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One thing for pain and mental state is an app named Headspace.

As I said in a previous post, I worked with a Clinical Psychologist for about 6 months.

(Luckily my company paid all the bills.)

He taught me hypnosis. At the end I could control my panic attacks and get my pain level from about 8 down to 4, which was huge for me.

For years and still today I use the app. Maybe because I've had a lot of meditation experience, but now 20mins can take me to a calm place and help set up the rest of the day.

The Headspace app was origionally started by a monk who spent years at monostaries. He has since left the app. but some of the meditation programs in the app are still great for controlling pain and generally being in a good headspace.

For me I just repeat the 365 day program, but there is a specific Pain Managment meditation.

As with addiction, meditation takes time to work.

Also the simple act every morning of walking out to give rice to the monks, sets up the day. 

Like in the old days we used say The Lord's Prayer before eating.

I'm not really religious, but when you have 24/7 pain your mind eventually gets possed by the pain and you think about it all the time, so if you can include meditation to help break the pain cycle, why wouldn't you?



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12 hours ago, Sheryl said:

How much are you assuming a simple doctor consultation is going to cost?

I was referring to in patient re-hab, I know a doctor would be about 2500bht for a consultation.

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On 10/26/2024 at 6:16 PM, CanadaSam said:

With any addiction, tapering off is the way to go.


But it takes a lot of awareness, and effort, to do it.


Keep track of when you take the pills, start by reducing intake by 10-20% per day, in about a week, you will be down to negligible amounts, when you can stop completely without any ill effects.


BTW the same goes for alcohol.


On 10/25/2024 at 10:37 PM, Badrabbit said:

I've got my self into a big big mess, been using Tramadol since my pains started approx 4 yrs ago(I think) taking 1 50mg tablet every six hours even though I didn't have any pain (taking them to stop pain returning) people warned me as did the Hospital but I was so scared of the pain returning that I foolishly kept taking the tablets, I've not taken the tablets for 1 day now, im in terrible pain, my body feels like it's electrified, I don't know how to make myself better, I'm at my wits end.

I know I've been stupid, the tramadol made me pain free.

I'm not looking for a telling off just helpful advice as to how I can make myself better.

Am I experiencing withdrawal, it's awful.

My gf is with me so I am not on my own, this is not nice for her.

Never thought this would happen to me,  I'm 68.

In my desperation I've taken 2 50 mg tablets to try and stop the pain, it's worked, not better just more bearable, how do I go on from now, I never want to take Tramadol again.



Have you checked out https://thailandrehabguide.com/blogs/thailand-rehab-monastery/


The price may be right up your alley, and they do have a success rate.  


that has become a habit or addiction on your own, especially when pain is involved, is very difficult.  Being ina location that can help you and with people that will have empathy for you is a good thing.  


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Not an expert at this at all, but id go 3/4 of a pill for a couple of weeks, then down to 1/2 a pill for a couple of weeks then down to a quarter for a couple of weeks, and then try to stop. If I couldn't drop from 3/4 to a half in a couple of weeks, maybe try a month, etc. Seeking professional help is best.

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