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UK Priest Urges Americans to Protect Traditional Values Amid Liberal Trends

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British Anglican Catholic priest and conservative commentator Calvin Robinson has delivered a stark warning to Americans about the potential decline of traditional values in the United States. In an interview with *The Christian Post*, Robinson cautioned Americans not to follow the same path that he believes has led to the deterioration of British and Christian values in his home country. "Please don’t do what we did," he implored. "Please don’t just sit back and let the liberals deteriorate the rest of everything that you know and love."


Robinson, who recently relocated to Michigan to lead a full-time parish ministry, expressed his concerns that both spiritual and political forces have undermined the core values of British society. He believes the same destructive forces are now infiltrating the United States. "Be careful. American culture is a fantastic culture. Hold on to it, promote it, encourage it. If you want to become multicultural and let other cultures in, that’s something you have to consider. But do not give it up to the detriment of your own," he warned.


Robinson’s comments come amid social unrest in the UK, including riots over the summer following the murder of three children by a 17-year-old of Rwandan descent. The priest criticized the British government for threatening to imprison citizens for sharing inflammatory social media posts about the riots, while simultaneously releasing criminals due to overcrowding in prisons. "The UK seems to have imploded and entirely lost its common sense," he lamented.


In previous interviews, Robinson has voiced concerns that his homeland is on the brink of "civil war" due to the country’s commitment to diversity and multiculturalism. He sees the Church of England’s increasing liberalism as a contributing factor to the erosion of Christian values. "The Church of England has become very liberal in terms of divorce, sex outside marriage, same-sex relationships, transgenderism," he explained. "Every time the Church tries to be more inclusive, it actually becomes more exclusive to Christianity and to Christian values, and more inclusive to worldly values, and just further plummets that downward trajectory."


Robinson believes that similar forces are at work in the U.S. but maintains that he trusts in God's plan, regardless of the outcome. "I don’t despair at all. Despair is a sin. There’s no sense in despairing. As I say, empires rise and fall. So as this empire — the British Empire, or Western civilization — as it falls, it’s our duty to think big picture and remember that God has a plan, and He only permits things for a reason."


In a previous interview with *Fox News Digital*, Robinson identified liberalism as "the greatest threat to [Christianity] currently," even more so than other ideologies. He argued that modern liberalism distorts compassion and empathy to advance theories such as trans and queer theory, gender theory, and critical race theory. "These radical liberal ideas come from one place," he stated, describing them as part of "neo-Marxism," which he equates with communism. "We shouldn’t let our guard down for communism. We certainly shouldn’t let it for neo-Marxism, and therefore we should not let our guard down for liberalism." 


Robinson's passionate warnings reflect his belief that the preservation of traditional values is essential, not only for the survival of Western civilization but for the protection of Christian faith itself.


Based on a report from: NYP 2024-10-01







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Reality is a bitch Calvin, the days when a greedy power hungry church could command over the uneducated masses is long gone. I agree that liberalism being decreed by law is wrong but that is no different from the hypocritical tyranny of the church in bygone eras. The pendulum swings left and right but left to its own devices it will settle in the middle.

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Robinson is correct on this one. 


America should be very careful it doesn't go the way of Europe. Trump's victory in November should go a long way to ensuring the Libs and Wokies are put back in their box for a few years. 

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5 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Robinson is correct on this one. 


America should be very careful it doesn't go the way of Europe. Trump's victory in November should go a long way to ensuring the Libs and Wokies are put back in their box for a few years. 

And if not, the west is about to go full retard

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1 hour ago, jippytum said:

The Catholic priests in the UK and beyond have no credence after years of abuse. 

Caholic priests are in no position to lecture anyone. 

Robinson is not a Catholic priest.

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49 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

Robinson is not a Catholic priest.

You're right, he's not a Catholic priest.

Many of his views and positions go back to the Oxford Movement of the 1830's.

He is a direct descendent of Cardinal Newman.

Welcome to the USA.

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Traditional values from a Catholic priest.


Is that the ‘What goes in the vestry stays in the vestry’ kind of traditional values I wonder?!


He is not a Catholic Priest. In fact he is not a Priest, he is not ordained, and cannot minister the Sacraments.


In fact he is a cleric belonging to a church (The Church of England) which was invented purely to allow it's founder, the then monarch Henry VIII, to give faux legitimacy to his political, financial and sexual ambitions.


It is all really rather irrelevant. A church, any church, Protestant or Catholic, exists to serve Almighty God. The Church of England doesn't really convince that it actually believes in God. Conversely it is "big on" political prosletysing, albeit in a direction with which Mr Robinson finds himself at odds.


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