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2 Rottweilers Maul 2-year-old Girl To Death


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The big dog out of control is not just a Thai phenomena.

This is an awful situation and there is no point in placing the blame because it can't be reversed.

It is a very sad story and I feel very sorry for the parents.

Without knowing the dogs you cannot hypothesise why this happens.

But it should be a reminder to other people with big dogs to realise the potential of your dog. The fact that it doesn't bite people or chase people, doesn't mean that the potential isn't there. Some dogs have the capability and the inclination when a set of factors all add up. Maybe those factors will all come together maybe not. If you know how to "read" your dog's personality you have to be honest with yourself and know how much they can be trusted.

A lot of the problems here, I think, are based on the dog being left to do its own thing. They need to realise they are not in charge, they follow orders. Not many Thais have vocal contact with their dog, they just leave it to its own devices and maybe hit it if it does something wrong. Whether that was the case here, I don't know, a very sad story that hopefully won't happen again.

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As far as I am concerned, this is a case of criminally negligent homicide. This guy is directly responsible for the death of the child. There is no excuse for having dogs of this type around a small child unless they are VERY well trained, and even then I would not recommend it. In US he could have been charged with at least endangering welfare of a child or maybe terminal stupidity. Why is it that people get so irate and upset about someone having a gun in the house but have no problem with big killer dogs? You can unload the gun. You can lock it up and keep it away from small children, and it does not go off on its own. Dogs on the other hand are living things with instincts and behavior of their own.If you know what you are doing, a gun is perfectly safe. I am not looking to debate gun control, only stating a comparison. If the guy keeps getting burglarized, then get a burglar alarm or at least a small harmless dog who can bark and alert the owners. I have to say there appears to be an abundance of rottweilers and other dangerous dogs in this country. If Thailand is so dangerous that one must have 2 rottweilers to feel safe, then why stay here?

Well said!!

I was in Pattaya recently and noticed a LOT of farangs walking around with miltary breed dogs.

They looked as dangerous as the dogs!!! mean men with mean dogs.

To have this type of breed for guard duty means they are raised to assult.

To have them around toddlers is tandermount to endangering a child's life, in my opinion.

That poor little girl

I hold the mean little man responsible.

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Apparently the mother returned home by motorbike at 1am with her daughter. She let her daughter off the bike and she ran into the house to see her grandparents, who were asleep with the dogs at the time.

If this is true, then I imagine the dogs awoke with a shock when the poor girl entered the room and attacked thinking it was an intruder.

This is very similar to a possible explanation given by Neinke in an earlier post.

There are a variety of factors that lead to dog attacks, with breed being only one of them. The circumstances of the attack are probably the most important factor with others being:

- number of dogs

- sex of dog (s)

- age of dog(s)

- whether the dog(s) are neutered

- level of training


Focusing only on the breed can give ppl a false sense of security as they think their dog is 'safe'. Dogs act on instinct. All dogs are capable of attacking, as can be seen by cases of labradors and pomeranians that have killed.

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Apparently the mother returned home by motorbike at 1am with her daughter. She let her daughter off the bike and she ran into the house to see her grandparents, who were asleep with the dogs at the time.

If this is true, then I imagine the dogs awoke with a shock when the poor girl entered the room and attacked thinking it was an intruder.

This is very similar to a possible explanation given by Neinke in an earlier post.

There are a variety of factors that lead to dog attacks, with breed being only one of them. The circumstances of the attack are probably the most important factor with others being:

- number of dogs

- sex of dog (s)

- age of dog(s)

- whether the dog(s) are neutered

- level of training


Focusing only on the breed can give ppl a false sense of security as they think their dog is 'safe'. Dogs act on instinct. All dogs are capable of attacking, as can be seen by cases of labradors and pomeranians that have killed.

Very terrible story - there's no excuse for these dogs' behaviour.

If there's a rottweiler near you, it's simple - kill it. Any such dog or pit-bull anywhere near my soi will be killed.

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i can only agree with smithson and nienke; there is also the rule of 'child under seven years old, not left alone with large dog'... as a (previous) owner of two large boxers, we had our house double gated, and we always came home calling our dogs to us by name as we opened the door (to be licked to death by them); young children were never in the house alone with them, and my youngest learned at an early age to give two main commands: 'crate' and 'settle'... to place the dogs in positions that minimilize problems when things get out of hand....

now owning a small but aggressive territorial dog, i had to teach my husband that rough play with our dogs including fake biting, is not tolerated.. as a bannork thai, he had to learn rules that apply to house dogs and were unfamiliar to him- my husband not the dog (things like basic training,feeding, etc. he treated all dogs like thai village dogs.)

this same scenerio happens all around the world because people think that a dog is a piece of furniture. a gun only goes off if u press it. a dog can be set off just by having a bad day, even if he is a well trained well balanced animal...

unfortunately it is more difficult to train people then dogs with tragic results...

poor mother



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If there's a rottweiler near you, it's simple - kill it. Any such dog or pit-bull anywhere near my soi will be killed.

