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Man Kills 2-Month-Old baby in Thailand, After Mother Refuses Sex


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1 minute ago, bob smith said:

stop being an apologist for thai people.



Nothing of the sort, you said..."Just lovely these Thais"..

Which is a blanket assertion....Get your head out your a___...:ermm:

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5 hours ago, jcmj said:

This is exactly why we need to have the execution laws back in place and enforced. This guy certainly deserves the punishment. RIP little one 

Agree, the animal needs to die. 


Give me a loaded gun, I will blow the bastards head off. 


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22 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   Could you use words to explain,  rather than just pictures ?

In Thailand they include the children of migrant workers who were born in the country, and the nine indigenous hill tribes such as the Akha, Karen, Hmong, Lahu and Lisu who are believed to have migrated from China, Laos and Myanmar centuries ago.

Their status means they have limited work options, they are barred from voting, travelling outside their province, and from buying land. They cannot receive welfare benefits.

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3 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:


In Thailand they include the children of migrant workers who were born in the country, and the nine indigenous hill tribes such as the Akha, Karen, Hmong, Lahu and Lisu who are believed to have migrated from China, Laos and Myanmar centuries ago.

Their status means they have limited work options, they are barred from voting, travelling outside their province, and from buying land. They cannot receive welfare benefits.


   Yes, those are the people without full Thai I.D.

There are also some of those tribes people with full Thai I.D.

Children born to those hill tribe migrants  can get Thai I.D when they get older as long as they meet certain conditions .

   Some Hmong have full Thai I.D and others don't .


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6 hours ago, Aleksey75 said:

Even without war in this part of the world, people are going crazy... Why can they think that everything they want, can arrive at them immediately... No logic, no education...

Your last two words lead to horrific problems here.

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12 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

In the past years by reading all kind of news like this i am wondering if something wrong in the brains of Thai people.. It is not that it are incidents anymore, but it seems to be a part of their life.. It seems that everything is allowed to do if they want sex or money.........How can you normalize and get rid of this kind of behavior?? Even if they should give him a life sentence or deathpenalty, tomorrow someone else will do something like that.. raping their kids or grandchildren, hitting them not normal for minor offences, killing mothers and fathers because of.... I don't know it anymore


In the meantime when I was writing this another incident:




The government is responsible for this !

I come and lived here for over 30 years. All that time I saw nothing else than violent series on TV... EVERY SINGLE DAY !  For Thai people it's not fiction, but part of daily life....

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12 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

In the past years by reading all kind of news like this i am wondering if something wrong in the brains of Thai people.. It is not that it are incidents anymore, but it seems to be a part of their life.. It seems that everything is allowed to do if they want sex or money.........How can you normalize and get rid of this kind of behavior?? Even if they should give him a life sentence or deathpenalty, tomorrow someone else will do something like that.. raping their kids or grandchildren, hitting them not normal for minor offences, killing mothers and fathers because of.... I don't know it anymore


In the meantime when I was writing this another incident:



So you're looking to single out Thai people for what reason? Do you think this stuff doesn't happen anywhere else? It happens everywhere, your country, my country, why are you oblivious to that? I'm wondering if there's something wrong in your brain. "All kind of news like this" comes from an Asian news source aseannow.com, Thaiger, Bangkok News, which mainly cover Asian news, duh. You are drawing erroneous conclusions because you do not seek and find the big picture, the world picture, world news. On the other side of the coin, Asian news gets little coverage from media in other countries. Go to yahoo.com, huffpost.com. AP, CNN, Al Jazeera,  and read what happens in the rest of the world. It's all the same, only more so in the west. There was just an assassination attempt against a US former president last week. Did you hear about that? There have been several mass murders in the past month in the US. Did you know about that? A kid was stabbed 18 times. An old woman was punched in the face as she walked on the sidewalk. No, Thailand doesn't even compare to the violence and murder in the US. You need to get out more. 

Edited by Jonathan Swift
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1 minute ago, Jonathan Swift said:

So you're looking to single out Thai people for what reason? Do you think this stuff doesn't happen anywhere else? It happens everywhere, your country, my country, why are you oblivious to that? I'm wondering if there's something wrong in your brain. "All kind of news like this" comes from an Asian news source which mainly covers Asian news, duh. You are drawing erroneous conclusions because you do not seek and find the big picture, the world picture. On the other side of the coin, Asian news gets little coverage from media in other countries. Go to yahoo.com, huffpost.com. AP, CNN, Al Jazeera,  and read what happens in the rest of the world. It's all the same, only more so in the west. 

