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From: "why Those Beautiful Thai Women Fall For Us,farang


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All cultures tend to have different ideas of beauty.  Just look at the women at Thai, farang, and Arab/African entertainment areas and observe the general type of women to frequent these areas.  There is a difference, and this difference is predicatd by the opinions of the men in each area.

I have taken several Thai women to meet my Thai friends, women who, to me, were knockouts.  None were considered so by my friends.

I am not a horrible-looking guy myself, but I am no Brad Pitt.  Growing up in Iowa ( a very homogenous population at the time), I had to attract girls with humor or brains, not appearances.  But when I left Iowa to go to school outside of Washington, DC, I suddenly found that many Asian-Americans and Asians were attracted to me, much to my surprise.  And this has been my fate throughout the world.  I can meet and socialize with Asian women in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia when women of other ethinic groups are not nearly so eager to socialize with me.  

I had one Chinese-American girlfriend try to explain why she (and her mother) thought I was attractive, and while I didn't understand it all, there was something to do with ability to be successful based on certain facial and hand features.

Meanwhile, guys who are much better looking by standard American values, guys who could get any woman back home with a simple look, might not be as successful in Japan or Hong Kong.

We all have different opinions on who is attractive and who isn't.  And thank goodness for that.  It increases the odds that all of us can find someone who is right for us.

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Oh right......I can't imagine why Thai men would not wish to admit that farangs were dating the most beautiful Thai ladies!!!

Human nature perhaps?? Or are we talking beautiful being pasty faced skinny hi-so alien lookalikes here? Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder!!!

As for class....well I guess all the Thai guys born into this 'certain social class' must all marry above themselves.......

Unless of course only females are born into this 'class'.........There are many wonderful kind hearted fun Thai ladies out there......none of which is related to 'class'.........

Your post forwards an ignorant elitist attitude.....which is well misplaced in the current modern world.

Farangs dating the most beautiful women in Thailand? Check out the night spots in BKK apart from the red light scene.

And compare that to a place with many Farang/Thai couples,maybe Pattaya,

OMG.....Then I stand corrected.....am I the only Farang in Thailand with a truly stunningly beautiful attractive wife with a great personality?.....I must remind myself more frequently that I am indeed very fortunate......

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Oh right......I can't imagine why Thai men would not wish to admit that farangs were dating the most beautiful Thai ladies!!!

Human nature perhaps?? Or are we talking beautiful being pasty faced skinny hi-so alien lookalikes here? Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder!!!

As for class....well I guess all the Thai guys born into this 'certain social class' must all marry above themselves.......

Unless of course only females are born into this 'class'.........There are many wonderful kind hearted fun Thai ladies out there......none of which is related to 'class'.........

Your post forwards an ignorant elitist attitude.....which is well misplaced in the current modern world.

Farangs dating the most beautiful women in Thailand? Check out the night spots in BKK apart from the red light scene.

And compare that to a place with many Farang/Thai couples,maybe Pattaya,

OMG.....Then I stand corrected.....am I the only Farang in Thailand with a truly stunningly beautiful attractive wife with a great personality?.....I must remind myself more frequently that I am indeed very fortunate......

this could be the case, indeed, if there were not me, Sushiporn, Peter the Heater and Lukeyawin.

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.
Please proove your hypothesis that Thai women NEVER marry farang out of love.Are you trying to say there are NO exceptions?Who is naive?

Agreed - he's speaking absolute rubbish: married all my life to the same woman and I was more broke than her when we got married.

However, the fact of the matter is that while folk can joke and make light of the matter, its a subject that has been well studied by various Thai uni academic departments, and statistically if you took all the marriges that have taken place between ex-pats and Thai girls say over the last 10 - 15years, you will find a couple inescapable facts:

1) most involved girls from bar work backgrounds.

2) most saw their ex-pat partner as a way out of poverty

Note - the word most: it means not all, but the majority.

... and most of these marriges failed within 3-5years!

