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How-To: How to stop Alibaba Commie-bandits from sending me spam?

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Dear Folks,


IMHO, anyone who has anything to do with the Mainland-Chinese Commie-Bandits will always RUE the DAY.


My problem is that, very suddenly, beginning just this week, I am getting Spam GALORE from those Commie-Bandits....ALIBABA.


So...the question is:


How to stop the Mainlanders from reaching out from behind their Bamboo Curtain to muck up my phone, and ruin my life.


Do we need to mount a Nuclear Offensive just to put a FINAL end to their dastardly deeds, well documented, ever since that nitwit Mao took control of a once-great country, in 1949?


Some people say that the Yellow River is China's sorrow.


But, NO.....


It's the Commie-Bandits, the GONG-FEI, that are the real sorrow of China.....


So, how can I get rid of Alibaba Spam?


Thank you.


I would LOVE to NUKE Alibaba....


But I don't want to hurt no kangaroos.....


Best regards,


Thanks for any advice, too.







Those Commie Bandits are even WORSE than the Americans....!



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1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:

So, how can I get rid of Alibaba Spam?

Place it in your spam/junk folder, your email client will learn from your action, future emails from this sender will go straight to your spam folder. 


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yeah I once had that problem too...on the ads there is usually a box to cancel any ads and asks for reasons - will not buy or samething like that so they stop sending the ads.  that workded for me and I never got them again.  good luck

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3 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:



I love them.

A triple negative, or even a quadruple negative....isn't unheard of....though even more difficult to read.



You are obviously not a very un-intelligent member with your posts, but I am not going to let it not upset me. I shall not carry on un-ignoring you.

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