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Looming Over Trump’s Conviction: Reversal by the '13th Juror'

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33 minutes ago, riclag said:

Dem convicted ! Dem judge, Dem prosecutor who was campaigning ( we elect prosecutors in NY) to get Trump. 
Manhattan jurisdiction votes 90% for Dems. 

It was a concocted scheme  by biden and his party to bootstrap a misdemeanor to a felony after the Federal election commission refused to charge the case. Now the bias media is doing their part in circulating the dems conspiracy of Dem lawfare, except they dont use the key word. Dem before convicted.

 2022  quote,“We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power if he does run, making sure he — under legitimate efforts of our Constitution — does not become the next president again,” Biden


NO!!!How can that be?

I just saw trump on Youtube saying New York loves him!

Surely someone is wrong?

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40 minutes ago, billd766 said:

But he has exactly the same right to post his opinion as you, me or anybody else. If you don't like his posts, then skip over them or put him on your ignore list.

Does that not take away the reason the forum is here in the first place?

To debate things and relate to each other?

Ignoring post or blocking people is the same as sticking your head in the sand!


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19 minutes ago, Excogitator said:

In what way is it 'drivel'?


Do you have anything factual to back up that claim?


Why don't you start with the back-ups? 

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6 hours ago, Excogitator said:

I used to think: 

What level of crazy do you have to be, to support a man like Trump, now a convicted felon, and to actually want him as your president?


I got it all wrong...


As much as I hate to generalize, I am now convinced, beyond any doubt, that it is not a matter of mental health, but in fact, a matter of intelligence, or lack thereof.


For what else can it be?


Blind faith? 

- Is Trump truly the orange Jesus? 

Mass hypnosis? 

- Has Trump found a way to 'play the primal chords in their reptile brains'?


Hardly. There is nothing divine or supernatural about the guy. In fact, he is is not very gifted at all.


The truth is much more simple. His supporters don't even understand what they are supporting. 


They are easily tricked by hubris and simple talking points that appeal to their own biases.

So much so, that they are willing to vote against their own best interest. (Unknowingly I guess..)


They seem to live in total denial of reality. They won't accept election results, they won't accept court decisions, but instead disregard it all as 'rigged' and 'fake'.


Residing in some kind of alternative reality bubble where universally accepted facts, rules and laws don't apply.


It seems that many of his supporters don't even understand what this case was all about, what crimes Trump have been found guilty of, and what crimes he is still charged with...



He lost the trial,now a convicted criminal but not yet sentenced.

They all cry,rigged,fake,corrupt and crooked!

What would they have said if he was declared innocent?

I bet they would all scream"Justice!!!!!"

So far a lot of the predictions have not come thru,

in case of indictment,all hell will brake loose!

in case of going to court,all hell will brake loose!

in case of conviction,all hell will brake loose.

Oh no,please do not convict him,the stock market and the economy will collapse!

Stock market closed highest ever!

Reminds me of his buddy putin,all show and no go.


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Posted (edited)
40 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

I doubt that a majority of anti-Trumpers could actually articulate what he was convicted of, other than parroting 'convicted felon' every 25 seconds. I mean, let's be serious. Private citizen Trump, retired president with no ambition to run for re-election, would NEVER have been indicted on these charges.  The charges were left to rot for years- so long that the statute of limitaitons on them had expired.  Yet when it became apparent that Trump had a shot at being the GOP nominee, they were resurrected. The timing is utter insanity- indict the leading contender for the Presidency? Over such miniscule and inconsequentical matters? It reeks of political hackery and fear. 


Another thing the left fails to see, which may contribute to their downfall- a large slice of Trump voters actually don't like him that much. They aren't all koolaid drinkers, members of the MAGA cult, morons. A lot are willing to hold their collective noses and vote for Trump as he is the only alternative to 6 more months of Biden, then the Harris remake of the party.  The GOP is assembling a large and diverse tent of voters, and Democrats ignore this at their peril.

As usual, you underestimate us all.


