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I Love Donald Trump


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1 hour ago, bubblegum said:

Do Americans call each other "mate"? Never hear them do that. Aussies do a lot and English but Americans? I think this guy is from the same propaganda farm in OZ as so many of the others here are.





I've only heard it by weak Americans who are trying to gain acceptance by Aussies or Brits for whatever reason.



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3 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

ROFLOL - that I can type is because of my work roles where typing fast for legal and financial documents due tomorrow was a requirement.  Likewise, I am very comfortable answering posts and do so quickly and actually enjoy debunking Dem lies and distortions .


Yes I hope a few members will actually think 'hey wait a minute I remember Russiagate and Charlottesville too'.  Then maybe they will wonder if most of the anti-Trump stuff is being generated by the Dems - just like Clinton generated the false dossier on Trump and Russia.  Just like it was Clinton that generated the fake stories about Obama not being born in USA when fighting him for the 2008 nomination - which Trump fell for too at the time (naive) - but which he recanted when the birth certificate was shown.   


However, wife wants to go to shops to time for a break - catch you back soon.


You might not believe this, but I'm actually very happy you started this topic and I'm not going to attack you any further on any of your individual thoughts and beliefs. And I mean that sincerely. And you are very welcome to reply to my following message, or not, but I won't continue to dispute whatever you may write on any of my posts going forward. 

You seem like a nice person, a good person as well, and I feel you do really believe everything that you are saying in support of Trump. And, if it were 10 years ago, prior to to the emergence of Trump type US politics having entered the scene, then you and I probably would've seen eye to eye on many things. But that was then and this is now.

I do feel that now you truly are deluded, that you believe in all of the many falsehoods you are writing about and that you perhaps can't be taught otherwise. I really think it's sad though that you and so many Trump supporters are truly now in this way. 

I had actually planned to start a topic myself to ask all of the Trump supporters to come forward and explain to me more about why they think he would be a good president for the next four years so that I could finally understand the Trump supporter perspective. I really thought that maybe there are some tangible issues that people really like about Trump and that they would be able to help me to understand them better. But I feel like I don't have to post that topic any longer and I thank you. I think you have now fulfilled my curiosity and my lack of understanding on this issue and I am no longer puzzled by it. 

The conclusion I've come to is that there really are no good answers to my question. The jokes about the Trump supporters being hypnotized, kool-aid drinking, cult followers really are true in a way. They all have simply lost their way and believe all of his countless lies after lie. They no longer understand the difference between fact and fiction, thus they can't be reasoned with by trying to parse between truths and falsehoods via a means of intellectual, objective, and non-biased discussion. It's impossible. Nearly all Trump supporters appear to have become a carbon copy of Trump and will recite all of the same lies and mantras without any understanding of anything that is real. The part that I still don't understand is how this actually happened, but so be it. 

That list that you wrote of the 20 things you think are Trump policies that he will implement to better America was actually the crishendo for me. It was so misguided, delusional and incorrect that I realize now there is no point in even debating with Trump supporters because they aren't in a state political reality. Instead they will just hit you with more of the wildest falsehoods and that there is no means of helping them to gain any positive understanding of the truth. But I'm really glad that you posted that list because it helps to encapsulate it all much better. 

I know now that I could sit here until I'm blue in the face trying to explain to you why Trump is so bad and destructive and you would never believe or be able to grasp any of it. It would be a totally feudal exercise and so no point to even try. Thus, I totally get it now. There is no helping Trump supporters to understand reality. It's a general impossibility and with only very few exceptions.  

Surprisingly, many of the ones in his closest inner circle who worked with him in the White House in the past have now snapped out of the spell and have come to truly understand things. I find it both amazing and inspiring that this has happened. But they are sadly just a small minority. It does happen though and slowly more and more Trump followers are being deprogrammed, but unfortunately it is not happening at a fast enough pace. 

Trump, and again, I don't mean this in a derogatory way, has become a very mentally ill man. I remember him from the 80s being the heavily crooked businessman from New York and we all accepted this at the time. But his power and influence was limited and he now acts mainly on conflicted emotions, confusion, desperation, and covers up all of his wrongs and inadequacies with pure, outlandish babble. That's what's making matters even worse.

I never thought there would be a point in time where so many Americans would become so lost and consumed with such a destructive and morally bankrupt person like Trump, but it has happened and I need to just accept it. It still doesn't make logical sense to me, but I have my answer now and I won't keep boggling my mind with the same repetitive questions. 

There really is only one way out for everyone and he simply needs to be removed from the political landscape and then all of those blindly convinced followers of his will finally be free to think about things again in a more safe, secure and realistic way. 

