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Has social media made the world a better or worse place .

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Professor Johnathan Haidt from New York University has done some interesting, and troubling, research on the impact of social media and smart phone technology on teens.  His book "The Anxious Generation" should be required reading for parents of young children. Here is a review from The Guardian;



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13 hours ago, tomgreen said:


I may be an old fuddy duddy and getting on in years ( 74 ) who could just be out of touch with the so called latest trends and social media goings on , so I’m now having a hard time trying to understand current social media sites like Instagram , TikTok and Twitter ( X ) .


Thinking back I fondly remember social media being a nice way to keep up with friends and family but its now it seems to have turned into a distasteful rabbit hole and wasteland for idiotic content posted by halfwitted and mindless ‘’ look at me ‘’ attention seekers. And don’t get me started by the so called ‘’ influencers ‘’ who generally seem to possess the mentality of a 12 year old .


And of course there’s the endless never ending flood of idiots posting in my mind stupid videos of them selves doing such crazy and idiotic stunts , which in many cases put the idiot in hospital or an early grave. 


In my simplistic view social media seems to have taken the concept of being stupid to the next level and now I have a strange gut feeling that It's definitely not going to get any better and almost certainly get worse .


So whats your take on the current state of social media platforms like Instagram , TikTok and Twitter ( X ) has it become a saturated cesspool full of content posted by emotionally damaged pathological narcissistic attention seekers and clickbait scams and in the long term may be responsible for our downfall due to the spread of misinformation and not forgetting the increasing AI altered videos and photographs so that we never know what's real anymore.  Or do you think the world is a better place with the likes of Instagram , TikTok and Twitter ( X ) being around. 









Yes, a bunch of mentally disturbed people. Thank you for your post🙏

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13 hours ago, tomgreen said:


I may be an old fuddy duddy and getting on in years ( 74 ) who could just be out of touch with the so called latest trends and social media goings on , so I’m now having a hard time trying to understand current social media sites like Instagram , TikTok and Twitter ( X ) .


Thinking back I fondly remember social media being a nice way to keep up with friends and family but its now it seems to have turned into a distasteful rabbit hole and wasteland for idiotic content posted by halfwitted and mindless ‘’ look at me ‘’ attention seekers. And don’t get me started by the so called ‘’ influencers ‘’ who generally seem to possess the mentality of a 12 year old .


And of course there’s the endless never ending flood of idiots posting in my mind stupid videos of them selves doing such crazy and idiotic stunts , which in many cases put the idiot in hospital or an early grave. 


In my simplistic view social media seems to have taken the concept of being stupid to the next level and now I have a strange gut feeling that It's definitely not going to get any better and almost certainly get worse .


So whats your take on the current state of social media platforms like Instagram , TikTok and Twitter ( X ) has it become a saturated cesspool full of content posted by emotionally damaged pathological narcissistic attention seekers and clickbait scams and in the long term may be responsible for our downfall due to the spread of misinformation and not forgetting the increasing AI altered videos and photographs so that we never know what's real anymore.  Or do you think the world is a better place with the likes of Instagram , TikTok and Twitter ( X ) being around. 









Yes, a bunch of mentally disturbed people. Thank you for your post

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The main thing that social media has done is expose how many idiots and low-life's there are among us. Before, they were largely hidden, but now we know we are surrounded by them. Also by many who offer insults and even death threats to total strangers. I'm nor sure, in answer to the OP's question, whether that has made the world a better or worse place. I'd edge towards better as we are more aware of the dangers of mixing with strangers, or it could be argued worse as it has provided a platform for the worst of humanity.

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Are you kidding????

It has done incalculable damage to the youth. Tragically it has increased suicides, depression and anxiety numbers quite considerably. Very sad.

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Actually, for an old timer like me, the internet is a boon for those moments (all too frequent as one gets older and older) when one cannot recall (say) the name that goes with a famous face, or when the exact word for that thought escapes you.  If you ingeniously phrase your query to Google or Duck Duck Go, you will quickly come up with the right answer.


I sympathize with poor old Joe Biden and know precisely why, as ...er...."leader of the free world" he needs to have a teleprompter for practically ALL of his public announcements.  There's no way he could carry on an intelligent conversation, given his obvious mental frailty.