We know what he was convicted of (34 counts of falsification of business records) but we also know it was because he slept with a porn star and paid her off so she wouldn't go public just before the 2016 election (and hand on heart do you really think this didn't happen exactly the way it was spelled out in court?). As for the rest of your Fox talking points (do any of you have an original thought in your body), we also understand he wouldn't be prosecuted IF he wasn't running for POTUS (duh) but he is isn't he and as they say, all is fair in love and war.


The GOP have tried so many different ways to prosecute any Dem they can get their hands on (Hilary and now the Bidens in particular) without anything of substance to use, so yes, when presented with such an idiotic but obvious thing, who can blame them for going for it. He set himself up and now you blame those that took advantage of it when, if the shoe was on the other foot, the GOP would do exactly the same (if not worse). Can you imagine if Biden was even remotely linked to this level of siliceous actions? The GOP would literally be falling over themselves in the stampede to indict. 


But the point about this is we cannot trust GOP supporters to police their own party. You would have thought he was out when he defrauded his own charity or when he bragged about 'grabbing then by the pussy' or mocked disabled people or questioned his own intelligence services over Russia or that Covid was 'totally under control' just before over 1 million died in the US alone. But no, they keep doubling down with this conman to the astonishment of any reasonable person on the planet.


This wannabe dictator needs to be stopped and I for one don't care how. The world is at a critical point and sure and steady hands need to be at the tiller. I guarantee you that isn't Trump. 

Edited by johnnybangkok
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25 minutes ago, Excogitator said:

I presented a list of available and verifiable facts. All public information. Here are a couple of links to start you off.




Now, put up or shut up.


How do these general links demonstrate that any of your claims in your anti-Trump list are true? A list that is notably similar to that posted by several others on here over the last years, by the way.


To quote your own words: put up or shut up. 


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41 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

I doubt that a majority of anti-Trumpers could actually articulate what he was convicted of, other than parroting 'convicted felon' every 25 seconds. I mean, let's be serious. Private citizen Trump, retired president with no ambition to run for re-election, would NEVER have been indicted on these charges.  The charges were left to rot for years- so long that the statute of limitaitons on them had expired.  Yet when it became apparent that Trump had a shot at being the GOP nominee, they were resurrected. The timing is utter insanity- indict the leading contender for the Presidency? Over such miniscule and inconsequentical matters? It reeks of political hackery and fear. 


Another thing the left fails to see, which may contribute to their downfall- a large slice of Trump voters actually don't like him that much. They aren't all koolaid drinkers, members of the MAGA cult, morons. A lot are willing to hold their collective noses and vote for Trump as he is the only alternative to 6 more months of Biden, then the Harris remake of the party.  The GOP is assembling a large and diverse tent of voters, and Democrats ignore this at their peril.

Fair enough,let the voters decide,on the other hand Republicans are constantly making fun and calling Biden names,so now a bunch of folks will call Trump a criminal,also seems fair to me.

I do object the name calling from both sides but it seems this is part of politics now,sad.

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1 hour ago, Scott Tracy said:


So, a black man in the US cannot get a 'fair' trial in the United States, is what you're saying? A trial outcome is dependent on the majority political make up, rather than on points of law and facts disclosed?


Red State, Blue State... Seems to be very simplistic to me, but then I admit, I'm easily confused.

I didn't say that. Why does your quote make it look like I did? You been editing quotes?

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38 minutes ago, nauseus said:


How do these general links demonstrate that any of your claims in your anti-Trump list are true? A list that is notably similar to that posted by several others on here over the last years, by the way.


To quote your own words: put up or shut up. 


I just did put up. The official data is right there on those specific sites, available through some simple searches. Anything else you can find with a simple Google search. 


Either you are unwilling, or unable to do just that, is not my problem.


You are the one throwing fact-free accusations at me, with nothing to back them up. 


Because you have nothing to back them up with, do you?



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1 minute ago, Excogitator said:

I just did put up. The official data is right there on those specific sites, available through some simple searches. Anything else you can find with a simple Google search. 


Either you are unwilling, or unable to do just that, is not my problem.


