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What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?

Ulysses G.

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I hate it when westerners write 'falang' instead of 'farang'. I normally can't read the rest of their post after seeing this. A bit irrational I know, but most of the westerners who I have met who say 'falang' have been always annoying people.

:D oh; I always did :D is that makes me annoying people too??? :D:D

but I can only blame my Thai friends who'd told me to pronounce and write it like this, they even stressed it is too shame that a woman would pronounce the ® in that word. :o

no poblem ; gallo ; solly if I annoy you ka :D

That's OK Zaza, it is just one of my irrational peeves. I am sure you are a lovely person. If I could afford counselling in Thailand I would attend just to get over this pet-hate :D

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I've noticed a few posts where folks object to being ignored by other westerners.

I recently visited Isan and went to a border town near Lao, found a nice restraunt on the Mekong river and sat with my family of 5 Thais. The Thai cook had a Farang partner who spent his days hanging around the bar while she worked from 4am to 9pm. He saw me and made a Bee line in my direction, He spent the next 45 minutes giving me a complete history of his sorry life and completely ruined our family dinner. As I was with my family I held my tongue, but I would really have liked to tell him in very basic Aussie what to do with himself.

I would've said: "I'm sorry, but we are having a family meal. Can we talk next time?"

If he didn't take the hint, I would have told him to "Please go away".

After that.... no holds barred! :o

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I don't quite understand why some ex-pats insisted on talking Thai to me soon after learning that I'm a Thai. Normally, this would be nice to see someone making an effort to speak your language. Unfortunately, this had happened to me a couple of times, after a fews minute into a simply basic Thai conversation, I always became frustated :D:D because I didn't understand a word of what the other person was saying. This was quite embarrased :o since I'm a Thai - born and raised in BKK my whole life, finished Thammasart. Yet, at this moment having hardtime understand Thai.

OK, trying hard to be patiently, finally figured that out it was an Issarn dialect , or southern dialect..etc., ended up usually asked them to converse in Centrlal Thai (BKK) dialect if they could. In some cases if I felt offended, I simply just walked away after I ralize that person either learned Thai from b/gs or tuk-tuk drivers . The educated Thais from a decent family can tell more or less about what level of education and background of the person who are using those words. For example, the English word "YOU", the Thai has dozen ways to address to second person.

So, you simply walk away when you realise you have been speaking to some low-class farang. Sounds like you also despise less well-educated Thais.

I take it that good manners and respect for others were not taught at your schools.

Your parents must be so proud.

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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego.

To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

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Supprisingly I have a gripe that no-one else has! Maybe it's only me! I HATE it when a farang goes everywhere without his shirt on...
Been thru most of this thread including PrbkkPr's alphabet failed to see:-

Ignorant, disrespectful slobs roaming around town or in a bar parading their ugly shirtless upper body in public...

I hate it when a member doesn't read through a thread carefully, and then posts the same as someone else did the previous day.


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I HATE it ...

i'd hate myself if i had selected


as a nick for TV :o

redefining irrelavent. you cant do better?


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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego.

To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

I was thinking along the same lines, the scum that build an obscene house in a small village then erect a large surrounding perimeter fence and install watch dogs to keep out the inlaws.

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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego.

To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

I was thinking along the same lines, the scum that build an obscene house in a small village then erect a large surrounding perimeter fence and installing watch dogs to keep out the inlaws.

Yes and when they don't do this you will be complaining about the scum who move to a small village and act like a Thai. Some people...

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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego.

To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

I was thinking along the same lines, the scum that build an obscene house in a small village then erect a large surrounding perimeter fence and installing watch dogs to keep out the inlaws.

Yes and when they don't do this you will be complaining about the scum who move to a small village and act like a Thai. Some people...

You have revealed yourself.

Edited by enyaw
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I HATE it ...

i'd hate myself if i had selected


as a nick for TV :o

redefining irrelavent. you cant do better?


indeed i can do better, e.g. i master the correct spelling of "irrelevant" :D

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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego. To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

I was thinking along the same lines, the scum that build an obscene house in a small village then erect a large surrounding perimeter fence and install watch dogs to keep out the inlaws.

must be all depending what kind of in-laws one has :o

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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego. To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

and it's just not right that you don't have the dosh to build a "vast" house like them... isn't it? :o

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Supprisingly I have a gripe that no-one else has! Maybe it's only me! I HATE it when a farang goes everywhere without his shirt on. Sporting shorts and a pair of flipflops (smelling too!) To think that every location in Thailand is a beach or just because it's 30 degrees (and 2 degrees at home) then they totally ignore any common sense as to whether it is polite or appropriate to go topless everywhere! 2 days ago I see a guy biying a motorbike for his gf (it was a sorry picture in the Yamaha dealership), restaurants in residential areas, temples, hospitals etc, I can't work it out!!

