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Leena Jung Falls In Saensaep Canal

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She sells all kinds of whitening, tit-lifting, snatch firming, nipple pinkening creams in Pratunm. Many times I've seen her miserable face sitting alone surrounded by her boxes of <deleted> with her picture on. One sad lady. Maybe she was trying to dig some gunk out of the klong to make in to "Hi-So-Leena's Win an election cream." Works the same as the rest of her stuff.

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Thanks for the laugh indeed.

Funny really, as I take that boat almost daily, how the hel_l did she manage to get in between the boat and the pier like that. If normal people even try to get off the boat that early, the employees in blue are screaming, I guess they didn't mind her going in :o

She sells all kinds of whitening, tit-lifting, snatch firming, nipple pinkening creams in Pratunm. Many times I've seen her miserable face sitting alone surrounded by her boxes of <deleted> with her picture on. One sad lady. Maybe she was trying to dig some gunk out of the klong to make in to "Hi-So-Leena's Win an election cream." Works the same as the rest of her stuff.

Just checked out her site.

If she were in the USA she would be sharing a cell with Samak for trying to sell this dodgey stuff.

Amazing Thailand, she running for office instead!

The pic in the first post is so photoshopped compared to her real looks.

I withdraw my initial reaction of 'she looks fine', I was mistaken.

Offtopic: Why-oh-why does the photo studios here always PS pictures so absurdly, even when you say it's for VISA applications or other? Had to stop them from removing identifying features that the officers absolutely would strike own upon if they saw I was suddenly having/missing from pic...

have you noticed that all, I repeat "all" - commercial photo studios in Thailand have their cameras calibrated to make the subject's skin as bloodlessly white as possible.

ThaiVisa does it again.


That bloke pushing her up out of the klong certainly got a handful....

I am surprised he didn't break his hand! Still pity those product pics weren't shall say a bit more xposed it might help to sell products. :o:D:D

This just in...

Leena's election campaign staff drowned

An election campaign staff of Leena Jungjunja drowned Thursday morning when was demonstrating how to bathe in a canal as part of her election campaign.

Theerasak Sitanon was swept away and drowned while demonstrating how to bathe in the Samwa Canal in Klong Sama district.

The Nation

Very sad indeed.

The version on Yahoo of this story says that people saw him waving for help, but implies nobody bothered to help him because they all assumed it was another publicity stunt. It was apparently her Campaign Manager.......

The version on Yahoo of this story says that people saw him waving for help, but implies nobody bothered to help him because they all assumed it was another publicity stunt. It was apparently her Campaign Manager.......

why don't give a link or quote the news?

Man drowns in election publicity stunt

BANGKOK (Reuters) - A publicity stunt by an underdog in the race to be governor of Bangkok went badly wrong when her campaign manager drowned as they bathed in a canal to highlight the plight of residents who have no access to clean water.

Candidate Leena Jangjanya said 32-year-old Thirasak Sitanont drowned on Thursday as she and other staff were showing journalists the rashes they got from washing in the filthy water.

"One of my staff saw him waving and crying for help, but we thought he was pretending and he was far away from us, posing for two TV crews," a sobbing Leena told Reuters.

"A few minutes later he disappeared and we had to call the police to come and find him," said Leena, who had fallen into another canal in front of the TV cameras on Wednesday as she was trying to show her support for riverboat commuters.

Leena, a businesswoman, is among 16 candidates in the race to be governor of Thailand's capital city of 10 million people.

She said she had suspended her campaign for the October 5 election to help arrange a funeral for Thirasak and look after his wife, who is seven months pregnant. "If I were to continue to campaign after his death, I would be no better than an animal," she said.

(Reporting by Nopporn Wong-Anan; Editing by Alan Raybould)

It's here on Youtube.

Does look a bit staged maybe.


:D ...."look staged" ? it IS staged.... :D

But: bravo ...........because she got what she wanted: media attention.


aren't we lucky to have a smart arse like you to tell us all :o

You are the smartest of us all....YOU found the link...! :D


I am sorry, I didn't see the other posts about the drowning :D




Bangkok governor candidate Leena Jangjanya cries next to the body of her campaign manager in Bangkok September 25, 2008. A publicity stunt by Leena went badly wrong when her campaign manager drowned as they bathed in a canal to highlight the plight of residents who have no access to clean water.


She sells all kinds of whitening, tit-lifting, snatch firming, nipple pinkening creams in Pratunm. Many times I've seen her miserable face sitting alone surrounded by her boxes of <deleted> with her picture on. One sad lady. Maybe she was trying to dig some gunk out of the klong to make in to "Hi-So-Leena's Win an election cream." Works the same as the rest of her stuff.

Just checked out her site.

If she were in the USA she would be sharing a cell with Samak for trying to sell this dodgey stuff.

Amazing Thailand, she running for office instead!

What a joke? :o

When people can elect and re-elect bush and his cronies, Samak and others in Thailand have done nothing as compared to them.

Sadly people have never heard something like... pot calling kettle black. :D


Samak and 'others' would be doing the same thing that Bush and Co. have done IF they had the opportunity. In fact IMO a good number of folks (critics included) would behave no different had then been born to 'better' families with connections to be in the position that they are in. But that's not the way it was meant to be, so all that is left is one of those *3 bedroom/2 bath mortgage+2 kids+2 cars+pushing that cart through Tesco Lotus* lifestyles, and that degree on the wall from Hypocrite-Whinger University.



