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Biden & Trump Face Off in High-Stakes Debate: Age, Strategy, and Public Perception at Play

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The US looks feeble and weak, because it's represented by a president who looks feeble and weak and a challenger to that president who looks increasingly befuddled, confused, and bloated. Having either of these two in office next year will be a calamity for Americans. Four more years of Biden is unthinkable. Four more years of Trump is unbearable. Is either one apt to live through to the completion of their term?  RFKjr is the only hope. 

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:



Under Trump 1.9% inflation. 


I apologize for using facts.

It's similar in other developped countries as inflation is a global phenomenon and they are all affected by the same trends. Actually, under Trump, inflation tended to be higher than in other developped countries.


The main significant difference, compared to other developped countries, is that, with a similar inflation level, the U.S. has generated much more GDP growth.





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21 minutes ago, riclag said:

Actually i wasnt even considering that war , which was started under his watch.

I was referring to the totality of the warring !Ukraine and the middle east!

Weak decisions & appeasing Terror nations such as Hamas and Iran while giving billions of dollars that is used to emboldened these radical regimes!


This world chaos happened all under his administration , weakness through appeasement!


A 2019 article: Joe biden -warmonger 

It is time to seriously consider whether we’re ready for another four years of foreign interventions in places where we aren’t wanted and don’t belong. Don’t let Biden’s centrist veneer fool you. In reality, few other candidates have been on the wrong side of history so often.





Appeasing Hamas. Now I've heard it all! 😂

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

It aint a democratic system when your opponents through lawfare try  taking Trump off the ballot in Maine & Colorado! Only to be defeated in the SC by 9-0 vote.

it aint a democratic system when the opposition  party , dems arrests ,concocts  a new law to convict the leading candidate for potus !

Oh it aint a dem system either its a constitutional republic! 

You really need to find a new source for your news. Both parties are terrible. Impossible to say one is better than the other.

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3 hours ago, riclag said:

Actually i wasnt even considering that war , which was started under his watch.

I was referring to the totality of the warring !Ukraine and the middle east!

Weak decisions & appeasing Terror nations such as Hamas and Iran while giving billions of dollars that is used to emboldened these radical regimes!


This world chaos happened all under his administration , weakness through appeasement!


A 2019 article: Joe biden -warmonger 

It is time to seriously consider whether we’re ready for another four years of foreign interventions in places where we aren’t wanted and don’t belong. Don’t let Biden’s centrist veneer fool you. In reality, few other candidates have been on the wrong side of history so often.





A bit of a dodgy media outlet...extremely biased

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4 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

It has done the opposite of stabalize Europe, plus caused inflation and chaos to boot. You know what would stabilize Europe? A truce.   Not to mention it is not just a flick of a switch to produce modern weapons and ammo. It takes years to replenish supplies that are lost and/or given away. But the most important thing they will run out of is soldiers. So unless you are willing for NATO to jump into the war, the actual weapons systems available will not really matter in the long run.

My country’s support and that of the European countries is not destabilizing Europe putins invasion of his neighbor is I’d be absolutely delighted if nato jumped in and pushed the invaders out of the Ukrainian nation 

4 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

Talk about changing the subject....

I simply said that the idea of Biden as a warmonger in large part is due to his full throated and expensive pledges to keep Zelensky afloat at a time when the money is needed domestically. 

Biden isent the warmonger you are mistaken putin is the warmonger furthermore with a statement like that it’s kinda easy to see were your allegiance lies……

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2 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

Good to see where you stand. World War 3 to save the Zelensky regime.  Good lord.  


Again, the simplistic rhetoric of "you are Putin's puppet" if a person does not wholeheartedly and unreservedly support World War 3.  Unbelievable.

They tryed the appease the bulley in 39 didn’t work out so good the powers that be aren’t going to make the same mistake again.putin needs to be crushed nobody I know supports ww3 nore the  needless deaths of Ukrainians or Russians for that matter.putin needs to be given a Russian flying lesson!

