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Trump - just what does he have to do for his supporters to question their allegiance?


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Despite his claims, Trump is a devious, ill meaning liar.


He has little respect for the law and been involved in dozens of court cases over the years - many before he became president of the USA.  His treatment and regard for the opposite sex is legendary. He has divided a nation, even divided families and severely weakened the USA's consideration on the international stage.


His lies are often just crazy - from suggesting bleach might cure covid to stating that immigrants are eating pet dogs and cats.  When anything goes against him - either he's caught out lying or new legal action is taken, he cries 'witch hunt'.


He is also though, very cunning and knows exactly how to gain support of people by claiming emapthy with them and using populist ideals.  Many of his supporters just take his claims as gospel and don't even bother to check them out.  He has been very succesful in getting them to believe that the 'deep state' is actually out to get them and he has spawned many, quite ridiculous conspiracy theories.  Incidentally, quite a large proportion of Trump supporters appear to be conspiracy theorists. 


A recent conspiracy theory, spread by a Trump supporting congresswoman claims that the recent Hurricanes in the USA are a result of the government controlling the weather.  Trump himself spread misinformation regarding the current government's response to Hurricane's Helen & Milton - claiming that victims would only receive $750 and that disaster relief funds were being diverted to illegal immigrants.  Both those claims are totally false. Interestingly, this seems to have caused division within the Republican Party itself. Do you support people like that?


The above by the way, has nothing at all to do with the forthcoming election battle between Trump and Harris.  I'm not from the USA so who wins the election has very little bearing on my life - so I'm not inviting comments from people comparing the two.


No, what interests me is what is wrong with the mentality of US citizens that support Trump?  As a Trump supporter, just how many lies does he have to tell, how many laws does he have to break before you would even start to question your allegiance to Trump.


Does it not bother you at all that he and to a certain extent the USA as a collective, was seen as a joke by the rest of the world when he was president? Far from making America great again, the USA's international standing took a large backward step during those years.


One of his latest lies was to deny a claim that he sent covid testing kits to Putin.  Moscow has now confirmed that they did in fact receive those testing kits - Trump, as far as I know, has gone very quiet on that one.


In the UK, we had a similar situation when Boris Johnson entered politics.  Another proven liar, who divided the country and gained a criminal conviction for activities during his period in office. It took far too long but Johnson is now history. The divisions he created though, remain and it may take a very long time to heal the damage that man did.


Trump's misogyny is legendary - he claimed "when you're a star you can do anything, grab 'em by the pussy".......... is this the man you want for president?


This isn't simply about bad politicians, every country has had them - this about people who do serious damage to their country, its reputaion and its standing.  Its about trying to understand the support held by someone who clearly tried to incite insurrection on 6 January 2021.


What will it take to make Trump supporters come to their senses - what does he have to do? Will you believe whatever he says? Do you ever check out his claims?


The man comes over like a spoiled 11 year old every time he opens his mouth.  How did such a person win almost 47% of the popular vote in 2020? I just can't work it out. Can anyone explain all this?


I'm happy to take replies but please remember - this is not about comparing Trump to Harris.

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To the OP, have a hot chocolate milk, then cry yourself to sleep. You better get used to it, because you will have to live with it for the next 4 years.


As to answer your question, it seems many see a similitude of themselves in Trump, and that your post not gonna change.

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2 minutes ago, CallumWK said:

You better get used to it, because you will have to live with it for the next 4 years.

You clearly don't fact check too much - even when the clues are in the text.


I won't have to live with anything - I'm not from or in the US.


As for your pathetic attempt at belittlement - why don't you try actually answering the questions ?

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Just now, CallumWK said:


Then I wonder why you consider it any of your business why people support Trump

Why does it have to be my business?  I'm simply trying to understand why people support Trump.  I don't think that's a crime or has any form of restriction on it.

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