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Is Civil Unrest Inevitable If Trump Loses?


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8 hours ago, Masterton said:


What a completely idiotic comment. There are no such things as 'fake electors'. Perhaps you should get your information from sources other than Democrat Party propaganda and do your research about elections and history. Opposing parties sending alternate slates of electors is not only legal, but in the case of the 1960 election resulted in the alternate (Democrat) slate being granted the votes.


Do your own research and form your own viewpoints instead of blindly parroting fake news propaganda.


The article below (and many other similar ones) would seem to indicate there were fake electors. There are multiple court cases against then and a bunch of them have already pleaded guilty, or accepted deals.



As of July 2024, fake electors from Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada have been charged with crimes.


The cases against fake electors and where they stand



On August 7, Lorraine Pellegrino, one of the 11 fake electors, pleaded guilty ...


At least three of the 16 fake electors in Georgia have been indicted and face prosecution, while eight agreed to immunity deals.


Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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