The stat's for what are academicly known as "cross cultural marriges", show that most are along the above lines, and over 80% fail within 3 - 5 years.

By contrast, interestingly, if they survive 5 years, the chances of them surviving long term goes up from something like 20% to something above 80% - and for those that survive 10years, the stat's are over 90%.

Suprizingly, they are figures not much different to those some European countries experinace. What is different is the demographics (education, occupation, income ect ect ......) of the of partners - they are in respect of Thai girl/ex-pat partner by & large very different!

So, joke about it as we may - there are some solid statistics.

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.
Please proove your hypothesis that Thai women NEVER marry farang out of love.Are you trying to say there are NO exceptions?Who is naive?

Agreed - he's speaking absolute rubbish: married all my life to the same woman and I was more broke than her when we got married.

However, the fact of the matter is that while folk can joke and make light of the matter, its a subject that has been well studied by various Thai uni academic departments, and statistically if you took all the marriges that have taken place between ex-pats and Thai girls say over the last 10 - 15years, you will find a couple inescapable facts:

1) most involved girls from bar work backgrounds.

2) most saw their ex-pat partner as a way out of poverty

Note - the word most: it means not all, but the majority.

... and most of these marriges failed within 3-5years!

The stat's for what are academicly known as "cross cultural marriges", show that most are along the above lines, and over 80% fail within 3 - 5 years.

By contrast, interestingly, if they survive 5 years, the chances of them surviving long term goes up from something like 20% to something above 80% - and for those that survive 10years, the stat's are over 90%.

Suprizingly, they are figures not much different to those some European countries experinace. What is different is the demographics (education, occupation, income ect ect ......) of the of partners - they are in respect of Thai girl/ex-pat partner by & large very different!

So, joke about it as we may - there are some solid statistics.

I am not doubting the statistics on marriage failure and success.  I used to write a column for a magazine in the US on cross cultural relationships, and those figures are about what was taking place 15 years ago as well.

But I would like to see the figures on the number of farang/bar girl and farang/other Thai marriages.  With the advent of dating sites and the like, and from my casual observatiosn, I would not be surprised to see that there are actually more non-bg-involved farang/Thai marriages that the opposite.

One figure which surprised me from 15 years ago was that the American man/Filipina marriage was failing at a rate of only 25%, compared to the American overall failure rate of close to 50%.  This depsite the fact that a huge number of American man/Filipina marriages were between American military men and Filipina bargirls.

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Old but interesting article

During last year, December 2007 an interesting article made the news headlines in Thailand pertaining to divorce in Thailand with regards to expats. The Khon Kaen civil court in the period of three months had 142 divorce cases filed. The oddity about the 142 divorces in Thailand was that they had all been from mixed couples. That is Thai women wanting to divorce their western husbands. The Chief Justice of the Family Court pointed out that the time line for the 142 divorce cases had been between the period of 1st July 2007 and the 30th September 2007. Apparently according to the judge, the woman had become disillusioned by their marriages. What those reasons are though is not know. There had been no further statistics provided as to age groupings, financial status or nationalities of those in the divorce proceedings.

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Hey brit its definately the money. It happens in africa too that young guys wanna hook up on some old rich woman. And it even happens in western countries too. I think you are really being naive if you think they do it for the culture difference, love or anything else cliche.
Please proove your hypothesis that Thai women NEVER marry farang out of love.Are you trying to say there are NO exceptions?Who is naive?

Agreed - he's speaking absolute rubbish: married all my life to the same woman and I was more broke than her when we got married.

However, the fact of the matter is that while folk can joke and make light of the matter, its a subject that has been well studied by various Thai uni academic departments, and statistically if you took all the marriges that have taken place between ex-pats and Thai girls say over the last 10 - 15years, you will find a couple inescapable facts:

1) most involved girls from bar work backgrounds.

2) most saw their ex-pat partner as a way out of poverty

Note - the word most: it means not all, but the majority.

... and most of these marriges failed within 3-5years!