Whereas his GOP opponent continues to amaze by his ability to yak on for hours without much aid from technology.  Mind you, we old timers are quite expert at talking about ourselves.....

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14 hours ago, AreYouGerman said:

The biggest issue is that females now don't get their attention seeking fix from trying to impress local boys, but from likes to their half naked social media posts and disgusting simps who shower them with affection in their messengers.


This leads to men in their 20s and 30s not getting even the chance to talk to girls and getting no dates whatsoever as the females in their age group and on their attractiveness level are just focusing on their 'careers' and if they are in need of sex, they just swipe on Tinder to the top 1% of men who will hookup but aren't interested in a relationship.


Social Media or the post male Internet (including the iPhone which made the Internet available to females) has catapulted us into a society where females have the absolute control over everything.


And if I go to Instagram or Youtube Shorts, the 3rd clip I have to watch is some prostitute telling me how good she is on her knees and I should subscribe to her OnlyFans.


That's the feminism you boomers gave us!

Yep, agree 100%


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Significantly worse, with the arrogant pricks like Musk and the <deleted> from FB taking absolutely no responsibility for the horror they have unleashed on innocent people.

They should be all locked up.

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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I like those likes and thumps up, etc.

I don't post with the aim in mind to get many of those. In fact, sometimes I am pretty sure not many people will like what I write.

But I think it is a good indicator for advice. I.e. someone asks where to do abc. People reply, people get reactions. If one of them has the most likes, then maybe that is a good start.

I totally agree. In the boards on this site where people are purely sharing information, intel and experiences then the likes, agree, thanks, and thumbs up icons are very useful for honing in on the best answers to questions.

But here in the "Pub" board, where most of the posts are old drunks trolling and hating, it's a proverbial pisssing match of confused and sad icons, followed by a slew of one upmanship posts. As I said though, nobody pretends to like each other on this site so it's far more honest than the other platforms for social media where people are seeking fake admiration and acceptance from fictitious friends instead of interacting in the real world. 

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19 hours ago, tomgreen said:


It CAN be worthwhile, just like friends.  How many bozos have you known in your life?  Sift through the riffraff and discard the waste, and take from it what YOU want, not what someone else wants you to take.  I really enjoy watching some YT shorts, but F the "crap-tok" - its hoster can keep all of them.






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Posted (edited)

We enjoy our freedom and knowledge reading the right site of social media and we have already experienced that in corona period .

Those who did not do injectable gene therapy are not against Jews nor against elderly Mr.Schwab accuse them of being ... Semitic with all the prepositions for/against/against/over .........MERCY.


Do you beleive that this doctors post is fake news at the time where they refer :

Laboratory study showed that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, which is present in all vaccines, inactivates p53, promotes the development and spread of cancers, and makes them resistant to chemotherapy



and here : Source: https://www.oncotarget.com/article/28582/text/

If you think that all of them are "fakes" then you should inquiry yourself why all doctors have their women -daughters -boys unvaccinated and their "suggestions" are only for you and me although I am unvaccinated and no any prescription drugs since 20 plus years ago?

If you read .....Instangram -Twitter and Tiktok .......then you are responsible to "play" with Russian -Ukranians girls.......who wish to find online their "sugar daddies" seeking money. I am sorry stay away from me such assumptions!

Certainly many sites usually based in Brazil -Argentina - Africa continent are scammed for on line purchases and Interpol publish every week many reports as well as smartphone suspicious messages which they ask you to give personal details with your Bank account........Do not answer and delete them otherwise you will be in trouble.

Finally internet sites offer us many usufull informations to expand our knowledge in many fields of study for instance online education free programs etc.

Last year I accidentally met in facebook a pilot whom I exchanged some informations about of pilot training programs and our ideas fit right so we exchange our phone numbers viber and afterwards in the coming months we continue to communicate and he finally gave me some usufull informations to find cheapest tickets as well as to call him for cheap intercontinental flights......usually in Asia.....

In another contact in facebook I found a nutriciologist woman from Saudi Arabia (very nice remarkable person) who give me advice and monthly nutricion program for any case (to lose weight or to gain muscles) and told me to avoid "whites" in food as salt -sugar -milk -icecreams etc.

All of these mean the same thing that our choices are our life whether is our daily life or our "on line" life!










