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What can/should be done about the yaba crisis in Thailand?


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4 hours ago, jvs said:

How many people commit crimes because of drinking coffee?

Young men asking for coffee money and because grandma is not giving it ,he kills her?

No,i do not believe coffee is a major threat to Thai society.

Of course not coz it's legal.

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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Highlighting a comparison between Coffee and Methamphetamine highlights a major logic imbalance... such that the the above comment is out there in 'complete nut-job territory' !!!....

Coffeine is short-acting meth.

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18 hours ago, AndyAndyAndy said:

Pump up the prices.


When there's a drug on the market that cost 30 - 50 - 80 Baht (or what ever) a hit, then it is a problem. Because 99% of population can afford be high all day everyday. Pump it up to 500 / 1000 Baht a hit and problem will be gone.


So focus on related corruption, trafficking etc. etc. etc. to pump up the price.

Pump up the price and crime goes up to pay for the drug.

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8 hours ago, save the frogs said:

how many drug users come from broken homes? abusive fathers? one parent familes? 





Yaba,Meth, P, Call it what you want is used in all levels of society the same as other drugs.

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8 hours ago, BritManToo said:

My misses came home last week and complained the price was down to 20bht a tablet.

If your Mrs. is using yaba, in your shoes I'd be watching my back. It's well known for causing psychosis.

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4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


Thats too generalised...  not all antibiotics are the same and there are some types of antibiotic which are not adequately metabolised when taken in the presence of alcohol... 


So... while not wholly accurate, in fact, as you point out, mostly inaccurate - the medical advice not to take alcohol when taking antibiotics is general advice for the general public, i.e. the medically uneducated who are unable to differentiate and may dumb down and over simply their attitudes to such matters and believe becase taking alcohol with many antibiotics its ok for all and start claiming medical advice is just an 'old wives tale' !!! 












The risks of combining alcohol with antibiotics are as follows:


Increased side effects such as irritation of the stomach and intestines. It's why antibiotics are usually taken with or after food.


Reduction of the effectiveness of the antibiotic, due to chemical interactions in the liver and kidneys..


Impede healing from trauma. There are several antibiotics which can actually increase the risk of hepatitis if mixed with alcohol.


I suppose when a poster is an alcoholic, any excuse will be seized on to avoid abstinence.

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40 minutes ago, JackGats said:

Coffeine is short-acting meth.

Please cite crimes and violence committed under the influence of a couple of double shot espressos.

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I was a Corrections Officer for 25 years. 

I have been asked a few times.

What is the answer to stopping crime?

I don't know. I doubt that there is a answer.

And it it the same with drugs, wars etc.

None of it will stop until man destroys himself, the planet and everything on it.

Mans biggest problem is his own stupidity.

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1 minute ago, Deerculler said:

I was a Corrections Officer for 25 years. 

I have been asked a few times.

What is the answer to stopping crime?

I don't know. I doubt that there is a answer.

And it it the same with drugs, wars etc.

None of it will stop until man destroys himself, the planet and everything on it.

Mans biggest problem is his own stupidity.

In your experience, what percentage of the prisoner population could be regarded as having above-average intelligence?

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20 hours ago, theblether said:

Fundamentally, nothing can be done. I was at a Lahu New Year party a few years ago, two days later two of the guys at the party were shot dead by police as they were caught in the act of running yaba. I point out Lahu as I know Thais who have been arrested for the same crime and jailed without the risk of a gun to the head. In fact, one Thai I know is in for his second offence after receiving a pardon first time round. 


Lesson 1 - if you ain't Thai and your caught involved in this trade you're risking instant death. You really don't want to encounter Thai border guards anywhere near the Myanmar border.  

Lesson 2 - the level of stupidity and desperation involved to be caught running again not long after a pardon should show you the level of desperado involved. 


I've watched Thai police kick the living daylights out of Thais suspected of being involved ( aka they were involved ). The kicking was a warning and I'm not going into detail except to say I wasn't the only person watching. It was authorised from on high. 


