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Understanding Prostate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


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Understanding Prostate Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options


Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among men worldwide. Despite its prevalence, it's a subject often shrouded in confusion and apprehension. This article aims to shed light on the critical aspects of prostate cancer, addressing frequently asked questions and exploring possible causes, symptoms, and treatments.


What is Prostate Cancer?


The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in males, situated just below the bladder. It plays a crucial role in the male reproductive system by producing seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate grow uncontrollably, forming a tumor.


What Causes Prostate Cancer?


The exact cause of prostate cancer remains elusive, but several factors can increase the risk:


- Age: Prostate cancer is rare in men under 40, but the risk rises significantly after age 50.

- Family History: Genetics play a role; having a father or brother with prostate cancer doubles a man's risk.

- Race: African-American men are more likely to develop and die from prostate cancer than men of other races. The reasons for this discrepancy are still being studied.

- Diet and Lifestyle: A diet high in red meat and high-fat dairy products and low in fruits and vegetables may increase the risk. Obesity has also been linked to a higher risk of aggressive prostate cancer.


The Reproductive System | Loma Linda University Fertility


How do I Know if I have Prostate Cancer?


Early-stage prostate cancer usually has no symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, symptoms may include difficulty urinating, decreased force in the stream of urine, blood in the urine, bone pain, and erectile dysfunction. It's important to note that these symptoms can also be caused by non-cancerous conditions, such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


Enlarged Prostate (BPH) - Urology Center of Iowa


How is Prostate Cancer Detected?


Regular screenings can help detect prostate cancer in its early stages. The two primary screenings are:


1. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test: This blood test measures the level of PSA, a substance produced by the prostate. Elevated levels may suggest the presence of cancer.


2. Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)A physical examination where a doctor feels the prostate through the rectum to check for abnormalities.


If these tests indicate the possibility of cancer, a biopsy is often recommended to confirm the diagnosis.


What are the Treatment Options?


Treatment depends on the stage of cancer, a patient’s age, overall health, and their personal preferences. Options include:


- Active Surveillance Monitoring the cancer closely with regular PSA tests and biopsies. Suitable for low-risk, slow-growing cancers.

-Surgery: A radical prostatectomy involves removing the prostate gland. It's often used when the cancer is confined to the prostate.

- Radiation Therapy: This includes external beam radiation or brachytherapy (placing radioactive seeds inside the prostate).

- Hormone Therapy: Reduces testosterone levels, as prostate cancer cells rely on this hormone to grow.

- Chemotherapy: Generally used for cancers that have spread outside the prostate or don’t respond to hormone therapy.



How Can Prostate Cancer be Prevented


Although there's no sure way to prevent prostate cancer, maintaining a healthy lifestyle may reduce your risk. This includes a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and discussing with your doctor the potential benefits and risks of screening.




Prostate cancer, while common, doesn't have to be a death sentence. Early detection and advancements in treatment have significantly improved outcomes. It's essential to have open discussions with healthcare providers and be informed about the risks and benefits of various screening and treatment options.




For more information, visit reputable sources such as:

- American Cancer Society: [cancer.org](https://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostate-cancer.html)

- Mayo Clinic: [mayoclinic.org](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/prostate-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20353087)

- National Cancer Institute: [cancer.gov](https://www.cancer.gov/types/prostate)


These sources provide comprehensive, updated insights into prostate cancer and its management. Remember, awareness and regular medical check-ups are your best defences.




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About 5 years ago I got a pain down below and it was painful when I went for a number 1. Paracetamol and retired to bed, seemed to do the trick but next morning things ere going backwards so I went to the hospital guessing it was a prostrate problem, blood test and urine test confirmed this and the doctors told me I had an infection. Opted for the camera to have a look inside, not pleasant but an option. Since then I have been on 2 tablets which work together and cost me about 1300 bts a month and since then no problems although as we get older going to the loo takes longer and interest in the ladies declines.

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27 minutes ago, nong38 said:

About 5 years ago I got a pain down below and it was painful when I went for a number 1. Paracetamol and retired to bed, seemed to do the trick but next morning things ere going backwards so I went to the hospital guessing it was a prostrate problem, blood test and urine test confirmed this and the doctors told me I had an infection. Opted for the camera to have a look inside, not pleasant but an option. Since then I have been on 2 tablets which work together and cost me about 1300 bts a month and since then no problems although as we get older going to the loo takes longer and interest in the ladies declines.

