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Siamburi's today.

Kinok Farang

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Called in Siamburi's, Khao Talo this morning and rather strangely there were notices on full fridges and shelves (roughly half of the produce) saying "not for sale,has to go back to the wholesalers"

 Does anyone know what is happening there?

If it is going out of business,where will us fat lads get our fix of cholesterol?

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5 hours ago, hunkidori said:


Most of the Iceland stuff and Greggs is cheaper at Villa than Siamburi's so they're obviously marking the profits up a bit steeply. You could almost suggest he's ripping folk off.


Part of what they were pulled by the FDA for I believe was buying frozen fruit and veg from Makro in kilo packs for say 89 Baht and then re-packing them in half kilo packs then selling them on to gullible punters for the same price. Good work if you can get it.


I only rarely go there these days if I see they have a once in a blue moon bargain, as in my opinion since the current owner took over those are few and far between.

I agree,Siamburi's is nowt special.OK when it first came to town.

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5 hours ago, Rimmer said:

Some posts have been removed. I think you will understand why....


Went there myself today so can indeed understand why.😁

I don't understand the moaning about the prices there though, and one guy saying they're ripping people off....well, he's probably off balloon chasing most nights.

I see people saying that some individual products can be bought cheaper elsewhere, but as a whole I think Siambury's is pretty well priced.

But if someone can suggest a shop with roughly the same range of products at cheaper prices I'm all ears.

Won't hold my breath though.


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39 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

All these expat shops have similar prices for everything, not much competition going on, better to wean yourself off this stuff as mostly bad for you anyway



Absolutely true.....and why should there be.



A business is there to make a profit - otherwise we all know what happens. A race to the bottom by cutting prices to try and beat the competition has no future; the punters benefit, in the short term, but the end result is fewer businesses and less choice. 


Siamburi's has had occasional great offers at times - notably the cheeses. Beyond that it a place, amongst others, where can get food from at sensible prices. Those who expect something for nothing - and there are many - will get SFA.,


If you want an example of price gouging (or ineptitude with initial pricing) look no further than MAKRO. Their own ARO brand of vintage cheese was 199 Baht last week for 450g - now it is 245 Baht, an increase of 23%.

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