Neeranam, I've told you a Billion times not to exaggerate.

So the local Police chief has a Rottweiler in your Soi and you would kill it ?

Edited by Maigo6
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Very terrible story - there's no excuse for these dogs' behaviour.

If there's a rottweiler near you, it's simple - kill it. Any such dog or pit-bull anywhere near my soi will be killed.

I'm also terribly sorry at this unfortunate incident and am not trying to make excuses, but provide explanations for dogs behavior.

A good example is the labrador (originally reported to be a pit bull) who chewed it's owners face off. The theory is the dog started licking the owners face possibly to wake her, however the owner had taken sleeping pills. It's thought the licking turned to chewing.

Another is a big dog playing and chasing a much smaller dog, gradually the larger dog sees the small one as prey, I think the term is predatory drift.

This is why two dogs are more dangerous, because they encourage the behavior to become more instinctive.

Only an understanding of the underlying reasons will prevent dog attacks.

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"Very terrible story - there's no excuse for these dogs' behaviour.

If there's a rottweiler near you, it's simple - kill it. Any such dog or pit-bull anywhere near my soi will be killed."

prat. grow up neeraram

Edited by thaimiller
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..id have shot them instantly, and im a dog lover

You would have shot them instantly with what?

A Fawking Peashooter ?

Or are you yet another farang with connections who can have a loaded gun on the premises.... Mike , if you don't mind me saying,. you're full of <deleted>. You're just like every other Farang in Pattaya pal, you jump through hoops and bow and grovel to get your 1 Year Visa, then spend the next 11 months bitching and moaning about how bad Thailand is, yet...still you stay.

Wrong on all counts,and i could go so far as to say as usual, for one im just about to leave thailand for many reasons, 2 id have made it my business to destroy the dogs,( and yes im capable,) and i never had to grovel to get a visa, its easy for genuine applicants,sounds like you have been mixing with the wrong crowd mr mcgoo,.and actually i am one of the farang that has had enough of thailand and im off, and my last note to you is i admire your thai loyalty sometimes, but mostly it dosent make sense,.full of <deleted> seems to lie closer to home buddy :o
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There is not one vet in Thailand that will put an animal down. Been there done that. Pathetic.

Which is why they take their unwanted animals to the nearest Wat & dump them.

Mike will shoot them instantly if thats any help...

Why dont you contact the dog owner maybe you can have them ! :o ...
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..id have shot them instantly, and im a dog lover

You would have shot them instantly with what?

A Fawking Peashooter ?

Or are you yet another farang with connections who can have a loaded gun on the premises.... Mike , if you don't mind me saying,. you're full of <deleted>. You're just like every other Farang in Pattaya pal, you jump through hoops and bow and grovel to get your 1 Year Visa, then spend the next 11 months bitching and moaning about how bad Thailand is, yet...still you stay.

Wrong on all counts,and i could go so far as to say as usual, for one im just about to leave thailand for many reasons, 2 id have made it my business to destroy the dogs,( and yes im capable,) and i never had to grovel to get a visa, its easy for genuine applicants,sounds like you have been mixing with the wrong crowd mr mcgoo,.and actually i am one of the farang that has had enough of thailand and im off, and my last note to you is i admire your thai loyalty sometimes, but mostly it dosent make sense,.full of <deleted> seems to lie closer to home buddy :o

LOL, good response Mike! :D

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pomeranians that have killed.

Total BS...as another poster had stated that poodles kill and I saw not such reported incidents. Now show me one where a pomeranian has killed a human...... Total BS!!!

Edited by dingdongrb
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..id have shot them instantly, and im a dog lover

You would have shot them instantly with what?

A Fawking Peashooter ?

Or are you yet another farang with connections who can have a loaded gun on the premises.... Mike , if you don't mind me saying,. you're full of <deleted>. You're just like every other Farang in Pattaya pal, you jump through hoops and bow and grovel to get your 1 Year Visa, then spend the next 11 months bitching and moaning about how bad Thailand is, yet...still you stay.

