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Dutch Suspect In Natalee Holloway Case Reported To Be In Bangkok


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Don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but here's an interesting link related to this case: judicial-inc.biz/Joran_va_der_sloot.htm I personally think she was not murdered (since SOME forensic evidence should have turned up by now) but instead was "selected" by scout Joran for the price she would fetch, drugged, and then quickly shipped off the island in a speedboat to a waiting white slavery broker. From what I've read, this apparently is not the first time this is known to have occurred on the island. The murder story is a cover.
The link you provided is made by someone who like you " has heard" ... Just circumstantial rubbish, presented like ` facts`. There are 100`s of these links, all made by arm chair detectives.


That's why I stated that I think she was sold into sex slavery and not murdered. The evidence for murder is just not there. But the evidence for known human trafficking on the island is. Since there is no body, human trafficking is the more likely explanation for what happened.

IMHO, of course.

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Flame away, I know you will, but I wonder why the obsession with this one tragic case out of perhaps millions of tragic cases in the world. Could it be because the victim was white, American, and not poor? Would we know her name if she came from a slum in Bangladesh? I realize her story made great television, but I really don't get it. I suppose I would if she came from a famous family though.

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Flame away, I know you will, but I wonder why the obsession with this one tragic case out of perhaps millions of tragic cases in the world. Could it be because the victim was white, American, and not poor? Would we know her name if she came from a slum in Bangladesh? I realize her story made great television, but I really don't get it. I suppose I would if she came from a famous family though.

No Jingthing...no flame by me because you're absolutely correct.

The point with the enormous, gigantic publicity regarding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway is, next to her being white and American, 2-fold I think:

1. Natalee's family (father and mother -divorced-) had/has close relations to the White House (circles) and were quite influential as far as I have to believe the earlier reports about Natalee's disappearance and tragedy. If you Google her name you will find thousands of results and news articles. There are reports that the family flew to Aruba within 24 hours (!) of Natalee's disappearance with a private plane accompanied by detectives from the US.

I fully agree that a case about the disappearance of a Bangladesh girl or even Thai girl would not have attracted so much press, unless it would have been an important name.

2. Because Aruba is a popular holiday island destination amongst the Dutch and American population and Aruba having close ties with Holland (Dutch speaking also) and............................Peter R. de Vries, Holland's most known crime reporter, 'taking' the case, the rest is history and continues to be news the same time until today.

And, because Joran was aired on television, allegedly, involved in Thailand with girl trafficking (which, in my opinion would never have been a probability because of the extremely strict visa rules by the Dutch- and other Schengen governments), the Natalee Holloway disappearance case is HOT news now again.

The police and Justice prosecutors are still working on the case and because a new witness has appeared, authorities have said that they will soon come with a press release if Joran van der Sloot will be prosecuted (again and further) in the Natalee Holloway case, or not (anymore).

New witness very incriminating for Joran

11 Nov, 2008, 08:05 (GMT -04:00)



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So, tell us, LaoPo, why do you have such a keen interest in this case? You've posted voluminously about it here thus far. Do you have a background in detective work?

Just curious.

My own interest is not more or lesser than the one of the average fellow viewer/reader about the case;..however....I hate "trial by media" and therefore I try to post unbiased news and/or opinions, including my own.

But, I'm the first to say that that is extremely difficult in the case about Joran van der Sloot and the disappearance of Natalee Holloway because Joran has already been found guilty by the majority of the readers/viewers, even knowing that he has been arrested two times (his fellow suspects -the two brothers on Aruba- even three times) and sent home because there was 'not enough evidence' to hold him any further.

And, no, I have no background or interest in detective work.


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Have I missed something? It seems to me that there is no mention of sex, but only an offer to dance at a club in Holland, with job description and pay disclosed...as well as the concern for work permits to be in order.

Is this illegal?

I don't trust this guy...he's scum...but this "evidence" is flimsy at best.

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The point with the enormous, gigantic publicity regarding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway is, next to her being white and American, 2-fold I think:

Yes, it has all the elements of a racy pulp novel come to life. Also in the mix is the sex appeal of the victim and main suspect (pretty blonde naive all-American girl getting in over her head in the tropics upon leaving the "safety" of suburban America , getting very drunk (maybe drugs), being naughty, and then Joran, a glamorous sophisticated in a bad way beyond his years handsome bad boy character. Soap opera come to life, mix in some Fox News and you have an industry.

