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The most sensible comment from a politician "I want them to stop dying"

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7 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Where do I start with the lies and and evasions in your post. Aileen Cannon obviously is going to get reversed, she is corrupt. Trump stacked the Supreme Court with conservatives. Faith in that institution is at an all-time low. Introducing presidential immunity is not upholding the Constitution, that's a lie.


There is a formal process for declassification of documents. Trump evaded it, another lie.


Biden's policies have resulted in a stock market at all time highs, unemployment at record lows. He grew GDP, Trump shrank it. Another lie.


You're talking about corruption, when Trump creamed off $240 million from the American taxpayer for the 300 times he played golf during his presidency? Show me where Biden has come within a bull's roar of that scam.


You are just one of the sheeple who think Trump's lies, grievance politics, bigotry and racism are justifiable, as they benefit you somehow. Here's a newsflash, if he gets re-elected he will throw you under the bus, just like he does everyone else. You will have served his purpose.


Zelensky knows Trump supports Putin. He will trust Trump about as far as he trusts Putin to keep his word.


BTW, I am not American. It doesn't take Einstein to understand how much damage Trump is doing to the unity of America.



You are definitely not Einstein after writing that trash.


Somebody with a similar name to Einstein, ie Jeffrey Epstein will be bringing the whole corrupt Democrat cabal to a grinding halt over the coming months.


Kepe drinking the Biden koolaid. It's going to be amusing to see how wrong you are in everything you have said.

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7 minutes ago, sirineou said:

No my friend , you completely missed the point about :dog whistles"

But even your contention that "it was taken out of context"  does not sound correct . So I went to Fox entertainment news, thinking that every other news outlet was biased. and here is what Chicken Don said himself at a fox interview after the event  

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday repeatedly prodded former President Trump over his comments at a conservative Christian summit, where he told attendees they won’t have to vote anymore after November.

Trump did little to push back on the backlash over his remarks, as some Democrats have suggested the former president was saying there would be no more elections if he won. Instead, Trump repeatedly argued his comments were because Christians do not vote in large numbers, and he offhandedly questioned Jewish voters who support Democrats."

Nowhere did he say anything that he  was taken out of context. Not sure how you came up with it. 


He won't be there after four years - vote for him this last time. You are just immersed in confirmation bias.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Many, maybe most, US politicians want more wars. Because more wars mean more money for the industrial military complex. And that means more donations for those politicians.

And if people die in those countries far away, who really cares? 

A small correction. Democratic politicians and those from Rinos want more wars. Trump didn’t start any wars.

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32 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

 You missed the salient point—he was taken completely out of context, and manipulating speech like that is an abuse of journalistic license. 

You can thank Obama for that when he reversed the Smith-Mundt act.

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3 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


He won't be there after four years - vote for him this last time. You are just immersed in confirmation bias.

Are you changing the subject now?

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25 minutes ago, sirineou said:

No my friend , you completely missed the point about :dog whistles"

But even your contention that "it was taken out of context"  does not sound correct . So I went to Fox entertainment news, thinking that every other news outlet was biased. and here is what Chicken Don said himself at a fox interview after the event  

"Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Monday repeatedly prodded former President Trump over his comments at a conservative Christian summit, where he told attendees they won’t have to vote anymore after November.

Trump did little to push back on the backlash over his remarks, as some Democrats have suggested the former president was saying there would be no more elections if he won. Instead, Trump repeatedly argued his comments were because Christians do not vote in large numbers, and he offhandedly questioned Jewish voters who support Democrats."

Nowhere did he say anything that he  was taken out of context. Not sure how you came up with it. 

i also watched the fox clip, they cut to a break right at the time where he mentions the voter ID, i found that a little bit odd to be honest, coming from fox,  coincidence..humm debatable, but certainly missed the key words.


here is the actual live version at 1:00:00 is where he mentions voting and using ID, and then after is where its clipped and used as misinformation.... it's pretty obvious to anyone that isn't suffering with a certain D.syndrome


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50 minutes ago, rasg said:

A small correction. Democratic politicians and those from Rinos want more wars. Trump didn’t start any wars.

Please remind me, to which party does the Bush family belong to?


It's good that Trump didn't start any war until now. But in case he will be president again, what do you think he will do with Israel?

Will he stop all weapon deliveries to them?

Or will he send and finance weapons for billions to that country like any other president before him? 

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Just now, RayC said:


As I stated previously, the "dude" was elected on a pro-Western platform, so the Ukrainian electorate expected him to implement that mandate.


Why don't you address my argument directly rather than spout the same old tired anti-US, pro- Russian propaganda?


It's a rhetorical question: It's quite clear that you cannot.

He's another Putin fanboy...........🤕

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you are going to use Chamberlain as an example try to get it right. Had Britain gone to war then they were hopelessly unprepared and would likely have been completely defeated. The letter gave Churchill time to prepare and even though the British army in France was thrashed by the Germans, the airforce was able to save the mainland from invasion.


That is very debatable.


Firstly, the extra year also gave Germany more time to develop its' armaments. Secondly, no one in 1938 or '39 - even the German High Command - thought that France and the Low Countries would capitulate so quickly. Thirdly, invading the UK would not have been easy as we had naval superiority. If an invasion were to be successful then the Luftwaffe would have had to lay the groundwork by nullifying the Royal Navy's advantage by establishing superiority in the air. As the Battle of Britain later showed, this didn't happen and there is no reason to think that it would have been any different in 1938.

