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Farang On Thai Television, Movies Etc


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I live in the UK with my Thai partner of 5 years. She likes to watch Thai soaps on Vcd. Sometimes if I don't have anything to do, I watch them too. Here in the UK the "token black" is a common theme on British Television. I can't help but notice how, especially in "Hi - So" soaps, Farang are almost always placed in a socially inferior position. One paticular show, based around the lives of a rich Bangkok family, had the farang as a Butler being ordered around by everybody, another working in the stables, tending to the horses another maintaining the garden etc. Am I correct in my observations? I think it's hilarious

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I can't help but notice how, especially in "Hi - So" soaps, Farang are almost always placed in a socially inferior position.

I don't think that's true. I haven't watched that much TV recently but usually I've seen the farangs playing businessmen, hi-tech bad guys, or someone's parent, with the odd tourist thrown in here or there. In the show you mention with the butler, it sounds like that's part of the novelty.

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I can't help but notice how, especially in "Hi - So" soaps, Farang are almost always placed in a socially inferior position.

I don't think that's true. I haven't watched that much TV recently but usually I've seen the farangs playing businessmen, hi-tech bad guys, or someone's parent, with the odd tourist thrown in here or there. In the show you mention with the butler, it sounds like that's part of the novelty.

you see thais eating and a dopey farang paying the bill :o true to life i feel

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I can't help but notice how, especially in "Hi - So" soaps, Farang are almost always placed in a socially inferior position.

I don't think that's true. I haven't watched that much TV recently but usually I've seen the farangs playing businessmen, hi-tech bad guys, or someone's parent, with the odd tourist thrown in here or there. In the show you mention with the butler, it sounds like that's part of the novelty.

you see thais eating and a dopey farang paying the bill :D true to life i feel


I've never ever seen a farang in a "service role". Are you sure your wife is Thai and not Taiwanese or maybe Vietnamese?

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Working in the industry I can tell you we are often portrayed as the villain. That is a given. We are also portrayed as stupid and goofy in lots of commercials meant to ammuse the Thai population at large.

Damian Mavis

Hmmm, now days, I'd like to imagine a TV commercial in the USA or Britain doing the same with a minority. Imagine a "dumb Jew" or a "clueless American Indian" being the butt of the joke in a commercial.

Yup, Jerry Lewis often played an idiot Asian in American movies, but that was 40 years ago. It'd be great if Thailand could join the rest of the developed world in the 21st century, in this regard.

Edited by toptuan
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Usually the roles are pretty varied, IMO. Sounds more like either an inferiority complex on your part, or simply coming to a conclusion about the entire local television industry based on one sitcom/soap opera.


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Working in the industry I can tell you we are often portrayed as the villain. That is a given. We are also portrayed as stupid and goofy in lots of commercials meant to ammuse the Thai population at large.

Damian Mavis

And you'd see as many Thai's portray themselves in a similar light. Slapstick is a popular form of comedy on TV.

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No I meant more along the lines of a falang made to say his Thai line very badly to make people laugh because well... he's stupid! Just listen to him!

Damian Mavis

at the risk of being seen as a Thailand cheerleader or a thailand aplogist, I respectfully disagree.

The people will laugh because it sounds funny, not because the guy is stupid. In fact, it isn't meant to make the person sound stupid, it is only meant to make him sound 'funny' so people will laugh (if you understand my meaning). In my experience, few Thai's will openly try and make someone lose face in public. Same in this case. They are making him funny, not the butt of a joke.

It is a bit like Thai's who will laugh when you trip over or slip. They aren't laughing at you, only the comedy of the situation. In the west you'd think someone is having a go at you, here it is simply not the case.

You have to remove the person from the act. It is about the act, not the person. If you don't there are simply too many things that you can take offense to here, that Thai's don't see as offensive. Like when someone states "you've gotten fatter since I last saw you". They are not having a go, merely making a statment of fact. Back home, the tendency is to be insulted by such a statement. Not here.

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hmmm,no... nope that is not what Ive seen at all. When I almost died in a motocycle accident, about 40 Thai people pointed and laughed AT me (including police officers standing nearby). When I sprained my foot in a muay thai fight girls would imitate my limp and laugh AT me...... I pretty much came to the conclusion that Thai people like to laugh at others misfortune as they either cannot feel compassion or do not have the ability to put themselves in others peoples shoes. You really believe this is not true?

Damian Mavis

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hmmm,no... nope that is not what Ive seen at all. When I almost died in a motocycle accident, about 40 Thai people pointed and laughed AT me (including police officers standing nearby). When I sprained my foot in a muay thai fight girls would imitate my limp and laugh AT me

I agree with this. But it is not a Farang only thing. They also laugh when another thai has an accident.

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hmmm,no... nope that is not what Ive seen at all. When I almost died in a motocycle accident, about 40 Thai people pointed and laughed AT me (including police officers standing nearby). When I sprained my foot in a muay thai fight girls would imitate my limp and laugh AT me...... I pretty much came to the conclusion that Thai people like to laugh at others misfortune as they either cannot feel compassion or do not have the ability to put themselves in others peoples shoes. You really believe this is not true?

Damian Mavis

That is not typical Thai, that's human. If you go to the bottom of it, you always laugh at someone's misfortune.

I beg to differ on the Thais' ability to feel compassion. I my opinion, the do have a lot of compassion, even more than the average farang. The difference is how they express it.

On the role of farangs in Thai TV, I noticed that a disproportionate amount of "loog krueng" (mixed Thai) are among the movie stars. Thai people consider them as more beautiful than the typical Thai.

Me, for myself, I prefer the "typical" Thai beauty. But that's only me, and I am not the average Thai TV watcher.

