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31 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


You must have met different Thais than me.


99% of them, I wouldn't describe this way, especially compared to Westerners.



The Scots invented more than any other nation, so I would say it would well be them.




It looks like it. While the Scots have punched massively above their weight and brought forth many brilliant minds and contributed far in excess of their miniscule population, we should also take them to task when they falsely claim to have invented the telephone or tv, neither were Scottish inventions. Nor were the bicycle or plaster Scottish inventions.


The British have a tendency to claim inventions which they never invented. Witness also the ludicrous acrobatics to claim the computer with Charles Babbage's punch cards, even in that area Wilhelm Schickard preceded Babbage, though to sell that as a computer really smacks of shamelessness.



Edited by Cameroni
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29 minutes ago, Patong2021 said:


You selected  a poor illustration. German  automakers  have fallen into the disgrace that once characterized the US automakers.    

BMW Reliability Rating: Reliability rating based on the cost, frequency, and severity of actual repairs.

BMW Reliability Rating Breakdown

The BMW Reliability Rating is 2.5 out of 5.0, which ranks it 30th out of 32 for all car brands. This rating is based on an average across 345 unique models. 



The China (and India) rely on theft of intellectual property. Western nations, especially universities are their accomplices. In their lust for  foreign student fees, western universities have taken in people who have copied and stolen intellectual property. Canada and the USA have been particularly harmed by Chinese agents posing as students and workers.



When you talk about German cars, there's always one pitiful soul that pulls out some survey, but the fact remains Germans still build the best cars on the planet, as they once again proved with the Porsche Taycan.


As I already explained copying  others is just a first step. After all the British started as pirates and stole everything from the Spanish and copied their idea of empire shamelessly. In academica the calculus and other areas illustrate the British were a nation of copyists and plagiarists, before they attained a modicum of creativity and originality, which admittedly was short lived.


The same applied to German industry, yes, first engaged in copying British products, but ultimately far surpassing them and creating far better products than the British ever did.


And so it will be with the Chinese, yes, they copied at first, but they are already showing incredible innovation and filing more patents than the US, UK or Germany, and they will surpass Germany, Japan and the USA in terms of quality of products, indeed in some areas have already done so.

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6 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


The list goes on...


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I would question the Telephone. There’s a big question mark over who did what and he should have at least acknowledged Grays contribution to the invention. History favours the victors though. 

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2 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

You make some ok points - and some I disagree with - but what made you go all serious in the last 2 sentences ?  This apparently came from the National Museum of African American History and Culture which is in Washington D C . Not some right wing youtuber.   Some of the points are about  a range of people's subconscious attitudes - no need to take it too literally or to the extreme so that whites who relate to this are good or bad or inclusive or racist. I think - for example - though many don't see themselves as Christian or religious at all - the Christian attitudes still prevail in our lives and thinking - for good or bad. 

It came from the Smithsonian Museum. Here is the context:



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Just now, johnnybangkok said:

I would question the Telephone. There’s a big question mark over who did what and he should have at least acknowledged Grays contribution to the invention. History favours the victors though. 


Yes, indeed the Telephone was not a Scottish invention. Philip Reis of Germany invented it.


The same with the TV, Paul Nipkow and Ferdinand Braun were the inventors of the TV.


Plasters were really conceived by Paul Beiersdorf, not any Scot.


The bicycle was invented by Philip Moritz Fischer, not any Scot.


Like I said, the British are utterly shameless in claiming inventions they never invented.

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1 hour ago, baansgr said:

Black culture is better, they invented everything apparently don't you know.


The lack of logic and reasoning in your word salad suggests you have failed the 'white race'. Your argument contradicts the principles of objective, rational thinking associated with the Scientific Method, as evidenced by the following logical fallacies:

  • Straw ManYou misrepresent the opposing view by exaggerating it. This is illogical because objective thinking requires an accurate representation of arguments to engage with them fairly and rationally.
  • False Dichotomy: Claiming one culture is better than another oversimplifies a complex issue. This fallacy fails to acknowledge the cause-and-effect relationships that should be considered in a rational, evidence-based discussion.

  • Hasty Generalization: Your broad claim lacks supporting evidence. In rational discourse, conclusions should be based on data and facts, reflecting the quantitative emphasis expected in logical reasoning.

  • Red Herring: You’ve shifted focus from the original topic, disrupting the flow of linear, rational thinking necessary for coherent, productive discussion.

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1 minute ago, Cameroni said:


Yes, indeed the Telephone was not a Scottish invention. Philip Reis of Germany invented it.


The same with the TV, Paul Nipkow and Ferdinand Braun were the inventors of the TV.


Plasters were really conceived by Paul Beiersdorf, not any Scot.


The bicycle was invented by Philip Moritz Fischer, not any Scot.


Like I said, the British are utterly shameless in claiming inventions they never invented.

Not sure I agree with all that. On the subject of TV it’s agreed that John Logie Baird gave the world's first demonstration of a working television in January 1926. However Farmsworth  and the likes should also get credit for their major contributions. 
As is normal with these things, inventors rift off others but the credit usually goes to the one that comes out with the finished product. Even Bell was 90% there but needed Grays immersion in a soluble to complete the product. 

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Most key inventions are disputed.....look no further than the hate match between Isaac Newton and Liebnitz. I will say that I think the US claims all the inventions when in fact they develop technology for profit. 

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41 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:

The Scots also culturally enriched Australia when Captain Cook went there.

I doubt the Aborigines would agree with you.


Cook was British, born in Yorkshire.

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Looks like some folks are doing a little valor stealing here.


"White guys developed the first powered flight, so since I'm white like Wilbur and Orville, I'm superior to Asians, Blacks, etc.


Maybe, just maybe, each of us is an individual, and one person's success is his or hers alone?

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2 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Not sure I agree with all that. On the subject of TV it’s agreed that John Logie Baird gave the world's first demonstration of a working television in January 1926. However Farmsworth  and the likes should also get credit for their major contributions. 
As is normal with these things, inventors rift off others but the credit usually goes to the one that comes out with the finished product. Even Bell was 90% there but needed Grays immersion in a soluble to complete the product. 


Well, it's hardly surprising that you're ill-informed in this since you would have been brought up in an educational system that lied to you and claimed literally every major achievement was British. However, with the TV you can take your pick, any of the Russian Boris Rosing, who got a patent before Baird, Max, Paul Nipkow, Dieckmann, Vladimir Sworykin, Denes von Mihaly, August Karolus all produced a TV before Logie Baird.


Indeed Logie Bairsd just coipied Paul Nipkow's technology.


Before the 1927 London to Glasgow TV broadcast of Baird, was August Karolus transmission from Berlin to Leipzig in 1925.


Baird no more invented the TV than the Thais invented Prostitution. 



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