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So, tell us, LaoPo, why do you have such a keen interest in this case? You've posted voluminously about it here thus far. Do you have a background in detective work? Just curious.
My own interest is not more or lesser than the one of the average fellow viewer/reader about the case;..however....I hate "trial by media" and therefore I try to post unbiased news and/or opinions, including my own. But, I'm the first to say that that is extremely difficult in the case about Joran van der Sloot and the disappearance of Natalee Holloway because Joran has already been found guilty by the majority of the readers/viewers, even knowing that he has been arrested two times (his fellow suspects -the two brothers on Aruba- even three times) and sent home because there was 'not enough evidence' to hold him any further. And, no, I have no background or interest in detective work. LaoPo

So, then, would you agree that my assertion (that the case more likely involves human trafficking) is a plausible one, given the evidence thus far (or lack thereof?)

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Have I missed something? It seems to me that there is no mention of sex, but only an offer to dance at a club in Holland, with job description and pay disclosed...as well as the concern for work permits to be in order. Is this illegal? I don't trust this guy...he's scum...but this "evidence" is flimsy at best.

I believe that is a common enticement. Offers for jobs as dancers, models, etc., is what these hapless girls fall for.

Then, they are never seen or heard from again...

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So, tell us, LaoPo, why do you have such a keen interest in this case? You've posted voluminously about it here thus far. Do you have a background in detective work? Just curious.
My own interest is not more or lesser than the one of the average fellow viewer/reader about the case;..however....I hate "trial by media" and therefore I try to post unbiased news and/or opinions, including my own. But, I'm the first to say that that is extremely difficult in the case about Joran van der Sloot and the disappearance of Natalee Holloway because Joran has already been found guilty by the majority of the readers/viewers, even knowing that he has been arrested two times (his fellow suspects -the two brothers on Aruba- even three times) and sent home because there was 'not enough evidence' to hold him any further. And, no, I have no background or interest in detective work. LaoPo

So, then, would you agree that my assertion (that the case more likely involves human trafficking) is a plausible one, given the evidence thus far (or lack thereof?)

A strong "NO" to your so called plausible explanation.

Your assumption that Natalee Holloway: "(That's why I stated that I think she) was sold into sex slavery and not murdered." is purely based on rumors and unfounded speculations.

Such a speculation is exactly why I am trying to guide this thread a little, avoiding ''trial by media' or claims by people who KNOW (....yeah right...) what happened... :o


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So, tell us, LaoPo, why do you have such a keen interest in this case? You've posted voluminously about it here thus far. Do you have a background in detective work? Just curious.
My own interest is not more or lesser than the one of the average fellow viewer/reader about the case;..however....I hate "trial by media" and therefore I try to post unbiased news and/or opinions, including my own. But, I'm the first to say that that is extremely difficult in the case about Joran van der Sloot and the disappearance of Natalee Holloway because Joran has already been found guilty by the majority of the readers/viewers, even knowing that he has been arrested two times (his fellow suspects -the two brothers on Aruba- even three times) and sent home because there was 'not enough evidence' to hold him any further. And, no, I have no background or interest in detective work. LaoPo
So, then, would you agree that my assertion (that the case more likely involves human trafficking) is a plausible one, given the evidence thus far (or lack thereof?)
A strong "NO" to your so called plausible explanation. Your assumption that Natalee Holloway: "(That's why I stated that I think she) was sold into sex slavery and not murdered." is purely based on rumors and unfounded speculations. Such a speculation is exactly why I am trying to guide this thread a little, avoiding ''trial by media' or claims by people who KNOW (....yeah right...) what happened... :oLaoPo

So, then, you do have a vested interest in the outcome of this case for some reason.

"Guiding the thread", you say?

What if everyone took it upon themselves to "guide" a thread, especially when they've expressed that they have neither any expertise in nor any personal connection to the subject matter?

Concerned about "trial by media"?

Then take it up with the media. This is just a message board.

Say, are you looking out for Joran here? (do you think Joran would even care? )

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Have I missed something? It seems to me that there is no mention of sex, but only an offer to dance at a club in Holland, with job description and pay disclosed...as well as the concern for work permits to be in order. Is this illegal? I don't trust this guy...he's scum...but this "evidence" is flimsy at best.

