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7 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


  Hardly best friends , friendly with Saudi because Iran is the common enemy and befriended Kim to avoid a war .

Poor knownledge leads to simple conclusions 

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15 minutes ago, G_Money said:

Embarrassed as I predicted. Rather cowardly also.

I expect no less from liberal idiots.


Im pulling your leg, and waiting for Nick Carter to chim in. I never hidden my Nationality on this board.  But curious why you find it important

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4 minutes ago, Hummin said:

As a true Patriot






Yeah, america has alot of enemies. Thats what happens when they all want what you have. Shame the europoors here want to drag us down to what they became. Trump must win

Edited by mdr224
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7 minutes ago, mdr224 said:

 Shame the europoors here want to drag us down to what they became. Trump must win

And you havent understood you guys do not need help from us, you manage perfectly fine without us to drag your self down.


We are not the one who outsourced our production and technology, intervened countries, sponsord terrorists and despots, and overthrown democracies and and replaced them with their corrupt guys.


Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia out of mind, and the great Arabic Spring during the war on terror. 


What happened in Iran? 1953? Auch


I havent even started, South America? Sad

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3 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Im pulling your leg, and waiting for Nick Carter to chim in. I never hidden my Nationality on this board.  But curious why you find it important

While you may of posted many times but I’ve never noticed.


So you can’t tell me?  Still embarrassing for you.


You feel free to badmouth the Americans but your true colors of a coward are now showing when asked your nationality.


Are you afraid I will find faults in your country of citizenship?  Surely your country hasn’t made the same mistakes we have.  Or have they?

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4 minutes ago, G_Money said:

While you may of posted many times but I’ve never noticed.


So you can’t tell me?  Still embarrassing for you.


You feel free to badmouth the Americans but your true colors of a coward are now showing when asked your nationality.


Are you afraid I will find faults in your country of citizenship?  Surely your country hasn’t made the same mistakes we have.  Or have they?

You are surely fixated, aint you, and I think you are the one who truly are embarrassed of your own country. Insecure and embarrassed. Im just sharing my knownledge why so many in the world hate Americans, and you obviously takes my posts personally. 


Nobody mentioned american beer yet? 

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8 minutes ago, Hummin said:

You are surely fixated, aint you, and I think you are the one who truly are embarrassed of your own country. Insecure and embarrassed. Im just sharing my knownledge why so many in the world hate Americans, and you obviously takes my posts personally. 


Nobody mentioned american beer yet? 

 A coward indeed.


Unlike yourself, despite having our problems I am proud to be American.


Anyone who is ashamed or afraid to admit their nationality is a coward imo.


Regardless of where you are from I quite sure we saved you from speaking German or Japanese as they would have taken over your country if we hadn’t saved your as-.


Unless you’re French.  Automatic raise the white flag.

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11 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

German hamburgers and French Fries.

The only thing the Americans added was the stupid clown.


Biggest bands in the world Rolling Stones and AC/DC.

Adidas is German, top fashion company is French.


You guys did somehow make fat arses popular with your superstar Kim Kardashian and JLo. 

Generally speaking though America has trashed the white culture brand. Started a lot of unnecessary wars, you are not liked in many places. 
Trump is your poster child for big noting yourselves, not everyone shares your enthusiasm.

i would be ashamed if I was American.



You must be stark raving mad.


In reality the Rolling Stones are nothing but yet another prime example of Brits aping Americans, like the Beatles. They're one step removed from that Ozzie lass Iggy Azalea affecting a Southern States accent.


AC/DC, remind one a bit of 59 year old hysteric women suffering from period pains, screaming in agony, who listens to that still? 


Adidas? Nike has a higher global revenue than Adidas and Puma PUT TOGETHER.  While the Germans may have invented athletic footwear, here too Americans reign supreme. Nike is the world's most valuable clothing brand, not Claude Pierlot.