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On 6/16/2024 at 9:16 PM, thaibeachlovers said:
On 6/16/2024 at 9:14 PM, soalbundy said:

They are both old and unfit but the orange one has dementia as well as being a fascist.

If I can write Biden's name on here I'm sure you are capable of writing Trump's correct name.

You negate any possibility of being taken seriously by posting garbage.


yawn on the constant fascist talking point. it's so boring and boring.

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2 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

And so?

Good one. 


In the lines of public perception, Thai news stations are showing some of the awkward Biden moments like when he froze like a statue for 1/2 min and when Obama had to gently lead Biden off the stage. It's not flattering to say the least. My lady looked at me and asked in astonishment if that was really the leader of the USA.

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9 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

By now, you probably know that you were duped by a deceptively edited video.

Can you produce the "real" videos of where you say Biden didn't freeze for 30 sec or the one where Obama took Biden by the arm and led him offstage like a toddler. Please post them.

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16 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Can you produce the "real" videos of where you say Biden didn't freeze for 30 sec or the one where Obama took Biden by the arm and led him offstage like a toddler. Please post them.

I don’t know how to link that kind of stuff but a 30sec search on your computer would clarify that for you,but obviously you aren’t interested in clarity sad 😞 

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On 6/17/2024 at 8:47 PM, FritsSikkink said:

I think it is sad that a country can't find 2 younger, capable people to represent them.  

Younger, capable people probably have too much sense to get involved with the toxic mess that is Washington. Which explains why someone like Harris is a potential POTUS.

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On 6/18/2024 at 1:47 AM, John Drake said:

RFKjr is the only hope.

Which is probably why he will lose.


Chaos is so much more profitable than sense, just as war is is so much more profitable than peace. When a one time missile costs millions, why invest in tractors and better food plants?

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15 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Good one. 


In the lines of public perception, Thai news stations are showing some of the awkward Biden moments like when he froze like a statue for 1/2 min and when Obama had to gently lead Biden off the stage. It's not flattering to say the least. My lady looked at me and asked in astonishment if that was really the leader of the USA.

My lady asked when is biden gonna 

make america great again!

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Which is probably why he will lose.


Chaos is so much more profitable than sense, just as war is is so much more profitable than peace. When a one time missile costs millions, why invest in tractors and better food plants?

Chaos is only profitable for Putin.


There is no chaos in America, despite your fervent wishes.


America can afford food plants and make missiles, unlike Russia.

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5 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

So, you're saying the video of Biden freezing for 30 sec is a fake? Have you seen the real one? If so where?


Real simple, I would love to see the "real" one or perhaps you're just mimicking the WH response.

I've seen it:


Trash press uses deceptively edited video.


You have been conned, I would be angry if I were you.

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On 6/17/2024 at 2:46 PM, Skeptic7 said:

Infinitely more painful listening to Trump with his 6 year old child's vocabulary, tired old repeated nonsense talking points "like nobody's ever seen", false claims, flat out lies, gibberish and red/orange-faced rage. Joe is muzak to the ears compared to Trump's bratty babble. 

Add to that trump's lies and he has absolutley no credibilty whatsover....he just can't help himself, but the sad thing is that he actually believes his own lies:-


"In his rambling May 31 monologue following his felony convictions, Donald Trump somehow found time to reference the ill-fated Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline between Russia and Germany. Trump declared: “I ended the Russian pipeline. It was dead. He [Biden] comes in and approves it.” Trump went on to allege that Biden did so because money from the former mayor of Moscow’s wife was paid to the Biden family.

Similarly, in a speech at CPAC last year, Trump noted that he “got along very well with Putin even though I’m the one that ended his pipeline. … I ended it. It was dead.” Trump added that “nobody ever heard of Nord Stream 2 until I came along.”


In fact, Trump did not stop Nord Stream 2 — he enabled it. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline went from zero to 90 percent completed during Trump’s presidency. Rather than stop it “dead,” the Trump administration rejected years of bipartisan congressional calls for imposition of sanctions to stop the project. Only when Congress, in frustration, passed mandatory sanctions did the administration finally take concrete action. But by then it was too late. 


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