The stat's for what are academicly known as "cross cultural marriges", show that most are along the above lines, and over 80% fail within 3 - 5 years.

By contrast, interestingly, if they survive 5 years, the chances of them surviving long term goes up from something like 20% to something above 80% - and for those that survive 10years, the stat's are over 90%.

Suprizingly, they are figures not much different to those some European countries experinace. What is different is the demographics (education, occupation, income ect ect ......) of the of partners - they are in respect of Thai girl/ex-pat partner by & large very different!

So, joke about it as we may - there are some solid statistics.

I am not doubting the statistics on marriage failure and success.  I used to write a column for a magazine in the US on cross cultural relationships, and those figures are about what was taking place 15 years ago as well.

But I would like to see the figures on the number of farang/bar girl and farang/other Thai marriages.  With the advent of dating sites and the like, and from my casual observatiosn, I would not be surprised to see that there are actually more non-bg-involved farang/Thai marriages that the opposite.

One figure which surprised me from 15 years ago was that the American man/Filipina marriage was failing at a rate of only 25%, compared to the American overall failure rate of close to 50%.  This depsite the fact that a huge number of American man/Filipina marriages were between American military men and Filipina bargirls.

The 2 things about Filipina girls that are so different from Thai girls:

1) they are all Catholic

2) generally their English is much better than Thai girls (is that correct?)

What impact do those 2 points have? I think its pretty substantial.

Those stats are from rsearch that is about 5 years old - so, yes, with the growth of on-line dating the demographics on the Thai side may well have shifted somewhat.

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The 2 things about Filipina girls that are so different from Thai girls:

1) they are all Catholic

2) generally their English is much better than Thai girls (is that correct?)

What impact do those 2 points have? I think its pretty substantial.

Those stats are from rsearch that is about 5 years old - so, yes, with the growth of on-line dating the demographics on the Thai side may well have shifted somewhat.

Certainly, those are very valid points.  Filipinas also have a very strong cultural affinity for the family above all else, and a strong aversion for divorce.  And perhaps military men are less likely to file for divorce?  I don't know there about that, but just conjecturing.  But as a former active duty Marine and then a resident of San Diego (with its huge Filipino population), I have met many, many happily married couples where I either knew for a fact or was pretty sure the wife had, at one time, worked as a bargirl.

I still think it is pretty amazing, and so I will not look down upon any farang/bg marriage.  Each case is different, and while we seem to see that many of these fail, there are also TV members who have admitted marrying former bg's and have expressed their happiness with their successful unions.

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I think it has been said before......maybe the collapse of the Thai Farang marriage is more due to the level of expectation from both sides......a failure to acknowledge and accept future responsibilities on both sides perhaps.

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Reading all these fabulous posts, never even bothered with half of them, it makes me wonder!! I am currently in a relationship with a great girl. Best I have ever met! I have worked all over, met many people, a lot of girls but if this one leaves, I will be heartbroken... Lets see how she will leave

1. Unfaithful (NO)

2. Too much beer (Maybe)

3. Running away (NO, see above)

4. Abuse (NO)

5. Cannot provide (possibility, 10 years in future?? I will go home)

I have seen many ex-pats living in Thailand living here, with kids, that should just go home! They cannot provide education for god sake. swallow your pride and go!

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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

My wife isn't poor, and she didn't marry me as a "way out of poverty". Nor did she marry me for my passport.

Your experience is not universal.

My wife married me because she loved ME, a person, not a skin tone or bank account or passport. Just me.

Most of her friends were shocked that she was marrying a farang because she'd always been perfectly happy dating Thai guys. In fact, when we met, she expressed absolutely no romantic interest in me at all and we were friends for quite a while before we finally started dating.

I'm sorry if you have a more cynical outlook on life, but it's just not the case for everyone. Some of us got married for all the same, normal reasons people get married in any country on the planet. We like each other, a lot.

