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I have thought about this for many years and would like to ask you gals out there for your opinion... Do you think that men are almost a different species from women and that they are controlled by their d****

Thai or Farang, men seem to me to be partly controlled by their d**** and partly by a need to be mothered by women...

What do you think? :o

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This is a deep and meaningful op seonai. I will refrain from posting until I see some of the replies! :D

Reminds me of an old joke: How come God gave a man a dick and a brain and only enough blood supply to control one at a time?!? :o

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I was going to wait to see some replies too but i am really bored at work so i cannot wait any longer.

Firstly i'll give my opinion on the second point. The need to be mothered.

IMO many women think men want to be mothered. They don't, they want to have someone showing they care but mothering is too much. One of the main reasons i left my ex was because she became more like a mother than a wife.

As for being controlled by their dicks. When i get regular sex my dick has no control over me. Once sex becomes infrequent/rationed/unavailable then it is a different matter. Think about when you diet. If you are not dieting you eat whenever you like and hardly give a thought about it. When you diet you feel hungry all the time and the desire to eat is nearly always in the front of your mind. At least that's how i feel.

I hope there are some other guys prepared to answer honestly so we can see some correlation, (or not).


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This is a deep and meaningful op seonai. I will refrain from posting until I see some of the replies! :D

Reminds me of an old joke: How come God gave a man a dick and a brain and only enough blood supply to control one at a time?!? :D

:o And then some try to tell us that we can't be president because of a couple of days a month. You guys can be prone to dual processing issues at least several times a day!

I was going to wait to see some replies too but i am really bored at work so i cannot wait any longer.

Firstly i'll give my opinion on the second point. The need to be mothered.

IMO many women think men want to be mothered. They don't, they want to have someone showing they care but mothering is too much. One of the main reasons i left my ex was because she became more like a mother than a wife.


I think I can relate. A lot of men on this site seem to think that women want fathers, which is equally unbearable to me.

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I think it depends on the person.I think women also can be controlled by their passions and become wanton sex goddesses just as men can be controlled by their balls and are serial playboys.Men reach their sexual prime late teens women in their thirties but given the divorce rates and extramarital affairs people have I would say both men and women can be controlled by sex.

As to the mothering thing,no men don't want to be mothered just as women don't want to be fathered.This can also be a culture thing.My husband loves to organize everything for me,spends hours picking out clothes and things he knows I like,in a Chinese meal gives me all the choice bits and I've said to him on one occasion that he's acting like my dad to which he replied that he was something like that and I'm his baby.(and OK he's younger than me)Western men would no way be like this.

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Men are most definitely a different species from women :o I find it incredible that we can in reality be the same species when men and women think so so so differently! I wouldn't say that all men are ruled by their nether regions but perhaps the vast majority! It drives me crazy if I slip into 'mother' mode and I pull myself back at the speed of light. I think when you love someone, you want to show you care and it's natural to worry about their well-being, but not cross the line and be parental about it.

Not to hijack the thread or anything cos it's along the same lines...

As for being controlled by their dicks. When i get regular sex my dick has no control over me. Once sex becomes infrequent/rationed/unavailable then it is a different matter.

Just out of interest, how often do men 'require' sex to not be all consumed by it? Perhaps I should start a poll :D !!

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What's this legendary myth that males reach their sexual peak at 15 or 25?

Kinsey reported a middle aged American attorney who still was having two orgasms per day and was quite successful at his job. I knew an attorney like that. I know an older blond guy like that. But I still managed to stay married 20 years, have a successful career, help raise six kids (many of them without any adult help)

(Pardon me for being one more man who is answering the OP, but...) maybe most men have better orgasms, more easily, more often, than most women do.

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I have thought about this for many years and would like to ask you gals out there for your opinion... Do you think that men are almost a different species from women and that they are controlled by their d****

Thai or Farang, men seem to me to be partly controlled by their d**** and partly by a need to be mothered by women...

What do you think? :o

I think this is an excuse used by men who choose to be ruled by their privates and because they are that way they assume ALL men are that way.

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What's this legendary myth that males reach their sexual peak at 15 or 25?

Think teenage boys and it's a medical fact searching for the link.

(Pardon me for being one more man who is answering the OP, but...) maybe most men have better orgasms, more easily, more often, than most women do.

Men have better orgasms??? You guys can only have one at a time where as we can have mutiples.Whether you have a G-Spot or not sic.

Agree with SBK on this one too.That's a guy's excuse for shagging around.

Edited by Momo8
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Firstly....why would you want to fake orgasms ? I'd rather have the real thing than a fake any day.

As for whether men are ruled by their d%$#....I'll give you an answer after I've consulted mine. :o

Edited by sibeymai
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Their hormone could be the exact word, not their d. Hormone controls them (maybe not all of them). 100% male masterb. My husband told about boys seeing another boy taking a girl at his back of motorbike, they stopped him and had a fighting. Women don't do such nonsense.

They don't want children and are not ready to have a wife but have to go find a girl and get trapped. The girl stops her pills, gets pregnant & they get married. This is so popular in Vietnam and Thailand.

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It seems to me the question can be resumed as why men need so many partners when women seem to be happy with only one. Once again the answer should be found in ancien chinese wisdom : "Have you ever seen a tea set with one cup and six pots" Whatever that means...

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It seems to me the question can be resumed as why men need so many partners when women seem to be happy with only one. Once again the answer should be found in ancien chinese wisdom : "Have you ever seen a tea set with one cup and six pots" Whatever that means...

I can guarantee that my husband will not ever dare to have other women now or even after we divorce. He has enough shxt from me :o

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Firstly....why would you want to fake orgasms ? I'd rather have the real thing than a fake any day.

its a common thing for a woman to fake an orgasm in order to put an end to what is possibly boring sex. if the man isnt 'on target', if the woman is simply too tired, or if she just cant (for whatever reason) she may fake an orgasm in order to make the man feel better and to get it over with.

right or wrong, thats pretty much the truth of it. sorry blokes.

(i am speaking for many women here, and am not saying whether its wrong or right - just pointing out a fact)

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I was going to wait to see some replies too but i am really bored at work so i cannot wait any longer.

Firstly i'll give my opinion on the second point. The need to be mothered.

IMO many women think men want to be mothered. They don't, they want to have someone showing they care but mothering is too much. One of the main reasons i left my ex was because she became more like a mother than a wife.


I think I can relate. A lot of men on this site seem to think that women want fathers, which is equally unbearable to me.

I can see a lot of sense in these two comments.

It also also makes you realise that the generalisation of the OP is quite offensive , and in a situation of role reversal would have had the thread closed immediately.

Ladies, do you really want to have a forum that has different rules for the sexes?


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Not offensive at all Percy. Merely a thought and wondered what others think. In my experience (maybe I chose the wrong types) men have silently requested mothering type treatment and I find that very offputting.

There's no need to turn an otherwise fun thread into something negative :o

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And to add to Seonai's comments, there have been many, MANY threads in the open forum pondering the qualities of various women of one sort or another. This thread is very tame and harmless in comparison.

But, I appreciate your sentiments.

Edited by kat
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Not offensive at all Percy. Merely a thought and wondered what others think. In my experience (maybe I chose the wrong types) men have silently requested mothering type treatment and I find that very offputting.

There's no need to turn an otherwise fun thread into something negative :o


I honestly don't think you meant to be offensive.

But If I follow the comment previously quoted and say from a mans perspective women are looking for a paternal figure who provides emotional and financial security...... where will we end up?


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