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I Want To Open A Bar In Thailand And Move To Live Downthere!


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My question was, how does Danish management experience cope with the staff receiving their monthly pay on the 31st and turning up for work across the road on the 1st (the half that hasn't decamped for Isaan of course!)?

Perhaps the hidden motivation for his brain f*rt was "Wow, we can drink for free and shag lots of girls for free too!"

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i do not want to waste my potential. i do not want to cripple my life.

Sorry for joining this thread rather late in the day.

You are about to get a degree Electronics and Computer Engineering and you do not want to waste your potential. That tells me one of two things.

1) You know you are going to fail your degree and suddenly need to find a different career path.


2) You are really intelligent but have a chronic deficiency in common sense. Your potential is in engineering not running a bar.

Another couple of expenses i don't believe have been mentioned are flights into the country and visas. Just read through this forum and see how difficult/expensive/time consuming it is to get a visa. I have lived here for nearly 7 years and have just received my first non-imm O visa, (tourist visa's previously). It took me 3 visits to Bangkok, tons of paperwork/translations and 4 nights in hotels. For 3 guys all doing the same the cost will soon mount up.

At 22 most guys think they know everything, as you get older you will realise how little you really know.

Please don't waste your future by buying a bar.


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dam_n you all!!!

You've dissuaded him from doing it!

If it wasn't for a fresh crop of idiots getting off the planes every year and pouring their life savings into keeping bars open, then we wouldn't have nearly as many bars to choose from to drink in.

If any one else asks this question then its a great idea and sure to make enough money for you to live in Thailand like all the other 9 million people who come here on holiday every year and want to do the same to stay.

Let's get our story straight or we'll all end up squeezed into the same half dozen viable bars!

sounds like you've got a bar for sale... :o

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dam_n you all!!!

You've dissuaded him from doing it!

If it wasn't for a fresh crop of idiots getting off the planes every year and pouring their life savings into keeping bars open, then we wouldn't have nearly as many bars to choose from to drink in.

If any one else asks this question then its a great idea and sure to make enough money for you to live in Thailand like all the other 9 million people who come here on holiday every year and want to do the same to stay.

Let's get our story straight or we'll all end up squeezed into the same half dozen viable bars!

sounds like you've got a bar for sale... :o

God no. Even arriving in Thailand as a naive 22 year old 15 years ago, way back before there were bars everywhere I could tell it was a lousy business because too many people were investing in it for reasons that weren't related to the return on investment.

But I do appreciate that my choice of places to drink is far higher because of the charitable westerners who pour their life savings into keeping them open.

If that flow of foreign funds were to end, we'd all end up squeezed into a much smaller number of bars and the "wives" of these charitable bar owners would throw far fewer free parties while their husbands are back in the west trying to earn a bit more money to keep them open a bit longer.

I'm being facetious of course. I don't really want people to lose their life savings just so I can always find an empty bar stool. But a fool and his money etc etc

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  • 3 years later...

Nice dream - everyone has that! Try something different that might work. You should invest your 7m, gear it for some leverage so you might have 21m invested.

Get a job for a few years to cover the interest expense - so you can let the investment compound. It should double every 3 years - do the sums a few times - for 12 years or more.

When the numbers get big then you can borrow out some of the gains without cashing in the investment - so no tax. Then go live in Thailand and never work again.

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  • 8 years later...
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