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Trump and Harris in Debate Showdown Dispute

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2 minutes ago, Tug said:

Well there’s the fact that trump wants it done at one of his rallies so he can add all his screaming minions to intimidate and disrupt there’s that.If I recall the previous arrangement was no audience and factcheck in close to real time.thats what he’s terrified of it’s obvious 

Which Trump agreed to immediately.


Why is Kamala terrified of having a crowd and having to do her own fact checking? 


Is she intimidated by Trump and not smart enough to remember fact from fiction? 


She’s afraid to debate Trump without leftist moderators to save her, huh?


Seems like Trump was not afraid to be interviewed by black journalists, you Kamala was a no-show. 


Kamala is out of her depth any time she has to go off script. 

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DT doesn't debate, he just does his usual prattle of insults, deprecations and lies, pivots from questions, dodges any sort of blame, and is the perpetual victim.  He can't use medical excuses as he's to much of macho man to be sick, even though he obviously has a lot to hide in this regard, e.g. his continued questions to others about HPV.


So this (maybe) billionaire addresses the public and tells them to send him even more money, which is actually funny.  The weird thing is people ACTUALLY DO, in the millions!  I guess him knowing he can pull off such a thing gives him a sense of power.  But it does seem his followers for the most part DO have enough sense to not do another 1/6 -type event, seeing as how he let them sit in jail and not pardon them; all his "calling for" support at his various trials hasn't been met with what he wanted. 

He knows he's going to lose, it's time to start planning for the next round of stolen election claims.  I don't expect Biden to do this, but he should bring in a REAL Attorney General, sleeping on the job should be reserves for Congress members.


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22 hours ago, Tug said:

Donald is obviously scared unless he can control the questions and network come on trump scared to face a prosecutor ehh seems every time you do you lose!

Did Donald control the questions with Biden.  Your low IQ.  Hope you know it.  Trump had not debates set up with Harris.  Only Biden.  He is not under obligation to debate Harris under Biden rules.  Hell, I am not afraid to debate Harris.  I would ask how why she took credit for Insulin at $35 when Biden already did.  Plus Trump was the one who started the process.  Trump will debate Harris, but for once the Left should not get everything as they want and not try to trap Trump like they did at the Black Journalist gig.  This was a set up.   But you leftist never want to be fair.  Trump HAS BEEN A SUCCESSFUL PRESIDENT.  What has Harris done?  NOTHING.

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On 8/5/2024 at 5:34 AM, Tug said:

Donald is obviously scared unless he can control the questions and network come on trump scared to face a prosecutor ehh seems every time you do you lose!

As debates ensue as to what’s driving the selloff, Moore pointed out the "interesting" timing of Kamala Harris rising in the polls and the drop in the markets.

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It is essential that Harris agree to a debate in a hostile environment like Fox. It would be a show of strength and courage, and that's needed at this point. I would also encourage her to do something similar to what Trump did with the black journalist conference and take interviews in hostile venues. Again that would be a show of strength, and it is likely she would not fail as spectacularly As Trump did at that conference.


Otherwise she just simply looks like she's covering her butt and playing it way too safe. Be courageous Harris! 

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20 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It is essential that Harris agree to a debate in a hostile environment like Fox. It would be a show of strength and courage, and that's needed at this point. I would also encourage her to do something similar to what Trump did with the black journalist conference and take interviews in hostile venues. Again that would be a show of strength, and it is likely she would not fail as spectacularly As Trump did at that conference.


Otherwise she just simply looks like she's covering her butt and playing it way too safe. Be courageous Harris! 

I suspect she would on Fox just  don’t think trying to debate in the mosh pit of a trump rally is a good idea.


5 hours ago, Skipalongcassidy said:

As debates ensue as to what’s driving the selloff, Moore pointed out the "interesting" timing of Kamala Harris rising in the polls and the drop in the markets.

Yea lmao 🤣 it’s all Kamala’s fault ho boy now that’s just ridiculous!

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

I suspect she would on Fox just  don’t think trying to debate in the mosh pit of a trump rally is a good idea.


