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Harris-Walz Campaign Opts for Media Silence as Election Nears

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2 hours ago, proton said:


Don't the American public have a right to know what Harris's policies are and see her answering real questions, instead of the media grovelling to her and putting up with her NOT answering anything put to her?

Trump should have the same strategy how much shoe leather has he throated  

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I suppose the contrast is spreading yourself all over social media, partizan  media, spouting ever more ludicrous lies, talking rubbish about fictional cannibals and battery powered sharks and grifting; or carefully presenting your campaign to the public, whilst taking care to avoid deliberate misrepresentation.


I leave it you to decide which characterises which campaign.

Edited by herfiehandbag
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46 minutes ago, Mazungu said:

As someone who supports a guy who told over 30,000 lies in 4 years as president I'm a little surprised you don't support her. But maybe she doesn't lie enough for you. 



As I have said many times, Trump wasn't my first, or second, or third choice for the GOP. But Harris is the last choice for both parties.  She would be a disaster.  


Frankly, his lies and BS don't bother me much. It is a New York thing, and baked into the pie.  I look at his performance during his time in office, his actual policies as opposed to his BS, and it is miles ahead of the Democrats. 

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12 minutes ago, Hanaguma said:

As I have said many times, Trump wasn't my first, or second, or third choice for the GOP. But Harris is the last choice for both parties.  She would be a disaster.  


Frankly, his lies and BS don't bother me much. It is a New York thing, and baked into the pie.  I look at his performance during his time in office, his actual policies as opposed to his BS, and it is miles ahead of the Democrats. 

Which Trump policies do you like?

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Now this is about the smartest thing Harris can do. Stay away from reporters and cameras. lest they really see what a ditz she is and how ignorant her verbatim becomes when put on the spotlight. She is not running for president. Someone who runs for president needs to see the people and talk to the people and tell them their plans to make life better and make the USA better for its people and the world. Instead the news puts her hiding from these things as if no-one cares. Really, the more she shows her face in interviews the more people will see that she should not be standing there opening her mouth or trying to be president. Those people considering to vote for Harris simply because they do not like Trump. Need to abstain or reject the people running. Those people who care what will happen in the next four years.. Need to complain and reject Harris because she will surely hide when she a strong president is needed the most. There are ways to reject people rather than vote for only those chosen as a symbol for their party. America has really outdone themselves in shame against the people by allowing this farce of a woman be in the elections. Unbelievable that she hides from the press and the questions that people need to hear from her to decide if she would even make it as a president. Pathetic Democratic mumbo - jumbo tricking the people this way using their hate for Trump to win an election but worse still, pathetic they use this woman to do it. 

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Let me try to explain in a way our RW friends might understand.

You're leading an NFL football game by four touchdowns going into the fourth quarter, the other team is in disarray and their QB appears to have suffered a concussion. Their defense hasn't been able to stop the run all day long which is how you built the lead.

Do you throw the ball or just play it safe by running between the tackles and letting the defense run out the clock?


Unless you're the Atlanta Falcons...(sorry Falcons fans, as a lifelong Patriot fan I just couldn't resist)



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17 minutes ago, JCauto said:

Let me try to explain in a way our RW friends might understand.

You're leading an NFL football game by four touchdowns going into the fourth quarter, the other team is in disarray and their QB appears to have suffered a concussion. Their defense hasn't been able to stop the run all day long which is how you built the lead.

Do you throw the ball or just play it safe by running between the tackles and letting the defense run out the clock?


Unless you're the Atlanta Falcons...(sorry Falcons fans, as a lifelong Patriot fan I just couldn't resist)



NFL is a mystery to many of Trump’s supporters.


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