Usage - I keep saying it on this forum and it's not sinking in with many members. The fastest road to the sex trade is to be a yaba user in the village. You will be excommunicated. Over the years I've seen several women hanging around bars who are severely rattling. I've seen bar owners melt down in a few short weeks as they get dragged into the late night sub culture. To be fair, I have seen people recover but once that drug is in your system relapse is easy. 


You mention stricter punishment. In a country where the death penalty is still force for drug running, what stricter penalty do you suggest? 


It's a sexual drug. Vulnerable ( aka often drunk ) women are either spiked or encouraged to try. They guys involved know what they are doing, they'd never dare try it on with the "protected" girls. It's fundamentally "low-life" city and rural youngsters at high risk. Although the net can reach upwards at times. One sometime PG I know got hooked, and was jailed three times for minor possession, then eventually put effective under house arrest with her parents. This decent looking but known wild-child type was reduced to turning tricks for 500 baht before her father in particular put the hammer down. By the way, she's now a single mother, father unknown. 


In the sex trade, you know that old saying that nothing good happens after 2am? Some of the activities would make any slumdogs skin crawl and it's yaba at the heart of it. It cannot be controlled, it cannot be stopped, it will burn like wildfire until it's target market is wiped out. So let me finish with the saddest story I know. My female pals sister was jailed as her front door was kicked in by police who knew her bf was a dealer. She was clean when arrested, but jailed for dealing. A year later they both got out, her head was destroyed by the prison experience. She left prison, got back with the guy then started smashing yaba. 


A chaotic year later, now with a weeks old baby ( gawd knows how much yaba flowed through that wee one's veins ) she drank battery acid in desperation at her addiction. She lived for a week in intensive care then died. Tne coward of a father fled to the monkhood, abandoning the baby who was then delivered to the elderly parents door. My pal had to take on an extra job to pay all the expenses. I don't know how the kid is doing now. 


Yaba is the devil. You'll never be rid of it. Never. Drinking battery acid to escape it's grip? dear me - it's the devil indeed. 

Who cares. Dumb people who can't control themselves. If your parents don't take care and protect you, then you are on your own.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Are these the same medics that give antibiotics to cure a cold?

No, if you really must know, they are the antibiotics that the hospital gave me for an infected wound on my foot. An absolutely correct prescription of an course of antibiotics. Whilst checking me over after a motorcycle accident on Wednesday night they noticed signs of infection in the wound on my foot, an old wound, partially healed, and entirely unconnected with the accident. They prescribed the antibiotics to fight the infection, and instructed me not to drink during the period I was taking them for.


I do what I am told when it comes to matters medical, not knowing better!

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8 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

Rubbish, frankly.


Yes, alcohol is by far the most widely used "stimulant" worldwide. Yes there are many social and economic problems caused by it's abuse, but, and it is a massive but, it is neither as universally addictive nor as psychologically destructive as meth, or other artificial drugs. It doesn't destroy individuals, families and societies in the way that Meth does, and is doing amongst young urban Thais.


As for what to do about it, well, nothing can be done until it's import, distribution and control is forced from the grip of corrupt officialdom which manages it!

Alcohol is a depressant not a stimulant.

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1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

Please cite crimes and violence committed under the influence of a couple of double shot espressos.

Murderers wait for the effect of their coffee to die down before they kill someone, it's a well-know fact. 

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47 minutes ago, Doc Undies said:

Alcohol is a depressant not a stimulant.

Alcohol also removes inhibitions. What is unacceptable conduct when sober becomes acceptable.

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2 hours ago, rexpotter said:

Who cares. Dumb people who can't control themselves. If your parents don't take care and protect you, then you are on your own.



Ah, yes - people with good parents have never ever fallen into the drug trap. 


Dunning-Kruger strikes again. 

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6 hours ago, Deerculler said:

Pump up the price and crime goes up to pay for the drug.


