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Russian Assault/robbery On Soi 13


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Just to forewarn anyone - 8 days ago i was attacked for no reason whatsoever outside soi 13 at a little food place about 4am 8 days ago (twas a sat night). I was a bit drunk, id won a pool comp. I was with 2 mates, and a big russian came over asked for a lighter. We didnt have one, but he kept talking and getting more and more aggressive. Eventually i said something like 'come and sit down and ill buy you a drink'. At that point his mate charged me, bottles and glass everywhere. I got up and moved away from this lunatic and then he chased me down the street a bit got me on the floor nicked my wedding ring and gave me quite a kicking. I have to go to hospital every day for 2-3 weeks to clean the wounds on my chest and i think ive cracked a rib as it hurts like hel_l when i laugh/cough. Its no fun. the police at lumpini were useless, in fact worse than, as they did nothing, then took the one we had caught home on the back of his bike on a route a taxi couldnt follow.

Mistake no.1 : not going to the tourist police. reason: the police wanted to take us to their station.

Anyway, be careful, the streets in that area are getting worse late at night. I for one wont be sitting out there again. This is quite simply assault and robbery.

Im not very mobile so im not following up i cant get to the police station right now. Im wondering whether i should contact the post or the nation. This is not good for thailand.

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sure you have to publicise it wherever you can - but first file a report to the police and have a copy of it (bring with you a witness and record of medical examination). Without a hard proof nobody is going to believe you.

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Sunday morning 4.0am and you were drunk on Soi 13 and Sukhumvit and you ran into problems - memo to self, avoid Soi 13 and Sukhumvit at all times of day and night, it's a rough area and cannot possibly be safe!

Of course, i just didnt realise quite how bad it was and that there were lads running around mugging people in public. Despite having plenty of witnesses available the police were utterly useless. I chalk it down to experience, but it just concerns me that pattaya gang culture is coming to bangkok, seeing as it was organised and russian.

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I talked to the pp who know the ppl about the ppl. They were not russians, they were Uzbekistani.

they asked for lighter to light the candle (something religious) - instead you offered them a drink. (Uzbeks are muslims, right?)

they got offended deeply, hence the outcome.

Sorry man, but didn't you hear "Don't talk to strangers" back home looooong time ago ?

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Sorry Oleg –

That sounds like rubbish –

Your comments are suggesting that as I am not Muslim, It’s reasonable for me to kick the S#$t out of a guy who greets me with ‘Salam wah la coum” because it might offend my religious sensibilities…

There is only one side to this story here so we can only go with that…

But the Op has stated that he made a friendly gesture and offered to buy the guy a beer… is that worth a beating? no religion or culture can use that as an excuse…

Regardless of the time, this seems like an unprovoked attack and mugging.

It doesn’t seem so organized… But as the Op has said.. some areas of Bangkok maybe becoming a little more dangerous than we are used to particularly after the witching hour.

We can’t go around making excuses for an unprovoked kicking.

Unless….Pauliepaul, (Op).. is there anything more to this?

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Ya but Im getting sick of you plickheads, always blaming the victim, bunch of jerks. The real issue here is that the police will do nothing, and god firbid any of you are the victim of ANY situation, you will get no help. But lets just ignore that and blame the victim for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


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another story that just doesnt sound believable. always drunkeness involved. maybe u hit on a big ruskie gurl somewhere...lol

If this would happen to you, I will post a similar response! See whether you like that?

What a load of crap do you write down! The OP has clearly had a miserable experience and you doubt him!

How nice of you!

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another story that just doesnt sound believable. always drunkenness involved. maybe u hit on a big ruskiegirl somewhere...lol

If this would happen to you, I will post a similar response! See whether you like that?

What a load of crap do you write down! The OP has clearly had a miserable experience and you doubt him!

How nice of you!

Indeed not a very sensitive post .

No matter what about the story is, it does apparently make clear

that crime is common in those areas , one should always be careful ,

still a very bad experience for the OP , happily he did not get hurt

worse which is also another possibility of course .

The saddest thing actually is that the police their response was so

awful , I mean a form of protection and helpfulness would be much

appreciated and be in place . The Op should still go to a police station

with his evidence and report the happening , good possibility these scumbags did not

do it for the first time nor do it for the last , hope they get nagged .