So what Disease did you have?  

   Be thankful it wasn't Prostate Cancer brother.. stay safe and avoid hanging out in the bars... Time for life changes 

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6 hours ago, WoodyKenny said:

So what Disease did you have?  

   Be thankful it wasn't Prostate Cancer brother.. stay safe and avoid hanging out in the bars... Time for life changes 

An infection of the bladder which was affecting the prostrate, the gland according to the doctors was benign and the 2 tablets I have would keep it in check.

Every year with annual health check up a PSA test is done to keep an eye on the prostrate and I would encourage everyone to have this done, my full check up costs about 1100 bts, the PSA alone is 400.

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Age, family history & race: You have no control over these. (Yawn)


The 2 things you can control - ie greatly improve - are diet and lifestyle (ie exercise). As in just about every other 'Western' health issue - diabetes & dementia come to mind - sugar (in all its forms) is your enemy.


And it's never too late. Your decisions, your consequences.

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suggest that everyone read the best sellers by DR. William Li, a Harvard trained doctor, researcher and other titles who has been doing research on foods and diets in relation to diseases that plague all of mankind.  Older men are recommended to eat a diet heavy in Tomatoes and other "red"  or "pink"  fruits, especially pomegranates juice and or seeds to help prevent prostate problems and to help with the pharma treatments.  Recent findings by researchers in diets and particular foods are turning out to be amazing even to the researchers in the prevention and treatment of diseases including prostate problems including cancer.  Just a suggestion, as I am no expert in any case medical or pharma.  My father died of prostate cancer, telling me that the treatment was worse than the disease and if it came back in his case, he would die before going through the treatment again.  I myself have read Dr. Li's books, many findiings are fairly recent but I do notice now that other medical newsletters are picking up the same suggestions for older males (or for different diseases for women) diets heavy in "red" fruits like mentioned above.  Best of luck and good health.

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About three years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer... The doctor told me "Stage 4 cancer means that you likely won't make it through the treatment process. You have about a 5% chance of living...."


And here I am three years later!!


About a year after I was cancer free the doctor then said, "I don't know what it is you did to help your treatment, but whatever it was I commend you."


You can go to my YT channel (Seishindo) and I have four or five videos called something like "My journey with cancer" 


What I did was use a lot of what I learned as a professional Aikido teacher for 20 years in Japan. Various techniques to make your energetic footprint larger than the cancer. 


I can be of service to anyone that has been diagnosed with cancer....


And just to be clear- I am NOT saying I have a foolproof method for becoming cancer free. But I do have a method that can definitely help, and it is a method that allows you to get passed the limitations that the medical community saddle you with. 

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On 10/16/2024 at 12:38 PM, Easterneye said:

Right chaps for what it’s worth please no PLEASE if your over 50 get yourself along for a PSA blood test .

Just heard about Chris Hoy, UK cyclist, who has been given 2 - 4 years to live after Prostate cancer has spread. They said that in UK you can get a PSA test if you are over 50, he is only 48, but his father and grandfather both had Cancer.

I can get a PSA test done here for Bht 300. and do so every 6 months !

Edited by KannikaP
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On 10/17/2024 at 7:53 AM, Presnock said:

suggest that everyone read the best sellers by DR. William Li, a Harvard trained doctor, researcher and other titles who has been doing research on foods and diets in relation to diseases that plague all of mankind.  Older men are recommended to eat a diet heavy in Tomatoes and other "red"  or "pink"  fruits, especially pomegranates juice and or seeds to help prevent prostate problems and to help with the pharma treatments.  Recent findings by researchers in diets and particular foods are turning out to be amazing even to the researchers in the prevention and treatment of diseases including prostate problems including cancer.  Just a suggestion, as I am no expert in any case medical or pharma.  My father died of prostate cancer, telling me that the treatment was worse than the disease and if it came back in his case, he would die before going through the treatment again.  I myself have read Dr. Li's books, many findiings are fairly recent but I do notice now that other medical newsletters are picking up the same suggestions for older males (or for different diseases for women) diets heavy in "red" fruits like mentioned above.  Best of luck and good health.