As for the hamburger, yes, the hamburger steak may have originated in Germany, however, it took American genius to add a slice of onion, ketchup and turn the Burger into a standardized mass product for the masses, which would never have been possible without the massive abundance of beef in the US. It were White Castle and MacDonalds that kicked off the internationalisation of food and exported food internationally, thereby enabling everyone in the world to enjoy wholesome American food, which they continue to enjoy to this very day. Even in Thailand Macdonalds and Burger King are everywhere. It's not because people like fish and chips.


The fact is we Americans are a big deal, we don't need to "bignote" ourselves. And if we want to make big fat arses a thing, you think you can stop us? Before you know it you'll be begging for the bounce. of Kim's derriere. You know it. I know it. They know it. 


We can do anything. We're Americans.

Edited by Cameroni
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11 minutes ago, G_Money said:

 A coward indeed.


Unlike yourself, despite having our problems I am proud to be American.


Anyone who is ashamed or afraid to admit their nationality is a coward imo.


Regardless of where you are from I quite sure we saved you from speaking German or Japanese as they would have taken over your country if we hadn’t saved your as-.


Unless you’re French.  Automatic raise the white flag.

You still dint understand I enjoy pulling your leg, do you? And here full on shamelessly obviously provoked 😄🤗


Have a good day sir. 

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1 minute ago, Hummin said:

You still dint understand I enjoy pulling your leg, do you? And here full on shamelessly obviously provoked 😄🤗


Have a good day sir. 

As I stated before.  A coward.



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8 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   So American culture is unhealthy fast food that causes obesity and other medical issues ?


American culture is wholesome and healthy, the only thing that causes obesity is the unbridled, limitless consumption of an item, like we see with the British in pubs.


In moderation a Big Mac and fries will not make you obese. But I understand for the British, they like to eat that every day, because British food is so <deleted>.


Of course that will make you obese. You just have to eat American fast food in moderation, like Amer...err..Thais.



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3 minutes ago, G_Money said:

As I stated before.  A coward.



Im from a country who was a proud sea nation, who used to trade all over the world, and also raped and loated other nations and tribes. We especially had a love for England and their weak defenseless people. Easy pray for the time being! 

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42 minutes ago, mdr224 said:

Yeah, america has alot of enemies. Thats what happens when they all want what you have. Shame the europoors here want to drag us down to what they became. Trump must win

The vast majority of Europeans have no concept of America, especially the young.  I'll edit to say that doesnt include Poles, many of whom have relatives in the USA. 

Edited by Yagoda
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4 hours ago, kevozman1 said:


You do understand the US is based off Western Europe and pretty much an extension/rip off? I know you guys over there, especially the Non-Whites are mostly hilariously lost, but nearly everything from your language, the way your cities were structured, the names of your damn cities, your fashion, most of the tech, the industrial revolution (which kicked off the US).. I could go on.. all came from Western Europe. It's all online though. I never hear an American say any this nonsense in the reality of daylight and fresh air. I do often detect an underlying seething disposition but oh well, that's too bad.


America is not Europe. It's just not. You don't have Mexicans or African Americans. You don't win medals in the Olympics. We do.'


New York has about as much in common with York as Johannisburg has with Cairo.


We are different. We are special. We are a big deal. Europe is history. Much like the British Empire. We're the top dog now. Numero Uno.


Don't compare the US with has-beens like Europe, just because some Irish and Germans came to America 100 years ago. So what. So did Mexicans and Africans, we're not Mexico or Africa either. We're God damn America! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!!!!

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10 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Im from a country who was a proud sea nation, who used to trade all over the world, and also raped and loated other nations and tribes. We especially had a love for England and their weak defenseless people. Easy pray for the time being! 

As I suspected, French.

Perfectly explains my earlier definition of you.

Edited by G_Money
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3 hours ago, MalcolmB said:

Mass murder of children and lies about it has a lot to do with it.

Especially when added to their loathsome personalities.


