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Barack Obama Elected President Of USA


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Shall I repeat myself? I don't care who won. I don't want any of them.

I'm a foster parent. Most of my children are African-American or Mexican-American. How will Obama help them? Let's challenge Obama to change the social service system for my foster children. Let's challenge Obama to encourage 12 year old girls from getting pregnant and people living on welfare to get a job and cut down on the amount of kids that come through my revolving door of foster care. And how about drugs? Let's see what he can change there! Most of my kids come from drug homes....and the group I have now? there are 6 of them! Their parents don't have jobs and they don't want jobs! Yet somehow they afford drugs but can't buy their children clothes. These are the parents that proudly supported Obama.

Now that would be a real change if he could do something about all that! If he could change any of the points I made above he would have my ultimate respect and support!

Here, here. I concur with what you have to say about the need to change the current system of social-welfare. It needs to be drastically reformed and revamped in the USA. It is a known fact that the Democrats in the USA get the majority share of the welfare vote. Their promises of increased program expenditures is what gets the free-loaders to vote Democratic in elections. A great example of this is the election of US Senator Wellstone in the state of Minnesota years ago. His promise to work for the welfare mothers of the state garnered him a majority. I am sure it happens in all other states, too. Right now in Atlanta, the African-American community is in the streets dancing and celebrating with drums that their candidate got elected. They are now espousing what "entitlements" they have coming for the oppression they have felt for the past decades. Get ready, America, it is coming to your community, too.

How many Americans (% will do) are on Federal welfare?

(the same for Minnesota years ago again federal) BTW .. it was YOUTH that pushed Wellstone over the top both times ... with a far better margin his second term. Sadly wellstone died 11 days prior to the 3rd election. He left a great legacy of helping Veterans and for finance reform! He also was one of the few ever to reach out to the Hmong immigrant community (from Laos that came through Thailand refugee camps!)

but it is nice to see that racism is still alive and well in Ga! (are you in fayette Co?)

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while reading pebbz's post a famous quote from a great past American president sprung to mind:

"Don't ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" - John F. Kennedy

I actually prefer the shorter version. A British Tory politician once blurted to the unemployed:

"on yer bike" - Norman Tebbit

simple and to the point

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As expected, Russia is now testing Obama because of his perceived weakness. They are deploying more missiles near Poland and Lithuania.

If Obama doesn't act tough enough (he should at least be "willing" to go to war, even if he doesn't "want" it and should prevent it), Russia will then push further; possibly invading Ukraine's Crimea "in order to protect the high population of ethnic Russians in that area" which is the same justification used with the 2 Georgian regions.

Actually, in the early stages, it doesn't matter if the President's personality is weak or strong. What matters is that if he is "perceived" as weak, you are courting trouble (case in point: Cuban missile crisis).

An ounce of prevention is more precious than a pound of cure; and that actually can prevent a war instead of starting one.

That is the problem America chose yesterday, if any. They elected the candidate who is perceived by the rogue countries as the weak one, and trouble may come soon; if it hasn't already started in the Baltic region near Poland and Lithuania.

Edited by junkofdavid2
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Well, to be absolutely correct, Barak Obama is a mulatto [a person with one white parent and one black parent]. I prefer a word of my own making, though... HalfRican.

Love live the new President! :o

We finally did something right, for the first time in a LONG time. And as a mixed-race person of mixed descent, I have no problem calling Barak Obama what he IS: a mixed-race, AFrican-American. His father was from Kenya, and former slaves and their descendants originated in Africa, as other immigrants orignated elsewhere, hence the reason for hyphenated American, and the term AFRICAN-AMERICAN. It is what it is, and there's nothing incorrect or wrong with it.
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As expected, Russia is now testing Obama because of his perceived weakness. They are deploying more missiles near Poland and Lithuania.

If Obama doesn't act tough enough (he should at least be "willing" to go to war, even if he doesn't "want" it and should prevent it), Russia will then push further; possibly invading Ukraine's Crimea "in order to protect the high population of ethnic Russians in that area" which is the same justification used with the 2 Georgian regions.

Actually, in the early stages, it doesn't matter if the President's personality is weak or strong. What matters is that if he is "perceived" as weak, you are courting trouble (case in point: Cuban missile crisis).