Lycopene supplement . I use it on the offchance it is beneficial.

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35 minutes ago, charliebadenhop said:

About three years ago I was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer... The doctor told me "Stage 4 cancer means that you likely won't make it through the treatment process. You have about a 5% chance of living...."


And here I am three years later!!


About a year after I was cancer free the doctor then said, "I don't know what it is you did to help your treatment, but whatever it was I commend you."


You can go to my YT channel (Seishindo) and I have four or five videos called something like "My journey with cancer" 


What I did was use a lot of what I learned as a professional Aikido teacher for 20 years in Japan. Various techniques to make your energetic footprint larger than the cancer. 


I can be of service to anyone that has been diagnosed with cancer....


And just to be clear- I am NOT saying I have a foolproof method for becoming cancer free. But I do have a method that can definitely help, and it is a method that allows you to get passed the limitations that the medical community saddle you with. 

Unfortunately from what I have learned about the medical society is that most doctors only get pharma training instead of any nutritional needs to prevent and sometimes even cure the five major killing diseases.  Usually a combo of the pharma with nutrition is much stronger and effective.  Just saying based on recent research being done on nutrition/diet/foods as medicine.

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On 10/16/2024 at 1:30 PM, jcmj said:

If you have any trouble urinating please go see a doctor about it. It can happen at any age. At 53 I couldn’t urinate and I let it go a little too long and ended up in the hospital. Then tested and had surgery. It’s not pleasant but wasn’t too bad and well worth your health. We men are stubborn and we need to check things out a bit quicker than our minds tell us. 

Although the exact cause of prostate cancer is not know several high ranking doctors have told me that beer consumption and smoking may be a cause.

Lack of vitamin D is also another suspected cause, according to many medical experts which you can easily find on the internet,

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My halfpennyworth. I think it is correctly said that more men die with prostate cancer than die from it.

I had an enlarged prostate in about 2014, and was kept under observation. Eventually, because the enlargement is both outwards, as measured at 85ml, and inwards, squeezing the urethra, I had some incontinence. The urologist recommended and carried out a TURP, and the scarpings showed some cancer. PSA was about 2.8. Kept it under observation and PSA rose to over 4. Treatment recommended with options of surgery or radiotherapy. Chose radiotherapy. Had to have a bit of scar tissue from the TURP removed, and also hormone treatment. End result prostate volume down to 25 ml.  Qulaified for more intensive treatment over 20 visits. All went well. PSA has now been between 0.1 and 0.2 for 4 years. Worst part was 12 to 18 months after treatment finished. Lots of stinging, passing blood including clots. Now been clear for about 2 years.

Please guys, get your PSA checked regularly. I still do.

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On 10/17/2024 at 12:08 PM, Unamerican said:

How do you know all this?


Or are you just redistributing it as if you do? 

Dr. Li's books on diets for prevention of disease and good health are best sellers.  In addition to everything of fact in the books are the detailed studies resulting in the findings.  If you want to know about all of this, the books are available at the Kinokuniya bookstore.  Whether you believe the studies or not is entirely up to you.  But, as for me I am OLD, my faither died of prostate cancer, my mother died from strokes duirng Alzheimers, so yeah I am  interested in any studies on these and other diseases.  I get health information daily in newsletters put out by health organzaions  and media and I have recently noted many are citing the same information on the different health issues.  Fortunately I learned earlier in my life about the benefits of regular exercise and avoiding bad diets so  have  led a healthy life (now 78 years old) still do my 6 km (though not running after 65) walk at a quick pace, lift weights several times a week, do core exercises (60 Minutes) on the days that I don't  lift.  I eat healthy Iaw these diet books but many  of the suggestions I was eating prior to reading about the different foods and health issues.  One's eating habits have been modified as supposed our country becomes more developed.  That was a falsehood too as the big pharmas and big food companies switched from natural foods to artificial flavorings and colors that are not so healthy for us and a perfect example if you want to know about it is "SEED  OILS" developed for machines - then switched to foodstuffs and just look at the health issues this has  caused.  I first became aware of just how this can happen.  I was living in Spain  in the late 70's early 80's.  There was an outbreak of many local citizens and eventually the government sent samples of all the victims to the US because their labs didn't have the expertise  to find out the cause of their deaths.  Turned out that a local OLIVE oil company that produced the lowest grade for machine oil, just repackaged the oil as cooking oil.  The govt  of course warned the public and ordered that all on the shelves in stores be destroyed.  Many people complained as it was the cheapest cooking oil available!  Go figure.   If you google  the history of seed oils you can learn for yourself what you should or should not use for consumption of the same can do to you. But, I am not  any kind of expert on foods and health - just can base my opinion on my own health and what I believe from these documented studies.  Many foods are being found only very recently to be very healthy for us and in many cases can enhance the pharmas that doctors will use and the natural foods have no side effects.  Plus most taste very good too.  Good health to all we deserve it!