I am not alone in my thinking, there are millions that feel the same as me, the world would be better off without you, always in conflicts with others.

Indeed there are weekly protests around the entire world currently. Wake up.


i am worth way more than the average Jew or American.

But that you think that it would be a reason to hate somebody shows how you guys think. Only about money.





Oh the irony of a spawn of the British Empire decrying the mass murder of children. That's almost as bad as an Israeli doing it.


The irony.


You're worth more than an American or Jew? Says who? You? 

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18 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


You must be stark raving mad.


In reality the Rolling Stones are nothing but yet another prime example of Brits aping Americans, like the Beatles. They're one step removed from that Ozzie lass Iggy Azalea affecting a Southern States accent.


AC/DC, remind one a bit of 59 year old hysteric women suffering from period pains, screaming in agony, who listens to that still? 


Adidas? Nike has a higher global revenue than Adidas and Puma PUT TOGETHER.  While the Germans may have invented athletic footwear, here too Americans reign supreme. Nike is the world's most valuable clothing brand, not Claude Pierlot.


As for the hamburger, yes, the hamburger steak may have originated in Germany, however, it took American genius to add a slice of onion, ketchup and turn the Burger into a standardized mass product for the masses, which would never have been possible without the massive abundance of beef in the US. It were White Castle and MacDonalds that kicked off the internationalisation of food and exported food internationally, thereby enabling everyone in the world to enjoy wholesome American food, which they continue to enjoy to this very day. Even in Thailand Macdonalds and Burger King are everywhere. It's not because people like fish and chips.


The fact is we Americans are a big deal, we don't need to "bignote" ourselves. And if we want to make big fat arses a thing, you think you can stop us? Before you know it you'll be begging for the bounce. of Kim's derriere. You know it. I know it. They know it. 


We can do anything. We're Americans.

Sports shoes made in Asia and clown hamburgers.

i don’t consume either.

I have no idea of Iggy Azalia but if you like her, good for you.

Your economy was built on free slave labour, since that was taken away it has been a gradual slide down.

That is why Trump wants to make America great again. Because it isn’t.

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8 minutes ago, Cameroni said:


America is not Europe. It's just not. You don't have Mexicans or African Americans. You don't win medals in the Olympics. We do.'



   Europe won over twice as many medals at the last Olympics than USA did .

   USA won 126 medals

   Europe won 276 medals 





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12 minutes ago, Cameroni said:

We are different. We are special. We are a big deal. Europe is history. Much like the British Empire. We're the top dog now. Numero Uno.

You are stark raving mad with no clue about the rest of the world.




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11 minutes ago, MalcolmB said:

Sports shoes made in Asia and clown hamburgers.

i don’t consume either.

I have no idea of Iggy Azalia but if you like her, good for you.

Your economy was built on free slave labour, since that was taken away it has been a gradual slide down.

That is why Trump wants to make America great again. Because it isn’t.


You don't consume sports shoes or hamburgers?


What a sad, sad life, You probably eat mushy peas and wear sandals.


How can you not know Iggy Azalea, the major Australian pop export since, well, ever. She has a stronger Southern US accent than even Elton John.


Actually, I think you'll find it was BRITISH companies who used slaves in the Americas to line their pockets. We Americans stand for freedom, not the cruel exploitation of colored people, like the British Empire.


True, the leftists have caused some issues in America, but cometh the man, cometh the hour! The time of reckoning will come in November when Superman and Elvis wrapped into one, Captain America himself, the great, the immortal, the legendary, Donald J Trump will ascend to power one more time to wreak a righteous vengeance on the leftist trolls.


Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children..

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1 hour ago, mdr224 said:

This thread confirms to me, that everyone who hates america wants kamala to win

No I hate America and want to see Trump win.


So we can laugh again as he mucks everything up again.


Laughing stock of the whole world and even for about half of Americans themselves.


It was great the first time as he drowned in the swamp he said he would drain. 

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