Yea lmao 🤣 it’s all Kamala’s fault ho boy now that’s just ridiculous!

Yeah I agree, they won't give any credit for driving up the markets, but they'll sure attempt to blame someone when the markets drop. We just have to recognize nonsensical claims for exactly what they are, total nonsense, and complete fabrications. And desperate flailing. 

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23 hours ago, placnx said:

Why not have it a joint Fox & ABC debate, with one moderator from each network? Also, there should be a truth meter at the bottom of the screen.

If you are going to have a truth meter at the bottom of the screen why not add a BS detector as well, though it may be broken after Trump's first response. Perhaps 50 may be needed to replace the broken ones.BSdetector.png.64c261ed7e5737cbdc67afa0d997099c.png

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

It is essential that Harris agree to a debate in a hostile environment like Fox. It would be a show of strength and courage, and that's needed at this point. I would also encourage her to do something similar to what Trump did with the black journalist conference and take interviews in hostile venues. Again that would be a show of strength, and it is likely she would not fail as spectacularly As Trump did at that conference.


Otherwise she just simply looks like she's covering her butt and playing it way too safe. Be courageous Harris! 

Why do you think Kamala did not show up at the black journalists conference?


I doubt very much she has any interest is being forced to speak spontaneously. 


I think she would do very well in a debate against Trump. 

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:

Why do you think Kamala did not show up at the black journalists conference?


I doubt very much she has any interest is being forced to speak spontaneously. 


I think she would do very well in a debate against Trump. 

I do too. I think she would dissect him intellectually like a corner at an autopsy, and humiliate him to no end. All one really has to do with that situation is call him out on his lies with facts. 

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On 8/5/2024 at 5:34 AM, Tug said:

Donald is obviously scared unless he can control the questions and network come on trump scared to face a prosecutor ehh seems every time you do you lose!

the debate should take place the "DAY AFTER"  the dem national convention ..  so we know exactly who the idiot left is nominating.

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Thaibeachlovers is 100% correct in his asseccment of my coments.Slurs,name calling insults and childish comments will not win an election.However,I assume he is a Trump supporter and a sycophant,yet Trump supporters applaud Trumps constant insults,name calling, lying and childish comments as though he is a new version of the "BARD" and they think he will win.

None so blind as HE who will not see!

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On 8/5/2024 at 2:52 PM, spidermike007 said:

Harris IQ is likely around 140

This is why Trump should and WILL destroy Harris in any debate anywhere, as she espouses her deep mythical star gazing insight (refer to attached X link) into the economic woes currently plaguing the country, refer to recent stock market drops based on fear of a recession in America thanks to feckless Bidenomics. Harris, IQ-140 ....lol! YOu are merely gaslighting, aren't you!


Bigger question is why Harris has not given an interview, taken any questions from the media since becoming the nominee after the dems turfed Biden from the ticket on how she has fixed/created the border security and immigration disaster, or how she plans to fix the current admins failed policies? Whats her running platform, what can she offer at the policy level?  She's hiding due to innate fear of being exposed and eviscerated in Biden like fashion at the recent CNN debate. What exactly can Harris claim as a positive accomplishment during her VP term? Suppose she can revert back to Trump is Hitler, a felon, lol....she's hooped and she knows it. She's gonna do a Biden basement campaign and get laughed out of her feckless existence.




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51 minutes ago, illisdean said:

Bigger question is why Harris has not given an interview, taken any questions from the media since becoming the nominee after the dems turfed Biden from the ticket


She doesn't want to give the Dem Elite an excuse to throw her under the bus at the DNC Convention.  Better to keep her mouth shut and let people think she's a idiot, than to open her mouth and prove that she is. 


She's incapable of expressing a lucid thought without someone else writing it for her.  If she screws up before the Convention, they could pull her as easily as they pulled Biden.


I'm still looking for an HRC surprise.  You know, to save democracy.


Edit:  My biggest fear is that they'd offer her a consolation prize to smooth things over.  The next Supreme Court opening.


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