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Biden and Trump Agree to CNN Debate Rules, Including Mic Muting

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I suggest Biden has enough ammunition with rape, fraud cases, a criminal conviction on 34 counts and scores of other criminal indictments to bury Trump.

CNN Dana Bash is a hard-nosed commentor who is not known for taking BS, Tapper not so much lately.

Trump cannot take criticism and will be lost without his lies or sycophant commentators who only ask softball questions.

Trump has done well in never being accountable for his lies and actions all his life.

He has delayed his court cases ad nauseum and has repeatedly failed to take the court witness stand in his defence.


I cannot see any reason why he will attend this debate and play by the rules as rules and fair play are anathema to him.

I suggest he will renege on the agreement in some way.

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56 minutes ago, John Drake said:

The debate will hurt Trump more than Biden. Until now, paradoxically, Trump has managed to slide by because of the court cases. Judges did him a favor by gagging him, because the more he talks and shows himself, the more people are reminded of what an imbecile he is. The debate will re-expose him. At this point, Biden looks so helpless that the only thing that could make him look worse would be the need for him to be taken off the stage in a gurney. 

Wow the first time you haven’t mentioned Kennedy!


“The presidential campaign of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Wednesday it had filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission about Kennedy’s potential exclusion from a planned June 27 debate on CNN between President Biden and former president Donald Trump”.


“In the complaint, filed Tuesday, Kennedy’s campaign alleges that Biden, Trump, their respective campaigns and CNN “colluded” to leave Kennedy off the debate stage. The complaint also alleges that CNN’s decision to hold the debate could be tantamount to the network making “prohibited corporate contributions” to Biden and Trump’s campaigns and thus violate the Federal Election Campaign Act”.



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31 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The US should have both term limits and age limits. Once you hit 70, you are out as a candidate of any national office. And two terms for congress or the senate. It would be a game changer. 


While I agree, good luck with that.  You'd be asking a bunch of old geezers to vote themselves out of a job.  For a lot of them, the only job they know how to do.


As a sweetener, they could offer a salary of $5 million a year for Congress and $10 million for the president.  But ban any outside income that may present a conflict, and have a cooling off period before they're allowed to lobby upon their term limit.  Maybe with a nice severance in return.   It would still be cheaper for the taxpayers than all the giveaways they vote for in their quest for donations and votes.

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37 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

Trump cannot take criticism and will be lost without his lies or sycophant commentators who only ask softball questions.

Trump can not go 24 hours without a) contradicting himself, and b) telling more porkies.


Last Friday he went on Fox News and explained that what he said about Milwaukee - that it’s a horrible city - was because of the high crime rate, and because of “the election, the ballots, the way it went down, it was very bad in Milwaukee. Very, very bad. And the people understand that and they agree with me. Everybody agrees.”

Both those claims, though, are demonstrably wrong, fabrications, lies.



Then one day later, last Saturday, Trump claimed on NewsMax that he’d never said anything at all about Milwaukee:



I foresee this happening. During the debate, while Biden is talking, Trump will be unable to contain himself and start gesticulating or try to cut in, even though his mic is muted. And there’s no doubt in my mind that Trump will bring up his old favorites, like ‘the election was stolen from me’, and ‘with hunt’, and how horrible the economy is doing.

I hope there will be instant fact checking, and instant muting of the mic when either one of the candidates starts telling lies. If they do that, Trump is not going to enjoy his time on that stage, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he stormed off in the first 5-10 minutes of the debate.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

The US should have both term limits and age limits. Once you hit 70, you are out as a candidate of any national office. And two terms for congress or the senate. It would be a game changer. 

Agree 100%. Traditionally, service in government was not to be a career. It was to be a sacrifice to the public good.  Then, you go back to your 'real' life. The idea of professional politicians was anathema to the Founding Fathers. 

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46 minutes ago, riclag said:

Wow the first time you haven’t mentioned Kennedy!



“The presidential campaign of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Wednesday it had filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission about Kennedy’s potential exclusion from a planned June 27 debate on CNN between President Biden and former president Donald Trump”.


“In the complaint, filed Tuesday, Kennedy’s campaign alleges that Biden, Trump, their respective campaigns and CNN “colluded” to leave Kennedy off the debate stage. The complaint also alleges that CNN’s decision to hold the debate could be tantamount to the network making “prohibited corporate contributions” to Biden and Trump’s campaigns and thus violate the Federal Election Campaign Act”.




Keeping RFKjr off the air and out of the discussion of the race is simply because two ineffective, brain addled, old derelicts fear him. Rather than Trump and Biden talking over each other and behaving badly, I think there is a bigger likelihood they get brain cramps and freeze. Both of them. RFKjr is smart and well backgrounded in the subject of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Corruption. Biden and Trump are owned by the very forces RFKjr has put in the forefront for scrutiny. Put RFKjr on the debate stage and I think he becomes the leading candidate overnight. People simply cannot be satisfied with two such inferior hunks of garbage like Biden and Trump.

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10 hours ago, Social Media said:

The debate is scheduled to last 90 minutes and will include two commercial breaks. During these breaks, campaign staff will not be allowed to interact with their candidates.


Anyone wanna bet that CNN calls the breaks right when Biden brainlocks?


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5 hours ago, impulse said:


My bet is that CNN will provide the questions in advance to Team Biden on the sly, and either not provide them to Trump, or provide false questions.  


If, as some have reported, there will be on-the-spot fact checks, I'd bet that the fact checks will be slanted as well.  


If this was meant to be fair, CNN could host the debate and allow someone else to formulate and safeguard the questions.  Fox, maybe.


Not that any of that will save Biden, who's probably going to be replaced at the DNC convention.