If Trump weren't potentially going to do so much damage to the country, and to its people as a president, then it really wouldn't matter what people believe or don't believe about him. They could go on being in denial of reality and it wouldn't really matter, the same way some people believe that the world is flat, that man never went to the moon, etc. Just generally harmless misbeliefs. 

But I do really think Trump is a threat and a danger to civil society in America and if he were to get back into power that he would cause some serious and irreparable damage given his warped state of consciousness. 

I really hope for the sake of the United States, and all of its people, including all of the current Trump supporters, that he doesn't win the election for the sake, benefit and safety of every American.

May America be blessed with a better future and its people reunite in a peaceful, harmonious, and productive way without any more of the freakish and radicalized fundamentalism of Trump. 

I mean this honestly and sincerely, with the highest hope for a better future for the United States. And if there was ever a time when good is to prevail over evil then there isn't a better time in US history for that to happen than now.

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1 hour ago, Dan O said:

Your taking Dimons discussion out of the context it was given. He was talking about republicans beliefs and values not Trump directly or his accomplishments. But you can't understand spatial thinking. I never said anything about Harris, her policies and who I back or endorse so wake you and stop being a sheep for Trump. Why are so many Republicans in office and trumps past wh staff and Advisors not backing him now?

I showed you one CNN story about Trump's accomplishments and that was easy.

You are not looking for the truth and are still a Dems sheep.

Sorry if my logic and facts annoy you - not.


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1 hour ago, Dan O said:

The GOP gave away their position in politics by backing the fraudster Trump just because they don't want to lose his following and try to stay in office not because they have better policies and better view points. They prostituted themselves clearly for the sake of "holding votes"

Such hatred and petty silliness - and so little substance. 


Trump wanted to become POTUS to 'save' USA - he initially wanted to be a Democrat nominee but it was clear that they were gone left - and their selection policies and methods mean that the Party leaders decide who it is - not the Dems voters - and it always amazes me that Dem voters fail to see that.  Even when they all voted for Biden - he was just thrown away and Harris was 'anointed'. And lets not talk about how Clinton was given the nod when it was very clear that more Dem Party members wanted Sanders as the nominee.  That is why Trump went over to the GOP side - more of their policies matched his own beliefs, and their selection policy and method for the nominee is totally decided by the GOP Party members.  Yes many existing powerbrokers in the GOP did not (and do not) like Trump in 2016 - but they had no choice because the GOP Party members wanted him as the nominee - same this time around too.  


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1 hour ago, bubblegum said:

OMG you are even dumber than the man himself. And why are you in love with Trump? Just asking and wondering why an Aussie would be writing this garbage. I think your being paid by word.

Not bad - being paid by the word was good.

Trump and all the other 'right wing' political Leaders, like in Argentina and in more and more European countries (is Macron gone yet?) , are good for the World overall.

I love Trump because he stands for what I agree with and is willing to fight for MAGA - and he is willing to dodge a bullet to do it too.


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1 hour ago, Dan O said:

You are a classic trumpette. You should have listened to your grandmother. She was trying to give you good advice. 


Here's  some reading material for you. I'm sure you'll debate the source but you can pick any outlet as a source and it just gets worse



I dont read the WAPO much - Fake News and truly one of the Dems MSM PR outlets.

Mate - just read this below from your link aloud - surely you can see is is totally biased:-


Trump made about six false or misleading claims a day in his first year as president, 16 a day in his second year, 22 a day in his third year — and 39 a day in his final year. Put another way, it took Trump 27 months to reach 10,000 false or misleading claims and another 14 months to reach 20,000. He then exceeded the 30,000 mark less than five months later.

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49 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


Harris' policies = say mean things about Trump.  Dems reaction = perfect, that's literally all we ask of anyone we follow.

Indeed - and that is why all I am getting (save a few thoughts and some good funny lines) is personal abuse and insults.

They have no 'argument' - because it is all personal.  Years ago when Maggie Thatcher's funeral march was under way, left wing nutters were yelling abuse and throwing stuff at her cavalcade - they are always far too personal and will even 'invade' a funeral to express their personal hatred - they did the same at Reagan's - awful people.  IMO it comes from emotional immaturity and the associated lack of rational thinking - like spoilt children who dont care about others - they only want they want - they refuse to see anyone else's point of view, let alone even countenance that another view is acceptable.

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Going on his record as president he is the obvious choice, Kamala is clueless and cannot answer simple questions, never mind run a country and be head of the free world. Trump has his faults, but the USA was a better country when he was in charge, not to mention the much lower prices. Kamala would just be a puppet for Obama pull her strings.

