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The Land Of Idiots


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Am sure there will be a good supply of teachers around, once the commercial sector slumps.

I might start my TEFL now.

Plenty of skint alcoholic sex tourists stranded in pattaya at the moment, they'll probably work for 30,000 Baht a month and a few cases of chang a week.

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We have had 5 business visitors cancel this week, who were coming into Bangkok next week. We are not sure if, or when they will come back. One was for a significant investment into a project, which now may be in jeporady. I really don't know how many other companies are in the same situation, but I'd imagine it's a fair few. It's really not a good situation for the country in the short and long term, as this farce has badly damaged the the reputation of Thailand, both in tourism and business.

At the momemt, Land of Idiots sums it up quite nicely

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How selfish can you get worying about your own finances over the future of a country.

such comments are reminiscent of the grey faced socialist dinosaurs who presided over some of the eastern european communist states as they slowly sank into oblivion.

the finances of businesses operating here are inextricably linked to the future of the country.

thailand needs businesses that are successful , and needs those who are prepared to risk the investment needed to start up those businesses.

Well said. I would have earlier but wasn't quite smart enough to put it into those words.
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Generally I agree.

I don't know what's worse a bunch of terrorists and their hired peasants taking over the airport, or a bunch of pansy police gesturing but doing nothing.

This typifies many Farang attitudes in Thailand.

It's pathetic.

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It is essential to get the prime Minister out, can't you see this?
Any normal country does this through elections. Shit even the good ol' U.S of A got rid of their bunch of idiots through an election.

The PAD are a bunch of terrorists that have no concern about who they hurt to achieve their goals.

I bet if Sondhi's main income came from the tourism industry, then the airports would not have been targeted.

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How selfish can you get worying about your own finances over the future of a country.

such comments are reminiscent of the grey faced socialist dinosaurs who presided over some of the eastern european communist states as they slowly sank into oblivion.

the finances of businesses operating here are inextricably linked to the future of the country.

thailand needs businesses that are successful , and needs those who are prepared to risk the investment needed to start up those businesses.

Absolutely, how can a country survive and prosper if foreign investment and jobs go elsewhere. If the upper classes are thinking they can milk the lower classes for money once foreign investment has left these shores , then they better put their expectations down a notch or two.

This time things have too far and credibility is going to be hard to restore, both internationally and domestically.

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I agree, this does feel like the land of the idiots right now.

Yeah, I went out last night in Pattaya and I also agree, but the idiots all had white faces. :o

What about you?

Yes, the stupid expats go to Pattaya and the clever Thais. Upcountry it'sthe oposite maybe.

Also i have a two month old daughter and a Thai wife

Are they idiots?

Thailand is my adopted country and I take offence to you caling them idiots. Go home.

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How selfish can you get worying about your own finances over the future of a country.

such comments are reminiscent of the grey faced socialist dinosaurs who presided over some of the eastern european communist states as they slowly sank into oblivion.

the finances of businesses operating here are inextricably linked to the future of the country.

thailand needs businesses that are successful , and needs those who are prepared to risk the investment needed to start up those businesses.

Absolutely, how can a country survive and prosper if foreign investment and jobs go elsewhere. If the upper classes are thinking they can milk the lower classes for money once foreign investment has left these shores , then they better put their expectations down a notch or two.

This time things have too far and credibility is going to be hard to restore, both internationally and domestically.

This isn't about the "people" on either side of the coin...it's two institutions fighting for survival....both not so different than the other really, while the poor remain uneducated. Why do u think this is so darn wacky and a bunch of middle aged women and old people can organize and walk in anywhere they want and no one touches them...enuf said.

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I agree, this does feel like the land of the idiots right now.

Yeah, I went out last night in Pattaya and I also agree, but the idiots all had white faces. :o

What about you?

Yes, the stupid expats go to Pattaya and the clever Thais. Upcountry it'sthe oposite maybe.

Also i have a two month old daughter and a Thai wife

Are they idiots?

