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Pattaya Immigration New Visa Rules Changes

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I can tell its 100% true that is what I have been told today in pattaya immigration. You have to go to bangkok every year to mfa to get a stamp on your embassy letter of pension for a 1 year extension for marriage.

Was your Embassy letter of pension actually obtained at the Embassy? Or was it made in Pattaya?

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"I understand that you need to have at least Bht 1,000.00 in the bank for them to issue an ATM. So there you go!"

Who is them? Are you suggesting that you know what you're talking about?

I thought it was clear that "them" were the bank employees. How much do you need to have in the bank for an ATM to be issued?

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"How much do you need to have in the bank for an ATM to be issued?"

I put in 500 baht to open an account at Krung Thai Bank. They gave me the ATM card at the same time.

Similar experiences at Siam Commercial, Bangkok Bank and Thai Farmer Bank (now called something else).

I believe they'll (the bank) will take less to open an account and issue an ATM card.

Edited by TerryLH
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This new rule has been confirmed by Barry Kenyon of the British Embassy. An ExPat in Pattaya also confirmed that he was required to provide a copy of one credit/ATM card.

I have heard some outrage coming from ExPats in Pattaya.

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This new rule has been confirmed by Barry Kenyon of the British Embassy. An ExPat in Pattaya also confirmed that he was required to provide a copy of one credit/ATM card.

I have heard some outrage coming from ExPats in Pattaya.

What has the british embassy to do with this matter and who is this Barry Kenyon ?

Did this expat you are referring to actually provide the copies of the credit card ?


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Last months it was the certification by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the consul’s signature on the income statement. This month it is the requirement of a copy of credit cards. As these unconventional new requirements crop up only with regard to the Jomtien immigration office and are always first announced by the British consul in Pattaya through the local English-language press, may I be forgiven for wondering if it is perhaps this consul who dreams up these ideas and puts them into the heads of Jomtien immigration officials?



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If I remember correctly, Barry Kenyon (Brit hon consul) is the same guy who, a few months ago, released the supposed regulation that the people who were applying for the 1 yr retirement extension based on monthly income, had to get their embassy affidavit's certified by MFA isn't he? That proved to be wrong. I'm sure that Mr. Kenyon would not knowingly release false information, so I would like to know where he is getting his information? What is the source? :o

Perhaps someone knows him and could call and check where this info came from this time for us please? Or I hear that he can be found at the Meesen Restaurant, 1st on the left as you enter the Pattaya Immigration car-park (Jomtien Beach, soi 5), between 0900 and 0930 Monday to Friday, except Immigration holidays. That info comes from the Pattaya Expats Club newsletter http://www.pattayaexpatsclub.com. So if anyone is going to Pattaya Immigration next week could stop by and maybe ask him for us and post his response here please? :D

I sure hope that the info did NOT come from anyone credible in immigration and is just possibly heresay! Hope, Hope, Hope. :D

Edit: I see that I type slower than Maestro and was beaten to the punch. Funny how great minds think alike! What? :D

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Barry Kenyon is the British consul in Pattaya, he issues the pension letters, and other advice for British ex-pats and holidayers, at Pattaya immigration on behalf of the British embassy.

Barry Kenyon was also the quoted source of the prior Pattaya rumor regarding MFA stamps being required on pension letters.

It has occurred to some that perhaps Pattaya Immigration doesn't think a "Honorary Counsel" such as Bary Kenyon's pension letters are not "worth the paper they are printed on" as quoted by another poster as a statement made by an immigration officer.

There has been more than one report of experiences in obtaining an extension in Pattaya in other threads within the last month, where it has been confirmed that there is nothing new required at Pattaya Immigration over prior years.

The credibility of the underlying truth of "comments" made by immigration officers regarding what must be done, that does not involve their actual official acts, appears from past "reports" of "New Immigration Changes" as being highly suspect. While those who post these "rumors" or "gossip" are well intentioned, by posting such hearsay, they just confuse newbies and others who rely on Thaiviasa for reliable information about immigration procedures.

