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37 minutes ago, ross163103 said:


Not just an attempt, she DID engage with it, on a very personal level. Hopefully it was worth it, but somehow I think not! You'd think at 55 years old she would have a little more experience and common sense about this type of thing......guess not.


How personal ??  ...   did she try and 'diddle it'... 


How does one 'engage with sea life on a personal level'....      I think this terminology used in the story is somewhat 'artistic' and just means she was 'close enough' to get noticed....     (bull sharks have very poor eyesight)...



  • Confused 1
3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


No... its not debatable at all....   no one 'deserves' to lose both their hands for taking a photo of wildlife. 


She was naively ignorant to the risks. 


Meanwhile so many barstool cokwombles are being sanctimoniously judgemental of someone enjoying life and making a rather innocent but hugely naive mistake...  as if those passing judgement have never had a near miss themselves... i.e. when crossing a road etc while pished up etc... 



I’ve seen friends ‘wrapped’ in the wings of a Manta-ray (amazing photo also taken at the time).
I’ve seen many friends swimming alongside Whale Sharks. 
I’ve snapped a few photos of a Bull-Shark, from a distance – I did not know it was potentially so harmful at the time, but our dive instructor was clear that we don’t get close.

I've swam less than 1m from a Moray eel before noticing it (and they can be nasty things).

I've broken bones, torn ligaments, had catastrophic injuries from playing sports, wiping out in black-double diamond snow runs, drowning in powder-snow after a tumble.


Life is a risk...  we can minimise this risk, but half of the sanctimonious toshpots on this forum would past their judgement and blame her if she became injured while swimming with dolphins or choking on a grape... 


Some of you (you know who you are)... will only ever pass negative judgment and never see the tragic loss of someone enjoying lifes experiences... 


I think 'those of you passing such sanctimonious judgment' have never lived life... you've just gone through the motions....      


... Sure, travelling at 150kmh in the inner city while helmetless on a motorcycle is stupid, pass judgement on that...  but someone making a mistake taking a photo of a shark is more 'naively ignorant'...    There should have been a nearby instructor to guide them.


(not specifically you GottFrid - but all those who have replied in a similar manner) Your sanctimony is more likely hypocrisy than anything close to critical and intelligent judgment. 







Sharks that go close to shore are looking for food. That's why they are there. A 55yo should know better. There's only been a 5000 bbc documentaries on animals. The woman was an idiot.

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2 hours ago, Harrisfan said:

Sharks that go close to shore are looking for food. That's why they are there. A 55yo should know better. There's only been a 5000 bbc documentaries on animals. The woman was an idiot.



Have you ever been diving ?...

Have you ever been on a safari ?...

Have you ever been trekking through the mountains ?... ( overseas or Thailand ).

Been skiing in steep terrain ?...

Camping in wild areas ?...


Air-pressure issues, attacks by wildlife, snake bites, slips on rocks near waterfalls, wild elephants, avalanche, bear attacks etc etc...   There are risks everywhere, even crossing the road.... 


Calling this woman an idiot is perhaps a fair comment, she did something rather silly and paid a horrible price for her mistake. She may not have been unaware of the risks, she may not even have been able to identify the shark as a Bull-shark and of course, she should have taken greater caution...    going up to the shark was of course wildly naive...   not very bright... 


But, my reaction is not to those calling her an idiot... its to those who's abhorrent and un-human attitude is that this woman somehow deserved to lose her hands because she was naive and perhaps stupid enough to want to take a photo so closely.



I doubt half of the posters passing such venomous judgement travel far beyond a bar-stool...  and do many more activities than lifting a beer....  


... They need to be careful they don't fall off their stool, or trip over while drink and bang their head... Some asshat on here will accuse them of being stupid for not knowing bar-stools can be wobbly !!!...

... I'd bet that many of the posters passing such judgement would be drinking beers at some point this week and riding a scooter / motorcycle home, some even without a helmet...  now thats stupid - but I wouldn't levy the accusation that they 'deserved' brain damage when smashing their head after having a close encounter with the road or some immovable object....


.... And, thats the point I want to make - this woman did not 'deserve this' contrary to the commentary of the regular judgemental sanctimonious and commonly 'nasty' posters.
















  • Confused 1
1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:



Have you ever been diving ?...

Have you ever been on a safari ?...

Have you ever been trekking through the mountains ?... ( overseas or Thailand ).