Thailand is my adopted country and I take offence to you caling them idiots. Go home.


C'mon Neeranam, what are you on, I wan't some too.

Actually I wasn't being an idiot last night, well I can't remember a lot about it but I remember this lovely tall girl with big feet who had a prominent adams apple, and............................

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I have posted in a few threads even created my own thread but no answer yet. I have given up on Thailand. I realize the die hards will stay to the bitter end and more power to them. I liken this to holding a losing stock waiting for it to recover as it continually falls 20% until it hits zero. I don't want to sit around waiting for Thailand's dead cat bounce. I am ready to cut my losses. My only problem is my girlfriend is Lao so I have to go where she is permitted. Ironically Laos is not a consideration because since we are not married we can't live together. I wish I knew a bit more about Cambodia but my girlfriend is wary of it. One thing I like about Thailand is my girlfriend and I both speak very good Thai. I would feel less comfortable living somewhere where I didn't know the main language but the events that have transpired here have superseded that. All I really need is internet and the ability for us both to live somewhere for another 6 months whereupon her visa to the USA will be ready.

Feel free to PM me suggestions. It can be anywhere in the world where a Laos and US person is permitted to gain visas fairly easily.

Edited by wasabi
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How selfish can you get worying about your own finances over the future of a country.

such comments are reminiscent of the grey faced socialist dinosaurs who presided over some of the eastern european communist states as they slowly sank into oblivion.

the finances of businesses operating here are inextricably linked to the future of the country.

thailand needs businesses that are successful , and needs those who are prepared to risk the investment needed to start up those businesses.

I agree, small to large businesses ARE the future of any country. If our biz goes bust as a direct result of the protesters closing the airport, how many other businesses are going bust? People lose jobs, cant pay rent, cant buy food, hire taxis, can't pay for school for their kids etc. etc. Governments, inept or otherwise, cannot collect enough taxes to run social services. PAD protesters will go home only to realise they have just contibritued to their own financial downfall.

My 'Land of Idiots' quote was directed at the PAD, Government & Politicians of this country, however after reading some of the replies to my post it appears that a sizeable minority of falangs also fall firmly into the idiot category.

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My 'Land of Idiots' quote was directed at the PAD, Government & Politicians of this country, however after reading some of the replies to my post it appears that a sizeable minority of falangs also fall firmly into the idiot category.


I'm still happy here.

Your unhappy and feel that you're living in a country with inferior people.

Who's the idiot ?

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How selfish can you get worying about your own finances over the future of a country.

such comments are reminiscent of the grey faced socialist dinosaurs who presided over some of the eastern european communist states as they slowly sank into oblivion.

the finances of businesses operating here are inextricably linked to the future of the country.

thailand needs businesses that are successful , and needs those who are prepared to risk the investment needed to start up those businesses.

I agree, small to large businesses ARE the future of any country. If our biz goes bust as a direct result of the protesters closing the airport, how many other businesses are going bust? People lose jobs, cant pay rent, cant buy food, hire taxis, can't pay for school for their kids etc. etc. Governments, inept or otherwise, cannot collect enough taxes to run social services. PAD protesters will go home only to realise they have just contibritued to their own financial downfall.

My 'Land of Idiots' quote was directed at the PAD, Government & Politicians of this country, however after reading some of the replies to my post it appears that a sizeable minority of falangs also fall firmly into the idiot category.

Topsecret, one thread had to bring out the loudmouthed, trigger-finger idiots. Unfortunately it was yours. I'm sorry for your losses, for Thailand's loss (of face, business, tourism, respect) and the unhappy future of this country. maybe they will learn a valuable lesson...next life.

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Many of the Thai small business owners are smarted than the average idiot. They keep their business low overhead, small yet space efficient, movable, and do not bother with govt regulations but concentrate on customer satisfaction. Noodle Shops on wheels are the way to go. If things do go south on them they sure do not stand on the street corner and complain and draw attention to their bad luck, but quietly sell the da.n thing and start anew.