Yaba is not that addictive. It's more like a cigarettes. Nobody will go rob people on gun point because they currently can't afford pack of cigarettes.

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2 hours ago, AndyAndyAndy said:


Yaba is not that addictive. It's more like a cigarettes. Nobody will go rob people on gun point because they currently can't afford pack of cigarettes.

I asked Gemini the question - is methamphetamine ( yaba ) addictive?


Yes, methamphetamine is highly addictive. It's a stimulant drug that alters the way your brain processes reward and motivation. Methamphetamine use can lead to a powerful compulsion to use the drug again and again, even when it has negative consequences.



Methamphetamine addiction can develop quickly, even after just one use. The risk of addiction is even higher for people who start using meth at a young age, who have a family history of addiction, or who have mental health problems.


AI has its flaws. However, I think I'd put more trust in its information than yours.


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10 hours ago, AndyAndyAndy said:


Yaba is not that addictive. It's more like a cigarettes. Nobody will go rob people on gun point because they currently can't afford pack of cigarettes.

That's funny, and I think most people addicted to yaba, prefer the addiction level compared to cigarettes.   Number one problem with druggies, they do commit crimes to finance their habit.


Do try to live in the real world once in a while :coffee1:

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13 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I asked Gemini the question - is methamphetamine ( yaba ) addictive?


Yes, methamphetamine is highly addictive. It's a stimulant drug that alters the way your brain processes reward and motivation. Methamphetamine use can lead to a powerful compulsion to use the drug again and again, even when it has negative consequences.



Methamphetamine addiction can develop quickly, even after just one use. The risk of addiction is even higher for people who start using meth at a young age, who have a family history of addiction, or who have mental health problems.


AI has its flaws. However, I think I'd put more trust in its information than yours.



Cool, now ask your Gemini about africo-americans. So we can get educated even more.

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On 4/12/2024 at 7:49 AM, fredwiggy said:

You're talking about alcohol abuse. You can drink a glass of wine or beer every day and it won't cause much if any damage. Taking methamphetamine once can get you hooked, and all amounts cause damage. Millions of people drink and don't have troubles like you mentioned. Yaba or any other speed like drug makes a person irritable, defensive, impulsive and anger makes them do things they wouldn't normally do, even with one use.


Sixty years ago, I took a little yellow amphetamine for a technical drawing exam. I finished 45 minutes before anybody else and got a pass with honours. Some say it is the same for maths, but with English it can make you too confident. (Just passing through, folks.)

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On 4/12/2024 at 12:18 AM, JackGats said:

Why can't the Burmese manufacture xstasy instead? Xstasy: there, at least, is a drug that has something to it.


Yaba is zero euphoria. Sky-high blood-pressure. Sleeplessnes. Meth dick.


Of course xstasy has low addiction potential.


One consequence of the war on drugs is that the lousier a drug, the more widespread it gets.

Real ectasy comes from a tree that is often found in cambodia and they really cracked down on the forest removal for  prupose of making the good stuff. Most stuff these days is acid and speed.

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You would probably need a fundamental change in the fabric of Thai society.  Thailand just isn't the kind of place where the people and the police are going to fix a problem that needs to be seriously addressed.  Hence the state of the road, guns everywhere and domestic violence.

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1 hour ago, eumenades said:


Sixty years ago, I took a little yellow amphetamine for a technical drawing exam. I finished 45 minutes before anybody else and got a pass with honours. Some say it is the same for maths, but with English it can make you too confident. (Just passing through, folks.)

Well good for you!

However can you compare that pill you took with the poison they are selling now?

Nice anecdote but not much to do with the topic,as you said ,just passing through.

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On 4/12/2024 at 4:22 AM, bubblegum said:

Don't even know what it is and does.

Then you're the ideal person to rant against it on Aseannow and elsewhere.

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Legalize it all. Govt procure produce quality unadulterated  and give it away.  Undercut the dealers. Offer treatment. The money we have wasted on the war on drugs in US is staggering. Accomplishes nothing except create the prison/enforcement industry.


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