This is for "Pudgimelon"

I'm not talking about women in general, if you look at my title, I'm talking about "thai women" who are with farangs specifically. As you can see out there the majority of them are up country girls. I'm sure yours is the exception, I'm writing about the majority not the minority. Yes, many of them wanted your money, like many said, from the fat wallet, but try to understand their situation too, don't degrade them so much. Everybody value money the upmost requirement in their life and what wrong with them looking for same value as everyone else!

To answer your question, I hate to disclose this, but I'm not a male, but a female and I can read and write thai very well, and not just my name. I can understand the thai culture more than you, and i would bet I lived in thailand longer than you.

Please don't try to pick a certain thing and blow it up out of its context.

I'm trying to make a generalized conclusion, the reason for most thais women who are with farangs were dued from the process of elimination. Is this a correct statement or not? If not then state your opionions, but don't try to bash the poster personally-that is not very professional of you!

Thanks for your input though

Yes- I agree with u- there is nothing wrong with both men and women looking for "value" in a relationship. There is not only nothing wrong with it- it makes perfect sense. I am a farang and I married a lovely Thai woman in July 2004 and sadly she died in January 2007. She was 44 when she died- I was 67. I looked for her for 7 years before meeting her during my winters in Thailand. She was a "good" thai woman- typical in her life experience. She met a thai guy and married him when she was 21. Had a child- typical. After the birth of their child he became abusive- physically and sexually- typical of control freaks. She left him. In life time passes quickly but wisdom comes slowly. She knew there was a world outside of Thailand and she wanted to experience it but knew she could never do it on her own. Problem- solution. Look only for a potential partner that can provide for what you want. It is called quid pro quo- you offer what assets you have in return for something. My experience from talking to many Thai women is sadly the same with the Thai men they married as a younger woman. Get married- have a child or 2 or 3 and then he leaves her for another woman and does not support his children. Ah- wisdom now kicks in for her. She is wiser and more careful with her choices of a future partner. I don't blame Thai women for it. I would do the same if I were in the same situation. Love at first sight or love itself is an alluring concept but it doesn't always last. After the wisdom takes hold and Thai women realize that they have to do something different than repeat the mistakes they made look for a "sure" thing- money.Most know the only asset she has now is her body, her personality and her intelligence to make a wise choice in picking a life partner based on something other than looks. I am sure many Thai women regret it but some don't. There is no 100% answer. It's life. If you are an older guy looking for a Thai woman you accept it- she wants to find a man to take care of her and her kids. If you were in her shoes wouldn't you do the same thing? In my case I gambled on her and won and lost (she died). It's life and believe me there are no sure things in life. I found her up at 7 in the morning complaining of a bad headache- at 8 in the morning she was dead. It wasn't a headache- it was a cerebral aneurysm. People- it is life. Without risk there is no reward.

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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

My wife isn't poor, and she didn't marry me as a "way out of poverty". Nor did she marry me for my passport.

Your experience is not universal.

My wife married me because she loved ME, a person, not a skin tone or bank account or passport. Just me.

Most of her friends were shocked that she was marrying a farang because she'd always been perfectly happy dating Thai guys. In fact, when we met, she expressed absolutely no romantic interest in me at all and we were friends for quite a while before we finally started dating.

I'm sorry if you have a more cynical outlook on life, but it's just not the case for everyone. Some of us got married for all the same, normal reasons people get married in any country on the planet. We like each other, a lot.

This is for "Pudgimelon"

I'm not talking about women in general, if you look at my title, I'm talking about "thai women" who are with farangs specifically. As you can see out there the majority of them are up country girls. I'm sure yours is the exception, I'm writing about the majority not the minority. Yes, many of them wanted your money, like many said, from the fat wallet, but try to understand their situation too, don't degrade them so much. Everybody value money the upmost requirement in their life and what wrong with them looking for same value as everyone else!

To answer your question, I hate to disclose this, but I'm not a male, but a female and I can read and write thai very well, and not just my name. I can understand the thai culture more than you, and i would bet I lived in thailand longer than you.

Please don't try to pick a certain thing and blow it up out of its context.