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I am sorry but starting a business is a risk and starting a business in a politically unstable country like Thailand is a very big risk. I personally considered doing so a few years ago and concluded it wasn't worth the risk. If you did, you were in the game and had the chance to be a big winner. Isn't that the essence of capitalism?

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I have posted in a few threads even created my own thread but no answer yet. I have given up on Thailand. I realize the die hards will stay to the bitter end and more power to them. I liken this to holding a losing stock waiting for it to recover as it continually falls 20% until it hits zero. I don't want to sit around waiting for Thailand's dead cat bounce. I am ready to cut my losses. My only problem is my girlfriend is Lao so I have to go where she is permitted. Ironically Laos is not a consideration because since we are not married we can't live together. I wish I knew a bit more about Cambodia but my girlfriend is wary of it. One thing I like about Thailand is my girlfriend and I both speak very good Thai. I would feel less comfortable living somewhere where I didn't know the main language but the events that have transpired here have superseded that. All I really need is internet and the ability for us both to live somewhere for another 6 months whereupon her visa to the USA will be ready.

Feel free to PM me suggestions. It can be anywhere in the world where a Laos and US person is permitted to gain visas fairly easily.

I would suggest Cambodia. Would assume Laotian citizen would be permitted visa.

I only know the following from visitng the country five or six times and info from expats that have relocated there. am no expert

On the plus side

Cambodians speak English very well.

The economy is moving fast in the right direction.

Easy to set up and run a buisness. foreign business encouraged.

Schools are good, if you go private.

Low cost for rent and living in main city hubs.

Negative side

Infrostructure, roads, rail, air needs improvement.

Crime in city centers.

The road users, believe it or not, worse than Thailand.

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Many of the Thai small business owners are smarted than the average idiot. They keep their business low overhead, small yet space efficient, movable, and do not bother with govt regulations but concentrate on customer satisfaction. Noodle Shops on wheels are the way to go. If things do go south on them they sure do not stand on the street corner and complain and draw attention to their bad luck, but quietly sell the da.n thing and start anew.

So if every one ran noodle carts the Thai economy will leap into becoming a world economic player. :o ???

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I've just seen 5 years of hard work go down the toilet!

We run/ran a legitimate teaching agency which placed hundreds of teachers within Thai schools.

117 schools, to be exact, and countless Thai students will no longer have an English teacher this coming term due to an unprecedented number of cancellations from our teachers.

"The PAD have now officially put me out of business."

And how exactly is PAD responsible for your 5 years of work going down the toilet ?

My 'Land of Idiots' quote was directed at the PAD, Government & Politicians of this country, however after reading some of the replies to my post it appears that a sizeable minority of falangs also fall firmly into the idiot category.

Uh huh.

First it was PAD that was responsible (somehow) for ruining your teaching agency.

Now it's Pad, the Government and the Politicians.

Yes, I would have to agree with the last part of your quote. :o

I wouldn't worry too much about the Thai students not having English teachers though. It seems there are plenty of other businesses around offering the same thing. I'm sure they will be more than happy to pick the slack.

//edit (to add a bit more of the OP's original quote)

Edited by Kerryd
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About an hour ago, we had 4,400 viewers, and less than 15 on the mod team watching. We have no time to edit, just to delete and close threads. Remember rule 3

3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

Thank you

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I'm not planning on leaving, but do have some comments.

Thailand is great for the tourist. It is however, a terrible place to do business.

The feelings shown by Foreign Business owners here has been brewing for a while. It's not so much the actual occupation of the airport that is the problem, but it's the deep glimpse of clarity that shows how diametricly different their goals & thinking are, how unprepared they are to... (fill in the blanks, the list is too long) ...maintain the basics. The latest episodes are the colapse of confidence, and rightly so.