Edited by Paris333
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On 5/14/2024 at 4:42 AM, AreYouGerman said:

The biggest issue is that females now don't get their attention seeking fix from trying to impress local boys, but from likes to their half naked social media posts and disgusting simps who shower them with affection in their messengers.


This leads to men in their 20s and 30s not getting even the chance to talk to girls and getting no dates whatsoever as the females in their age group and on their attractiveness level are just focusing on their 'careers' and if they are in need of sex, they just swipe on Tinder to the top 1% of men who will hookup but aren't interested in a relationship.


Social Media or the post male Internet (including the iPhone which made the Internet available to females) has catapulted us into a society where females have the absolute control over everything.


And if I go to Instagram or Youtube Shorts, the 3rd clip I have to watch is some prostitute telling me how good she is on her knees and I should subscribe to her OnlyFans.


That's the feminism you boomers gave us!

Stop babbling on about boomers. Boomers in the main are not clever enough to invent the technology. It just didn't exist when we were young.


If you ain't clever enough to not go on it you only have yourself to blame if you don't like it.

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On 5/14/2024 at 2:41 PM, brewsterbudgen said:

It's called change.  Older people are resistant to it and yearn after the 'good ol' days'.  Younger people embrace it.

Young people embracing it does not mean it is a good thing. Young people are dumb because they haven't been around long enough to know anything.

S M is toxic swamp garbage that makes kids kill themselves because vicious morons bully them on a medium they can just turn off if they were smart enough.

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22 hours ago, blazes said:

Actually, for an old timer like me, the internet is a boon for those moments (all too frequent as one gets older and older) when one cannot recall (say) the name that goes with a famous face, or when the exact word for that thought escapes you.  If you ingeniously phrase your query to Google or Duck Duck Go, you will quickly come up with the right answer.


I sympathize with poor old Joe Biden and know precisely why, as ...er...."leader of the free world" he needs to have a teleprompter for practically ALL of his public announcements.  There's no way he could carry on an intelligent conversation, given his obvious mental frailty.

Whereas his GOP opponent continues to amaze by his ability to yak on for hours without much aid from technology.  Mind you, we old timers are quite expert at talking about ourselves.....

The only good thing about the internet, apart from getting movies and music for free, and watching snowflakes cry after Trump won, and Russian car cam VDOs, and hamster VDOs, IMO, is porn, which is as close to real sex as I'm ever going to get in my remaining lifetime ( and yes, porn VDOs were better in the old days too ).


Whereas his GOP opponent continues to amaze by his ability to yak on for hours without much aid from technology. 

I love it when he rips into all the camera crews from the channels that hate him, and they just have to take it.

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7 hours ago, Kinok Farang said:

Just take a look at the youth of America to answer your own question.

A generation of brain-dead imbeciles.

Not just the youth of America, either.

I see the local brain dead louts causing trouble far too often. Mandatory conscription of them to a boot camp for life would improve life for the rest of us somewhat.

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20 hours ago, Andycoops said:

Significantly worse, with the arrogant pricks like Musk and the <deleted> from FB taking absolutely no responsibility for the horror they have unleashed on innocent people.

They should be all locked up.

Errrr. Are they forcing anyone to go on their vile scum sucking sites? No, they are not, so blame the idiots that voluntarily go on them, and stay on. I was on FB for a bit till I saw the light and never been on again.

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23 hours ago, blazes said:

If you ingeniously phrase your query to Google or Duck Duck Go, you will quickly come up with the right answer.

Errrr. I often ask a question and get 2 gazillion responses in 0.000001 microseconds that have no bearing on the question. Not much help.


For instance, I tried to look up "Danny and the Rattlesnakes" a book from my childhood, and got a mountain of completely useless replies. As much use as a box of wet matches while freezing to death in a pile of firewood.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Getting some Incel vibes from that  ^ post. A bit of misogyny, too



Just so? Throwing buzz words doesn't change facts, but sounds like misandry.


It's the same like 'I am against Israel's genocide' and getting called 'antisemit' for it just to try to discredit the poster and what he writes. It shows already your level of, well, you, know, brain thing.