You are the one throwing fact-free accusations at me, with nothing to back them up. 


Because you have nothing to back them up with, do you?




Then why not put up the links to the specific pages then? 

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, nauseus said:


Then why not put up the links to the specific pages then? 

Because you need to employ your lazy arse to do some actual fact-finding to (try to) back up your unfounded claims and insults.

Facts that are publicly available, and literally right in front of you.


Maybe you will even learn something in the process..

Edited by Excogitator
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Hmm, for those anti-Trumpers, would you be happy being a black man in court in a 98% white state, with a all white jury , a judge that donated to the KKK, whose daughter worked for the KKK, being prosecuted by a DA that ran on locking up blacks, and that key witnesses were not allowed to appear  ? Come on, get real , of course you wouldn't.


I am not saying Trump is innocent BUT, as in the example above it is so obviously rigged. If not re-run it in a red state and see what happens. If you would not be convicted of the same crime in a different political state, then it is obviously political decisions

Freeeeeee Nelson Mandela! 😀

Trump claims he’s a ‘modern-day Mandela’ and prepared to go to jail over hush-money case


Edited by candide
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1 minute ago, Excogitator said:

Because you need to employ your lazy arse to do some actual fact-finding to (try to) back up your unfounded claims and insults.

Facts that are publicly available, and literally right in front of you.


Maybe you will even learn something in the process..


I didn't claim anything except that you need to prove what you say.


It was you that started with the insulting tone.


All I have learned so far is that you have nada.. zero.. nothing. Congratulations. 

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17 minutes ago, nauseus said:


I didn't claim anything except that you need to prove what you say.


It was you that started with the insulting tone.


All I have learned so far is that you have nada.. zero.. nothing. Congratulations. 

Stop projecting lies and nonsense.

This is what you started with:

That is an insult.


Backed up with nothing, zero, nada.


If you want to remain divorced from reality, then that's your choice.


I have no more time for you.

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7 minutes ago, Excogitator said:

Stop projecting lies and nonsense.

This is what you started with:

That is an insult.


Backed up with nothing, zero, nada.


If you want to remain divorced from reality, then that's your choice.


I have no more time for you.


Very creative...but it looks nothing like the list of rubbish that my comment was replying to. Naughty, naughty.


You can go now.

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3 hours ago, jvs said:

Does that not take away the reason the forum is here in the first place?

To debate things and relate to each other?

Ignoring post or blocking people is the same as sticking your head in the sand!


Not at all. The forum is here for anybody, If somebody doesn't agree with any persons post, they can either  ignore that post or debate with the poster. Nobody is forced to read any post,  and if after a while you find that you do not agree with a poster, you can put that poster and carry on with the rest of the thread, The choice is yours.

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In my non-lawyer opinion, I think most of the arguments concerning the verdict's inability to DIRECTLY link any of the three illegal handling of funds (which are misdemeanors) to the felony crime of using them to try to influence an election. I think it is more like this:

It is like three women breaking into a young man's house at night, each of the women carrying their own pistol, and then each firing several times at the man sleeping in bed, resulting in his death from a single gunshot wound. As far as guilt is concerned, it wouldn't matter which woman's gun fired the shot that killed the man. The two who completely missed would not be charged with a misdemeanor of firing a gun in a private residence. They would all be charged with the felony of murder. Their intentions or success would not be questioned. 

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21 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

Looming over King Babys Conviction???


IDIOTS that believe this sh*t and certain "news teams" that post this clickbait in order to fan the flames...

Anyone who buys this BS....Bet Me money......also if you think the election was rigged.....put your cash on the table


As those who do think this are already foolish enough to part with their cash to grifters......


Weak minds are easily misled and once again shout out to certain posters here that continue to spread division--do

you actually think there is even debate over this topic???   and people wonder they this site is always for sale....


Keep up the good work (note sarcasm x1000)     those that you look up to and admire are reflections of yourself.....smh

You know that trumps supporters are not just a load of rednecks in the south.

You post about trump supoorters spreading zdivision'  while your entire comment is littered with name calling and divisive rhetoric

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