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Mashco-Piro Dentistry: Anyone here conversant with state-of-the-art Mashco-Piro Dentistry?

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Dear Folks,


Most of us must face various dental procedures throughout our lives.


And, most of us find modern dentistry to be rather uncomfortable, at best.


So the question is:


If you were a member of the Mashco-Piro tribe, do you think that you might find dentistry among your people....painful....or NOT?


In my opinion, it must be the case that the Mashco-Piro people have discovered some ancient way to drastically reduce the pain of their art of dentistry.


For example, I have heard that there are people living in the hinterlands of China who, due to high mineral content in the water they drink,....need not brush their teeth, while also not experiencing even one dental carie throughout their lives. I am not sure if this might be true, but I do believe it.


Now, back to the Mashco-Piro people:


a.  What do you think it might be like to have your teeth worked on....there?

b.  Do they just naturally feel no dental pain, no matter what?

c.  If there exists any pain among the Mashco-Piro, then how do they cope?


d.  And, what would you do to solve your dental problems if you were a member of this completely uncontacted tribe which has almost zero access to medical syringes?


IN FACT:  This video is quite interesting.  You can see that none in this rare footage seem to be suffering from caries, for example.....




Therefore, in your opinions, what secrets do these people know that we, on the outside, looking in, do NOT know, concerning proper dental hygiene and diet?


I really need some input on this Topic, being that i will very soon be under the knife of some modern-day oral surgeon.....shaking and trembling....as the doc shoves a needle deep into my upper palate, and I mean the HARD palate, too.


Maybe I should have been born among the Mashco Piro...is what I am thinking, at this point.....


We should consider, I think, what it is that keeps these people from getting caries, while we have all sorts of dental infirmities.


I, for one, will do a bit more research on this.....


Best regards,











Edited by GammaGlobulin
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My apologies for my forgetting one important THOUGHT in the Original Topic, which is:


a.  Tomorrow is a SUNDAY.


b. Therefore, I do hope that those of us who will be attending Temple or Church tomorrow, Sunday...  Or those who have already attended Temple, today, Saturday....


1.  Will give thanks that we are fortunate enough to be living in a Land with Excellent Dentistry.


2. If you are a Sunday Church Goer, then please give thanks tomorrow.


3.  If you are a Saturday Temple Goer, then please do your best to, tomorrow, give thanks retroactively, yesterday, on Saturday.  Or, if you are reading these words, at this moment, you can still give thanks on Saturday, even though you probably have already left Temple, by now.


c.  And, if possible, let's all say prayers for those of us who will soon be reclining on the dentist's chair, awaiting whatever is to be.


d. We are a product of our genes, our environment, and the expression of our genes, which is a combination of our environment, and also our ancestors environments, historically speaking, and gene expression, which is a product of many of these things.


e. We are not to blame, mostly, for the state of our dental deterioration, as we age.


f.  Therefore, let's all say prayers of good dental outcomes....for us all....as each of us, in turn, face our own dental crises....day by day, month by month, and decades upon decade, until...finally....there will come a day when our dental statuses will matter no more to us, but only to the worms.



And, referring back to the OP, I have always been astounded that there are Peoples who are able to survive without modern dentistry, no matter how very tough this must be.



Therefore, Folks, can we please give thanks, tomorrow, this Sunday?


And let's try to remember all members in our prayers tomorrow, and today.


Thank you.


Regards Gamma



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