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trump folds and agrees to Kamala Harris debate demands,

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On 8/9/2024 at 7:07 AM, susanlea said:

Reuters says Trump wants 3

Kamala commited to 1 so far


Is Kamala chicken?

Ha! No, … smart. I await to view Trump’s behavior. Thinking he will be true to himself further driving swing voters away from him and his ilk.

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1 hour ago, Ultrathai said:

Trump wants Harris to come out and say what her policies are so he can explain to the voters how ridiculous she is.   But Harris will not say what her policies are.

I doubt he is capable of that. This is more his style:




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3 hours ago, Luuk Chaai said:


it's amazing how many "thin skinned people there are"

Live 1 day as a New Yorker..   and you would explode 

Mommy..   he talked bad ,,   so ?   tell him to go F*** off


He gets the job done.....  with no wars !

He got the job done with COVID, alright. Over 1 million Americans dead. Nobody knows how many of those deaths were caused by Trump putting the economy above public safety. He even put his own security detail at risk.


His malign influence is still evident, red states lead blue in terms of COVID deaths.

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

His campaign is floundering. He and Vance are desperately trying to reclaim the limelight. He hopes he can regain some momentum. His fundraising is not going well. He just cannot seem to get much traction. It would appear that Trump fatigue is setting in. 

I agree. People are sick of Trump and his chaotic antics, they want a return to normalcy.

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3 hours ago, Ultrathai said:

What makes Trump's policies ridiculous?  He believes in peace through strength.   He had no wars, remember?


I believe that his ridiculous trade war with China started this entire inflationary cycle, do you remember how much it jacked prices throughout the US for farmers and many others? It also caused disruptions in the supply chain, and in reality he could have been the architect of the current inflationary cycle. I could name many other inane policies. 

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Do you ever have anything to say about Trump other than silly insults? Can't say I remember anything that made sense.

You may interpret them as silly insults, but many others would interpret them as just simply speaking truth, and saying it like I see it. Alot of Trump supporters don't like to hear him being criticized. 

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On 8/9/2024 at 7:55 AM, susanlea said:

He wins every debate. You lefties are funny. You hated Harris 3 months ago.

     Much as it pains me to type this--and it does pain me--you are semi-correct.  Incorrect regarding Trump winning the 'debate'.  Likely correct that Trump will win the talent portion of the Sept. 10th beauty pagent.

    His 'talent', of course, is the endless litany of outright lies, half-truths, distortions, exaggertions, and insults that he will be entertaining the audience with.  Note, not the debate judges, but the Great Unwashed viewing at home. 

   Not for Trump actually answering a debate question.  What does that get him except likely a loss with both his 'debate' answer and a loss by the bored viewers at home switching to something else to watch.  Best example?  His non-answer, not once but twice, to the child care question in the first 'debate' with Biden.  Is the plight of child care entertaining?  Not in the least.  So, no answer twice and instead, an entertaining part of his stump speech inserted to keep the viewers entertained.

     Oh, to hark back to the days of actual debates, before Trump came on the scene.  When the candidates soberly answered the questions put to them in a mostly intelligent and reasoned discussion of the issues.  Trump has destroyed all that.  And, shame on the 'debate' moderators for allowing him to run amok unchecked.

     It's interesting that there was one article I saw after the last 'debate' that gave Trump a grade of 'F'.  That, however, was marking his debate performance, and it was largely lost in the tidal wave of articles having him winning the evening otherwise.  

    I don't envy Harris.   How do you debate someone who is not debating but, intstead, entertaining the viewing audience with his greatest hits from his campaign stump?   If she actually answers the debate questions but Trump does his same debate 1 performance, will she get a winning debate grade but, once again, Trump wins on entertainment value with the public?   

     In the article I mentioned above, Biden was given a debate mark of either D or D-, I forget.  So, technically, he actually won the debate over Trump's even worse debate mark, a dismal 'F'.   But, a lot of good that did him in the world of 2024 Trump 'debating' vs., say, a debate from the Obama-Romney era.

      Likely the same fate awaits Harris if she sticks to actually debating.  I suggested in a post on another thread that she fight fire with fire.  She needs to ditch boring debate statistics and agressively counter whatever Trump spouts, even if it does not remotely relate to the debate question asked.   In this upcoming September 10th 'debate'/beauty pagent, if she's named Miss Congeniality, she's lost.

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7 hours ago, Luuk Chaai said:


it's amazing how many "thin skinned people there are"

Live 1 day as a New Yorker..   and you would explode 

Mommy..   he talked bad ,,   so ?   tell him to go F*** off


He gets the job done.....  with no wars !

This asshat is supposed to represent ALL the US. A president's words MATTER. He is a blatant liar, but his latest whopper was how he had to make an emergency landing in a helicopter with the former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.