Females are bound by their biology, the same as males, and that leads to the facts I have outlined in my post, which essential means females mating strategy is looking for the top 1% genes and as it is currently unleashed, we are basically in some kind of pre historic stone age where the strongest and most alpha male takes them all while the smalle males, less genetically gifted, can cope by being a provider (ie. getting a good job) and is allowed to care for the offspring of the alpha ('single mother ready to settle').


Modern women would rather kill themselves before they would date a man on their level (looks, charisma, and so) because it's below their level ('we have standards now') and instead would literally all date the same top 1% alpha man, meaning being the 10th girlfriend at the same time.  That's not misogyny, that's biology.




Edited by AreYouGerman
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11 hours ago, AreYouGerman said:


Females are bound by their biology, the same as males, and that leads to the facts I have outlined in my post, which essential means females mating strategy is looking for the top 1% genes and as it is currently unleashed, we are basically in some kind of pre historic stone age where the strongest and most alpha male takes them all while the smalle males, less genetically gifted, can cope by being a provider (ie. getting a good job) and is allowed to care for the offspring of the alpha ('single mother ready to settle').


Modern women would rather kill themselves before they would date a man on their level (looks, charisma, and so) because it's below their level ('we have standards now') and instead would literally all date the same top 1% alpha man, meaning being the 10th girlfriend at the same time.  That's not misogyny, that's biology.




I agree with most of that. I used to wonder why attractive women that could have had any guy went out with complete scumbags that treat them badly till they get pregnant and then abandon them. Genes answer that question

I'm a Beta male and I got lumbered with an alpha's brats, so I do know something about the results. Unfortunately I only found out the answers after I'd left the using b****h, when it was too late. She managed to trap 2 guys after myself too, so there are a lot of dumb guys out there. Sadly there are no classes in school for boys about "women and how to protect yourself and your assets from them", and given a male teacher is as rare as a hen's tooth nowadays, I doubt any such will ever be held.

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree with most of that. I used to wonder why attractive women that could have had any guy went out with complete scumbags that treat them badly till they get pregnant and then abandon them. Genes answer that question

I'm a Beta male and I got lumbered with an alpha's brats, so I do know something about the results. Unfortunately I only found out the answers after I'd left the using b****h, when it was too late. She managed to trap 2 guys after myself too, so there are a lot of dumb guys out there. Sadly there are no classes in school for boys about "women and how to protect yourself and your assets from them", and given a male teacher is as rare as a hen's tooth nowadays, I doubt any such will ever be held.


I find your post very interesting!


Yes, I was also indoctrinating by female family and the females that control the entire education system about 'what she wants with that douchebag' and 'a man should treat a female with respect', while all the hot girls always had this macho type of guys, couple of years older than them and with cars.


With 16-18, I kinda just copied what I have seen from these guys and it totally worked (I guess, because looks mattered and I was doing the monkey dance already). I was the first who got a girlfriend and random girls wanted to hookup. That was all pre-phone times, though. Later I was in a relationship with a single mother for a couple of years and I thought that is what 'real man' do, ie. taking care of somebody else's offspring. Boy, was I wrong!


Now I finally understand what is going on as the evidence became so obvious as it went totally out of control with Social Media. Feminism needs to be put back on a leash, as well as these simps that do the monkey dance (ie. get tattoos to impress girls) to get laid.


We (you boomers) gave over total control and as it was never about equality but about getting everything, males are doomed, except, of course, if you are a rock star and having 100s of cuties lining up in front of your hotel room.




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On 5/16/2024 at 11:22 AM, AreYouGerman said:

Later I was in a relationship with a single mother for a couple of years and I thought that is what 'real man' do, ie. taking care of somebody else's offspring. Boy, was I wrong!

I just wanted sex and the woman I met had a couple, so they came with her. If I could go back to 1980 I'd bang her and never allow her kids anywhere near me. Of course she'd give up as she wanted a free babysitter that paid half the bills. So long, don't come back.

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On 5/16/2024 at 11:22 AM, AreYouGerman said:

Feminism needs to be put back on a leash, as well as these simps that do the monkey dance (ie. get tattoos to impress girls) to get laid.


To late to put that fad back in the box. Females have got themselves well entrenched into government, so it's not going to happen.


Best us males can hope for now is sex androids, but I'll bet the women and their lackey males in parliament will do everything in their power to prevent it. Can't have the prospective wallets not paying large to the women.

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