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Another Landslide in Phuket! Nine Houses Buried, Residents Flee in Panic


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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

So the real question is who is at fault here? Is is the planning department, is it the department that issued a license to cut down the trees, or is it the officials who did not prevent the trees from being cut down? 


Phuket is a very rainy area it's notorious for having heavy rainfall so something like this could have and should have been easily anticipated. 


Why was it not foreseen?

Pure sloth?

Pure greed?

Or total negligence? 

All three. 

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7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

So the real question is who is at fault here? Is is the planning department, is it the department that issued a license to cut down the trees, or is it the officials who did not prevent the trees from being cut down? 


Phuket is a very rainy area it's notorious for having heavy rainfall so something like this could have and should have been easily anticipated. 


Why was it not foreseen?

Pure sloth?

Pure greed?

Or total negligence? 

All three in my estimation. The idea of removing the trees and then the land slides, it has already happened, so wont happen again. Logical really!!! And we all know how logic works here?

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24 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

So the real question is who is at fault here? Is is the planning department, is it the department that issued a license to cut down the trees, or is it the officials who did not prevent the trees from being cut down? 


Phuket is a very rainy area it's notorious for having heavy rainfall so something like this could have and should have been easily anticipated. 


Why was it not foreseen?

Pure sloth?

Pure greed?

Or total negligence? 

All of the above with a slight bias for greed 

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Same any where in Thailand, destroy the fauna and floods will surely come. No matter how many drains are fitted, bad planning for the past 25 years. Thailand should of concentrated on it's natural beauty and attracted the millionaires, rather than destroying everything and attracting tin pot cheap Charlies..too late, the damage is done

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How many more times does this have to happen until they realize that you should not clear mountainsides of vegetation???? Whoever ordered the cut down should be held responsible!!!

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The concept alone should have rang the bell ...

 I want to move to a beautiful tropical island ..  to live in a a housing complex where everyone is crammed in like sardines

 just from the view in this picture alone there are 12 old and crappy looking houses all packed nice and tight,

look at the topography map..  then take a google map drive thru the neighborhood  next area to the east side is "Kuku/Kukoo

 that was another tip off 



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We had a villa on the hillside in Patong, many years ago. The landowner next to us started to develop their land by clearing it and cutting as close to the boundary as possible. That left a cliff face next to our complex, the next time it rained, one block came down as the cliff collapsed. The problem is zero planning, zone control, enforcement.....the usual stuff.

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Why do you think Malaysia & Singapore don't have landslides or very rarely,  it's because they know the danger's of clearing hillsides and building on steep slopes. 


Well Mrs Kanayata,  your new villa is just getting accustom to your family and the ground movement  :vampire:



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18 hours ago, kwilco said:

Don't be delibertely facile - Untrammelled development is a factor and of course more intensive weather that is linked to global warming - it's a perfect storm.

You got it wrong. I was referring to the hot weather making for more sex and more people and more people infringing on nature ... building where they don't need to be.

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

Why do you think Malaysia & Singapore don't have landslides or very rarely,  it's because they know the danger's of clearing hillsides and building on steep slopes. 


Well Mrs Kanayata,  your new villa is just getting accustom to your family and the ground movement  :vampire:



I believe there is a law in Thailand that says any land with a gradient more than 19 degrees belongs to the crown

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13 minutes ago, kwilco said:

I believe there is a law in Thailand that says any land with a gradient more than 19 degrees belongs to the crown

so does that mean any hillside or building site with a gradient under 19 degrees won't slip or develop into a landslide ?  

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3 hours ago, steven100 said:

so does that mean any hillside or building site with a gradient under 19 degrees won't slip or develop into a landslide ?  



No, it means that they may have been developing land they shouldn't.

You realise that gradient isn't the sole factor in causing landslides? THere's a lot more to it than that.

there is, however, a centuries old tradition in THailand of not building on hillsides - you normally only find temples in these locations.

Edited by kwilco
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