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Aftermath of the Trump Assassination Attempt Staring into the Abyss

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13 hours ago, impulse said:


I doubt that Iran was involved.  But the fact that they were aware of an elevated threat and still let the disaster unfold is scary.  Had there really been Iranian (or Ukrainian, as in other stories circulating) assassins instead of a kid, Trump would be dead. 


The only thing that saved him was sheer dumb luck and an even dumber kid.  The DEI Secret Service failed miserably.


well, as things have come top light, i think the diverse equality has shown itself to be a failure or perhaps it was the intentional?🤨, i wonder how things would be now if trump had in fact died.. i haven't seen any rioting or trouble in the streets over this, would the tolerant left/antifa/blm crew have been so calm? i dont think so.

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9 hours ago, AlexRich said:

T. Although I did notice that the lady doing the interview cut her off as soon as she said it was two shooters? Crooks, like Oswald, may simply have been the patsy. But a man died, and he was a big fan of Trump? The people that would orchestrate an event like this don’t care at all about that, it just lends credibility to it. 

are you referring to the 'deep state'?? the very same Trump was lambasted about for years?

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9 hours ago, BigStar said:


For leftists, it's life-and-death. No humor, no fun. Long gone are the Tip O'Neills, Hubert Humprheys, Joe Liebermans happy warriors who, though misguided, could at least be reasoned with.


Now they're all just fascist thugs. Force is what they understand.


The public seems to have realized that the only hope against them is a street fighter like Trump. Hopefully he'll get the Congress he needs.  



wait a minute, are you stealing JingThing word 'fascist'... i hop not, he will sue for copyright infringement

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8 hours ago, impulse said:


While I have nothing but respect for the guys who did go to Vietnam, I don't think less of the guys who saw the war for what it was, and refused.  By whatever means was available to them.  Even bone spurs, and student deferments.


exactly, why fight or die for some politicians st=itting safely in their big houses...its only now how obvious it is

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8 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Sorry, did I hurt your MAGA feelings? Strange you don’t want to comment on the second and third shooter? As you can see, I simply reported what is out there. Comments by people who witnessed the event. Is that propaganda? 

 so what are you saying, there was more than 1 shooter, but the media are coving it up?  is that not a 'conspiracy' as you guys are so quick to accuse maga of? 


what are you trying to say, more than 1 shooter...and whats the rest?

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

I don't disagree with that but I think that politically speaking a man like John Kerry from an elite family that chose to serve his country makes a more credible commander in chief than a born with a silver spoon man baby draft dodger. Speaking as someone who protested the war but have always shown respect to returning Vietnam vets (have been coworkers with a number of them).

was kerry in the action or in the back ground?

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8 hours ago, AlexRich said:

It was the victim’s wife who confirmed that Biden called, but she refused to take the call because her dead husband hated him so much. But the guy her dead husband loved never called. 

and who told you that?

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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

There is a big difference between just not going and not going by paying off a corrupt doctor, dear heart.

how do you 'just not go'? so basically, you admine anyone that decided they didnt want to go for what ever reason or how..just not Trump, thats basically it. you are a trump derangement sufferer, in rhe most gigantic of cases.

Edited by frank83628
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8 hours ago, AlexRich said:


Watch the video of the young Mother explaining what she witnessed, and complaining about people trying to gaslight her. She was there, and she is a Trump supporter. 



you know that if this were a 'maga cultist' claims that you disagreed with, you would be calling them conspiracy loons, etc etc and that tic tok was not credible..strange how things change depending what you believe aye!!

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2 hours ago, BigStar said:

True, the DNC put him in to head off Bernie Sanders, LOL. We might call that a subversion of democracy, no?



But they're left with nothing but the genuine, verifiable fraudsters (Russia hoaxes, phony lawfare, phony impeachments, phony insurrection lies, censorship, attempted bankruptcy, manufactured lawfare, jailing of opposition) often coinciding with DEI bimbos--in what we may call a Venn diagram. Don't you just love them?


So they got little choice but to go with their most successful current crime family with the only chance of being elected. That chance has been receding rapidly with Biden's implosion, partly because of age, as voters seem to have come around to De Santis' memorable view the other night that “America cannot afford four more years of a Weekend at Bernie's presidency."


But more than Biden's implosion is simply that many voters realize that the old talking points used incessantly against Trump really were just political lies (duly repeated here, by the gullible), no longer believable--and Biden's failed policies are VERY costly.