:o Then you are close to what one of my pet peeves is....namely those who walk around wearing only a shirt soaked with sweat and plastered to their bodies. Now I know:

1. Yes, it's hot 35 to 40 degrees...and the humidity is nearly 100%

2. Yes, I'm a big fat American. I sweat too.

But I can't stand those who wear a shirt, soaked with sweat, dripping with water, that clings to their (often) very overweight bodies. If you do that please wear a T-shirt or cotton undershirt underneath your shirt to absorb the sweat instead of having your shirt soaking wet and clinging to your body. And please, if you sweat heavily, no tank tops (male of female). The only possible execption is young good looking shapely women, who I will grant an exception to wearing tight clinging blouses (if the look good enough and are not overweight).

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Building vast houses in the sticks flaunting their wives' ego.

To me this is such bad taste and perhaps worse than the fat bellied, slackjawed, shaven headed low end trash disporting his tattooed torso naked in a restaurant or bar nowhere near a beach.

I was thinking along the same lines, the scum that build an obscene house in a small village then erect a large surrounding perimeter fence and installing watch dogs to keep out the inlaws.

Yes and when they don't do this you will be complaining about the scum who move to a small village and act like a Thai. Some people...

You have revealed yourself.

In what way, if you don't mind me asking?

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But I can't stand those who wear a shirt, soaked with sweat, dripping with water, that clings to their (often) very overweight bodies. If you do that please wear a T-shirt or cotton undershirt underneath your shirt to absorb the sweat instead of having your shirt soaking wet and clinging to your body. And please, if you sweat heavily, no tank tops (male of female). The only possible execption is young good looking shapely women, who I will grant an exception to wearing tight clinging blouses (if the look good enough and are not overweight).

i grant exceptions to females of all ages (including the overweight ones) if they were tight clinging blouses :o

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The lesson that I take from this thread is that there is very little that we can do in Thailand that isn't going to upset other westerners. Probably best just to continue on as before.

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Actually, it's not something that I hate. I just find it very amusing amoung the ex-pat population

1) you are in a pub in UK, or wherever you like, and someone comes in descibing there holiday, or weekend away. The conversation takes these lines.

" I had a beautiful Hotel. Cost me 150 quid a night"

" That's nothing, our hotel cost 200 quid a night"

" Huh" pipes up a third " Ours was 300 quid"

2)Where as in the ex-pat community here, the conversation would go like this.

" I had a beautiful Hotel. Cost me 800 baht a night"

" That's nothing, our hotel cost 600 baht a night"

" Huh" pipes up a third " Ours was 300 baht"

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I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

Where is this magic stool? :D

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I hate it when they think they can take my stool or sit near me when they're clearly aware that it is my stool, and my space,

I try to stare them down to indicate my displeasure but some just don't get it,

Lately it's gotten really bad, this one guy is actually waiting evryday now to take my stool and my personal buffer space, :D:o

Where is this magic stool? :D

it's the one with the brownish coating :D

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Sorry to be thick but I'm mising the point with the ''na'' thing, can someone take pity and explain.

I probably hate them too.

Are they Celtic supporters?

I wouldn't say that I hate them, but I do find people who dislike other people because of their sports team to be mind-crushingly dull. I also find bigots to be spirit-crushing people so when this is combined with their choice of football team, for me, it is time to walk away. Luckily I don't have to deal with these people much in Thailand. Hopefuly the continued increases in aviation fuel will discourage this type of punter from travelling so far.

garro, had a feeling you would rise to that one. Agreed, let's ban all bigots from Thailand.

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Sorry to be thick but I'm mising the point with the ''na'' thing, can someone take pity and explain.

I probably hate them too.

Are they Celtic supporters?

I wouldn't say that I hate them, but I do find people who dislike other people because of their sports team to be mind-crushingly dull. I also find bigots to be spirit-crushing people so when this is combined with their choice of football team, for me, it is time to walk away. Luckily I don't have to deal with these people much in Thailand. Hopefuly the continued increases in aviation fuel will discourage this type of punter from travelling so far.

garro, had a feeling you would rise to that one. Agreed, let's ban all bigots from Thailand.

Yes, or a continued rise in aviation fuel costs :o

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What Do Other Expats Do That You Hate?, What makes you SICK?

those are pretty strong words that I never felt in Thailand. However I can use the adjective; dislike towards some (mostly older but not all) farang I bump into in Isaan.

See them shopping with their (slapper looking, in her late 30s and 40s plus) Thai partner and her (ethnic Thai) kids tagging along. A woman that no decent, self respecting Thai man (or any sensible farang man abroad) would ever want to be seen with. They seem so oblivious to people glances, sneer and gossiping, looking around pleased with themselves while their partner help herself stuffing the trolley with groceries and kids' toys.

They just reinforce the notion, to Thais' mind, that all farang in Thailand are old fat, low standard, gullible walking ATM machines to be taken advantage of. Some of these human relics seem to congregate in Thai forums extolling the virtues of Thais, proudly stating that they're fully integrated into their host society and flaming anybody who dares criticise Thai women's virtue.

If they only knew, if they only knew ...... :o

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I just hate expats who complain to me about everthing under the sun. Makes me want to squash them like a bug.

I had a mate in bangkok who would see the negative about everything when i was on holidays in Thailand jan this year. It bugged the shit out of me as I was there to have a good time

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