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Bangkok Pattaya Hospital


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Had a strange experience. I was talking on the phone to a friend when he starting struggling to breath and managed to get out "I am going to pass out" the line went dead so I called back. His phone was answered by a Thai man who informed that my friend had indeed collapsed and had been taken to BKk Ptty Hossie, that place that never admits anyone unless they prove they can pay. I feared the worst and went straight there. I was surprised to find my friend, not on a table in a corridor but in the crash unit undergoing emergency cardio treatment, the doctors involved had no idea as to his ability to pay and despite this were trying their best to resuscitate him. Unfortunately he died 4 days later after the incident.

My point is that Bangkok Pattaya Hospital (the best money making machine in Pattaya) took in this guy and gave him the best emergency treatment they could.

So in spite of all the negatuive press they get here is a happy (not really) or rather encouraging showing the humanity that does exist in Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

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i've heard that they've replaced the management company in BPH last week... BOOM! they were all sacked!

Well, that has made me feel a lot better.

GPO VIR - first line of defence for HIV patients supplied by Government at 1200 baht for 28 day supply, 3 years ago BPH charging 2800 baht. Usury or what?

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What a bunch of crap this post is.

This is a long story, so I will only give a few of the details.

I had a life threatening infection two months ago and went to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. I stayed at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital one week with two operations and Sathip Navel Hospital four weeks with three operations.

Thank god I am OK now.

I keep most of my funds in Siam Commercial Banks money market account that takes essentially two days to get access too. The day I went into the hospital I transferred one million to my savings account. But, the hospital does not have a branch there, so I could only have access to 20,000 a day through the ATM without going to the bank. I with drew 80,000, all I had in the savings account at the time I checked into the hospital. I showed the hospital all of my bank books which they made copies of.

Upon checking in I gave the hospital the 80,000 and had an operation two hours latter. I had another operation one day latter and was in ICU for five days. Each day, despite the fact I could not move on my own and when the staffed moved me I screamed in pain they took me to the ATM to get 20,000.

I needed special oxygen therapy treatment which I authorized, but the hospital would not do. After I left the ICU my doctor came in and told me the hospital had told them to stop treatment until I provide more funds. By this time I probably had paid them 50% of the bill. I had him contact the cashier’s office to get me to the bank so I could withdraw more funds so I could stay alive. The cashier’s office then arranged an ambulance to take me to the bank where a bank officer meet me laying down in the bed in the back of it and I withdrew enough funds to cover my bill and any future treatment and went back to the hospital.

If all of that was not bad enough the girls from the cashiers office would come by three to four times a day, even in the middle of the night waking me up requesting funds despite the fact they were very aware of my financial situation. Here I am close to death and I am being made to feel like bill collectors are hounding me.

From the post on this site I knew that Sathip Hospital was only an hour away and had a great reputation. I transferred to Sathip Hospital and gave them 100,000 deposit upon checking in.

I can not state in strong enough terms my appreciation to the doctors and nurses that took care of me there. I highly recommend the hospital. Hopefully somebody will read this post and remember it, like I did and realize there are other options besides Bangkok Pattaya Hospital if you are ever in need of extensive treatment.

The one week at Bangkok Pattaya hospital with two operations and 5 days in the ICU cost me 350,000. After I got out of ICU and was in a regular room without any special treatment the bill ran about 20,000 a day.

The four weeks, three operations and 6 days in ICU at Sathip hospital ran 130,000.

Bangkok Pattaya Hospital made me feel like a dead beet that could not pay his bills. Sathip Hospital saved me life and treated me with the utmost respect.

Guess where I am going the next time I need medical treatment and hopefully after reading this post you will do the same.

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What a bunch of crap this post is.

This is a long story, so I will only give a few of the details.

I had a life threatening infection two months ago and went to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. I stayed at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital one week with two operations and Sathip Navel Hospital four weeks with three operations.

Thank god I am OK now.

I keep most of my funds in Siam Commercial Banks money market account that takes essentially two days to get access too. The day I went into the hospital I transferred one million to my savings account. But, the hospital does not have a branch there, so I could only have access to 20,000 a day through the ATM without going to the bank. I with drew 80,000, all I had in the savings account at the time I checked into the hospital. I showed the hospital all of my bank books which they made copies of.