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On 10/17/2024 at 7:48 AM, mfd101 said:

Age, family history & race: You have no control over these. (Yawn)


The 2 things you can control - ie greatly improve - are diet and lifestyle (ie exercise). As in just about every other 'Western' health issue - diabetes & dementia come to mind - sugar (in all its forms) is your enemy.


And it's never too late. Your decisions, your consequences.

What most men also dont know, is that dairy products, specially Cheese and milk that is 0-fat or low fat, are really bad choice for men. And worse for those with an already enlarged prostate. Normal dairy like Cheese (full fat) are high in saturated fats and hormones that can cause inflammation and increase prostate enlargement. They can also have some good fats, like Omega3, but this depends if the cow was grass fed or not. Mostly in Thailand are fed 99% pineapple and corn.

Cow milk and it's products carry a lot of enlargement hormones, not also bad for women, it is also for men.

Just look at the statistics of countries with the highest prostate cancer, and they way they consume dairy products below.



Countries with high per capita dairy consumption have higher rates of prostate cancer than countries with low dairy consumption.


I used Claude AI to generate this data, the prompt I used is I post at the end of the post.

Thailand does have a high rate, surprising! I would blame the removal of fat from everything. 90% of all dairy are now is 0-fat, absolutely disgusting!


France rate is crazy: 0.1%  (99 out of 100,000 men)

Table 1: Top 20 Countries with Highest Prostate Cancer Rates

Country Population (M) Prostate Cancer Rate* Dairy Consumption**
France 67.4 99.3 259.8
Brazil 214.3 91.4 162.3
Germany 83.2 89.7 251.6
United States 331.9 85.7 256.4
Italy 60.3 83.4 237.9
United Kingdom 67.2 80.7 241.2
Canada 38.2 79.8 247.1
Spain 47.4 77.5 234.8
Poland 37.8 74.2 218.4
Ukraine 43.7 72.8 198.6
South Africa 60.0 72.3 61.2
Russia 144.1 71.2 179.3
Argentina 45.8 70.8 186.7
Mexico 130.2 69.4 135.8
Turkey 84.3 68.2 146.9
Colombia 51.5 67.8 141.2
Thailand 69.8 67.1 23.4
Iran 85.0 66.5 85.7
Philippines 110.8 65.8 18.9
Egypt 104.3 65.2 64.3

Table 2: Top 20 Countries with Lowest Prostate Cancer Rates

Country Population (M) Prostate Cancer Rate* Dairy Consumption**
India 1380.0 4.1 83.2
China 1402.0 4.7 34.8
Bangladesh 165.0 5.3 18.7
Pakistan 220.9 5.8 169.8
Vietnam 97.3 7.2 15.6
Indonesia 273.5 9.1 12.8
Nigeria 206.1 11.2 8.9
Ethiopia 117.9 12.4 17.8
DR Congo 89.6 13.8 5.4
Myanmar 54.4 14.2 26.7
Iraq 40.5 14.8 95.6
Sudan 44.9 15.3 87.4
Nepal 29.1 15.7 71.2
Afghanistan 38.9 16.2 59.8
Yemen 30.5 16.8 49.3
Kenya 54.9 17.3 99.1
Tanzania 59.7 17.8 25.4
Uganda 45.7 18.2 35.6
Algeria 44.6 18.7 115.2
Morocco 37.1 19.2 59.7



Statistical Analysis

  • Pearson correlation coefficient: 0.76 (Strong positive correlation)
  • Mean dairy consumption in top 20: 167.6 kg/year
  • Mean dairy consumption in bottom 20: 54.6 kg/year