An ounce of prevention is more precious than a pound of cure; and that actually can prevent a war instead of starting one.

That is the problem America chose yesterday, if any. They elected the candidate who is perceived by the rogue countries as the weak one, and trouble may come soon; if it hasn't already started in the Baltic region near Poland and Lithuania.


Hopefully W won't do anything stupid for the next couple of months ... that is what scares me!

Russia has been rattling its sabre for months now ... and THIS will be a NATO issue .. not a US Prez issue alone.

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As expected, Russia is now testing Obama because of his perceived weakness. They are deploying more missiles near Poland and Lithuania.

If Obama doesn't act tough enough (he should at least be "willing" to go to war, even if he doesn't "want" it and should prevent it), Russia will then push further; possibly invading Ukraine's Crimea "in order to protect the high population of ethnic Russians in that area" which is the same justification used with the 2 Georgian regions.

Actually, in the early stages, it doesn't matter if the President's personality is weak or strong. What matters is that if he is "perceived" as weak, you are courting trouble (case in point: Cuban missile crisis).

An ounce of prevention is more precious than a pound of cure; and that actually can prevent a war instead of starting one.

That is the problem America chose yesterday, if any. They elected the candidate who is perceived by the rogue countries as the weak one, and trouble may come soon; if it hasn't already started in the Baltic region near Poland and Lithuania.


Hopefully W won't do anything stupid for the next couple of months ... that is what scares me!

Russia has been rattling its sabre for months now ... and THIS will be a NATO issue .. not a US Prez issue alone.

You're so right JD. And that's why Medvedev announced the missile deployment in the SAME speech congratulating Obama. "HUH?"

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As expected, Russia is now testing Obama because of his perceived weakness. They are deploying more missiles near Poland and Lithuania.

If Obama doesn't act tough enough (he should at least be "willing" to go to war, even if he doesn't "want" it and should prevent it), Russia will then push further; possibly invading Ukraine's Crimea "in order to protect the high population of ethnic Russians in that area" which is the same justification used with the 2 Georgian regions.

Actually, in the early stages, it doesn't matter if the President's personality is weak or strong. What matters is that if he is "perceived" as weak, you are courting trouble (case in point: Cuban missile crisis).

An ounce of prevention is more precious than a pound of cure; and that actually can prevent a war instead of starting one.

That is the problem America chose yesterday, if any. They elected the candidate who is perceived by the rogue countries as the weak one, and trouble may come soon; if it hasn't already started in the Baltic region near Poland and Lithuania.


Hopefully W won't do anything stupid for the next couple of months ... that is what scares me!

Russia has been rattling its sabre for months now ... and THIS will be a NATO issue .. not a US Prez issue alone.

You're so right JD. And that's why Medvedev announced the missile deployment in the SAME speech congratulating Obama. "HUH?"

LOL .. yes HUH!

Jan 20th is a LONG time off .... how long was the Cuban missle crisis? 13 days?

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Here's a question for you Spee <deleted> does it matter if his middle name is Hussein ? are you just another person that think all muslim's are evil ? do you know how common the name Hussein is for muslims or are you just a retard ?

You need to look at

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Bali-Bombers....html&st=75 , where Spee takes an obsessive interest in Obama's bloodlines.

Actually, I take an obsessive interest in facts, especially when people go to extraordinary means to avoid them.

- Fact: Hussein is Obama's middle name.

- Fact: The origin of the name Hussein is Arabic.

- Fact: Obama's father was a Muslim.

- Fact: In Arab-Muslim culture, the passing of the father's name to the son is also the passing of religious denomination.

- Fact: Barack Hussein Obama was born a Muslim. His mother was a known atheist and his father a known Muslim.

What I find interesting is that rather than simply admit to all of these various facts of heritage, Obama has avoided the issue like the plague and got visibly upset when people challenged him on it. I honestly couldn't give a shit what his lineage, heritage or religion are. But the fact that Obama and all of his handlers have gone to extraordinary means to avoid discussion of the issue obviously means there is a big rotting stinking smelly skeleton in the closet (probably more than one).

All I honestly really care about with Obama is whether or not he represents views similar to mine and is capable of doing the job. The answers to both of those questions are claring red-flag no's. His views are everything that mine are not. And he is not capable of doing the job. Rather he has shown only to be capable of being managed and manipulated by other forces. I believe that history will show him as an incompetent 4-and-outer just like the peanut farmer.