Wrong on all counts,and i could go so far as to say as usual, for one im just about to leave thailand for many reasons, 2 id have made it my business to destroy the dogs,( and yes im capable,) and i never had to grovel to get a visa, its easy for genuine applicants,sounds like you have been mixing with the wrong crowd mr mcgoo,.and actually i am one of the farang that has had enough of thailand and im off, and my last note to you is i admire your thai loyalty sometimes, but mostly it dosent make sense,.full of <deleted> seems to lie closer to home buddy :o

LOL, good response Mike! :D

No offense, we all have our opinions :D
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pomeranians that have killed.

Total BS...as another posted had stated that poodles kill and saw not such reported incidents. Now show me one where a pomeranian has killed a human......

It could be possible ! i know of a jack russell that killed an alsation, it got stuck in the alsations throat !
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No offense, we all have our opinions :D

None taken Mike, a bit of light hearted banter never hurt anyone. :D

I can't take in any more dogs, I have 3 already, and the younger sister has just bought a baby goat home!

There is a joke there somewhere about a kid ( baby goat ) and a rotweiler, but im not telling it :o:D
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What is this man talking about saying deer kill more people than dogs? I am an American Indian and have lived most of my life in deer country, but I have never been attacked by a deer. I have been in Thailand 1 year and been attacked twice by dogs. When was the last time anyone read story about child being killed by attack deer? I have had to shoot 2 dogs in US who were attacking people. One dog was attacking me and one was attacking someone else. Both were doberman guard dogs. I have shot deer also, so I guess shooting them is a good idea. But that was for food, not self defense or even sport. Also, yes it is true deer sometimes attack people, but what does that have to do with this story? Also, it is not the dogs' fault. It is the stupid owners.

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Apparently the mother returned home by motorbike at 1am with her daughter. She let her daughter off the bike and she ran into the house to see her grandparents, who were asleep with the dogs at the time.

If this is true, then I imagine the dogs awoke with a shock when the poor girl entered the room and attacked thinking it was an intruder.

This is very similar to a possible explanation given by Neinke in an earlier post.

There are a variety of factors that lead to dog attacks, with breed being only one of them. The circumstances of the attack are probably the most important factor with others being:

- number of dogs

- sex of dog (s)

- age of dog(s)

- whether the dog(s) are neutered

- level of training


Focusing only on the breed can give ppl a false sense of security as they think their dog is 'safe'. Dogs act on instinct. All dogs are capable of attacking, as can be seen by cases of labradors and pomeranians that have killed.

Very terrible story - there's no excuse for these dogs' behaviour.

If there's a rottweiler near you, it's simple - kill it. Any such dog or pit-bull anywhere near my soi will be killed.

Little bit ignorant reaction, Neeraman? If it wouldn't have been rottweilers but, say, Jack Russel Terriers, Golden or Labrador retrievers (all high on the list of dogs biting children) then all these breeds in your soi would be killed by you?

The grandparents and parents of Romklao have learned a very hard and irreversible lesson about dogs with many of their behavioral traits still quite similar to their ancestors, Canis lupus familiaris, sub-species of the wolf.

They are, however, certainly not the only ones who underestimate dogs and forget they are in fact, animals and not little human being disguised in a dog's skin. How many people leave their (small) child alone with their family dog, even it is for 5 minutes? Or the opposite, many won't introduce child and pup on a regualr basis with positive reinforcement, allowing the pup to socialize with children (not only their own child). How many people call their dog/s before opening the gate or their front door? How many let their child play chase or tug-of-war games with their family pet, or allow the child having the dog on top of him/her? Many parents/owners think it's cute when the child lifts the pup/little dog up time after time after time. Or one of the favorite games of many children I've seen, offering a toy or a piece of food only to pull it quickly away just when the dog tries to get it.

Many think it's so lovely when a dog jumps up while asking for attention, or allow them on chairs, even tables.

How many people aren't aware of the fact that many many dogs DON'T like to be hugged and how many children just LOVE to hug a dog?

How many people aren't saying that THEIR dog has never showed any aggression and NEVER would do any harm to a child?

In Chiang Mai I, together with a local dog rescue organisation, have started up a program called Professor Paws: Humane education - Living Safely with Dogs for primary schools, although the program can be adapted to all age classes. We teach the children about the basic needs of dogs, their feelings, how to recognise their facial expressions and body language and about the do's and dont's when meeting familar and unfamilar dogs.

When discussing the basic needs of a dog, my partner always mentions 'love'. That dogs need love. Sure enough dogs love to receive love. But how many dogs are smothered in love and are spoiled rotten, while showing absolute unruly and sometimes aggressive behavior?

IMO, dogs need attention and clear guidelines. That's THEIR basic need. That is what doggy pack members will provide them. (That is actually also what we, human beings, need maybe even more than love).