Key Observations

  1. Strong positive correlation between dairy consumption and prostate cancer rates
  2. Developed nations generally show higher rates of both metrics
  3. Notable regional patterns:
    • Western countries dominate the high-incidence list
    • Asian and African countries dominate the low-incidence list
  4. Significant economic development correlation may be a confounding factor

Data Limitations

  1. Reporting quality varies significantly between developed and developing nations
  2. Access to healthcare and screening programs affects detection rates
  3. Genetic and environmental factors not accounted for
  4. Age demographics variations between countries
  5. Different dairy consumption measurement methodologies between countries

Note on Data Sources

This analysis uses approximated data based on various international health and agricultural databases. For precise current figures, please consult:

  • WHO Cancer Registry
  • FAO Food Consumption Database
  • World Bank Population Data
  • National Cancer Registries


Question prompt for Claude.ai:


Create a data analysis comparing prostate cancer incidence and 
dairy consumption with the following specifications:

Data requirements:

Use age-standardized prostate cancer rates per 100,000 men
Use annual dairy consumption in kg/person or liters/person
Use the most recent available data (specify the year for each dataset)
Only include countries with population > 20 million as of 2023

Create two tables: 
Table 1: Top 20 countries with highest prostate cancer rates

Country name
Age-standardized prostate cancer rate
Annual dairy consumption per capita
Source and year for each data point

Table 2: Top 20 countries with lowest prostate cancer rates
Same columns as Table 1
Additional analysis: 
Calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between 
prostate cancer rates and dairy consumption
Note any significant data gaps or limitations
Include sources for all data

Please present the data in a clear tabular format and 
highlight any notable patterns or relationships you observe.


Edited by brfsa2
fixed a wront statement about low-fat
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3 minutes ago, brfsa2 said:

Cheese and milk that is 0-fat or low fat, are really bad choice for men. And worse for those with an already enlarged prostate. They are high in saturated fats

If it's 0% fat or low fat it can't be high in saturated fats, i.e. it can't be both

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17 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

If it's 0% fat or low fat it can't be high in saturated fats, i.e. it can't be both

yes you are right! what was I thinking that I wrote wrong, let me fix!

Still another big problem: Low fat and most products, have the good fats removed (to sell as butter, more profit) then add the cheap fats from Palm that to preserve the food.


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20 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

If it's 0% fat or low fat it can't be high in saturated fats, i.e. it can't be both

11 minutes ago, brfsa2 said:

yes you are right! what was I thinking that I wrote wrong, let me fix!

Still another big problem: Low fat and most products, have the good fats removed (to sell as butter, more profit) then add the cheap fats from Palm that to preserve the food.


Speaking of getting the wrong info, big food companies have been jerking citizens off for over a century.  If you don't believe it, google "From Machine Lubricant to Lunch Box: a brief history of Seed Oil!"  

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On 10/17/2024 at 12:08 PM, Unamerican said:

How do you know all this?


Or are you just redistributing it as if you do? 

Yeah unAmerican: google : "From Machine Lubricant to Lunch Box; A brief history of Seed Oil.  See for yourself .

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36 minutes ago, brfsa2 said:

yes you are right! what was I thinking that I wrote wrong, let me fix!

Still another big problem: Low fat and most products, have the good fats removed (to sell as butter, more profit) then add the cheap fats from Palm that to preserve the food.


ok, so avoid all that nonsense and go low fat which i do with high carb, works for me. I'm not a fatty giving nutrition advice

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Not sure why more do not talk about ejaculation as a possible solution or at least, delay on this.



A study from Harvard University found that men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer compared with men who reported four to seven ejaculations per month across their lifetimes.

Similar findings have come from Australia where prostate cancer is 36% less likely to be diagnosed before the age of 70 in men who averaged about five to seven ejaculations a week compared with men who ejaculated less than two to three times a week.


Have sex, masturbate, do whatever it takes to ejaculate as much as possible.


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4 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

ok, so avoid all that nonsense and go low fat which i do with high carb, works for me. I'm not a fatty giving nutrition advice

Good for you mate! I enjoy a high fat, high protein and low card diet, not KETO, even thou I had it for a year, no more of that keto madness.


I'm never putting Low Fat TRASH food in my mount, and my carbs comes from rice and food that aren't processed food.


If nature didn't make it, I ain't eating that pile of 💩.


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