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I pretty much came to the conclusion that Thai people like to laugh at others misfortune as they either cannot feel compassion or do not have the ability to put themselves in others peoples shoes. You really believe this is not true?
I do. Could it be necause of your haircut that they laugh at you?
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i watch recorded episodes of a thai soap at language school.

it is a typical thai soap , revolving around love , jealousy and money , with a good cast of wicked sisters , evil grandparents and manipulating mothers but has the added ingredients of a falang in it. ( played by a thai actor with a ginger wig and false bushy eyebrows )

he is the good guy , and despite all odds being stacked against him , ( i've been told ,although i havent seen the end yet , that he marries the girl in the end .( a minor royal no less ).

so in this soap at least , the farang ends up as a hero of sorts.

just as in soaps back home ,it is the women who are the dominating characters , controlling the men with great skill.

who says soaps are not like real life.

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hmmm,no... nope that is not what Ive seen at all. When I almost died in a motocycle accident, about 40 Thai people pointed and laughed AT me (including police officers standing nearby). When I sprained my foot in a muay thai fight girls would imitate my limp and laugh AT me...... I pretty much came to the conclusion that Thai people like to laugh at others misfortune as they either cannot feel compassion or do not have the ability to put themselves in others peoples shoes. You really believe this is not true?

Damian Mavis

That is not typical Thai, that's human. If you go to the bottom of it, you always laugh at someone's misfortune.

I beg to differ on the Thais' ability to feel compassion. I my opinion, the do have a lot of compassion, even more than the average farang. The difference is how they express it.

On the role of farangs in Thai TV, I noticed that a disproportionate amount of "loog krueng" (mixed Thai) are among the movie stars. Thai people consider them as more beautiful than the typical Thai.

Me, for myself, I prefer the "typical" Thai beauty. But that's only me, and I am not the average Thai TV watcher.

No THAT is NOT human nature, that is evil. I do not laugh at other peoples pain and near death experiences or even misfortune. WOW

Perhaps some do have compassion, I was exagerating my statement. But definately NOT more than western culture. Anyone I know from back home would reach out a helping hand to someone that was just hurt, they wouldnt stand and point and laugh.

The half thais on TV do NOT represent falangs at all, they represent what Thai culture accepts as beautiful and are representative of Thai people. Light skinned Thais are what is popular.

If by typical thai beauty you meant what THEY find attractive in their culture than I agree with you 100%, I love those light skinned Chinese looking Thai hotties. Too bad most of them are hooked up with chubby older ugly rich Thai men.... so sad.

Damian Mavis

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hmmm,no... nope that is not what Ive seen at all. When I almost died in a motocycle accident, about 40 Thai people pointed and laughed AT me (including police officers standing nearby). When I sprained my foot in a muay thai fight girls would imitate my limp and laugh AT me...... I pretty much came to the conclusion that Thai people like to laugh at others misfortune as they either cannot feel compassion or do not have the ability to put themselves in others peoples shoes. You really believe this is not true?

Damian Mavis

That is not typical Thai, that's human. If you go to the bottom of it, you always laugh at someone's misfortune.

I beg to differ on the Thais' ability to feel compassion. I my opinion, the do have a lot of compassion, even more than the average farang. The difference is how they express it.

On the role of farangs in Thai TV, I noticed that a disproportionate amount of "loog krueng" (mixed Thai) are among the movie stars. Thai people consider them as more beautiful than the typical Thai.

Me, for myself, I prefer the "typical" Thai beauty. But that's only me, and I am not the average Thai TV watcher.

Absolutely agree with you there Damian! Why, oh why are the Thais so OBSESED with the

'Westen' look that they employ so many Eurasians to promote their products? It seems that the Thais have a love-affair with white skinned, tall, skinny female actresses, at the expense of their OWN dark-skinned Thai female counter-parts. I love Thai women just for themselves, and not a copy of some Western 'ideal'. :o


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As an aside, I noted that a few months ago a Malaysian MP, was complaining about the lack of, as he described them if I recall correctly, traditional Malaysian models, as opposed to the almost dipped in bleach humans we all see on screens. Given that when I used to get photo's printed I was amazed as to how pale my Caucasian skin was, and how gleaming white my Thai friends were, how much is done by 'image processing' I wonder?

Apparently a sun-tan is becoming a fashionable mark of an international traveller in China, so wonder if that fashion will make it over here in time.


/edit typo//

Edited by A_Traveller
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As an aside, I noted that a few months ago a Malaysian MP, was complaining about the lack of, as he described them if I recall correctly, traditional Malaysian models, as opposed to the almost dipped in bleach humans we all see on screens. Given that when I used to get photo's printed I was amazed as to how pale my Caucasian skin was, and how gleaming white my Thai friends were, how much is done by 'image processing' I wonder?

Apparently a sun-tan is becoming a fashionable mark of an international traveller in China, so wonder if that fashion will make it over here in time.


/edit typo//

I hear yer, man! It would seem that the Thai haven't 'grown-up' yet, and still believe that the whiter you are, the more affluent you are, and that a dark-skin equates to being 'dumb' or unattractive :o ! I wonder when they'll grow-up?

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cant remember a farang ever being much more than a prop on thai tv. they only incorporate them to add a little "it" factor or to get a cheap laugh.

people typically desire that which they lack, e.g. westerners long to be tan, asians long to be white. its really quite simple. hence why asian muts get all the attention even if they arent all that.

btw, another primary reason why white skin predominates goes back to who runs the show in thailand -- its the chinese!!! coincidence?...i think not. 100% thai people are the servants of the thai/chinese here.

Edited by samsara
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