20 years ago i was on holiday in Nakhon Sawan province and in the morning about 11 o'clock, my  Thai friend and I were eating in a small restaurant chicken with rice and noodlesoup. In the back there was kid not older than 2 years and crying. The grandfather told the kid to stop crying, but as it could not talk of course, he said it again. But the kid cried and he took a thin bamboo stick and hit the kid 5 or times with it, not softly and I stood up and wanted to give that a kind of the same with that stick, but my Thai friend told me not to interfere as it was Thai custom, just normal.. I never went back ever to eat there.. So I don't know from which country you are but in my country this is surely not normal

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11 hours ago, john donson said:

effective death sentence.but whiners will say it is inhumane

The big problem with the death penalty is that it is so difficult to retroactively overturn once incorrectly carried out.

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

she was outside collecting diapers when Mr. Lee forcibly entered her home. He threatened her, saying he would kill the baby if she did not comply with his demands for sex

Sadly respect and consent are not taught in Thai schools. 


It needs to change. 







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3 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   So no Australians ever commit rape ?

Where did I say that? 


I'm saying Thai boys/men are never taught SEXUAL CONSENT. 


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20 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Max sentence here is 20yrs for murder, and as he has admitted guilt that ridicules rule Thailand has 50% off means he will serve 10yrs  max, could even be less for good behavior. It is time to stop this 50% discount on pleading guilty it's crazy.   

Happens in other countries as well particularly the UK 20 years is about average for murder.

Read recently that in that country they are releasing a lot of prisoners who have served half their sentence as there is no room in the jails for new prisoners.

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22 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

In the past years by reading all kind of news like this i am wondering if something wrong in the brains of Thai people.. It is not that it are incidents anymore, but it seems to be a part of their life.. It seems that everything is allowed to do if they want sex or money.........How can you normalize and get rid of this kind of behavior?? Even if they should give him a life sentence or deathpenalty, tomorrow someone else will do something like that.. raping their kids or grandchildren, hitting them not normal for minor offences, killing mothers and fathers because of.... I don't know it anymore


In the meantime when I was writing this another incident:



I don't believe it is part of every Thai's family life, as you say, I think you can read about incidents like this all over the world in many countries and societies. (thankfully not often) Remember G Floyed? he threatened to shoot an unborn child, and the Americans built a statue of him. I can remember an incident in the UK where a teenage girl was raped by her father, brother, and her grandfather over a period of several months and many, many other incidents that happen every day in western, eastern, African, and Asian countries. Look at the guy with the crossbow in England.

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6 minutes ago, Lopburikid said:

I don't believe it is part of every Thai's family life, as you say, I think you can read about incidents like this all over the world in many countries and societies. (thankfully not often) Remember G Floyed? he threatened to shoot an unborn child, and the Americans built a statue of him. I can remember an incident in the UK where a teenage girl was raped by her father, brother, and her grandfather over a period of several months and many, many other incidents that happen every day in western, eastern, African, and Asian countries. Look at the guy with the crossbow in England.

Incidents yes, but in Thailand it seems to be an every day situation...


Just as today on this form again:




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13 hours ago, MalcolmB said:


My Brit friend and Canadian wife’s kids were born here. They are not Thai.

The Hmong have a different language, culture and different ethnicity and different ID cards, have to report to immigration and have less rights.

who gives a rats ass what nationality he might be ....  it's time for someone to get medievel in him ..  and do it in public ..  long and slow

 and if you can't bear the thought of that sight ..   go watch another program.

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I've always wondered why perps agree to participate in these silly reenactments. The reenactment seems to enjoy an overvalued reputation in Thai police circles. 

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1 hour ago, StevieAus said:

that in that country they are releasing a lot of prisoners who have served half their sentence as there is no room in the jails for new prisoners.

Not for murderers and pleading guilty does not get you an Automatic 50% reduction on your sentence, so your post is mute.

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5 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Incidents yes, but in Thailand it seems to be an every day situation...


Just as today on this form again:




New York a rape every 20 mins it has been said. gang rape every 4 hours, Children missing, London a stabbing every 24 hours, rape every 12 hours, children abuse every day. not 100% but near enough. 15-year-old stabbed to death in broad daylight in London. Paris, Female gang rape in the street by 5 men. These are news items every day.

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22 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

DOnt get me wrong, this is a terrible and in and in sad situation and im NOT protecting the man.

You wonder how a man gets this far. Of course many say shut him up. You are better then?