Been skiing in steep terrain ?...

Camping in wild areas ?...


Air-pressure issues, attacks by wildlife, snake bites, slips on rocks near waterfalls, wild elephants, avalanche, bear attacks etc etc...   There are risks everywhere, even crossing the road.... 


Calling this woman an idiot is perhaps a fair comment, she did something rather silly and paid a horrible price for her mistake. She may not have been unaware of the risks, she may not even have been able to identify the shark as a Bull-shark and of course, she should have taken greater caution...    going up to the shark was of course wildly naive...   not very bright... 


But, my reaction is not to those calling her an idiot... its to those who's abhorrent and un-human attitude is that this woman somehow deserved to lose her hands because she was naive and perhaps stupid enough to want to take a photo so closely.



I doubt half of the posters passing such venomous judgement travel far beyond a bar-stool...  and do many more activities than lifting a beer....  


... They need to be careful they don't fall off their stool, or trip over while drink and bang their head... Some asshat on here will accuse them of being stupid for not knowing bar-stools can be wobbly !!!...

... I'd bet that many of the posters passing such judgement would be drinking beers at some point this week and riding a scooter / motorcycle home, some even without a helmet...  now thats stupid - but I wouldn't levy the accusation that they 'deserved' brain damage when smashing their head after having a close encounter with the road or some immovable object....


.... And, thats the point I want to make - this woman did not 'deserve this' contrary to the commentary of the regular judgemental sanctimonious and commonly 'nasty' posters.
















I've been snorkelling and ocean swimming. I swim away from danger. Seen 4 or 5 snakes moved away. The shark didnt have time to assess her intelligence or worth to society. Sharks do what comes naturally. Nasty comments won't change her life but her actions did. Lots of farangs are nasty. They won't change.

  • Agree 1
22 minutes ago, Harrisfan said:

I've been snorkelling and ocean swimming. I swim away from danger. Seen 4 or 5 snakes moved away. The shark didnt have time to assess her intelligence or worth to society. Sharks do what comes naturally. Nasty comments won't change her life but her actions did. Lots of farangs are nasty. They won't change.




I was snorkling in PhiPhi a long time ago....  1m deep water... I looked down and a Moray Eel was poking out its head (about 1m from my nutsack)...   A bite would not have been nice !!! 


Posters on here would be stating any bite is deserved... I shouldn't be messing with nature !!! 


.... at the same time I saw black-tip and white-tip sharks....   also sea snakes....    and yes, I wanted to take photos of them.... 




In this situation...  Bull sharks can be so aggressive, it could have been kids playing in the water nearby...    Posters on here would be blaming the parents for letting their kids go for a swim etc....

.... Posters on here just want to 'blame people'...  completely oblivious to their own stupid comments and perhaps conveniently forgetting a load of 'extremely dumb shyte' they've done in their own lives.... 


Again.. the point is... 'no one deserves' this because they were curious and wanted a photo....

  • Confused 1
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Now waiting on selfie of her

"See me.... with no hands !"

Sorry but how stupid can you be !

Always be aware



Just had my hand bitten off by a shark Q. Which one was it ?

            A. Don't know they all look the same to me. 😂🤣😂

  • Haha 1
On 2/15/2025 at 11:15 AM, Baht Simpson said:

Poor woman. No one deserves that.

I guess they forgot to tell the shark that he was about to go viral. FAFO.

  • Haha 1
On 2/15/2025 at 11:11 AM, CharlieH said:

The mindless actions of some for the sake of a damn "selfie" or for Tiktok, youtube audiences is getting ridiculous.


Maybe. But an aggressive shark is another option. Or he was just mistaken her flipping hands as prey.

15 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

We a very happy to have you here little Richard, that can tell us when we are out of line, sanctimonious toshpots and barstool cokwombles.

Unfortunately, not many of us that get your babbling against us in regular doses care about it. To us you are an insignificant little keyboard warrior that think he have the power to tell everyone how it is and how they should think and behave. Go play with people that appreciate your lesson. To me and many other they are as insignificant as you are.

I'm happy we have you here to get things straight 

16 hours ago, Harrisfan said:

I've been snorkelling and ocean swimming. I swim away from danger. Seen 4 or 5 snakes moved away. The shark didnt have time to assess her intelligence or worth to society. Sharks do what comes naturally. Nasty comments won't change her life but her actions did. Lots of farangs are nasty. They won't change.