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20 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

IMO it comes from emotional immaturity and the associated lack of rational thinking - like spoilt children who dont care about others - they only want they want - they refuse to see anyone else's point of view, let alone even countenance that another view is acceptable.


I think it's slightly more pathological than that.  They are so convinced of their own rightness, that anyone who opposes them must surely be totally wrong.  So wrong, in fact, that the left can do anything they want to try to silence or neutralise them.  An enemy of the "looney-left" is so clearly wrong and bad in their eyes, that they can be lied about, falsely accused, attacked, and so on, so sure are the left of their position as the good guys.

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42 minutes ago, RSD1 said:


You might not believe this, but I'm actually very happy you started this topic and I'm not going to attack you any further on any of your individual thoughts and beliefs. And I mean that sincerely. And you are very welcome to reply to my following message, or not, but I won't continue to dispute whatever you may write on any of my posts going forward. 

You seem like a nice person, a good person as well, and I feel you do really believe everything that you are saying in support of Trump. And, if it were 10 years ago, prior to to the emergence of Trump type US politics having entered the scene, then you and I probably would've seen eye to eye on many things. But that was then and this is now.

I do feel that now you truly are deluded, that you believe in all of the many falsehoods you are writing about and that you perhaps can't be taught otherwise. I really think it's sad though that you and so many Trump supporters are truly now in this way. 

I had actually planned to start a topic myself to ask all of the Trump supporters to come forward and explain to me more about why they think he would be a good president for the next four years so that I could finally understand the Trump supporter perspective. I really thought that maybe there are some tangible issues that people really like about Trump and that they would be able to help me to understand them better. But I feel like I don't have to post that topic any longer and I thank you. I think you have now fulfilled my curiosity and my lack of understanding on this issue and I am no longer puzzled by it. 

The conclusion I've come to is that there really are no good answers to my question. The jokes about the Trump supporters being hypnotized, kool-aid drinking, cult followers really are true in a way. They all have simply lost their way and believe all of his countless lies after lie. They no longer understand the difference between fact and fiction, thus they can't be reasoned with by trying to parse between truths and falsehoods via a means of intellectual, objective, and non-biased discussion. It's impossible. Nearly all Trump supporters appear to have become a carbon copy of Trump and will recite all of the same lies and mantras without any understanding of anything that is real. The part that I still don't understand is how this actually happened, but so be it. 

That list that you wrote of the 20 things you think are Trump policies that he will implement to better America was actually the crishendo for me. It was so misguided, delusional and incorrect that I realize now there is no point in even debating with Trump supporters because they aren't in a state political reality. Instead they will just hit you with more of the wildest falsehoods and that there is no means of helping them to gain any positive understanding of the truth. But I'm really glad that you posted that list because it helps to encapsulate it all much better. 

I know now that I could sit here until I'm blue in the face trying to explain to you why Trump is so bad and destructive and you would never believe or be able to grasp any of it. It would be a totally feudal exercise and so no point to even try. Thus, I totally get it now. There is no helping Trump supporters to understand reality. It's a general impossibility and with only very few exceptions.  

Surprisingly, many of the ones in his closest inner circle who worked with him in the White House in the past have now snapped out of the spell and have come to truly understand things. I find it both amazing and inspiring that this has happened. But they are sadly just a small minority. It does happen though and slowly more and more Trump followers are being deprogrammed, but unfortunately it is not happening at a fast enough pace. 

Trump, and again, I don't mean this in a derogatory way, has become a very mentally ill man. I remember him from the 80s being the heavily crooked businessman from New York and we all accepted this at the time. But his power and influence was limited and he now acts mainly on conflicted emotions, confusion, desperation, and covers up all of his wrongs and inadequacies with pure, outlandish babble. That's what's making matters even worse.

I never thought there would be a point in time where so many Americans would become so lost and consumed with such a destructive and morally bankrupt person like Trump, but it has happened and I need to just accept it. It still doesn't make logical sense to me, but I have my answer now and I won't keep boggling my mind with the same repetitive questions. 

There really is only one way out for everyone and he simply needs to be removed from the political landscape and then all of those blindly convinced followers of his will finally be free to think about things again in a more safe, secure and realistic way. 

If Trump weren't potentially going to do so much damage to the country, and to its people as a president, then it really wouldn't matter what people believe or don't believe about him. They could go on being in denial of reality and it wouldn't really matter, the same way some people believe that the world is flat, that man never went to the moon, etc. Just generally harmless misbeliefs. 

But I do really think Trump is a threat and a danger to civil society in America and if he were to get back into power that he would cause some serious and irreparable damage given his warped state of consciousness. 

I really hope for the sake of the United States, and all of its people, including all of the current Trump supporters, that he doesn't win the election for the sake, benefit and safety of every American.