I'm trying to make a generalized conclusion, the reason for most thais women who are with farangs were dued from the process of elimination. Is this a correct statement or not? If not then state your opionions, but don't try to bash the poster personally-that is not very professional of you!

Thanks for your input though

Yes- I agree with u- there is nothing wrong with both men and women looking for "value" in a relationship. There is not only nothing wrong with it- it makes perfect sense. I am a farang and I married a lovely Thai woman in July 2004 and sadly she died in January 2007. She was 44 when she died- I was 67. I looked for her for 7 years before meeting her during my winters in Thailand. She was a "good" thai woman- typical in her life experience. She met a thai guy and married him when she was 21. Had a child- typical. After the birth of their child he became abusive- physically and sexually- typical of control freaks. She left him. In life time passes quickly but wisdom comes slowly. She knew there was a world outside of Thailand and she wanted to experience it but knew she could never do it on her own. Problem- solution. Look only for a potential partner that can provide for what you want. It is called quid pro quo- you offer what assets you have in return for something. My experience from talking to many Thai women is sadly the same with the Thai men they married as a younger woman. Get married- have a child or 2 or 3 and then he leaves her for another woman and does not support his children. Ah- wisdom now kicks in for her. She is wiser and more careful with her choices of a future partner. I don't blame Thai women for it. I would do the same if I were in the same situation. Love at first sight or love itself is an alluring concept but it doesn't always last. After the wisdom takes hold and Thai women realize that they have to do something different than repeat the mistakes they made look for a "sure" thing- money.Most know the only asset she has now is her body, her personality and her intelligence to make a wise choice in picking a life partner based on something other than looks. I am sure many Thai women regret it but some don't. There is no 100% answer. It's life. If you are an older guy looking for a Thai woman you accept it- she wants to find a man to take care of her and her kids. If you were in her shoes wouldn't you do the same thing? In my case I gambled on her and won and lost (she died). It's life and believe me there are no sure things in life. I found her up at 7 in the morning complaining of a bad headache- at 8 in the morning she was dead. It wasn't a headache- it was a cerebral aneurysm. People- it is life. Without risk there is no reward.


I read your post word for word and feel for you. There is a deep sense of loss between the lines of what you have written and I think a lesson for us all to learn within your message. The lesson is to try to enjoy what we have at the moment. The future does not matter, the past dose not matter. What matters is now.

Without risk there is no reward, and there is no reward without risk.

I hope you can find someone that can comfort you through this time.



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My japanese girlfriend managed first prize in a Japanese beauty contest 3 years after we started dating, all the judges were Japanese (asian). She graduated from a top Tokyo university and her parents are upper middile class.

BTW she is 23 years younger than me.

A farang.

Yep, some of the Japanese girls are really cute, with lovely manners.

Yet Claus, I very much doubt your beauty contest winning Japanese GF 23 years younger than you would be with you if you were an english Teacher working in Saitama.

Did you meet her in Heartland Bar Roppongi Hills by any chance ?

No disrespect, but the japanese girls ain't stupid, they don't want poor English Teachers, they want BIG Earners, professionals, bankers etc...

Anyway, good luck to you, some J girls rock, big time. :)

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from my experiece, i never see really beautiful girls with farang, never, they are average, that i would never date, but i see especially in emporium beautiful girls with thai boyfriends really gorgeous so i think this post is bs

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from my experiece, i never see really beautiful girls with farang, never, they are average, that i would never date, but i see especially in emporium beautiful girls with thai boyfriends really gorgeous so i think this post is bs

This is not a flame, but I personally think it is sad that there is a huge subset of women who you would never date based, from your words above, on their appearance alone.  So a woman who is "average" in your opinion, is beneath you?

Both men and women are attracted to certain looks, but once beyond those initial few seconds of phsyical evaluation, there are far more important aspects of a person which go into making the potential for a good, successful relationship.