Spee, the origin of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 is ALSO arabic.

Stop using it it's ARABIC thought.

Why don't you go do the books in Roman numerals and leave is be.

I get pretty sick of this racist crap. What a waste of breath.

Your preferred crew screwed the pooch,

and the world is getting it doggie style as a result.

Time for a NEW captain of ANY name.

PS. I lived for 10 years in a very socialist leaning country,

and people got cared for, medical services were super,

the trains ran EVERYWHERE and mostly on time.

Everyone ate well and often together,

and most people were kind hearted and open.

Guess bloody WHAT my tax rate would have been THE EXACT SAME...

or one year; 1/2 % LESS in the socialist leaning country.

I still paid USA taxes by treaty anyway.

So your argument that socialism in any form is anti-american is purest crap.

It is ANTI-CONSERVATIVE, because that is what youhave been lead to believe

this is an aging hold over from the cold war. Socialism leads to communism stop it period.

hel_l even China is barely communist except at the top these days.

They are out capitalizing your Bushie arch-conservative capitalists badly.

GO there and you see capitalists on EVER street corner and every building.

We no longer need these ancient 1950's idelogical arguments of our grandfathers to hold sway.

I came back to USA just before the Bush reflection for two weeks,

and the air of paranoia was glaring and oppressive.

You barely could openly talk your mind till you had felt out your speaking partner.

Several life long friends also felt the same way.

Shortly I had to decide; move to arch-conservative Texas ,or move to Thailand.

I picked Thailand.

To live the American Dream I could no longer live there...

NO there's some hope for dialog and not polorization.

You only speak for dividing the country again.

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But here is what we can look forward to in America:

The harder we get hit here in America with Obama's Marxist plans, the fewer travelers are going to "spread the wealth around" in LOS.

Not to derail this congratulation to Obama thread further but....

What you say is nonsense in that it has not occured.

Here is FACTS of what HAS occured.

Here is a larger version for you to study further


Now you have the FACTS not some crystal ball fantasy.


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But here is what we can look forward to in America:

The harder we get hit here in America with Obama's Marxist plans, the fewer travelers are going to "spread the wealth around" in LOS.

Not to derail this congratulation to Obama thread further but....

What you say is nonsense in that it has not occured.

Here is FACTS of what HAS occured.

Here is a larger version for you to study further


Now you have the FACTS not some crystal ball fantasy.


Amazing isn't it? Why don't the folks that vote Republican ever see that? OR the state of the economy that screws up under their watch every time?

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He is now the president of all Americans and its time to give him a chance.

Wrong again on both counts (dare I say, as usual).

He is not the President. He is the President-elect.

And now is not the time to "give him a chance." Now is the time to start building a fiscally conservative, freedom-loving, libertarian stance upon which to fight his socialist anti-American agenda, which includes robbing the rich and productive to give handouts to the poor and lazy, re-shaping the judiciary to rewrite the constitution, and the further extension of the role of government in the national economy.

Oh, by the way, for those who may not think that this may not be Thailand-related, you could not be more mistaken. Given the chance, Obama's policies will weaken America. A weaker America is not in Thailand's best interests, both strategically and economically.

Spee is what a domestic terrorists look like. Piss poor looser working to cripple America from within. Fortunately the vast majority of us don't feel the same way nut jobs like him do.

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But here is what we can look forward to in America:

The harder we get hit here in America with Obama's Marxist plans, the fewer travelers are going to "spread the wealth around" in LOS.

Not to derail this congratulation to Obama thread further but....

What you say is nonsense in that it has not occured.

Here is FACTS of what HAS occured.

Here is a larger version for you to study further


Now you have the FACTS not some crystal ball fantasy.


Amazing isn't it? Why don't the folks that vote Republican ever see that? OR the state of the economy that screws up under their watch every time?

They don't see it because of ideological blinders of decades long persuasion.

Much the reasons Issan voters still think Thaksin is really for them....

A really great road show, and control of information,

and a social network that discourages dissenting voices.

But this ALWAYS plays into conservative hands, because

their debts left hanging are so HIGH that dems have a tough job bringing them down.

AND being decent loving human beings at the same time.

It's been one big Neo-Con job!

