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1 hour ago, Expat68 said:

Food is massively important to Thai people, if you notice, within a few sentences of meeting up, they ask if you have eaten.

The reason for this kind of questions is different: they just have nothing else to talk about. Imagine meeting up with a horse that somehow learned to speak. What will it talk to you about? I bet it will be hay or something similar.



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13 minutes ago, Hellfire said:

The reason for this kind of questions is different: they just have nothing else to talk about. Imagine meeting up with a horse that somehow learned to speak. What will it talk to you about? I bet it will be hay or something similar.



Everyone is entitled to there own opinion but I have lived within the Thai family for three decades


As my Thai bride and I coming up on 50 yrs together, I have experience here.... Yes we call it Hangry and especially in the car if she says I'm hungry I'd sure better find a place to eat PDQ.  Even traveling with her girl friends they told me, she gets really bitchy when she's hungry...Thanks Sheryl on the why.. as she wasn't noticeably like this 40 yrs ago.. that I remember...555

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Just now, Expat68 said:

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion but I have lived within the Thai family for three decades

Tons of food discussions then, I suppose.


probably because Thais are used to a grazing schedule, whereas westerners tend to ritualise with times, permitted food types for each meal, portions, my-plate-not-yours etc. thus when the topic of food arises, we start umming-and-ah-ing and a load of superfluous debate ensue - all of which probably seems like a total wind-up to someone who's been doing it differently all their life

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17 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Obviously, we all can get hungry and if we get very hungry, we are not in the best mood - I would call this normal.


But it seems some people, including my gf recently, have an extreme version of this condition.

When she wakes up in the morning, she is usually hungry - more of less independent on when she had something to eat the previous day.

If she eats something maybe within the first 30 min after waking up, then it's ok.

If she doesn't eat something maybe within an hour, she will be most likely in a bad mood, and whatever I say won't improve her mood.

When she finally eats something, then she is a nice person again.


She was a little bit like this since years. But recently she seems to be in a real bad mood real soon.

And I don't think it's the weather. She sleeps (with me) in an AC room which is not hot.

There is also always something to eat at home. Maybe not exactly what she wants in that moment, but enough not to be hungry anymore.


I ask this here because somehow it would be strange to tell her to see a doctor about that condition.


Please only serious answers.

She is under no stress, she/we don't any problems, it seems it is really about her being in a bad mood because of no food right now.


I spoke with other guys who confirm that they have similar experience with their Thai wife/gf.

How about you? Do you know this condition? Is it maybe a real medical condition like lack of some vitamin or whatever? 


A Research  and heartr doctor who has ventured into food as a disease and cure world with tremendous success using those tools developed and paid for by the big pharma companies.  Dr.  William Li has two best sellers out about causes of the major killers of mankind and cures that now are being found through foods.   Some of these have been known (and used) for thousands of years especially by the Chinese and he and other labs are now coming out with foods to cure that are more potent than the pharma's medicines for treatment and these foods don't cause side effects.  And yes, diets can definitely affect the mood, just have a gf/spouse who exercises to "lose" weight and one can usually follow the "progress" of such practice and the moods that follow too.  One can visit a doctor for sure who can diagnos through blood tests of bad levels plus or minus necessary nutrients and thus either take a pill or two OR buy foods that contain those very same nutrients at a more potent and healthy level.  Being in Thailand, one can easily find ALL of the good foods as well as even more of the bad foods.  Like this Dr, Li says - go into any store, check out the foods, read the lables, if there are any ingredients that you do not know about or are in strange languages like Greek or so then that is an ultra processed food stuff which is a misnomer by definition as it is not a healthy nutritious food.  Good luck, tasty foods, good health, long healthy life (maybe if you don;t breathe bad air)).


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17 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I know many people wake up early up country. And as far as I know the first thing they do is prepare food and eat it. At least that is what happens in the home of my gf up country. 

There is no set times as when to eat. Thais eat when they're hungry.

41 minutes ago, IvorBiggun2 said:

There is no set times as when to eat. Thais eat when they're hungry.

But then, you can be sure they are hungry at exactly 12:00 noon.


I'm with Sheryl and Startmeup on this one, namely the hypoglycemia aspect. I had this condition for years, and I could never put my finger on it until someone schooled me on low blood sugar. Get a fasting glucose test at the government hospital for 60 baht, and also get the HbA1c to look at her score over a three-month period. If there's even a hint that she is having hypoglycemia, then buy a home blood glucose testing kit and keep an eye on it. I do that regularly, but when I wake up and feel those symptoms, I can already tell my sugar is low. I take a tablespoon of honey or drink 4 oz of soda pop (Sprite since it's caffeine free). I also get symptoms in the likeness of hypoglycemia if I drink anything with caffeine in it, so experiment with that as well and keep her away from that morning coffee while you investigate it. I used to get up and drink 2-3 cups of coffee with no breakfast, and by 10AM I was a basket case. I stopped the coffee and started eating something light for breakfast, and the symptoms disappeared. Good luck! Take care of your women. If she ain't happy, ain't nobody in the house happy.

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18 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Thanks Sheryl


Do you have some samples for "something high in protein and containing some fat but no processed carbs"?

I read those words before, but I don't know what kind of food contains what - and I don't really want to learn the details.


#1 on the list .............    Eggs  with butter .   no rice   no nasty oils


My wife is the same, and great that Sheryl's post gives the technical explanation and a mitigation.


What makes my case worse is that she cooks me a wonderful 'English' breakfast every morning, but does not eat herself until we go out to her chosen restaurant of the day.  She actually wakes up having dreamt of a particular restaurant for the day 😀


So I'm happy having eaten a huge breakfast, but she's now desperate to go out and eat, and getting moodier by the second. 


There should be a simple solution here, but she feels it's her duty to feed me three meals a day - and some of the restaurants we visit sell food that only a Thai person could eat.  One is even called "Som Tam Sadist"!

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59 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

My wife is the same, and great that Sheryl's post gives the technical explanation and a mitigation.


What makes my case worse is that she cooks me a wonderful 'English' breakfast every morning, but does not eat herself until we go out to her chosen restaurant of the day.  She actually wakes up having dreamt of a particular restaurant for the day 😀


So I'm happy having eaten a huge breakfast, but she's now desperate to go out and eat, and getting moodier by the second. 


There should be a simple solution here, but she feels it's her duty to feed me three meals a day - and some of the restaurants we visit sell food that only a Thai person could eat.  One is even called "Som Tam Sadist"!

Only in Thailand... 

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On 5/6/2024 at 3:03 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

When she wakes up in the morning, she is usually hungry - more of less independent on when she had something to eat the previous day.

Last time I remember a younger girl (in LA) told me that "I'm hungry" and I offered to buy her food and she rejected my offer. 🤔 in fact she wasn't hungry for food. 😜😆🤣

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