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cut out the nonsense bonobo!


all see the funky looking thai girl w their farang in massive numbers. its becoz they r the only ones who will go w spotty farangs, they have NO choice.

good looking hi so babes have a choice, they choose not to go w dubious farang types.

thailands earth people have to go w those that will take them.

Edited by goodheartman
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cut out the nonsense bonobo!


all see the funky looking thai girl w their farang in massive numbers. its becoz they r the only ones who will go w spotty farangs, they have NO choice.

good looking hi so babes have a choice, they choose not to go w dubious farang types.

thailands earth people have to go w those that will take them.

Cut out the nonsense?  What,  the nonsense that a man can have a great time with an "average" woman?  What nonsense is that?

There are a huge number of factors which contribute to whether a relationship can be successful or not, and believe me, simple appearances are not really that high on the list.  But even when strictly dealing with intimacy, appearances, in my humble opinion, are not the biggest factor.  If I could list my most satisfying intimate encounters, I think only two of the women would be what most people would consider stunning, one was rather phsyically unattractive, and the rest were "average."  In fact, some of the most beautiful women with whom I have been intimate were rather duds in bed.

So call that nonsense, if you wish.  You are just eliminating the majority of the potential matches for you, good matches, and letting those opportunities pass you by.

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we deasling with issan women and sex tourists. lots of explanations r unnecessary

we not discussing normal relationships where boy and girl fall in lub!

 No, the OP never mentioned Issan women nor sex tourists in his or her original post.  

And I never mentioned falling in love. A man and a woman can meet and have a great time together without forming a permanent bond. Even a weekend fling can be rewarding.  And the quote which got me into this thread was a statement that someone would not "date" "average" women. I don't think "date" here means hiring a BG.

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if one want to get technical, this whole threads a scam. bootiful thai girls dont fall for farangs.

look at the empirical evidence as one pointed out.

one doesnt have to actually say sex tourist and issan girls, this is thailand it is implied WHEN CHATTING ABOUT CUPPLING, OF COURSE DULY NOTING THE ECXEPTIONS!

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if one want to get technical, this whole threads a scam. bootiful thai girls dont fall for farangs.

look at the empirical evidence as one pointed out.

one doesnt have to actually say sex tourist and issan girls, this is thailand it is implied WHEN CHATTING ABOUT CUPPLING, OF COURSE DULY NOTING THE ECXEPTIONS!

There is a whole other thread here where a 28-year-old man and his 23-year-old g/f were walking in Koh San and three idiots chanted at him labeling him a sex tourist and his g/f a hooker.  Your kind of labeling is no different.

While I will admit that the average farang tourist who has an itch to scratch probably does find relief in the bar scene, that is hardly the case for most men here. It has been years since I have sampled any of the bar scene wares, and most of the farang men I know are the same. And to further spoil the Issan reputation, out of all my signicifant Thai relationships, not one woman has been from Issan.  Bangkok, Mae Hong Song, Naratiwat, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Trang, Kachanaburi--but none from Issan.

As far as beauty goes, well, that is in the eye of the beholder. I still hold that beauty alone is one of the least important attributes in a woman, but having said that, I often see rather stunning Thai women with farangs.

As far as the running theme of "hiso babes' in this thread, hiso women are no different than any other women, as far as looks go, in my opinion. Yes, they may have nicer clothes and better hair, but physically, they run the gamut just like everyone else.  My buddy has three amazing kids--smart, intelligent, well-mannered--but his oldest daughter can only be generously labeled as "plain"  in the physical sense.  I happen to think she will make someone an amazing wife, and since she will get her masters degree overseas, that lucky man could end up being a farang.  But a "beautiful hiso babe' she is not, and I am not trying to be critical of her here. I truly think she is a great young woman.

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That could give a general idea how it is

Not really, since many farang don't post on this forum, you'd only get a snapshot of what is true for TV posters, not farang in general.

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

Awww.... isn't she a sweetie? :)

Only a fool would buy a set of encyclopedias now that us losers can use the internet seems that there are a lot of us about.

Your wife sounds very astute.