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Alrighty then America spoke & obviously the majority as well as the electoral college proved that it was time to give the old clan the heave ho. Not only that but the congress is now Hopefully a little more unified so they can get on with the chore of picking up the pieces of the last administration. I never heard such sore losers. This is the same attitude that kept the U.S. a divided country in the first place - Or perhaps the hard line repubs enjoyed all the boring veto's going on. Obama is the new president elect & will most likely be in for the next 8. So get over it & get a life . We had to put up with your pick of GWB for 8 & look where it took us. Time to be a mans man & if you can't be supportive of the new Pres. then why spoil the enjoyment of everyone else.Clearly the people that are crying over spilled milk are like the polls .........a clear minority.

Congratulations to Obama & may the better man carry the ball through the goldpost of life.

He has got a very hard road ahead of him.The least you guys could do is stop whining about losing & show a little moxy. Enough with the wah wah!

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But here is what we can look forward to in America:

The harder we get hit here in America with Obama's Marxist plans, the fewer travelers are going to "spread the wealth around" in LOS.

Not to derail this congratulation to Obama thread further but....

What you say is nonsense in that it has not occured.

Here is FACTS of what HAS occured.

Here is a larger version for you to study further


Now you have the FACTS not some crystal ball fantasy.


Amazing isn't it? Why don't the folks that vote Republican ever see that? OR the state of the economy that screws up under their watch every time?

Yeah, it's pretty amazing, especially the Reagan years. The latter half of the chart should be labeled Blue-"Greenspan Internet Bubble" and Red- "Greenspan Kondratieff Winter".

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He is now the president of all Americans and its time to give him a chance.

Wrong again on both counts (dare I say, as usual).

He is not the President. He is the President-elect.

And now is not the time to "give him a chance."

You better not give him that chance Spee, that's right Spee, he is coming after you. This crazy black Muslim radical is going to come into your house and take away your money, right out of your bank account and from under your mattress, and give that money to an unemployed 14-year old single black mother on the South Side of Chicago and tell her to spend it as she pleases. And if you are in Thailand he will be sending his fellow Muslim school mates from his radical days in Indonesia over to Thailand to come to get your money there. But it doesn't end there Spee, oh no, he is going to tax you into oblivion. First up on the Islamic Congressional agenda is a revamping of the death tax, no longer a tax on estates but a real death tax where 50% of all assets, regardless of wealth, become property of the State and are then redistributed to unemployed Muslim youth across the world. And then he is going to increase taxes on unearned income to a whooping 90% and tax them additionally with social security and medicare so there will be absolutely nothing left. You just might have to return to the US and work as a greeter at Walmart. And then, the mother of all indignities, being a black man and a Muslim, he is, as we speak, lobbying congress to institute for the president and for any of his fellow Muslim appointees, by an amendment to the constitution, the right of prima nocta and he will be coming after your wife or boyfriend or even yourself, depending upon the proclivities of you and/or Obama's appointees. So Spee, you and your like minded fellows have only one real course of action to take at this point. Jump now!

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quoted from Spee....." I believe that history will show him as an incompetent 4-and-outer just like the peanut farmer..."

Well said and totally agree.

Who can be worse than ' the peanut farmer' hailed from Plain, Georgia, the 39th US president - 'Jimmy Carter. :o

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I have observed for many months now, the bashing that my country, the United States of America, has taken on this forum. I have chosen not to reply because although I am angered by the hate filled rhetoric, I also know that is a right of everyone to have and express their opinion. That being said, I have to join in this thread stating my own views on this discussion.

Obama ran a great campaign and is a charismatic personality, so he is to be commended for that, but that’s as far as I’m going with the praise for him. How an American majority (and a majority of the rest of the world) can be fooled by the lies and false promises is beyond me. So many facts about him have been overlooked and excused (past associations, radical views and voting record, when he did vote) by the American mainstream media that the advantage just couldn’t be overcome by the McCain campaign. He and the democratic party are no doubt moving this country into socialism, admitted by Obama himself, when he said he intended to take from those earning more to those not earning at all, by spreading the wealth. I do not relish the thought of giving those who are capable of earning their own living some of my hard earned money so they don‘t have to be bothered with working, but if you do, by all means go right ahead and give up yours. Also, this idea of universal health care, who do you think will pay for that? The working class of America, of course. The truth is that even now, no one in America is turned away from hospital care when it is needed, whether they can pay or not. It wasn’t that long ago that the Democratic leaders of Congress were testifying that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were doing well and certainly didn’t need any more regulatory oversight, just go back and look at the congressional records if you don’t believe me.