"Lots of farangs are nasty. They won't change"

Many I can meet here on AN. And indeed they didn't and don't change within the last 2 decades I follow this blog. Some died but others filled and fill the gap.🥺

  • Agree 1

Bull sharks are among the most aggressive but are not hard to identify because of their bull head.  Too bad she wasn't aware.  Poor lady.  One in a billion chances of that happening.


Reminds me of the idiots trying to take photo with the Buffalo in Yellowstone.


Buffalo usually just knock you down and bring you back to reality.


Was she thinking the shark was going to put it's fin in the air and other fin on her shoulder for the selfie.


Condolences to the shark for having to put up with another idiot tourist thinking you are a pet.


  • Thumbs Up 2
17 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

We a very happy to have you here little Richard, that can tell us when we are out of line, sanctimonious toshpots and barstool cokwombles.

Unfortunately, not many of us that get your babbling against us in regular doses care about it. To us you are an insignificant little keyboard warrior that think he have the power to tell everyone how it is and how they should think and behave. Go play with people that appreciate your lesson. To me and many other they are as insignificant as you are.


Thats fine GottFrid... you can continue on with your judgemental sanctimony at those less fortunate...  

... Meanwhile, they day you stuff up and get injured for doing something dumb or silly, I'll be there casting judgement on those suggesting you 'deserved it'... 


You see, it is not the comments about stupidity I object to... it is the nastiness from those who suggest someone 'deserves' an incident such as this...


YOU are one of those people who have suggested this lady 'deserved to lose her hands'  - I find that comment inhumane, nasty and that of someone horribly lacking in redeemable character... 


Its not surprising to me that you find pleasure in the fact that others support your nastiness - birds of a feather and all that...   


A nasty little bunch some of you are and its fortunate you are in a minority. 


I'd like to meet people like you in person - not for any other reason that to see if your comments are keyboard 'bravado' or if you are naturally such a piece of work...   





  • Confused 2
On 2/14/2025 at 10:13 PM, quake said:


f-ing with a shark.

Darwin award. :coffee1:


Some of us would look at it as poetic justice, she was taking selfies and pictures with a wild animal, the shark decided she shouldn’t have hands anymore - but I feel sorry for these that can’t help themselves and don’t know any better……….the Ocean is not a petting zoo.

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1 minute ago, No Forwarding Address said:
18 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

and yes, I wanted to take photos of them.... 

Yes, I agree, from a distance……...


I doubt she even knew it was a Bull-Shark....    probably thought it was a porpoise or dolphin.


... In fact, I doubt if in the shallows of a tropical beach many of the 'nasty judemental' posters would immediately be able to spot that this was a bullshark and make a hasty exit... 

... though really, I doubt many of the 'nasty judemental' posters would make it to the shallows of a tropical beach, there are too many bars to pass on the way...


She made a horrific mistake... but did not 'deserve' to loose her hands....    This is the argument I have against the comments made by the nasty characters who forget they are human beings. 





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21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

No... its not debatable at all....   no one 'deserves' to lose both their hands for taking a photo of wildlife.

It's absolutely debatable, because whether or not someone 'deserves' something is opinion, not fact. In YOUR mind, she did not deserve it. 


21 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

She was naively ignorant to the risks.

Where did you get this from? Are you assuming?  No doubt she had heard many stories about people getting killed while taking selfies. We all have. In my mind, she knew the possible danger, and she decided it was worth the risk. Again, these are all opinions and they are debatable. 

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, nomad22 said:


Bull sharks are not normally aggressive toward people.  I've seen many of them scuba diving.  Most bull shark attacks occur in bays and rivers with muddy water, and it is thought the shark does not clearly know what it is attacking when it bites in these situations.  In clear water bull shark attacks are incredibly rare.


Usually this kind of thing happens in places where people are feeding sharks to get them closer.  They do that quite often in many areas.  Then the shark bites someone thinking it's biting the bait / food.  


There are not many sharks that will naturally attack something as large as a human.  A great white or tiger shark are the only ones I am afraid of under water.




Top 3 for attacks. Most sharks attack prey on water surface hence divers are usually safe. Crocs often do the same. Objects on water surface will often get confused as food. 



13 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

It's absolutely debatable, because whether or not someone 'deserves' something is opinion, not fact. In YOUR mind, she did not deserve it. 