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another story that just doesnt sound believable. always drunkenness involved. maybe u hit on a big ruskiegirl somewhere...lol

The saddest thing actually is that the police their response was so

awful , I mean a form of protection and helpfulness would be much

appreciated and be in place .

Sad indeed but reality. Just can't rely on the police in Thailand. Best to carry a weapon when traveling in these areas. situations could turn life threatening and when they do, it's best to be prepared. I'm curious, what did your friends do while you were getting beat up?

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the guy you caught didnt do anything y would polit do something. imgine being the polit and hearing this story when he was drunk, what would u have done. so many of us here think op not cumming clean.

seems like one person did charging and beating.

Edited by blizzard
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as they did nothing, then took the one we had caught home on the back of his bike on a route a taxi couldnt follow.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Nope..2 posts on this thread and total... its a a troll..easy :o

Edited by yorkman
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as they did nothing, then took the one we had caught home on the back of his bike on a route a taxi couldnt follow.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Nope..2 posts on this thread and total... its a a troll..easy :o

He probably gave it up as a lost cause considering SOME of the responses here :D . Wow, talk about blaming the victim....

Hope you guys never get in a situation here with the Police....

Edited by Andiamo
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as they did nothing, then took the one we had caught home on the back of his bike on a route a taxi couldnt follow.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Nope..2 posts on this thread and total... its a a troll..easy :o

He probably gave it up as a lost cause considering SOME of the responses here :D . Wow, talk about blaming the victim....

Hope you guys never get in a situation here with the Police....

Won't happen, I have never been errrrr, to quote "a bit drunk" in a dodgy area., at last not since my Navy days, I grew up and apologise for that :D

Yes, I blame the victim unapologetically, lets not step around it.

If you want to hang around in dodgy areas, get yourself drunk, then crap may or may not happen.. grow up <deleted> instead of bleating on here. Yep I do blame the victim for putting themself in that situation.

I was past this in my early 20's... :D

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Right... and if a woman was raped in the same area you would say the same thing right? This is a TOURIST area, not Los Angeles gangland. Guess its too much to ask to have police keeping us safe and doing their job?


Hmmm not too sure to which this post replies... :o

The police in Thailand will not keep anybody "safe", despite your doubtless, intended to be provacative, reference to rape, although I do not see previous reference in this thread. Where does that come from?

It's not a Tourist area if you want smiles, colas and the beach.

Yes, I would say exactly the same thing. You doubtless know better..sigh...just do not go there if you want easy advice.

Or otherwise.... "up to you" as they say :D

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as they did nothing, then took the one we had caught home on the back of his bike on a route a taxi couldnt follow.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Nope..2 posts on this thread and total... its a a troll..easy :o

You just just made two different troll accusations of long-term posters in under an hour. Maybe you should go back to lurking :D

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as they did nothing, then took the one we had caught home on the back of his bike on a route a taxi couldnt follow.

Does that make sense to anyone?

Nope..2 posts on this thread and total... its a a troll..easy :o

You just just made two different troll accusations of long-term posters in under an hour. Maybe you should go back to lurking :D

See up...

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Exactly. the "Kat" wants to chip in and knows better apparently :o

Just stay away from lowlife areas in Thailand, and indeed around the world, and your chance of getting hurt significanty reduces. How hard can this be to understand?

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Nothing good happens at 4:00am, anywhere,

Not saying an altercation didn't happen, but would be surprised if one didn't happen.

The triad of disaster, alcohol, late night, seedy environs.

Police of little help unless there's some incentive, :o

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Nothing good happens at 4:00am, anywhere

I used to hang around soi 13 and 15 at about that time. Some good food stalls / street bars - good for "people watching". Many's the time I walked up soi 13 to Sukhumvit Suites - a popular farang condo. Never had any problem then - a few years ago. Maybe times have changed, but I think this was either just a one-off or (more likely) the OP is a troll, because : -

then took the one we had caught home on the back of his bike on a route a taxi couldnt follow.

- is a rather strange thing to say, for several reasons.

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was he not drunk? that area is not dangerous at 4 am , lots of people milling around.

Hey blizzard! Did you forget to write in your normal silly style? Excellent English, old chap. :o

y would polit do something. imgine being the polit and hearing this story when he was drunk, what would u have done. so many of us here think op not cumming clean.

Ah, OK. Back to normal. :D

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