For all the Bush haters and Anti-Americans, I say to you , <deleted> off, especially you anti-American Americans! I hope all of you are in Thailand now and stay there for the rest of your lives and better yet give up your citizenship, particularly the ones whom have stated that you are for the first time proud of your country (but I feel for Thailand because you are probably the Thai bashers too, you know who you are, the self-righteous, self-professed intellectuals). It seems most of the world loves to blame the USA for all the problems of the world, but I guess that’s easier than seeing the truth and accepting responsibility for your own actions.

We in America are not “war mongers” as some of you portray us, Bush is not a “war monger” as so many like to call him, but if you believe that protecting your citizens is the wrong thing to do, then that is probably why most of your countries are no longer able to defend yourselves. I know some will say that going into Iraq was wrong and goes beyond protecting your borders and citizens at home, to you I say, you have no idea of National Security and what it takes in today’s world to insure such. Those who claim that it was an oil issue all along, maybe that was a part of it, but if you think that the oil and energy of a country is not a national security issue, then you are ill informed as well as naive. It doesn’t take an intellectual to realize how the recent increases in oil prices has negatively affected the entire world.

I was in Iraq and I know how the majority of the people reacted to our being there, it was with open arms and gratitude. What you see on the news cast of protest where instigated by radicals and insurgents, and don’t bother arguing with me unless you were there and have your own experience to claim different. What you don’t see on the mainstream newscast is all of the positive work that we and the other members of the coalition forces have done in Iraq. I fought alongside British and Polish forces and I didn’t hear any of them b**ching and crying about why we were there. Most of them are great guys and gals and I was proud to be associated with them.

It is my sincere hope that the United States of America will continue to be the greatest country on earth and the Leader of the Free World in spite of how this election turned out.

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But here is what we can look forward to in America:

The harder we get hit here in America with Obama's Marxist plans, the fewer travelers are going to "spread the wealth around" in LOS.

Not to derail this congratulation to Obama thread further but....

What you say is nonsense in that it has not occured.

Here is FACTS of what HAS occured.

Here is a larger version for you to study further


Now you have the FACTS not some crystal ball fantasy.


Amazing isn't it? Why don't the folks that vote Republican ever see that? OR the state of the economy that screws up under their watch every time?

Yeah, it's pretty amazing, especially the Reagan years. The latter half of the chart should be labeled Blue-"Greenspan Internet Bubble" and Red- "Greenspan Kondratieff Winter".

What we have here is raw data without the proper supporting conditions. I am an analytical chemist, and I work with data for a living, so I know the necessity of having ALL of the inputs.

Let's begin with the Reagan years. Reagan cut taxes, but the Federal Treasury actually took in more revenue than with Carter's stifling tax brackets. In 7 of the 8 budgets that Reagan proposed, the DEMOCRAT controlled Congress spent more money than Reagan had asked for. By the end of Reagan's term, the DEMOCRATS had spent 28% above what the President had requested. Had Reagan received the budgets that he wanted, he would have left with a $130 Billon surplus. There was also this matter of the Cold War that was being fought, and was won with the collapse of the Soviet Union.

During the Clinton years, Clinton lied through his teeth about a middle class tax cut and then pushed through the LARGEST TAX INCREASE in U.S. history. This was all done to finance his universal health care plan. The REPUBLICANS in Congress defeated this plan, and then the technology explosion of the 1990's occurred, something that Clinton had nothing to do with. That is what lead to the fake surplus. Before Clinton, Social Security taxes were not part of the deficit figures. A little Clinton Hocus-pocus, and voila, a "surplus"!

GWB takes office and inherits a recession from the Clinton Administration. Shortly thereafter, we are hit on 09/11 despite the fact that Clinton had been briefed on terrorists using airplanes as weapons, and passing on several chances to get Osama Bin Laden. As this country was again faced with two wars, spending increased. (For those who still believe the liberal lies of no WMD's, read "Saddam's Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied & Survived Saddam Hussein" by former Iraqi General Georges Sada). Had Hitler been stopped in the 1930s, WWII doesn't happen.