Upon checking in I gave the hospital the 80,000 and had an operation two hours latter. I had another operation one day latter and was in ICU for five days. Each day, despite the fact I could not move on my own and when the staffed moved me I screamed in pain they took me to the ATM to get 20,000.

I needed special oxygen therapy treatment which I authorized, but the hospital would not do. After I left the ICU my doctor came in and told me the hospital had told them to stop treatment until I provide more funds. By this time I probably had paid them 50% of the bill. I had him contact the cashier's office to get me to the bank so I could withdraw more funds so I could stay alive. The cashier's office then arranged an ambulance to take me to the bank where a bank officer meet me laying down in the bed in the back of it and I withdrew enough funds to cover my bill and any future treatment and went back to the hospital.

If all of that was not bad enough the girls from the cashiers office would come by three to four times a day, even in the middle of the night waking me up requesting funds despite the fact they were very aware of my financial situation. Here I am close to death and I am being made to feel like bill collectors are hounding me.

From the post on this site I knew that Sathip Hospital was only an hour away and had a great reputation. I transferred to Sathip Hospital and gave them 100,000 deposit upon checking in.

I can not state in strong enough terms my appreciation to the doctors and nurses that took care of me there. I highly recommend the hospital. Hopefully somebody will read this post and remember it, like I did and realize there are other options besides Bangkok Pattaya Hospital if you are ever in need of extensive treatment.

The one week at Bangkok Pattaya hospital with two operations and 5 days in the ICU cost me 350,000. After I got out of ICU and was in a regular room without any special treatment the bill ran about 20,000 a day.

The four weeks, three operations and 6 days in ICU at Sathip hospital ran 130,000.

Bangkok Pattaya Hospital made me feel like a dead beet that could not pay his bills. Sathip Hospital saved me life and treated me with the utmost respect.

Guess where I am going the next time I need medical treatment and hopefully after reading this post you will do the same.

Good to know. May I ask when was that?

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Couple weeks ago, nurses from Bangkok Pattaya Hospital were knocking to evry doors at Soi Bua Khoauw , telling residents that they know have a new management and yes, they confirmed that the cost of the room is now 2000 baht, also medication and supply been reduced up to 50%. despite bad publicity recently, should we give them another chance ????????

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Couple weeks ago, nurses from Bangkok Pattaya Hospital were knocking to evry doors at Soi Bua Khoauw , telling residents that they know have a new management and yes, they confirmed that the cost of the room is now 2000 baht, also medication and supply been reduced up to 50%. despite bad publicity recently, should we give them another chance ????????

I use this hospital for only one thing, their Periodontal specialist who comes from Bangkok and is only their on Mondays. he is the only one I have been able to find that knows how to do a deep root cleaning. The last time I saw him was Nov 25th of this year and I asked him why his prices increased from 1015 Baht to 1350 Baht and he replied the management of the hospital makes him charge this price. he said if it was up to him he would continue to charge the 1000 Baht.

This hospital for the most part has lost the exp[at trade. The rooms are not 2000 Baht, try 18000 Baht in Bldg E and 10,000 baht with nursing care a medicines in building B.

the naval hospital in Satahip is good, but lacking modern equipment. The best hospital I have been able to find with excellent doctors is Phyathai hospital in sriracha, and they have an excellent international manager that will take good care of you and mnake sure you are paying the correct price. I will be going their on tuesday for a checkup 2800 Baht. Yes the same checkup that BHPattaya charges I beliece 7-8000 Baht.


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If all of that was not bad enough the girls from the cashiers office would come by three to four times a day, even in the middle of the night waking me up requesting funds despite the fact they were very aware of my financial situation. Here I am close to death and I am being made to feel like bill collectors are hounding me.

This place is a rathole and should be avoided by all, maybe now they are feeling the financial pain they brought upon themselves.

They only try to cheat and overcharge their patients.

I have had a few bad experiences at Bkk Pty Hospital not only with being overcharged but also with incompetent doctors.

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I had the same expieriance as your friend, I had a cerebral trombose at home luckily my son was there on vacation, my wife did not what to do she could not find ambulance service in the thai phone book so called some friend how call Sirikit hospital which came with a ambulance and only a stretcher no oxygen nothing in it like a meat wagon some one suggested to call BPH which is about 40 Km from where I live they where there in about 30 minutes with 2 nurses a doctor and all equipment for emergency in no time I whas in emergency under way I been treated in the ambulance by the doctor cardiogram on board, IV inserted etc...