There are parents leaving kids (babies) behind in cars on a hot summer day, to go shopping. The kids die in real agony and then the parents are sorry and crying and more. You probably will feel sorry for the parents, well im not to put them in prison. They murdered their kid.

They arent better then the Thai man. Lots of people treating their kids way down low and maybe as well with dying at the end.


For instance: how many kids did Israel killed in Gaza? How many kids did Assad kill? Or for that matter Putin or the Korean hitlers?!

In India kids are kidnapped and/or sold to be forced to work in prostitution, really from age 7 or so !.

In Yemen still children are born and slowly die, as there is a war of already 10 years going on.

Women over there will not have much to say and when man wants sex, he will, creating another child, who will die at the end. That is better then?


"My country" bombed a place, killing 70 innocent civilians (on which kids) and many injured. The prime minister got away with it.

He is responsible for that bombing. But no, he is rewarded and is now NATO boss.

Or what about a big country doing sanctions on lands and people, kids are in problems! That is ok?

You slowly kill kids (and of course others), but seems ok for the world.

Daily life, you have a job, married , 3kids. Then the CEO says go away and changes the life you lived, also for your kids. He doesnt care.

It just happens everywhere in the world. That is what we call civilization, it is what humans are.

When the mind is at ease, all could go well, but when the mind pops.? Well anything can happen.

Real sad this happened. Today it is a Thai man, tomorrow an European or whatever, it doesnt matter.

Maybe your wife decides, you cant see your kids anymore after divorce, how you handle it? Watch your brain carefully.

There are so many things going on in the world, you dont even know about it.


So, and now?

You're a pathetic apologist,

and your moralizing whataboutism doesn't change anything about this incident.


"There are so many things going on in the world, you don't even know about it." Lol.


No need for sharing these wisdoms!

It's sufficient if you know it!


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55 minutes ago, Maitdjai said:


So, and now?

You're a pathetic apologist,

and your moralizing whataboutism doesn't change anything about this incident.


"There are so many things going on in the world, you don't even know about it." Lol.


No need for sharing these wisdoms!

It's sufficient if you know it!



Thank you for your compliment. You seemed to be intrigued with what I wrote, as you red it

and had some comment about it, though made with head in the sand.

It is ok if you see it that way, probably your age, ignorance.

The incident happened, very, very sad. Ill hope not anyone would/should have this kind of experience.

So be aware of your brain when it could pop to something real negative.


Im free to share what ever I want (unless it is censored by moderators), you cant tell me.

It made you quit upset, it seems. Sorry, I made you aware and you didnt want to know

You dont have to read it and/or comment about it, just ignore then.


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11 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Where did I say that? 


I'm saying Thai boys/men are never taught SEXUAL CONSENT. 


When I first met my gf, she was recently divorced from a Thai guy, She didn't speak any English, we messaged each other to communicate (google translate) 


Once we were acquainted, not long after meeting her, she slept over my room. 


When we were chatting, I messaged her, saying can we have sex tonight. This was so strange for her, her past boyfriends, all Thai's would never ask for sexual consent, they would demand sex.


After I messaged her she replied saying I was cute.


Omfg, I was cute for asking permission.

This made me angry, asking permission is drummed into Aussie guys and it's something we must do before intercourse. 



I'm so sorry for these poor, beautiful, Thai young women. 😡



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20 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:


Thank you for your compliment. You seemed to be intrigued with what I wrote, as you red it

and had some comment about it, though made with head in the sand.

It is ok if you see it that way, probably your age, ignorance.

The incident happened, very, very sad. Ill hope not anyone would/should have this kind of experience.

So be aware of your brain when it could pop to something real negative.


Im free to share what ever I want (unless it is censored by moderators), you cant tell me.

It made you quit upset, it seems. Sorry, I made you aware and you didnt want to know

You dont have to read it and/or comment about it, just ignore then.


Sure you can share what you want. I can comment on it how I want. And I decide by my self what I ignore, or don't.

What you described, I can see everyday in the news, without "brain plopping", no worries.

I don't know where you lurking around, that you know, what's "real negative". 

The infant "comic" language at the end makes it even more credible. Lol.





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On 7/23/2024 at 12:29 AM, MalcolmB said:

All those years reading and you don’t know that Hmong are NOT Thai people?

You believe that the Thai government doesn't allow Hmong ethnic people to have passports?? They are as Thai as any other ethnic group in the country last time I checked. I don't believe that level of discrimination exists as much as it used to. It's still pretty bad, but nothing like it was in recent history.


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