Who's the old guy with dimentia NOW?


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Give him credit for crude falling to minus -$40 pee barrel also?

From the time he entered office till he left gas prices was rising every year when he left no one was moving so fuel not needed but if you want to claim low gas prices because of world shutdown claim the whole covid scenario. 

Your candidate is so shallow every move in Dow Jones upwards it was me me me.

Stock market not done so bad under Democrats sound of silence?

When Biden gave stimulus checks his first priority was not to try and put his name on checks no side is perfect but the hypocrisy of Donald is overpowering. 

He only wants debate now because he is desperate and behind. 

His excuse for not going to the Republican debate I'm so far ahead I don't need to.

He could have used it as a showcase to tell the whole of USA what he would do for the working men and women. 

How his economic plan of how the tax cuts to the 1% would pay for itself ( maybe he will miss that part)

How he would stop nepotism from anyone in government enriching

themselves both parties ( Jared ivanka you listening)

So much he could have said because I need a good laugh 

Perhaps he can even read a few chapters of his favourite book the bible 

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10 minutes ago, luckymitchell said:

The mainstream media covering for her like they did  Joe BidenMessenger_creation_89f45a1e-1bf3-4969-9f64-db6fce56fa75.jpeg


For the love of gawd, she just found out she was officially running.

She's not hiding in a pool of dimentia like her opponent.

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27 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:


For the love of gawd, she just found out she was officially running.

She's not hiding in a pool of dimentia like her opponent.

Do you not see the difference in reporting and how the media is just constantly moving the goalposts, or flat out lying. even on this site.

 when trump wants to cancel a debate he is attacked, saying 'he's scared to debate her', even though he just wanted to change the date.

He agrees to a debate and then 'he's folded' implying weakness 

He has now apparently agreed to 3 or 4, Harris only 1, but no headlines of her being scared or weak, and your defense of this is  'she only just found out she was running'. Pretty sure its been nearly 3 weeks, that's a long time in political terms.

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2 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

This asshat is supposed to represent ALL the US. A president's words MATTER. He is a blatant liar, but his latest whopper was how he had to make an emergency landing in a helicopter with the former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.


Who's the old guy with dimentia NOW?


When Biden recently claimed he had saved 6 peoples lives while a life guard, was he fact checked or scrutinisee by the MSM?. 

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4 minutes ago, luckymitchell said:

When Biden recently claimed he had saved 6 peoples lives while a life guard, was he fact checked or scrutinisee by the MSM?. 



How would they fact check something like that....unless, at the time, a local rag happened to report it.


A helicopter crash landing with Trump and Willie Brown aboard would have been major news.....


Trump definitely lied....Biden may have, but there is no way of telling.

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22 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Trump definitely lied....Biden may have, but there is no way of telling.

Trump was in a helicopter "crash", only it was not with Willie Brown, it was with another black guy:



For those that cannot read the article, the comment from Willie Brown is just great:


"Asked if Mr. Trump might have confused the two California politicians because they are both Black, Mr. Brown said, “I wouldn’t want to conclude that he can’t tell Black people apart, because I’d hate for him to think that I’m Beyoncé.”"

Edited by farang51
Spelling error
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Compared to Vance, Walz is a hero and an elegant man.

Jesse Ventura calls out the  slouch for criticizing a fellow vet. After all, he shot photos, not rifles. Yet you would think he was a war hero, with all his false bluster.


Jesse Ventura calls JD Vance's criticism of Walz military record ‘despicable’



Tell it exactly like it is Jesse.

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2 hours ago, luckymitchell said:


do you really think he stepped down of his own accord... after saying he wasn't just a week previously.

They ousted him after it was no longer possible to cover for his obvious decline



...and quite right. His time was up.


In the UK we say the men in grey suits want have a word.....it's time to go.


A smart move as the polls testify.


There must be, I hope, for the Republicans sake, some of their own 'men in grey suits' buckling up to speak to Mr Trump.






Edited by Will B Good
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It is amazing how some of you have just turned on a dime from Biden to kamala, without an ounce of loyality. seems you guys will step on, or over anyone just to beat Trump and keep power, and you lot have the audacity to call conservatives all trump cult members. at least they are loyal to trump. If DJT was not on the Rep ticket  they would lose 80m votes. you have all been programmed and cannot see it

do any of you have your own thoughts on who should be the dem candidate, or the next president?  You guys are ready to accept a woman that nobody voted for and a VP that was selected and don't even bat an eyelid... that is just 'weird'

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Posts using derogatory and toxic nicknames or intentional misspelling of people’s names will be removed. If you don’t want your post to be removed, spell people’s names correctly, this applies to both sides of the political debate.

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