Now is it true that Republicans spent money like drunken sailors when they held power? Yes, and it is also why many were removed from office. However, the Democrats were willing participants in the spending fun as well.

Which party passed the line item veto for the President to strip out pork of federal spending packages? Republicans.

Which party went to one of their hand picked liberal judges and got the measure overturned despite support by 70% of the American people? Democrats.

Which party supports a balanced budget amendment? Republicans.

Which party votes almost unanimously against a balanced budget amendment? Democrats.

Put all the charts up thee that you want, but without the facts behind what is happening, your data is worth as much as a bar girl's IOU to pay back that loan for her English lessons, mother's operation, and the sick water buffalo.

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And so would you care to enlighten us on what is wrong with a person being Muslim and/or from Arabic decent?


I've worked in the middle east before. I've recently taken a new long term work assignment in the middle east. I start next week. My new boss is an Arabic Muslim, as are his bosses. He's a really good guy and I look forward to working for him, and doing my best to help the company prosper and succeed. As stated in my profile, one of the things I love about my line of work is the opportunity to go abroad, meet new people and learn about new cultures and customs.

What bugs me the most about Obama is the dishonesty and lies with which he dodged various questions about his background, upbringing, and associates. I believe that he is above all a dishonest, cold, cool and calculating politician. All one has to do is review his voting record and his public statements. Anything else comes second, even when it comes to throwing his own family under the bus to suit his political whims. Had he just concurred with the facts or provided complete disclosure up front, there would have been no issue from me personally (although many would argue that it could have crippled his political ambitions). But he CHOSE cover-up over disclosure, just as he as done on other occasions. This makes him inherently not deserving of my trust.

I also disagree completely with his ultra-liberal socialist politics, and will continue to disagree and fight against them, as is my duty as small government libertarian. This is not a Rodney King Kumbaya moment to just bury the hatchet and join the socialists in running wild expanding the government and rewriting the constitution through the judiciary. This is an opportunity to fight with political will and and resistance to bring back the low tax, small government, individual economic liberty that made America great.

That aside, I've had enough of the hate-mongers here, who only read what they want to read and believe what they want to believe, and I've had enough with this thread.

1/20/2013 .... mark the date.

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I have observed for many months now, the bashing that my country, the United States of America, has taken on this forum. I have chosen not to reply because although I am angered by the hate filled rhetoric, I also know that is a right of everyone to have and express their opinion. That being said, I have to join in this thread stating my own views on this discussion.

Obama ran a great campaign and is a charismatic personality, so he is to be commended for that, but that’s as far as I’m going with the praise for him. How an American majority (and a majority of the rest of the world) can be fooled by the lies and false promises is beyond me. So many facts about him have been overlooked and excused (past associations, radical views and voting record, when he did vote) by the American mainstream media that the advantage just couldn’t be overcome by the McCain campaign. He and the democratic party are no doubt moving this country into socialism, admitted by Obama himself, when he said he intended to take from those earning more to those not earning at all, by spreading the wealth. I do not relish the thought of giving those who are capable of earning their own living some of my hard earned money so they don‘t have to be bothered with working, but if you do, by all means go right ahead and give up yours. Also, this idea of universal health care, who do you think will pay for that? The working class of America, of course. The truth is that even now, no one in America is turned away from hospital care when it is needed, whether they can pay or not. It wasn’t that long ago that the Democratic leaders of Congress were testifying that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were doing well and certainly didn’t need any more regulatory oversight, just go back and look at the congressional records if you don’t believe me.

For all the Bush haters and Anti-Americans, I say to you , <deleted> off, especially you anti-American Americans! I hope all of you are in Thailand now and stay there for the rest of your lives and better yet give up your citizenship, particularly the ones whom have stated that you are for the first time proud of your country (but I feel for Thailand because you are probably the Thai bashers too, you know who you are, the self-righteous, self-professed intellectuals). It seems most of the world loves to blame the USA for all the problems of the world, but I guess that’s easier than seeing the truth and accepting responsibility for your own actions.

