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What's the longest you want to stay in a place on vacation? Do you still have multi-destination vacations? How long is your typical getaway or full blown trip?


For me, 3 days is good, for say, Chiang Rai or a Bangkok BTS stop. My wife likes 5 days, so 4 is the compromise.  After 4 days, she wants to go home.


I can enjoy a pinging and ponging trip of 2 single night places followed by a 3-dayer. For her, no way.


The only way she'd do two days is on a long haul layover. As I get older, the layover is increasingly worth the money. We're doing Quatar on the way to Morocco. I'll do a China layover one of these days now that they have the 4 day visa on arrival.


Somewhere that's hard to get to means I stay a lot longer.


I'm going to a trad village in Sulawesi that takes 4 days to get to from Jakarta. So I'll book a ho-hum 5 nights there since it's such a schlep. At 71, those kind of travel days are numbered, so I am def front loading them.

Edited by Prubangboy
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Depending how far I travel will dictate how long I will stay at a location.

If it takes over 24 hours to get to an destination, I would like to stay at least 2 weeks. If it takes less time, for example 4-5 hours by plane, I want to stay at least a week. If it only takes a few hours by car, I don't mind coming home the same day.....

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When I first got here, I might spend 5 nights at one spot, and explore the areas nearby.   Now, rare I spend a 3rd night anywhere.   More so, because I've been to most places, and just pop in the area to seen anything new.


Actually enjoy the journey more than the destination most times.   Though after a couple legs, it's nice to kick back for a couple days on the balcony and enjoy the landscape, and why a view is always a priority.


Also don't like being away from the house more than 14 days, and most O&As are around the 10 day mark.  Kind of mid country, and don't go N that much, unless to see the daughter.   10days is a nice loop around the south, unless we hop over to Phuket, which I can see happening in the future.  Not until the next pandemic  :cheesy:

Edited by KhunLA
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7 hours ago, Prubangboy said:

The only way she'd do two days is on a long haul layover. As I get older, the layover is increasingly worth the money. We're doing Quatar on the way to Morocco. I'll do a China layover one of these days now that they have the 4 day visa on arrival.

We  are American, and in FL.

Emirates now has a direct flight from Dubai to Orlando. which is not bad, still close to 24 hr flight. 

In the past when we needed a three stop flight you could easily see a 30 hr flight, 

we alway did a multi city flight . 10 hours to Greece, stay there for a couple of weeks, the 10 hrs to the US.  

I need to go to the US this spring, If the wife comes with me. We will definitely do that. if not I will take Emirates to Orlando. 


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1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

When I first got here, I might spend 5 nights at one spot, and explore the areas nearby.   Now, rare I spend a 3rd night anywhere.   More so, because I've been to most places, and just pop in the area to seen anything new.


Actually enjoy the journey more than the destination most times.   Though after a couple legs, it's nice to kick back for a couple days on the balcony and enjoy the landscape, and why a view is always a priority.


Also don't like being away from the house more than 14 days, and most O&As are around the 10 day mark.  Kind of mid country, and don't go N that much, unless to see the daughter.   10days is a nice loop around the south, unless we hop over to Phuket, which I can see happening in the future.  Not until the next pandemic  :cheesy:

I look for great restaurants then go a few times. A great room plus a great restaurant makes a big difference to your view of the city.

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The first time, maybe 4-7 days to make sure that I like a place.  Then on subsequent visits, I stay up to two weeks.  That gives me enough time to settle into a place and learn what it feels like.  But beyond that I've learned that I need to jump to some different scenery, even if it's just to another accommodation in the same general area. 


I've had some lovely trips to Koh Samui and Chiang Mai that were right at nine days each.  Then a 21-day trip to Phuket in 2021 barely post-covid under the sandbox program that was also a great trip, but I changed condos about halfway into it. 


Then just this past year I stayed for 21 days in Jomtien, all at the same condo, and must confess that was enough time to get bored.  In hindsight I should have broken up the trip into two stints.


Going forward I seem to do well scheduling the leg, but keeping an open itinerary to either move within the same area or go someplace completely different.    

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2022 we spent the month in Koh Samui. I found staying in one place that long was not for me. Next monthlong stay in Thailand, I think we will break it up in different locations. 2023 monthlong travel in SE USA states so 3 nights in Atlanta, 5 nights around Disneyworld. Then driving to Kennedy Space Center, St. Augustine, Savannah, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Montecello, Chincoteague, Williamsburg and Jamestown. Last week in Washington, D.C.

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I love going on holidays and take a few a year.  I can stay as long as possible if I like the place. I might start to want to go home after 3 months away.

That said home is the south of France and I have a lovely home, but I get bored. I’ve never lived in Thailand all year round, I’m a snowbird, escaping the EU winter and boredom . I’ve stayed up to 5 months over 30 + years on *holiday* ,  but I do get around every time , visiting towns and villages I don’t know, plus the 10 days borderhops or visa stops  left and right.  Just got itchy feet.

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