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EV charging outlets in condos


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At my children's condo I've noticed quite a few of these little Chinese pedal/EV scooter things driven mostly by older woman and mothers with young children who use the general power outlets located around the car park to charge. 


The Juristic management don't seem to mind this behaviour, is it common in other condominiums? 


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16 hours ago, retarius said:

I've seen car sales from around the world for Q2 and YTD. Looks like EV sales are crumbling, but hybrids are growing like crazy. Maybe Toyota made the right call. Hybrids are not even new tech, the Prius is years old. My son had one in Miami and said it was fantastic.

.With EV sales figures, you have to know the underlying facts. What models are available, what the charging infrastructure is like, is the market primarily a leasing style market of private ownership etc. In the US for example, the only decent EV is the Tesla but that’s not what I would consider an affordable car for many. Then there is also the bias and prejudice factor that stops some from purchasing a Chinese made EV in spite of it being the best value for money as well as the best technologically speaking, EVs around.


I had a Prius in Thailand years ago. No complaints, reliable and economical. Wouldn’t call in fantastic though. However, it does not even come close to the BYD EV that I currently have (which is also much cheaper).

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