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What's it =really= like: To be DEEPLY in love with a bar girl? Do you know?

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Dear Folks,


I have read many stories here on the Farang Pub, stories about bar girls.


However, not many of the stories or accounts which I have read truly capture the FEELING of being deeply in love with a bar girl....while she goes out, night after night, with...


Random strangers, for money.


Most of you probably don't know what this feels like.


I know, for sure.


I had a love affair with a bar girl, even while she was working in the bar.


Knowing her was the most difficult time of my life.


And so, perhaps, this might be the reason that I have, during the past 25 years, become completely celibate.


I guess you recall William Holden and his love for Suzy Wong.


But, my love for my bar girl was NOT fiction....

It was real....and....

It was totally heartbreaking.



Most people might not know the COMPLETE TORTURE AND ANGST that Holden was feeling for Suzy Wong, during this movie....but....

I know, for years of experience.


For most of you, movies such as The World of Suzy Wong is just pleasant entertainment....but...

For me.....

It's just about a total eclipse of the heart.....



All that I can tell you is that.....


My Suzy Wong broke my heart, every day, and day by day....


She broke my spirit, each and every time she was paid, in the bar, to go out with guys that I thought were not as good as I.


The only reason I post this Topic is because.....


I think that I know a lot more about being broken-hearted over a common bar-girl, than most of you.




What ever happened to my bar-girl, the love of my life?


I am not sure.


I have often thought about calling her mother, just to find out.


But, now, I think I would prefer not to know.....


Because, I think, her end could not have been good.


Also, by now, she must be about 68.

And, at the age of 68, considering that bar girls do not age well.....

I just would prefer not to know what eventually happened to her.


Some people live charmed lives.

Bar Girls, in most cases, do not lead charmed lives.

They lead very hard lives.


Other girls, of course, become debutantes....

The lucky few....




In my view....


There is not much difference between a society debutante and a bar girl in Taiwan, or maybe Thailand.....

Not a hair's difference, in fact.


Best regards,



Note:  It is said that the debutantes are all virgins, and that the bar girls are not virgins. But, I am sure that this cannot be true.













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