Now it's official:

Thai politics has gone down the drain, or

Thai politics has been renamed Sewer Politics.

..and I guess she does not need any whitening cream anymore; there is more poison and more mercury in this "klong" than in all the whitenings creams put together.

but I would suggest she uses another perfume, a strong one, really strong one. :o

She sells all kinds of whitening, tit-lifting, snatch firming, nipple pinkening creams in Pratunm. Many times I've seen her miserable face sitting alone surrounded by her boxes of <deleted> with her picture on. One sad lady. Maybe she was trying to dig some gunk out of the klong to make in to "Hi-So-Leena's Win an election cream." Works the same as the rest of her stuff.

Just checked out her site.

If she were in the USA she would be sharing a cell with Samak for trying to sell this dodgey stuff.

Amazing Thailand, she running for office instead!

What a joke? :o

When people can elect and re-elect bush and his cronies, Samak and others in Thailand have done nothing as compared to them.

Sadly people have never heard something like... pot calling kettle black. :D

Before you start insulting people by nationality, as you just did me,

why not remember that a whole lot of us


And the gross irony of your insult is by assuming ALL Americans voted for this fool;

you also assume that the FDA which protects people from charlatans selling snake oil

like this Leena's site shows, also DOESN'T work and hasn't been totally gutted in

Bush's mad deregulation schemes. Sorry the Food And Drug Admnistration does

keep this crap off the shelves.

I wish they could have found Bush toxic and taking him off the shelve 8 years ago.

I am sure if I knew where you came from I could EASILY find examples of bad governance.

And make it look like you approve of that. But won't since it is off topic and serves no purpose.

Less than 28% actually voted for Bush. Not close to half. So that leaves

72% of VERY pissed off yanks who highly resent his actions in their names

and YOUR insults in our faces.

Bush's dad left a machine in place just like Thaksin has.

And it seems we are ALSO getting the also rans and idiot sons running the show here too.

Just to get it back on topic.

a good number of folks (critics included) would behave no different had then been born to 'better' families with connections

Actually a fair point, but don't forget that the folks below us on the ladder think exactly the same about us, and in many cases they couldn't be more wrong.

Thailand needs to change it's political system to relieve this kind of pressure on upper echelons. It's similar to trying to rise through police ranks by being honest and uncompromising, it's simply impossible.

a good number of folks (critics included) would behave no different had they been born to 'better' families with connections

Actually a fair point, but don't forget that the folks below us on the ladder think exactly the same about us, and in many cases they couldn't be more wrong.

For sure. I wasn't painting all with the same brush. Just an opinion from watching endless "This/that is what they are doing all wrong... I'd do it differently" folks (whether it was student council, commitee to do this or that, fraternity stuff, intramural college athletics, or small to medium sized business politics both here and back in the US...) work hard and get their foot in the door... only to do the exact same things as the folks they were replacing.


have you noticed that all, I repeat "all" - commercial photo studios in Thailand have their cameras calibrated to make the subject's skin as bloodlessly white as possible.

I believe the camera and subject are mounted on a centrifuge of the kind used to train fighter pilots - all the blood is in their boots by the time the shutter clicks.

She reminds me of my favourite saying - "Mad as a fish..." :D

Still, if Boris the Bungle can rise to rule London... :o

She should have worn a white t-shirt. :o

It would've made no difference... she only got herself wet to just above the knee.

The first pic in the series on pg 1 of this thread looks like she is deliberately lowering herself in.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child



Looks like she is suffering from Bell's Palsy.

The right side of her face (left side of the pic) is asymmetrical compared to the other side.

Eyebrow, eye, nostral, and lip are all drooping - cheek looks puffy.

Either that or someone did an exceptionally poor PhotoShop job.

The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. — Julia Child


Watching the youtube video I thought she might have been trying to climb onto the pier, but then having heard what happened to her manager, she might have been trying just to dip her foot in the water. Either way it looks like she found herself unable to support her own weight and pull herself up.

Kudos to the two guys who jumped right in to help her out :o Pretty dangerous place to be, between several tons of boat and a pier :D


Yes, the publicity stunt was that she was supposed to put some parts of her legs to show her support for people that wash and bath in the klong. Unfortunately her puffiness overcame her weakness in her arms and she started to fall...

Maybe she should have rehearsed it before...


Last time she was banned from running right after the registration because she employed life entertainment providers for her campaign, which is against the rules.

This time she lasted a bit longer, but the end was far more tragic.

A man died, for christsakes.

from the archives during another of her political expeditions... sorry, the video link is now dead... but her nud_e photos still exist on the other link... ENJOY!!!
Leena's such a "colorful figure"....

Video Link: http://www.sukadee-leenajang.com/all/spot.wmv

It'd be a shame if she gets omitted from the race...

Her cosmetic line, the "Hi-So Leena" brand that she hawks online includes her topless posing with her "ample qualifications" proudly displayed on one her product's packaging:

http://www.hi-soleena.com/milk/index.html *Warning: contains nudity, albeit not graphic*

Looks like all the links are dead now. The sukadee-leenajang and hi-soleena domains have been suspended.

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