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Secondhand Perfume

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As I sit in my garden, dreaming of what could have been, a beautiful essence gently strokes my senses. Following the scent’s trail, I raise my arm to my face and take a deep breath; it is, of course, the smell of her perfume - transferred to me as we sat close together - not long since.


The night draws on. As the hours go by, I find myself lifting my arm more and more often; desperate to hold on to that feeling as the sweet smell of her beauty fades away from me, desperate for the memories of her to stay fresh in my mind. I want to go back there but my mind seems hazy, my heart feels heavy, and my wallet is empty.


A thought occurs to me. I have plenty of her perfume safely stored in my kitchen cupboard. Bottles that I buy and keep, ready to bring to her the next time I see her; just a silly little thing that we do. Not yet ready to let the feelings fade away, I remove a bottle from its box and mist a little onto my wrist. But, just as expected, direct from the source the odor feels empty and hollow. It contains none of the same warmth, hope and dreams that it did when it came through her.


With the second-hand scent now completely gone, smothered by my desperate attempt to prolong a fading feeling for just a little while longer, I go to the bathroom and cleanse my arm completely. I climb into my bed, close my eyes, and dream about how things could have been different, if only I had been different.

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1 hour ago, FishDontHaveLegs said:

I raise my arm to my face and take a deep breath

Nothing like the smell of your own underarm sweat to get you going?


1 hour ago, FishDontHaveLegs said:

I have plenty of her perfume safely stored in my kitchen cupboard.

75 Baht a bottle for that perfume. I can imagine she is awaiting the next bottle from you with bated breath. 

1 hour ago, FishDontHaveLegs said:

I climb into my bed, close my eyes, and dream about how things could have been different, if only I had been different.

You mean only if your wallet was thicker?

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19 minutes ago, FishDontHaveLegs said:

Fantasy implies fiction, does it not?

What kind of person comes all the way to Thailand and then wastes their time engaging in fiction?



Maybe you?

Edited by Dan O
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