Then the US simply becomes a criminal organisation masquerading as a democracy. Anyone who knows anything about Trump knows he is corrupt to the core, and the Project 2025 people behind him make you shudder. Enjoy your dystopian nightmare, and let’s hope you don’t upset anyone, because laws won’t matter if anyone who doesn’t like you is higher up the crime rankings than you are. George Orwell was right … he just got his dates wrong. 

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3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

C'mon Stone...Dude gave me nothing to work with...other than a stupid and false retort. What else to bring other than derision🤣


Ok you got me. 

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38 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

you know that if this were a 'maga cultist' claims that you disagreed with, you would be calling them conspiracy loons, etc etc and that tic tok was not credible..strange how things change depending what you believe aye!!

All the witnesses are Trump supporters, which is not surprising. That particular one showed video of the real event, unless of course you think it was made by Disney? She has no idea about who did it and the whys and wherefores, she is just relaying what she saw, showing the video … and asking people to stop trying to gaslight her about how she was mistaken. 

And the strangest thing is she is not a lone witness. There’s another on record talking about the shots taken from the water tower and the fence. It is still early days … so much more to come out. 

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9 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

All the witnesses are Trump supporters, which is not surprising. That particular one showed video of the real event, unless of course you think it was made by Disney? She has no idea about who did it and the whys and wherefores, she is just relaying what she saw, showing the video … and asking people to stop trying to gaslight her about how she was mistaken. 

And the strangest thing is she is not a lone witness. There’s another on record talking about the shots taken from the water tower and the fence. It is still early days … so much more to come out. 


Maybe it was the same guy who shot JFK who sat on the water tower.

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1 hour ago, frank83628 said:

 so what are you saying, there was more than 1 shooter, but the media are coving it up?  is that not a 'conspiracy' as you guys are so quick to accuse maga of? 


what are you trying to say, more than 1 shooter...and whats the rest?

What I’m saying is that it didn’t go down the way it is being told in the media, and from the Trump crowd. 

The “rest” will take time to surface. We know nothing about the “alleged” shooter Crooks, and have no idea how he managed to walk with a rifle into that area undetected, or what led him to be there? No one has seen Trump’s ear injury post shooting … why is that? Given that he’s beefing accused of using fake blood the ear reveal would be the easiest way to shut up his critics. But he’s too shy to do so? 

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8 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

What I’m saying is that it didn’t go down the way it is being told in the media, and from the Trump crowd. 

The “rest” will take time to surface. We know nothing about the “alleged” shooter Crooks, and have no idea how he managed to walk with a rifle into that area undetected, or what led him to be there? No one has seen Trump’s ear injury post shooting … why is that? Given that he’s being accused of using fake blood the ear reveal would be the easiest way to shut up his critics. But he’s too shy to do so? 

Auto-correct changed being to beefing? 

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3 hours ago, candide said:

More ridiculous trolling from you....

I find it amusing that anyone from France or Germany would talk about dictatorship in the USA

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10 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

What I’m saying is that it didn’t go down the way it is being told in the media, and from the Trump crowd. 

The “rest” will take time to surface. We know nothing about the “alleged” shooter Crooks, and have no idea how he managed to walk with a rifle into that area undetected, or what led him to be there? No one has seen Trump’s ear injury post shooting … why is that? Given that he’s beefing accused of using fake blood the ear reveal would be the easiest way to shut up his critics. But he’s too shy to do so? 

Some kids are fatherless and some woman a widow and you spout utter nonsense. What a disgrace.

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


Then the US simply becomes a criminal organisation masquerading as a democracy. Anyone who knows anything about Trump knows he is corrupt to the core, and the Project 2025 people behind him make you shudder. Enjoy your dystopian nightmare, and let’s hope you don’t upset anyone, because laws won’t matter if anyone who doesn’t like you is higher up the crime rankings than you are. George Orwell was right … he just got his dates wrong. 


Just like you with the Trump golf cart.

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


Then the US simply becomes a criminal organisation masquerading as a democracy. Anyone who knows anything about Trump knows he is corrupt to the core, and the Project 2025 people behind him make you shudder. Enjoy your dystopian nightmare, and let’s hope you don’t upset anyone, because laws won’t matter if anyone who doesn’t like you is higher up the crime rankings than you are. George Orwell was right … he just got his dates wrong. 