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52 minutes ago, RayC said:


As I stated previously, the "dude" was elected on a pro-Western platform, so the Ukrainian electorate expected him to implement that mandate.


Why don't you address my argument directly rather than spout the same old tired anti-US, pro- Russian propaganda?


It's a rhetorical question: It's quite clear that you cannot.

as you have repeated based on the western version you have read!

it would seem that links from pro Russian outlets are deemed 'not credible' so it is very hard to have a proper debate and counter arguments when 1 side isn't allowed to speak. so i really can't be arsed.

unverified MSM lies, misinformation, and outright propaganda is ok.

Edited by frank83628
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23 hours ago, atpeace said:

Well people from even the recent past would marvel in how easy we have it.  My life is incredible and only experience the above when a pet dies.  There are so many wonderful things the world as a whole has experienced the last 50 years even with the small conflicts ( compared to the past).  It's so easy to live in this world and I have little materially compared too many.  

And that complacence at having  enjoyed the cream off the milk is the basis of the problems across the board in Western societies and the regimes that live of them.

Beyond your comprehension is that there are those where a "pet" never was other than  food so the only regret about  it's death was it was the last !


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On 7/29/2024 at 3:47 PM, MalcolmB said:

Latest photos show his ear is completely healed. 

So unlikely a gun shot wound as he claimed. More likely scratched himself as he ducked for cover.


Gun shot wound is about as believable as his foot spurs to avoid serving for his country.


Most likely a small surgical repair with some kind of plastic compound - they have some very good stuff for that now - the bullet made just a small nick but ears do bleed a lot.

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13 minutes ago, RayC said:


Ah, that old chestnut. When all else fails roll out the bias MSM line. 

not at all, but if one cannot add links from certain outlets, then all that is left is the western version of events. hardly a discussion is it. whats the point.


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1 hour ago, 0ffshore360 said:

And that complacence at having  enjoyed the cream off the milk is the basis of the problems across the board in Western societies and the regimes that live of them.

Beyond your comprehension is that there are those where a "pet" never was other than  food so the only regret about  it's death was it was the last !


Drinking? what are you "trying" to tell me "wise one'.    Strange post  but it did make me smile - try again without trying so hard.  I think there is a message in the above and I don't think it is my lack of comprehension that is the issue.  

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19 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

not at all, but if one cannot add links from certain outlets, then all that is left is the western version of events. hardly a discussion is it. whats the point.



What are the names of these outlets? I'll look for myself.

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11 hours ago, luckymitchell said:

Because the MIC wants its profits

And Europe can't say no, we will deal with it this time? That would be refreshing instead of relying on the MIC.

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5 hours ago, Lacessit said:

AFAIK it is Trump who has the associations with Epstein, who is on record as saying Donald likes them young.


Your posts have already demonstrated you are a liar, don't need to talk with you further. Goodbye.

On record where? The toilet wall in Grand Central Station? Trump was a buddy of Epstein many years ago and Trump invited him to Maralago. He found Epstein hitting on a young cute member of staff and they ceased to be friends. 

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5 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Please remind me, to which party does the Bush family belong to?


It's good that Trump didn't start any war until now. But in case he will be president again, what do you think he will do with Israel?

Will he stop all weapon deliveries to them?

Or will he send and finance weapons for billions to that country like any other president before him? 

Bush is a member of the Uni party so he is Republican when it suits him and a stone cold leftie when it doesn't.

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3 hours ago, RayC said:


So you resort to insults when you realise that your argument has more holes than a string vest. 


Me uninformed? You do realise that Nuland was the US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia Affairs, don't you? Why then should it come as a surprise that Nuland was ... err ... taking an interest in European matters and was actually seen on the European continent?


You know nothing other than parroting the Kremlin's line.

Maybe you should listen to the leaked phone call where Nuland is choosing who the next Ukrainian President shall be? It's out there on the web if you choose to look.

Edited by rasg
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45 minutes ago, rasg said:

Maybe you should listen to the leaked phone call where Nuland is choosing who the next Ukrainian President shall be? It's out there on the web if you choose to look.


You mean this?




That the US had a preference for who should become President of Ukraine is hardly news. Russia also had its' own ideas about what should happen in Ukraine. From the same article: Sergei Glazyev stated that Russia" ... 'must interfere in Ukraine' and the authorities there should use force against the demonstrators". 


The transcript doesn't refute my proposition that the catalyst for the Maidan Uprising was Yanukovych's refusal to enact the mandate on which he was elected and sign the EU-Ukraine Agreement. Russia refused to accept that Yanukovych's removal was justified and legitimate and she has escalated the conflict ever since.

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1 hour ago, RayC said:


You mean this?




That the US had a preference for who should become President of Ukraine is hardly news. Russia also had its' own ideas about what should happen in Ukraine. From the same article: Sergei Glazyev stated that Russia" ... 'must interfere in Ukraine' and the authorities there should use force against the demonstrators". 


The transcript doesn't refute my proposition that the catalyst for the Maidan Uprising was Yanukovych's refusal to enact the mandate on which he was elected and sign the EU-Ukraine Agreement. Russia refused to accept that Yanukovych's removal was justified and legitimate and she has escalated the conflict ever since.

It wasn't justified at all. The US have been meddling in affairs in other countries where they think it strategically right to do so. That means those where they can make the most money and Ukraine has been the money laundering capital of the world for years.

If they poke Russia and provoke a response they are fine with it.

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