I believe that is a common enticement. Offers for jobs as dancers, models, etc., is what these hapless girls fall for.

Then, they are never seen or heard from again...

So as far as this new video is concerned...it's purely conjecture on the media's part to assume wrongdoing.

Idiotic reporting in my opinion, tabloid journalism.

This "sting" has revealed nothing illegal. The possibility of perhaps gaining further information has been destroyed by the release of the video...tipping off the suspects.

It seems to me this reporter was more interested in getting his story to market, than catching these crooks. But I suppose thats his job.

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This guy is guilty as sin! Just because there isn't enough evidence to convict/charge him only means he is very lucky. This guy is as innocent as OJ was.

The great thing about justice is it's uncanny ability to be patient. What comes around, goes around. And this very deserving young man WILL get his. It's only a matter of time. Patience.

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Well all I know is he wasn't at Reggae Pub this evening. I prefer not to have types like this wandering around my area.

Even if he is innocent of her murder, he is quite unsavory on several counts.

While women have disappeared from Aruba, It is an island and islands have lots of sea available.

In and environment of less cash and more poverty, the unscrupulous have more incentive to aid the insane.

As LaoPo says, it's all speculative. But gut feeing says he has ONLY JUST dodged the bullet in Aruba,

and is no lily white victim in all this.

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The second part of the program was about Joran in Bangkok and his ''actions'' about women/girl trafficking.

Joran chatted with a poker-web friend in Holland, a young early twenty guy, about poker but which chatting turned to 'girls' at a certain stage.

This guy ended up contacting Peter R. de Vries who sent him, together with an employee of De Vries, to Bangkok.

Something to think about, that doesn't appear to have been mentioned (yet).

This "poker friend" chats about girls with Joran on the internet. What did they actually discuss ?

Apparently it was enough to prompt "poker friend" into contacting the reporter, and enough to convince the reporter to send "poker-friend" and a staffer all the way to Bangkok, with the intent to try and catch Joran on tape offering to traffic women to Holland.

Think about it. If you and I were to go into a chat room, and start talking about (Thai) girls, what would I have to say that would make you want to contact an investigative reporter ? What would you have to say, to make me do the same ?

It would surely have to be more than just about how sweet and sexy Thai girls are.

It would also have to be enough to convince the reporter that it was worth sending 2 people halfway around the world to try and get it caught on tape.

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The second part of the program was about Joran in Bangkok and his ''actions'' about women/girl trafficking.

Joran chatted with a poker-web friend in Holland, a young early twenty guy, about poker but which chatting turned to 'girls' at a certain stage.

This guy ended up contacting Peter R. de Vries who sent him, together with an employee of De Vries, to Bangkok.

Something to think about, that doesn't appear to have been mentioned (yet).

This "poker friend" chats about girls with Joran on the internet. What did they actually discuss ?

Apparently it was enough to prompt "poker friend" into contacting the reporter, and enough to convince the reporter to send "poker-friend" and a staffer all the way to Bangkok, with the intent to try and catch Joran on tape offering to traffic women to Holland.

Think about it. If you and I were to go into a chat room, and start talking about (Thai) girls, what would I have to say that would make you want to contact an investigative reporter ? What would you have to say, to make me do the same ?

It would surely have to be more than just about how sweet and sexy Thai girls are.

It would also have to be enough to convince the reporter that it was worth sending 2 people halfway around the world to try and get it caught on tape.

You hit the nail on the head and the key to the whole Bangkok undercover operation.

It would be -very- interesting to read the complete content of all the internet chattings between the 2 young guys because that would give an insight at which point the, so far normal, discussions (initially about online pokergames as it seemed) turned to girls and girl trafficking....or not.

WHO initiated the girl-trafficking discussion ?...was Joran lured or was it Joran who brought this up ?

Interesting to know....maybe we will, in time.

But.....it would have been VERY easy for crimereporter Peter R. de Vries to check with the Dutch authorities if it was indeed so easy (as Joran mentioned, according to the program) to get Visa to enter Holland (or any other Schengen country) for the "dancing-girls", supposedly traveling to Holland....

But, of course, De Vries wouldn't have had the opportunity to ''create''/film and air his program, "exposing" Joran van der Sloot.