If you believe that someone 'deserves' to get both hands bitten off...   because they wanted to take a photo....    and that its a debate for sanely balanced minds, then you too are a wrong'un.... 


No one 'deserves' to lose both hands in such a manner... I'd reserve the burden of such horrific injuries to the worst of criminals, not innocent beach-goers who've made a naive mistake. 


And you are correct - in MY mind, she did not deserve it. Are you then suggesting that in YOUR mind someone taking a photo of a shark DID deserve to have both her hands chewed off ????


13 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Where did you get this from? Are you assuming?  No doubt she had heard many stories about people getting killed while taking selfies. We all have. In my mind, she knew the possible danger, and she decided it was worth the risk. Again, these are all opinions and they are debatable. 


I agree with your point on 'debatability' if regarding the actions of people doing daft or dumb things has consequences.... 

... but deserving is something different...       She did not 'deserve to lose both hands'...   its a rather firm punishment for someone naively taking a photo....


I stand by my comments - No one but the most extreme of criminals is actually 'deserving' of such horrific injuries. 


I would also argue that those suggesting otherwise have lost a sense of humanity and forgetting that they themselves at times in their lives have made silly and often dangerous mistakes...  but they would not be 'deserving' of such horrific consequences. 




  • Confused 1

Is it any more insane that the guys who climb skyscrapers with no safety gear and take selfies hanging off the edge? TikTok is a death cult. If you don't have followers, you are worthless! 

  • Haha 1
12 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

And you are correct - in MY mind, she did not deserve it. Are you then suggesting that in YOUR mind someone taking a photo of a shark DID deserve to have both her hands chewed off ????

I wouldn't have wished it on her or anyone else. It doesn't make me happy that she lost her hands. I don't get joy out of other's suffering. But yes, I think she deserved it. Not for 'taking a photo of a shark' as you have tried to minimize and simplify it. She deserved it for 'getting too close to a shark'. As someone already mentioned, poetic justice. You constantly refer to her as being 'naive', which is nothing more than conjecture on your part.

On 2/15/2025 at 5:08 AM, CharlieH said:

Shocking pictures show people who appear to be the woman's family helping to stem the blood flow as she lies injured on the beach


A Canadian tourist’s Caribbean holiday turned into a nightmare when a shark attacked her and bit off both of her hands just yards from the beach.


The 55-year-old woman was in the waters of the Turks and Caicos Islands, trying to take a picture of a 6ft shark when the predator struck.


Reports say she approached the shark in an attempt to engage with it for a photo. But things took a shocking turn when the shark lunged at her, biting off her hands in a brutal attack.


Witnesses watched in horror as the woman was pulled under by the shark. Her husband managed to fight off the shark, and she was dragged back to shore despite severe injuries.


Emergency services were quick to respond, and she was rushed to the hospital. Doctors had to amputate both of her hands at the wrists and forearms. Despite her horrific injuries, she is expected to survive.

Local authorities have warned that the shark was likely a bull shark, but this has not yet been confirmed. The beaches were temporarily closed following the attack, and tourists were advised to stay cautious.


Experts are reminding the public that while shark attacks are rare, approaching wildlife for photos can be extremely dangerous.This incident is a stark reminder of how unpredictable nature can be—especially when interacting with dangerous marine life.



As reported by the Daily Mail.



haha...darwin's law...but she should get many likes on her socials...haha

4 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

I wouldn't have wished it on her or anyone else. It doesn't make me happy that she lost her hands. I don't get joy out of other's suffering. But yes, I think she deserved it. Not for 'taking a photo of a shark' as you have tried to minimize and simplify it. She deserved it for 'getting too close to a shark'. As someone already mentioned, poetic justice. You constantly refer to her as being 'naive', which is nothing more than conjecture on your part.


No, she didn't 'deserve it' no matter her actions.... 


Someone stealing shark eggs, mutuliating sharks etc... then there could be an argument that there is some form of 'natural justice' and deserving.... 


But in this case... no, she did not deserve to lose both hands, not at all. 


I think anyone who believes this woman is somehow deserving of losing both her hands needs to take a long hard look at themselves. 



3 hours ago, Gottfrid said:
5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I'd like to meet people like you in person

No, you wouldn´t


Oh I would... call it sick curiosity....      you are probably quite a normal person, but come across as a bitter twisted grumpy sanctimonious old fart on this forum which is unlikely to be a true representation of yourself....    but if you want to argue that I am wrong... then fill your boots.



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