I can only say there where PROFFESIONAL even they are expensive they are worth the money, must I have been to Sirikit I think I would not be any more of this world


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i've heard that they've replaced the management company in BPH last week... BOOM! they were all sacked!

Well, that has made me feel a lot better.

GPO VIR - first line of defence for HIV patients supplied by Government at 1200 baht for 28 day supply, 3 years ago BPH charging 2800 baht. Usury or what?

If something is 2,800 baht at a Thai hospital, you can be sure, in a hospital in the minor nation U.S. and A., the same medicine would cost $500, and the doctors required to prescribe it would cost a minimum of a few thousand dollars for a few ten minute exam/"visits".

It is not usury at all. They don't force people to go there... it's not the only choice in town, like in the minor nation of U.S. and A. If people want first class luxury, no waiting, go to BPH and pay for it... if you don't want it, you can still get reasonable care, for 1/2 or less then 1/2 the cost elsewhere...

Remember, BPH does not FORCE people to go to them... it's a free market... there is a choice. you're way off base for making that suggestion. Try getting sick in a place like the minor nation of U.S. and A.... you'll be BEGGING for Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.

In case it has missed your attention BPH is situated in Thailand; what the situation is in the USA, Upper Volta or Peru is irrelevant.

You are quite right that we are not forced to go there. Most sentient people don't, and if BPH are feeling the pinch I, for one, am very happy about that. Furthermore, if you think BPH is luxurious I suggest that you try Bumrungrad Hospital in BKK, an establishment that is impressively efficient and whose customer care of the highest possible standard - at a price much less than BPH.

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Good to know. May I ask when was that?

This happened in October 2007.

Bangkok Pattaya Hospital - Excellent medical care, very professional. Wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. Yes, it's very expensive, but if you have medical insurance what's the problem?

This year there was a teacher at local school that was FULLY insured who was seriously injured in a motorbike accident. Either he left his wallet at home or it was stolen at the seen that had his insurance card in it. He lost a lot of blood and needed blood transfusion to stay alive.

Bangkok Pattaya hospital put him back in the ambulance and sent him to a government hospital quite a ways away because he was not conscious and could not provide the insurance card or money. He died while being transport to the other hospital.

There are hundreds of post on this site about this mishap as well as it being well documented in the Pattaya Mail and Pattaya Today newspapers.

SO THE PROBLEM IS, if your insurance card is not tattooed on your forehead and you show up at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital unconscious and need life saving treatment you are going to DIE!

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Good to know. May I ask when was that?

This happened in October 2007.

Bangkok Pattaya Hospital - Excellent medical care, very professional. Wouldn't dream of going anywhere else. Yes, it's very expensive, but if you have medical insurance what's the problem?

This year there was a teacher at local school that was FULLY insured who was seriously injured in a motorbike accident. Either he left his wallet at home or it was stolen at the seen that had his insurance card in it. He lost a lot of blood and needed blood transfusion to stay alive.

Bangkok Pattaya hospital put him back in the ambulance and sent him to a government hospital quite a ways away because he was not conscious and could not provide the insurance card or money. He died while being transport to the other hospital.

There are hundreds of post on this site about this mishap as well as it being well documented in the Pattaya Mail and Pattaya Today newspapers.

SO THE PROBLEM IS, if your insurance card is not tattooed on your forehead and you show up at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital unconscious and need life saving treatment you are going to DIE!

I heard from a very good authority that he wasn't insured.

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I heard from a very good authority that he wasn't insured.

And your point is? The hospital did not know if he was insured or not did they? They let him die because he could not prove he was insured or provide them some cash.

My point is if you don't take care of yourself why expect others to take care of you, especially here in Thailand where money comes before anything.

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I heard from a very good authority that he wasn't insured.

And your point is? The hospital did not know if he was insured or not did they? They let him die because he could not prove he was insured or provide them some cash.

They did not LET him die. He was given emergency treatment and required furthur blood transfusions. It was decided to send him to the Government Hospital in Chonburi where the blood was available.

He was insured on a basic scheme with BUPA which probably covers the cost of a Doctor saying " good morning" and very little else.

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