You havent read Project 2025 have you? Too busy see MAGA conspiracies behind every bush?

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1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


Then the US simply becomes a criminal organisation masquerading as a democracy. Anyone who knows anything about Trump knows he is corrupt to the core, and the Project 2025 people behind him make you shudder. Enjoy your dystopian nightmare, and let’s hope you don’t upset anyone, because laws won’t matter if anyone who doesn’t like you is higher up the crime rankings than you are. George Orwell was right … he just got his dates wrong. 

Pot calling anyone.

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28 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Some kids are fatherless and some woman a widow and you spout utter nonsense. What a disgrace.


And you don't care about them anymore than Trump does. 



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One thing I do not understand is why so many here on TV seem to become so emotionally invested in the upcoming US election of Trump vs Somebody.


For example, I had thought that most people on TV were living in Thailand, and Thailand is on the other side of the world from Washington DC.

I really do not care what happens in November.

Either Trump will win, or Trump will win.

And, either way, I am already now way past caring.


Some people say that Trump's reelection might lead to some global catastrophe, such as a WW3-induced Human Extinction event.

If this were to happen, I doubt that Trump would be entirely the cause.

I also doubt that Trump will single-handedly significantly increase the speed and onset of Global Warming to the extent that we will reach 3 degrees C much before we would have without Trump.

Global Warming, to 3 degrees C above the postindustrial baseline is inevitable.

Therefore, I am not really worried about Trump, who is just a small fry, and not even a french fry, by comparison.


Do you really think Trump is so powerful that he can destroy the world?

I do not.



What, me worry?



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3 hours ago, AlexRich said:

What I’m saying is that it didn’t go down the way it is being told in the media, and from the Trump crowd.


i saw a video earlier this morning showing the gable roof a few people mentioned to me on here. i had only seen an overhead pic. in the video some witnesses had zoomed in on the shooter laying on the roof crawling up. many people pointed it out etc screaming all that. 


the roof pitch is pathetic. barely a pitch. 150 meters from trump. 


i don't know what to make of all this. so many issues in the details. so many questions for me now. not sure i agree with your stance yet..... but me thinks something stanks more than my amazing cannabis. 


disclaimer....i wasn't a trumpite fan before the shooting either. 

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50 minutes ago, stoner said:


i saw a video earlier this morning showing the gable roof a few people mentioned to me on here. i had only seen an overhead pic. in the video some witnesses had zoomed in on the shooter laying on the roof crawling up. many people pointed it out etc screaming all that. 


the roof pitch is pathetic. barely a pitch. 150 meters from trump. 


i don't know what to make of all this. so many issues in the details. so many questions for me now. not sure i agree with your stance yet..... but me thinks something stanks more than my amazing cannabis. 


disclaimer....i wasn't a trumpite fan before the shooting either. 

There are many questions that need answered.


The UK Daily Mail reported that Crooks went to the firing range that day, but didn’t return home as expected. His father called the Police to report his son missing. It doesn’t say when he called but I can’t imagine it was many hours after he expected him to return. 

And how strange to call the Police about a 20 year old man who is only a few hours late? 


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12 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

There are many questions that need answered.


The UK Daily Mail reported that Crooks went to the firing range that day, but didn’t return home as expected. His father called the Police to report his son missing. It doesn’t say when he called but I can’t imagine it was many hours after he expected him to return. 

And how strange to call the Police about a 20 year old man who is only a few hours late? 



sorry i doubted you before oh great one :)


but seriously we might not agree on exactly what happened however too many huh and what moments already. illogical things. things that never happen. lame excuses. the list goes on and on. 


fortunately we have zapruters everywhere now... and for once it may actually help. 


a 20 year old weakling with 0 training or anything about anything. managed to bypass all the law enforcement in the area. even thought he was spotted at the door with a range finder - another huh moment for me. would a 20 year old with 0 training even know how to use one of those things in the context of what i am supposed to swallow. that he was scouting the area and knew what distances meant in relation to the stages. etc etc etc. for the shots he made. well call me stupid for doubting that.


the video of him on the roof i simply cannot swallow with the bs reasons given. grand failures of that scale simply do not ever happen within the secret service. buddy was like a tortoise crossing the road on a sunday morning with dozens of people going hey look over there.


ohhhhhh he went to the shooting range....... oh im sorry i thought i was firing at that son of a bitch kennedy.   



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