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It hasn't been reported by Pataya Expat Club - www.pattayaexpatsclub.com - so it can't be true. Come on guys, the website of the socalled Pattaya Expat City Club get a click boost by that breaking news.Who couldn't use that in a situation of tough competition ... Anyone know anything about this socalled club, that makes you believe in whatever they write, regardless of how unbelievable it actually is?

I am a member of neither but visited both several times. This poster obviously has a financial intrest in PEC, by his very words and need to promote the PEC web address (contrary to forum rules)

My view on the two clubs:

Pattaya City Expat Club is not as commercial as the PEC and more informal, with FREE advice and not a price tag on every speaker. Plus a committee that is ELECTED every year inc the CHAIRMAN!

OK, they made a mistake here (Maybe), but done in good faith. At the end of the day, you should ALWAYS confirm with the correct authority - in this case Immigration. As usual, there is more mis-information than verified information on this forum

Pataya Expat Club Co Ltd (with registered office at Pattaya People Offices) is purely a SELLING MARKET meeting to a promote businesses under the Pattaya People banner. Nothing wrong with that. It is just another marketing medium.

In all, visit both clubs, join both clubs (and get your discount) but also work out for your self a balanced view of what is really going on in town.

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may I be forgiven for wondering if it is perhaps this consul who dreams up these ideas and puts them into the heads of Jomtien immigration officials?



You think, he's on the payroll ?


"Special adviser, foreign guru, for creation of insane, although, funny new visa rules".

Yes, that sounds nice !

Anyway, the story gets better and better.

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I can tell its 100% true that is what I have been told today in pattaya immigration. You have to go to bangkok every year to mfa to get a stamp on your embassy letter of pension for a 1 year extension for marriage.

Was your Embassy letter of pension actually obtained at the Embassy? Or was it made in Pattaya?

My pension letter was from the British Embassy in Bangkok. I can tell you all this is 100% true that I have not been issued with my 2nd renewal visa married to a Thai national because I don"t have this stamp from bangkok. They refused give it so I have been told by pattaya immigration to put some more cash into my Thai bank account and change to a retirement visa or I MUST go to bangkok for this stamp. This is not a joke its 100% true I only post this in the forum so you will all have this information on this new rule for us in pattaya. I don"t know if its for anyone else that will be up to there immigration office. You can take my word for it or not thats up to everyone but you will soon find out its true when its your turn if you live in pattaya. :o

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I can tell its 100% true that is what I have been told today in pattaya immigration. You have to go to bangkok every year to mfa to get a stamp on your embassy letter of pension for a 1 year extension for marriage.

Was your Embassy letter of pension actually obtained at the Embassy? Or was it made in Pattaya?

My pension letter was from the British Embassy in Bangkok. I can tell you all this is 100% true that I have not been issued with my 2nd renewal visa married to a Thai national because I don"t have this stamp from bangkok. They refused give it so I have been told by pattaya immigration to put some more cash into my Thai bank account and change to a retirement visa or I MUST go to bangkok for this stamp. This is not a joke its 100% true I only post this in the forum so you will all have this information on this new rule for us in pattaya. I don"t know if its for anyone else that will be up to there immigration office. You can take my word for it or not thats up to everyone but you will soon find out its true when its your turn if you live in pattaya. :o

Stamp from MFA? It's a computer laser printed sticker actually. Why did MFA refuse to certify your embassy letter?

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scotsman: You are confusing us. A retirement extension with a pension + bank account is one method of long stay and another is marriage to a Thai lady. I don't know the rules for second method of long stay but the rules are definitely different and you speak of both methods in the same sentence.

There was a rumor about a MFA stamp for retirement extensions involving a pension letter that was completely debunked.

Perhaps lopburi3 can sort out the confusion in your posts, I cannot and perhaps Immigration in Pattaya is having difficulty understanding what you are trying to do as well.

Surely, any letter required for marriage to a Thai lady is not referred to as a pension letter from an Embassy as you have done????

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scotsman: You are confusing us. A retirement extension with a pension + bank account is one method of long stay and another is marriage to a Thai lady. I don't know the rules for second method of long stay but the rules are definitely different and you speak of both methods in the same sentence.

There was a rumor about a MFA stamp for retirement extensions involving a pension letter that was completely debunked.