Everybody who watched the program could have seen that Joran didn't know <deleted> about visa, how to arrange them and how difficult it is to apply and receive visa.

When he spoke about (easy to get) visa he was 100% bluffing.

Maybe it was all about viewers' ratings...who knows ?

But, I say it again: that doesn't make Joran a better person in the Natalee Holloway case.


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I would say it sounded like he wanted to get a biz-deal going and as a sales-man he tries to be he says it's easy and makes outlandish guarantees to get the deal going. Not like details of VISA-delays will prompt chargebacks when it comes to illegal things anyway...

He smelled money and promised whatever it took to get it, even if it involves shipping of girls to a country far away to do whatever the contractors wanted...

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corr i hope i never get trial by media. even if i am innocent. the media wants u to be guilty then inocent or guitly you are guilty. anything for a story. once u been on tv your name is hot. reporters will follow u to the end of the earth

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Not positive, but that looks more like a Honda Phantom than a Harley.

Quite possible; I'm not an expert with motorbikes, that's why I wrote 'Harley style' but even that could have been wrong and far from the truth and thus.....I might have been insulting the REAL Harley Davidson riders...

,,,in that case: Mea Culpa :o


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A Dutch reporter says Joran van der Sloot, the main suspect in the disappearance of US citizen Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean island of Aruba, is now living in Bangkok making a living off 'exporting' Thai prostitutes to Holland.

The only news source I have is in Dutch:


English-language media will probably pick up on this later, after this guy puts his report on a TV show.



Here's a quick translation of the essential part of the Dutch language article:



Joran van de Sloot (21) has set-up a trade in young women.

This is evidenced from a new undercover operation of Dutch TV-Crime-Invesigator Peter R. De Vries

in an article which appeared in De Telegraaf last Friday.

Acording to De Vries, Joran van der Sloot, who is a suspect in the disappearance of a young Dutch girl

Nathalee Holloway on the Island of Aruba, is currently active in the Thai Prostitution scene.

De Vries garnered his information on evidence providedby an infiltrant, who introduced himself to

Van der Sloot as a Dutch entrepreneur in the sex-industry.

The Dutch journalist secretly recorded his meetings and there’s little doubt left about how scant little respect

this 21 year old has for the lives ofm others.

The fact that he embarked on a career in the flesh-trade, right after the disappearance of Nathalee, speaks volumes, says De Vries.

The planning of flesh-trade activities is highly punishable. This could bring him, in Thailand, problems of epic proportions.

Acording to De Vries, the 21 year ol Joran is living in an expensive villa in Thailand, which he pays for with the proceeds from the sex-trade.



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Eeks the typos....I think he is blending in to avoid being caught...teaching English at some school and hanging out at the Soi Nana and Soi Cowboy areas or maybe in Pattaya.....lol! Immigration needs to do thorough sweeps at these places to weed out the foreign criminals in this country.

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A Dutch reporter says Joran van der Sloot, the main suspect in the disappearance of US citizen Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean island of Aruba, is now living in Bangkok making a living off 'exporting' Thai prostitutes to Holland.

The only news source I have is in Dutch:


English-language media will probably pick up on this later, after this guy puts his report on a TV show.



Here's a quick translation of the essential part of the Dutch language article:

Jaap, have you been ice speed skating* in Heereveen or something ? :o The article from Belgium is 'old' news and more than a week old.

* http://www.knsb.nl/content/home/page1.asp


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Declaring him PNG & deporting him would suit me.

Locking him up in a Thai prison would suit me.

OK, locking you up in a Thai prison would suit me very much, thank you.


Because I would like that.


Yes, as stupid as your remark.

As you can read, this man was suspected of a killing, and set free because there was no proof at all that he was indeed guilty of killing the girl.

He is NOT convicted of any crime, why lock him up in a Thai prison?

Just because Peter de Vries THINKS he did kill the girl?

Just because public opinion in the US is enough to condemn someone?

Just because this guy flees to Thailand because wants to escape that stupid <deleted> de Vries?

He is in Thailand, which only shows the Dutch authorities had no grounds to withdraw his passport.

Why in Thailand?

Why not?

Like all his remarks, statements and fantasies, Joran only shows he is a compulsive liar.


Oh yes, very much.

But guilty without judging?


Is he an example of the kind of tourists I am happy with?


But, his father is a judge, quite rich, probably rather influential.

You see?

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