We in America are not “war mongers” as some of you portray us, Bush is not a “war monger” as so many like to call him, but if you believe that protecting your citizens is the wrong thing to do, then that is probably why most of your countries are no longer able to defend yourselves. I know some will say that going into Iraq was wrong and goes beyond protecting your borders and citizens at home, to you I say, you have no idea of National Security and what it takes in today’s world to insure such. Those who claim that it was an oil issue all along, maybe that was a part of it, but if you think that the oil and energy of a country is not a national security issue, then you are ill informed as well as naive. It doesn’t take an intellectual to realize how the recent increases in oil prices has negatively affected the entire world.

I was in Iraq and I know how the majority of the people reacted to our being there, it was with open arms and gratitude. What you see on the news cast of protest where instigated by radicals and insurgents, and don’t bother arguing with me unless you were there and have your own experience to claim different. What you don’t see on the mainstream newscast is all of the positive work that we and the other members of the coalition forces have done in Iraq. I fought alongside British and Polish forces and I didn’t hear any of them b**ching and crying about why we were there. Most of them are great guys and gals and I was proud to be associated with them.

It is my sincere hope that the United States of America will continue to be the greatest country on earth and the Leader of the Free World in spite of how this election turned out.

Welcome to ThaiVisa Riverine - and enjoy your next 4+ years of democrat domination in the US. I hope its a long, happy, and healthy hate. The hospital care comment is completely off base. I think you are living in that "Superman Bizzaro world", but its not the real world. In point of fact, the US hospitals will treat you only if you have a life threatening illness, that requires immediate attention. A down on his luck factory worker is not going to receive adequate care for his condition, without heath insurance. US Republicans never have decent answer to their utter destruction of our economy in the last 8 years. They love to ignore the national debt they have doubled in 8 years, and call Obama a "Socialist" when President Bush introduced the largest socialist measure in the history of the world, the bailout of the financial institutions.

They never have an answer for the war that should never have been. The war that the US was drawn into on the basis of a set of lies. Where are those WMD's Riverine? Are you hiding them under your mattress? Because Saddam sure didn't have any. Yes the Iraq people love the US. Over 100,000 civilians killed in the past 7 years, the destruction of their infrastructure, the sectarian violence that has plagued the country for 3 years after the war because good ol' George, Dick, and Donald didn't have a plan for "postwar" Iraq.

You and your ilk had your chance, Riverine and Spee. Your party blew it, and deserve their fate. Feel free to shout at the moon, until your hoarse. I'll be there to laugh at you with the American Majority, who have a leader who will be everything that GW was not.

I will mark the date Spee - 1/20/2013 .... the start of Obama's 2nd term!

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Welcome back to the civilised world, USA!

Now the rest of the world is civilised? Puh-leez. It's because of civilised people in your London that no one in the world can take and liquid or gel over 100ml onto an airplane anymore.

I never said the rest of the world was civilised. And it's not "my" London.

Put it another way - welcome back from the dark side, or enjoy those sour grapes.

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It is my sincere hope that the United States of America will continue to be the greatest country on earth and the Leader of the Free World in spite of how this election turned out.

Dear Riverine,

Are you out of your mind?

The greatest country in the world and Leader of the Free World???

The worst thing a country can do is to initiate genocide: Nazi Germany, Cambodia, Ruanda

The second worst thing a country can do is to start war: France under Napoleon, Nazi Germany again and the USA: Vietnam, Afganistan, Irak.

Going to war in order to preseve Democracy?

Democracy in Vietnam, Irak???? Want to add Thailand to the list?

GWB was the worst president in your young history.

You get what you deserve, in November 2008 the American people voted for a demagogue; Napoleon, Hitler, Mao, Sarkozy were/are demagogues also.

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I am still happy that Obama won. Had McCain won, he would have been OK as well, I think. He's a good person. At any rate, Mickey Mouse could outshine the present leader.

I am far from being a socialist, but the bailout shows us that it's not a matter of whether or not people get help, it's just a matter of who is going to get the help--in this case it's the fat cats. So a movement a little toward the left is probably good. I am not idealistic, there just really will never be enough to go around for the really needy, but some basics such health care and education would be a nice start.

I am afraid that the general mood in Thailand is one of pessimism--I don't know if it's the weather (constant rain) or the political situation, or both, but people here (on TV) seem to be quite negative lately.

I think we need some of those folks with the rose-colored glasses on!

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