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That could give a general idea how it is

Not really, since many farang don't post on this forum, you'd only get a snapshot of what is true for TV posters, not farang in general.

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

Awww.... isn't she a sweetie? :D

Only a fool would buy a set of encyclopedias now that us losers can use the internet seems that there are a lot of us about.

Your wife sounds very astute.

Read between the lines:

"Only losers waste time on the internet."

(When they could be with me instead)

Thai wife 101 :)

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That could give a general idea how it is

Not really, since many farang don't post on this forum, you'd only get a snapshot of what is true for TV posters, not farang in general.

As my wife likes to say: "Only losers waste time on the internet."

So according to her, you wouldn't get a general idea, but only an idea of what the "loser segment" of society looks like.

Awww.... isn't she a sweetie? :D

Only a fool would buy a set of encyclopedias now that us losers can use the internet seems that there are a lot of us about.

Your wife sounds very astute.

Read between the lines:

"Only losers waste time on the internet."

(When they could be with me instead)

Thai wife 101 :)

I would have been more comfortable if it said "only a loser wastes time on the internet"

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We offer a quick way out of poverty and a Thai friend told me her ex was a lazy drunken bum who only wanted her for housekeeping and sex.

Surprisingly several Thai women have approached my wife over the years and asked her to help finding a falang husband,

surprising because I am not a model of good behavior.

My wife isn't poor, and she didn't marry me as a "way out of poverty". Nor did she marry me for my passport.

Your experience is not universal.

My wife married me because she loved ME, a person, not a skin tone or bank account or passport. Just me.

Most of her friends were shocked that she was marrying a farang because she'd always been perfectly happy dating Thai guys. In fact, when we met, she expressed absolutely no romantic interest in me at all and we were friends for quite a while before we finally started dating.

I'm sorry if you have a more cynical outlook on life, but it's just not the case for everyone. Some of us got married for all the same, normal reasons people get married in any country on the planet. We like each other, a lot.

skin tone + bank account + passport + other stuff = you

but whatever lets you sleep at night, buddy. bahahaa.

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"why those beautiful thai women will fall for us,farangs"

Are you saying that Western women back home don't fall for Western guys back home?

Seems to me that it happens quite often back there and its hardly worth commenting on. A man and woman meet and fall in love, happens all the time and in every country on the planet, what's the big deal?

Plus, there's always a segment of the population (male or female, in ANY country) that goes for the "foreign type". Heck, I remember a friend of mine back home who got a lot of girls simply because he had an Irish accent. I mean, he LOOKED like any other guy in the room (average handsome, nothing to write home about), but he'd start talking to girls at a party and they'd all go ga-ga over his "cute" accent. No idea why. I mean, he's IRISH after all, who in their right mind would want one of them? But I guess even the Irish can seem "exotic" in the right situation, go figure....

So what's the big deal?

So SOME girls here find YOU attractive. Whoop-de-doo. I'm really happy for you, but let me clue you in on something. There's over THIRTY MILLION women in this country, PLENTY of them DON'T want to date farangs,... at.... all.

We are seldom the star in their wet dreams.

When our wives and girl friends are having wet dreams, we are not normally included in the dream.

We all get a big ego boost from the attention we do get here, but don't let it go to your head. There's nothing special or unique about Thailand in that regard. Every country in the world (including YOUR country) shares the same phenomenon, its just that here YOU are the target of it.

Wow...... big whoop...

Edited by Pakboong
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from my experiece, i never see really beautiful girls with farang, never, they are average, that i would never date, but i see especially in emporium beautiful girls with thai boyfriends really gorgeous so i think this post is bs

This is not a flame, but I personally think it is sad that there is a huge subset of women who you would never date based, from your words above, on their appearance alone.  So a woman who is "average" in your opinion, is beneath you?

Both men and women are attracted to certain looks, but once beyond those initial few seconds of phsyical evaluation, there are far more important aspects of a person which go into making the potential for a good, successful relationship.

Based on his comments i cant see any woman wanting to date that moron

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