I've sold a condo, have my business listed (it's small, but not losing money), and have sent the rest of my baht home. I'm planning a change from living here full-time. I will likely lose my investments if I up and leave (few millions of Baht also), so will try to ease out and lose less. Even if I lose money, that isn't the terrible part here. It's how Thailand got me to change my thinking that saddens me.

Thailand is clearly a different country if you're just living here, spending. I don't see how ridiculing posters suffering in this situation helps. I love the country. But there can be no doubt, Thailand will suffer businesses leaving, closing, canceling.

At Thai Visa there's room for all of us, isn't there?

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Many of the Thai small business owners are smarted than the average idiot. They keep their business low overhead, small yet space efficient, movable, and do not bother with govt regulations but concentrate on customer satisfaction. Noodle Shops on wheels are the way to go. If things do go south on them they sure do not stand on the street corner and complain and draw attention to their bad luck, but quietly sell the da.n thing and start anew.

A humourous comment but sadly not even a noodle shop is doing well now.

I was speaking to my friend who lives near Chiang Mai and asked him how he was holding up. He said there was good news. Food from the street vendors that was costing him 20-50 baht a couple months ago is now down at 5-20 baht. The bad news was that no one had money to pay for it. Our friend that had a clothing shop has closed it. No customers. As well, he used to make monthly trips to Bangers for supplies and said, his suppliers were under pressure with 2 going under, so what was the point. He said that many restaurants were closed and that hotels had laid off staff. These are restaurants where Thai workers go, not in the touristy areas.

All in all, hardly a happy report. The economy was already beginning to tank. When basic business can't survive they in turn aren't employing people and no money is spent in the local economy. Deflation, unemployment and unease. People can laugh all they want at the OP's situation, but he is not alone.

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Is out of my understanding why so many Tv members stay/live/have business in Thailand and 24/7 complaining about the country and the Thai.

This is different from the normal complaints isn't it... because of the Thais' temper tantrums and ineffectual government, this guy's life may be ruined, along with many others who have nothing to do with the argument. This on top of global economic ruin- I agree, this does feel like the land of the idiots right now.

Maybe, but then again most countries look like that from time to time... take, for example, the US in the Novembers of 2000 and 2004.

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im definately not gonna stay in a country where the army and governement are happy about having hardworking NATIONALS lose their whole life's work because they are too afraid to shoot a bunch of aristocratic losers with rubber bullets

So that's your reason for leaving ?

What was the reason you came ? :o


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Thailand shouldn't be referred to as a "Land of Smiles" any more. The 'Land of Idiots' is far more appropriate. :o

When terrorists (of any description) take over a country's main airport, a government must react swiftly and decisively. However the PM's request for the police to remove the protesters by 'gentle means' typifies the absurdity of the Thai Psyche (i.e. trying to save face at all costs and don't offend the guy who's beating you over the head with a hammer as he may get angry) :D

The PAD have now officially put me out of business. I have lost millions of Baht because of this latest development but I may recover by moving my business, and jobs, elsewhere. So I'll get over it, but how many Thai businesses are on the verge of financial ruin or bankruptcy?

Personally I detest the PAD Idiots, but I have now lost any hope I had in the current government to restore law and order.

No matter what happens, I fear there will be bloodshed in Thailand on a scale never seen before in modern times. The seizure of Suvarnabhumi airport will be the tipping point for an economic cataclysm that Thailand will never recover from. :D

Apart from all these issues with PAD, try visiting places like Vietnam and Cambodia

and see for yourself the real difference in attitude with the young people regarding

their genuine eagerness and enthusiasm to do anything to be able to communicate and do business

effectively with foreigners. There is no comparison to Thailand. Here there is a

half hearted reluctance to learn just enough English to get by. That is insufficient

in 2008 if you want to really participate in the international economy.

Maybe Vietnam and Cambodia were cut off for so long they now really appreciate

the opportunity to interact with the rest of the world-Thailand has taken it for granted for too long.

If I wanted to open a new factory in this region why would I come to Thailand

when I could go so many other countries nearby who would value my investment

so much more?

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