On a wingnut conspiracy note, Google "Biden clone Mission Impossible mask".  Lots of folks don't think it'll even be Biden at the debate.  



You mean slanted fact checks such as: "no Mr. Trump, the 2020 election was not rigged and you did not win it"? 🤣

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1 hour ago, Hanaguma said:

Agree 100%. Traditionally, service in government was not to be a career. It was to be a sacrifice to the public good.  Then, you go back to your 'real' life. The idea of professional politicians was anathema to the Founding Fathers. 


The way I describe it is to put down their plows and their books, serve for a limited time, then go back home and make a living in the country they created.


That's what the framers intended.  Not to latch onto the gub'ment tit and hold on for life.


The only downside would be having unelected bureaucrats that stay for decades longer than elected officials.  Giving them even more power, with absolutely no checks and balances.  Civil Service and all.


Edit:  But that's a simple problem to solve with term limits for unelected officials.  Not easy, but simple.


Edited by impulse
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1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

I foresee this happening. During the debate, while Biden is talking, Trump will be unable to contain himself and start gesticulating or try to cut in, even though his mic is muted. And there’s no doubt in my mind that Trump will bring up his old favorites, like ‘the election was stolen from me’, and ‘with hunt’, and how horrible the economy is doing.

His display of dirty tactics during the Trump/Hillary debate was abysmal.

Possibly they need to collar and leash Trump's to his podium 'like a dog'.


'A man who has been caught on tape gloating about groping women—and panting like a dog after a married woman—should not be seen stalking a woman in front of millions of television viewers'.


'But Donald Trump, looming behind Hillary Clinton like a mob boss, only reinforced his perception as a schoolyard bully in the second presidential debate Sunday night'.

Why was Trump lurking behind Clinton? How body language dominated the debate - The Washington Post (archive.md)


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2 hours ago, John Drake said:


Keeping RFKjr off the air and out of the discussion of the race is simply because two ineffective, brain addled, old derelicts fear him. Rather than Trump and Biden talking over each other and behaving badly, I think there is a bigger likelihood they get brain cramps and freeze. Both of them. RFKjr is smart and well backgrounded in the subject of Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Corruption. Biden and Trump are owned by the very forces RFKjr has put in the forefront for scrutiny. Put RFKjr on the debate stage and I think he becomes the leading candidate overnight. People simply cannot be satisfied with two such inferior hunks of garbage like Biden and Trump.

Who made the rules John?

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It's funny how MAGAs and assimilated posters are already preparing lame excuses in anticipation of a possible Trump's fail during this debate. MAGAs always have a conspiracy theory at hand in order to refute reality...


Same as Trump claiming the election is rigged when he's not sure to win (I.e. before the 2016 and 2020 elections). 😃

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1 minute ago, 300sd said:

Yes I couldn't agree more. Rats leaving a sinking ship. They know they can't win with Biden. They liked him. He's been their perfect puppet. They'll replace him with Hillary because she's one of them! Not sure which is worse!

Hillary got to much baggage!

Newsom  , far lefts darling!


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I wonder if old Joe will wonder around the stage again in a stupor wondering where he is? I think they will put Joe on some uppers to prevent his collapse again. I kinda feel sorry for old Joe as he is definitely not all there. But its the the United States I will really feel sorry for if he is elected again.

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Very typical of a Trump devotee to engage in name calling. We always have a choice. Clvility or low class dishonor. Your Master always chooses the latter. 


come on mike. there are way more names thrown at DT on here than anything else. i care not for the dancing orange monkey but you read the comments here. you see it. 


i can barely count some days the number of times i see people calling him a fascist on here. 

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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Hillary got to much baggage!

Newsom  , far lefts darling!


I'm still betting on a Michelle/ Gavin ticket.  Because they can't win with Kamala, and they need a box ticker to throw her under the bus.  Or the Dem Elite will wet themselves with anger. 


Then, Michelle can step aside after a few months and Gavin gets his creamy dream.  Bonus:  He can actually serve for 2-1/2 terms if he ascends from VP.  If he's on top of the ticket, he's limited to 2.0 terms.


Edit:  In the meantime they need to keep both of them out of the early election cycle fray when even Dems have to bash each other in the primaries.  They'll enter with a just a few months to election day, clean and smelling as good as a baby's behind.


Edited by impulse
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9 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Will sleepy be allowed to have an earpiece to hear from his puppet master what to say?

If not he will be hammered by the younger man. 


"Will sleepy be allowed to have an earpiece to hear from his puppet master what to say?


If not he will be hammered by the slightly younger man. 


Fixed it for you.

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13 hours ago, nauseus said:


Talking of bowels, is there a half-time break so Joe can get a pamper change?

Biden can't stand that long...    and the real pisser will be..  his staff can't interact with him ..    how will he ever find the exit ? 

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13 minutes ago, Luuk Chaai said:


what planet did you just parachute down from >? 

One dem party member Chenk

seems to think biden loyalist are acting like a Maga, as Tommy Laughs!



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2 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

"Will sleepy be allowed to have an earpiece to hear from his puppet master what to say?


If not he will be hammered by the slightly younger man. 


Fixed it for you.

Maybe in age but cognitively by miles..   Sleepy can't even walk normally. 

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14 hours ago, JonnyF said:


Not bad advice for Biden. I'm not sure his aides are that cool but he's certainly going to need to a lot of them in the coming months given his rapidly declining mental congnition. 

I hope biden is able to avoid electric boats and sharks as well as try and remember the name of a doctor who gave a mental test while bragging about it and accusing his opponent of mental problems.


And by the way nikki haley was not at the capitol on jan 6 much less in charge of the national guard....and WW2 is over for 70 or so years so no need to start that one again.  If trump gets in trouble maybe he can shine a light up his rear and have a few shots of bleach.

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