Perhaps lopburi3 can sort out the confusion in your posts, I cannot and perhaps Immigration in Pattaya is having difficulty understanding what you are trying to do as well.

Surely, any letter required for marriage to a Thai lady is not referred to as a pension letter from an Embassy as you have done????

He's not confusing everyone. An extension of stay based on marriage to a Thai national has to be supported either by documenting 400k baht in a Thai bank (if you qualify to use that method based on using it in prior years), or by documenting 40k baht monthly income. The 40k/month income might come from employment in Thailand or from income from abroad. A foreign pension would be one form of income from abroad. If that's what scotsman is using, he needs a letter from his embassy certifying the income. Don't confuse retirement vs. marriage based extensions with the documentation used to support them. A pension might be used to support either a retirement-based extension or a marriage-based extension (though the required amounts will be different).

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I understand your concerns but we are trying to find a reason - one could have been that they wanted the MFA certification because the letter was from Pattaya Consul rather than Embassy. If that is not the case it is most likely because you are using the family income rather than the retirement option that you seem to qualify for. If they are not making any more demands than the MFA certification suspect it is an added requirement for that specific extension of stay (family, foreign income). As we have heard of demands for monthly transfers and various other requests for the family method perhaps this is really not that much of an issue (if other requirements are not being asked). At any rate we are trying to understand and appreciate your reporting and continued assistance to trying to determine the exact requirements, rhythms and reasons.

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I am sorry if I can't explain it very well. I did my first visa extension last year for marriage to a thai person and there was no problems with my paper work no stamp from Mfa. But this Time they tell me I have to have this Stamp if I want this kind of visa. I did not what a visa for retirement but to get around the fact that I don"t want to go to bangkok for this stamp at this time. I am told that If I put some more money in my Thai bank account as I don"t have enough monthly pension to qualify for a retirement visa I will get one from the immigration on Monday. So problem solved for me if this works. But I can tell you they will not give me that family visa if I don"t have that stamp from bangkok thats the new rule. I hope that explains it better for everyone. :o

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I can tell its 100% true that is what I have been told today in pattaya immigration. You have to go to bangkok every year to mfa to get a stamp on your embassy letter of pension for a 1 year extension for marriage.

Was your Embassy letter of pension actually obtained at the Embassy? Or was it made in Pattaya?

My pension letter was from the British Embassy in Bangkok. I can tell you all this is 100% true that I have not been issued with my 2nd renewal visa married to a Thai national because I don"t have this stamp from bangkok. They refused give it so I have been told by pattaya immigration to put some more cash into my Thai bank account and change to a retirement visa or I MUST go to bangkok for this stamp. This is not a joke its 100% true I only post this in the forum so you will all have this information on this new rule for us in pattaya. I don"t know if its for anyone else that will be up to there immigration office. You can take my word for it or not thats up to everyone but you will soon find out its true when its your turn if you live in pattaya. :o

Stamp from MFA? It's a computer laser printed sticker actually. Why did MFA refuse to certify your embassy letter?

The pattaya immigration refused me the visa for married to Thai national I never went to Mfa sorry for the wording i was very tired to many early mornings trying so sort this out.

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Indeed it does and goes with the normal desire to see retirement extensions of stay rather than family (local office approval) when possible. I believe a translation agency in Pattaya should have been able to forward your paper for the certification as they have to do that for marriage paperwork so would have the knowledge of how to do. But it appears you will have it in hand Monday so that is information others might be able to use if they find themselves in the same position.

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I am lost. In Jomtien.

Can any TV members who intend to extend their visa this coming week based on 'marriage to a thai national' report back:

If you used a embassy/consul letter to verify all / part of your income did they say you need a stamp from MFA in Bangkok?

If yes would they accept a notarised translation from a passing solicitor in Pattaya?

Did they ask for copies of your ATM / Credit cards?


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I have a strong suggestion to people. Please DO NOT volunteer copies of credit cards/atms without being asked for them explicitly. If people en masse start to voluntarily produce these, I think we are asking for it.

I personally think this demand for cards (if it is true which I strongly doubt) goes too far. Maybe they are only asking a few people who they suspect are broke; in that case, too bad for them, but let us not all bend over unless we have no choice, OK?

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