May America be blessed with a better future and its people reunite in a peaceful, harmonious, and productive way without any more of the freakish and radicalized fundamentalism of Trump. 

I mean this honestly and sincerely, with the highest hope for a better future for the United States. And if there was ever a time when good is to prevail over evil then there isn't a better time in US history for that to happen than now.


At last.  I hear you and can understand most of what you are saying, and I do agree with some of your points. You have made a very good summary of what the issues are with regards to Trump as a person (flawed) and how divided politics currently is in the USA.


However, before I go into a few things in response - and like you I dont want just to throw abuse back and forth - there is a view on things that you may not have considered enough.  When someone is clearly in one side of the political divide, it is very hard for them to truly see the errors and inconstancies and the faults of that side they have chosen - but they can see every single flaw and fault of the other side.  In that position it is very hard for a person to reconcile their own formed views against any factual situation that challenges that view - it is called cognitive bias.  According to Google, 'Cognitive bias is a systematic thought process caused by the tendency of the human brain to simplify information processing through a filter of personal experience and preferences. The filtering process is a coping mechanism that enables the brain to prioritize and process large amounts of information quickly.'  And that is as viable an explanation as I can find - and I am certainly not immune from it either. 


However, although not immune, I can see the arguments about Trump and his personality 'disorder' and his growing mental slow down - absolutely.  But aside from the mental slowdown part, that 'personality disorder' is extremely common in hyper successful men - Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison etc etc etc. They all have a personality disorder as such, and they all have a very strong ego and self belief - those traits are absolutely necessary to become what they have become - it is genetic - you can 'grow it'.  I know that makes Trump very 'unappealing' to many people - but if I was to say to you that Obama was not the smooth sweet lovely man that he portrayed himself to be - would you accept and understand that he is a diplomatic politician and he has the social skills to perform that act brilliantly - and that was why he was selected over Hillary, who is far less 'convincing'.  I have met many politicians and the top dogs are those that have the ability to stab you in the back while smiling to your face - the King of them being Bill Clinton.  Trump is not a good experienced and seasoned politician at all - but I accept that (and all his flaws) because he has IMO the right policies compared to the Dems (as I listed before).  He is by far the better option to have as POTUS in the current world situation - especially with the situations developing in Europe and Russia. 


The USA is being presented witrh the choice between 2 very personally flawed people, but I am certain that if Trump is elected and becomes the POTUS again, he will achieve a good outcome for USA and the World. Hopefully that will happen and people like yourself who can see/hear the 'other side' will then accept that he did a good job and that they were wrong.


I also thought Bill Clinton was a charlatan, and to some extent he was/is, but he achieved a lot of good things. Impeaching him for being caught being 'naughty' with a female intern was one of the biggest mistakes the GOP has ever made - it was what IMO started the divide in USA politics. The inevitable hatred that has flowed from then, made into an artform by the Dems and stupidly ignored by the GOP, is not a good thing and it aint over yet. One more term for Trump in a landslide win is the answer IMO - because I think he will bridge the divide - after he has destroyed what Biden/Harris have done.  That will happen I hope, and unlike after 2016 when they protested and attacked Trump for denying Hillary's turn, the Dems in power will be forced to go back to the middle ground and dump all the lunatic left wing woke policies that are not what the USA is about. 

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5 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


I think it's slightly more pathological than that.  They are so convinced of their own rightness, that anyone who opposes them must surely be totally wrong.  So wrong, in fact, that the left can do anything they want to try to silence or neutralise them.  An enemy of the "looney-left" is so clearly wrong and bad in their eyes, that they can be lied about, falsely accused, attacked, and so on, so sure are the left of their position as the good guys.

Very true. And if you ever wonder whether Hitler and Stalin and Mao were left wing - that is the proof they were (despite the re-writing of history). It is atypical of left wing totalitarian States to shut down and destroy anything and anyone that dis=agrees with their positions. Much like the woke liberals of today with their cancel culture mentality. 

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11 minutes ago, proton said:

Going on his record as president he is the obvious choice, Kamala is clueless and cannot answer simple questions, never mind run a country and be head of the free world. Trump has his faults, but the USA was a better country when he was in charge, not to mention the much lower prices. Kamala would just be a puppet for Obama pull her strings.

Excellent point - just who is running the country?? Biden is mentally unfit for the role and has been for several years. Harris is unfit mentally for non-dementia reasons - she is just another Biden DEI hire. So who has been making all the decisions??? When Trump takes Office he is going to find out, and if Obama and anyone else has been involved in making decisions the POTUS can only make, he will be arrested and charged - happy days.  

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