all saying about Thai women and "woke" and yes you're probably correct, especially in comparison with Western women.

My comment was more about the Press and other media, who do tend to follow the West in some areas - reporting in a "Woke" style seems to be one of them.

Fortunately I think due to the sensibility of most Thai people I don't think that woke disease will seep into the general population, ever. I think Thais have wisely rejected the whole bag of woke (not conscious) nonsense. 

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10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Fortunately I think due to the sensibility of most Thai people I don't think that woke disease will seep into the general population, ever. I think Thais have wisely rejected the whole bag of woke (not conscious) nonsense. 

               I think your right  I noticed a thread started on here a day or so ago about a Ladyboy robbing a necklace    The headline used the ridiculous woke phrase "transgender female "  I think it was a cut and paste from the "Thaiger" so if it was written by a Thai, I think its a fair bet it was one who was educated overseas or has been very exposed to western media, 

               The word "transgender female" has only appeared in general usage relatively recently,  And its usage in the headline (instead of ladyboy or katoey) was a way of the journalist confirming there woke credentials to their perceived woke readership  and also a reminder to the rest of us as to what words they think we should be using as they know full well that we don't 

                I am not sure of the exact term used by the Thai  press who often seem to use a language not seen elsewhere, I have seen katoey used but I'm sure there are others that I can't remember,  either way, I can pretty much guarantee that it is a word that has been used for decades and not a recent construct born of wokeness 


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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Fortunately I think due to the sensibility of most Thai people I don't think that woke disease will seep into the general population, ever. I think Thais have wisely rejected the whole bag of woke (not conscious) nonsense. 

I hope that the Thais have rejected it!

Can you imagine the difficulty Thais will have in learning English with all the new "politically correct" pronouns and their usage?

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6 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

               I think your right  I noticed a thread started on here a day or so ago about a Ladyboy robbing a necklace    The headline used the ridiculous woke phrase "transgender female "  I think it was a cut and paste from the "Thaiger" so if it was written by a Thai, I think its a fair bet it was one who was educated overseas or has been very exposed to western media, 

               The word "transgender female" has only appeared in general usage relatively recently,  And its usage in the headline (instead of ladyboy or katoey) was a way of the journalist confirming there woke credentials to their perceived woke readership  and also a reminder to the rest of us as to what words they think we should be using as they know full well that we don't 

                I am not sure of the exact term used by the Thai  press who often seem to use a language not seen elsewhere, I have seen katoey used but I'm sure there are others that I can't remember,  either way, I can pretty much guarantee that it is a word that has been used for decades and not a recent construct born of wokeness 


Never run into a ladyboy that had any problem being called a ladyboy or katoey, not that I've met that many, but over the years I've run into a few and they don't seem to subscribe to woke nonsense, so why should we subscribe to work nonsense on their behalf? 

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4 hours ago, Hanuman2547 said:

I hope that the Thais have rejected it!

Can you imagine the difficulty Thais will have in learning English with all the new "politically correct" pronouns and their usage?

its hard enough for native speakers, well at least for those who concern themselves with such rubbish

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Can someone enlighten me as to why not :


Why is it that Thai Politicians won't announce any commonsense or sensible policy / agenda that would almost certainly boost his ratings.

Are they afraid it may backfire ?

Are they afraid their suggestion won't be supported within their party and the public ?

Because anything costs money ?


Implement a soi dog removal to rid Thailand of dog attacks,  implement fines.

Initiate a program to remove street kid gangs, rid Thailand of kid gangs, army camp training for offenders, punish offenders.

Gun and weapon amnesty to eradicate thousands of weapons out on the streets.  Offenders later face fines.





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20 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Never run into a ladyboy that had any problem being called a ladyboy or katoey, not that I've met that many, but over the years I've run into a few and they don't seem to subscribe to woke nonsense, so why should we subscribe to work nonsense on their behalf? 

              Me neither, they are not bothered  by such nonsense, indeed  in order to be "offended", they would need  to  have reached a certain level  level of english proficiency, which most have not.    There is no need whatsoever to subscribe to this nonsense on their behalf .

               However there is no shortage of "woke" native english speakers who are very vocal, and  only too willing to take offence on their behalf,  But in reality their use of woke pronouns ets is in not actually  intended address the imaginary  sensitivities, or any injustice suffered by  their perceived victims ,  its real purpose is primarily to enable them to  virtue signal amongst themselves, whilst at the same time  the rest of us can be easily identified as "bigots" and subjected  to hysterical screaming criticism . There is actually no other reason for inventing words such as transphobe,  


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Rayong province has now stepped up nightly patrols to enforce the law of no under 18 year olds out after 10pm unless accompanied by an adult, the teen gangs with knives and guns were getting out of control, Police round them up then their guardians have to come and collect them from police station, why does Chonburi province not do the same??

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Remember the post (yesterday I believe) about the Thai government considering lowering the age of criminal culpability to the age of 12?

Here's a perfect example of why that is a good idea.

Edited by connda
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I'm glad to say that I don't think woke sickness will ever spread to the general population because most Thai people are wise. I think Thais have been smart to turn down all of this "woke" (not aware) nonsense. 

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21 hours ago, LennyW said:

Rayong province has now stepped up nightly patrols to enforce the law of no under 18 year olds out after 10pm unless accompanied by an adult, the teen gangs with knives and guns were getting out of control, Police round them up then their guardians have to come and collect them from police station, why does Chonburi province not do the same??

Have you seen what passes for police action around here?

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