It is so easy to judge about the mistakes Romklao's parents have made. But then just be honest, don't we ALL make mistakes of which we later think 'How could I've been so stupid, I should have known better?" It is just that in most cases we are lucky in escaping the worst scenario's.


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pomeranians that have killed.

Total BS...as another poster had stated that poodles kill and I saw not such reported incidents. Now show me one where a pomeranian has killed a human...... Total BS!!!

Here you are http://www.igorilla.com/gorilla/animal/2001/pomeranian.html

First hit when you Google 'Pomeranian kills'

By golly I guess you have proved me wrong. One kill by a Pomeranian. Now we should kill all of these wild beasts and flush them from the face of the earth. So this one occasion is like what, higher odds than hitting the lottery? You, as well as the poster that stated poodles kill, appear to think that these minature dogs are fierce and go around killing all the time.

A quote from the news clipping that you so kindly linked me to:

"Obviously it doesn't take much to kill a 6-week old baby but it's not something that happens with that breed.''

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The grandparents and parents of Romklao have learned a very hard and irreversible lesson about dogs with many of their behavioral traits still quite similar to their ancestors, Canis lupus familiaris, sub-species of the wolf.

Correct. And what makes this even worse is that the Mother most likely didn't choose to have fierce dogs in the house.

The Dutch prat made this decision & then fukks off back to Holland.

Few Thai's, especially females would choose to keep such dogs as pets.

The Dutch prat is an accessory to murder. He should be carrying a criminal record to reflect that. JMHO.

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The grandparents and parents of Romklao have learned a very hard and irreversible lesson about dogs with many of their behavioral traits still quite similar to their ancestors, Canis lupus familiaris, sub-species of the wolf.

Correct. And what makes this even worse is that the Mother most likely didn't choose to have fierce dogs in the house.

The Dutch prat made this decision & then fukks off back to Holland.

Few Thai's, especially females would choose to keep such dogs as pets.

The Dutch prat is an accessory to murder. He should be carrying a criminal record to reflect that. JMHO.

Are you getting information about this case which is not available to the rest of us? You seem very confident in your condemnation. Or are you the type of guy who hears half a story but is ready to lead a lynch mob? A father loses his daughter and you feel it is your place to condemn him. Do you show up at road traffic accidents so that you can berate bad drivers?

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"Very terrible story - there's no excuse for these dogs' behaviour.

If there's a rottweiler near you, it's simple - kill it. Any such dog or pit-bull anywhere near my soi will be killed."

prat. grow up neeraram

Where I live, dogs generally are free to go where they want. I have a toddler and a 5 year old that play outside the house with other young kids.

If you allowed a bloody rottweiler to play with them, I think it's you that need to grow up. You can't have kids of your own but if you ever do and don't protect them, shame on you. Would you alow a neighbour to keep a pet lion?

If there was a deer or giraffe in my soi, I'd be ok but a rottweiler, pit-bull, cobra, tiger, child-molester etc - they'd be gone. any parent allowing this is negligent, IMO.

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I’m with Neeranam on this.

I’ve killed dogs at my farm for simply worrying my livestock (quite legal both here and – to the best of my knowledge – in the UK). Does anyone really think I would not kill a dog that I believed to be a threat to my children?? I would not hesitate…after making my decision (correct or incorrect) that the dog does represent a significant risk to my children.

The same ‘pet lover’ folks will more often than not immediately kill a snake that they deem a danger to their dog…even though they have no idea if it is poisonous. The pet forum has many examples of this. Animals appear to acquire added intrinsic value to some people by virtue of their relationship to them. "Shame about the poor snake...or dead child", they appear to say.

Edited by Khonwan
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"Very terrible story - there's no excuse for these dogs' behaviour.

If there's a rottweiler near you, it's simple - kill it. Any such dog or pit-bull anywhere near my soi will be killed."

prat. grow up neeraram

Where I live, dogs generally are free to go where they want. I have a toddler and a 5 year old that play outside the house with other young kids.

If you allowed a bloody rottweiler to play with them, I think it's you that need to grow up. You can't have kids of your own but if you ever do and don't protect them, shame on you. Would you alow a neighbour to keep a pet lion?

If there was a deer or giraffe in my soi, I'd be ok but a rottweiler, pit-bull, cobra, tiger, child-molester etc - they'd be gone. any parent allowing this is negligent, IMO.

I agree with you regarding a rottweiler playing with you kids, but what you actually said was any such dog any where near your soi will be killed......if someone chooses to keep a dog in their own property and then what right have you got to say that you will have it killed. your are right ive not got kids, and i don't have dogs also, but when i do have kids i wont be walking round the estate killing all dogs due to the fact that i can't keep an eye on my kids........

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