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Met facing calls to cancel notorious pro-Iran Islamist Quds Days rally in London

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4 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

I'm no fan of the Iranian sympathizers, but why seize photos of Adolf? They are just pictures after all. Better to let the demonstrators wave them around and show what tools they are, so the public can see who they are really dealing with. 


I worry about the state of personal freedoms back in the mother country these days. 



    It has always been unacceptable to  carry photos of Adolf Hitler around the streets at protests . Nothing has changed in that respect .

   It was never a "personal freedom" to carry photos of Hitler around London

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

In their aim to be all encompassing and allowing freedom of speech the British Authorities are allowing the UK to be turned into a battle ground....


... Free speech comes with responsibility and should be presented with restraint, those with the loudest voices show little of either. 



This is the UAE Foreign Minster predicting all thats happening... (particularly the 2017 Riots in France).... 


There's a perfectly good reason all the 'Arabs' are not claiming asylum on the developed Middle East Countries....  its because 'other' Arabs know what they are like, and these 'potential Immigrants' know their behavior will not be tolerated. 



Complete B.S.

The UAE foreign minister was warning about a possible rise of extremism and terrorism (and it was an appropriate warning).


The 2017 riots in France had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism or extremism. It's completely incoherent and ridiculous!

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49 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

Of course he is, he can't lose! There are something like 1.5 million Muslims in London. Every Muslim will turn out and vote for Khan. That's a massive head start and makes it impossible for the other candidates to win. 

It was a historic moment when a Muslim gained control of London, and they're not going to let that slip away. 


One in eight Londoners were not registered to vote, Guess what happened, Sadiq ran a campaign to increase registered voters. BYW only roughly 15% of Londoners are Muslim.




Accordingly, if you're that concerned get organised.

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14 hours ago, JonnyF said:


I didnt mention Labour.


Yes the population is increasing as low numbers of middle class high earners are replaced by high numbers of low earning illegal/legal immigrants.


The place is a toilet. Actually a toilet is probably better as there is a lower chance of being stabbed (unless you're in a public toilet in London). What a dump.


When I was a student in London my housemates/friends all aspired to working and living there after graduation. They achieved that but within the last 10 years nearly all of them returned to their homes towns or moved to the home counties.


Most of them are lefties as well, but at a certain point the safety of your kids is more important than virtue signalling. These are high earning, educated, law abiding people. They are being replaced. And the people replacing them are not improving London.


What a load of old <deleted>. When was the last time you were in London.


Why look down you nose at "low earning ... legal immigrants"? In any event, it is absolute nonsense to suggest that ithe middle class in (South) London are being replaced by immigrants. The lack of social housing, high cost of private housing (for rental or sale) means that  individuals and families have to earn in excess of the national mean and median salary to be able to afford to live in the capital.


I can't comment on north of the river but if you knew anything about South London, you would know that it has improved out of all recognition since the '70s, 80s and '90s. Far from being "a toilet" or "a dump" it is vibrant and thriving.


As far as safety knows, unfortunately knife crime has increased throughout the UK but, as an outsider, you've a lot less chance of being mugged in Brixton or Peckham now compared with 30 - 50 years ago.

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11 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There is no free speech in the UAE.


There are plenty of Arab refugees in the UAE.


I was living and working in the UAE at the time when the UAE was welcoming Syrian refugees, they gathered up as many doctors, dentists, engineers, teachers as they could encourage to seek asylum in the UAE.


While at the same time the rightwing in the UK and Europe were rabble rousing against Syrian refugees.


Smart move by UAE, dumb move by the British/European rightwing.



I completely agree...


I've worked in some rather ropey places.... and those educated folk I've worked with in the those places all have a similar thing in common... 


Themselves and well educated family members have been permitted movement to carry out their career's in developed nations...   


The UK did the same with Indian's... Dr's and Dentists and it was wonderful for our country.... 



You mentioned Syrians....  and I've worked with a lot of super smart, educated eloquent Syrians...   what happened and is happening to that nation is heartbreaking - but there are a lot of desperate people willing to do anything (I know the sentence follows on, but I don't just mean Syrians)... and when people get desperate, they become dangerous, as would I, as would any of us. 


We can be proud of how humanitarian our government is.....  Sadly that comes at the cost of the future for 'our' children in our home countries. 


No one has the answer, humanity has tried, we keep failing - it keeps coming back to the selfish gene...  and while I can drink a bottle of 800 baht wine while paying our maid 800 baht per day any comment I have is buried in a hypocrisy thats only protected by the fact that pure socialism has failed pretty much everywhere its been attempted.









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