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Dog Attack


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When I'm jogging around Bangkok, I always carry 3 or 4 hand grenades, just in case this sort of thing happens. :D

Do you wear a red shirt too?

Sorry had to say that.

Mods please delete this distasteful post. :D

Just delete that avatar, looks like something a soi dog would be ashamed to be seen wearing.

You change yours and i will change mine. :o


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buy a "flick stick" they are relatively small but effective. A few years ago my wife was attacked by a dog in our village. We had lived there 1 year at the time and the dog was new! The dog hung out at the same place which was impossible to avoid. So I bought a flick stick and used it the dog hated the sound it made when extending and always ran off.

Two years later we moved out of this village because the dog problem was absolutey terrible.

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When I'm jogging around Bangkok, I always carry 3 or 4 hand grenades, just in case this sort of thing happens. :D

Do you wear a red shirt too?

Sorry had to say that.

Mods please delete this distasteful post. :D

Just delete that avatar, looks like something a soi dog would be ashamed to be seen wearing.

You change yours and i will change mine. :o


All those in favour of BkkJames changing his avatar sign up here - still at least Bkk is a bit closer to Manchester than most of their fans :D

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buy a "flick stick" they are relatively small but effective. A few years ago my wife was attacked by a dog in our village. We had lived there 1 year at the time and the dog was new! The dog hung out at the same place which was impossible to avoid. So I bought a flick stick and used it the dog hated the sound it made when extending and always ran off.

Two years later we moved out of this village because the dog problem was absolutey terrible.

"Speak softly and carry a big stick"

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As taught in my school to defuse aggressive dog situation..Stand still and do not make eye contact with the dog it will probably loose interst. If you are running then you are prey to the dog.

Running away is a sigh of weakness, however, so is not making eye contact.

Stare the dog out (while carrying a stick, but without raising it) if the dog breaks eye contact after a few seconds, you have asserted your authority over it..... if maintains eye contact, you have a serious nutter on your hands.

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Living as well in outskirts of Bangkok, I am enjoying my morning bicycle ride through the (last) rice paddy fields. I just know that during the planting and the crop season, farmers are putting their dogs around, and so I avoid the area.

While living in Koh Phangan, I had two severe accidents due to dogs; each time after hospital recoveries and police complains, locales just got rid of their (poor) animal...

I was not meaning that; just expecting a little bit compensation. Like they do...

When our own dog severely damaged a burglar; we had to pay for his (not the dog, the junk!) own hospital care because he was the son of a well-off islander.

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It isn't the dogs fault but the owner. She is by law required to take full responsibility for the actions of her dog.

Hitting a dominant dog or one who is likely exhibiting fear based aggression only exasperates the problem. Personally I like to fight the battles I know I can win, fighting a 40lb dog is not one of them.

In situations like this the best strategy is avoidance and contacting the police. A small can of mace might work in an emergency.

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When I have been faced with an aggressive dog who runs at me, I have always gone on the offensive. That means screaming something like <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> at the top of your voice and running straight at the dog. This has the immediate effect that both aggressive dog and any Thai bystanders all run away as fast as they can - the dog having met it's match and the bystanders fearing of the crazy farang!

This is not a joke - I actually do this and it works. But I don't have many friends now.....


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When I have been faced with an aggressive dog who runs at me, I have always gone on the offensive. That means screaming something like <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> at the top of your voice and running straight at the dog. This has the immediate effect that both aggressive dog and any Thai bystanders all run away as fast as they can - the dog having met it's match and the bystanders fearing of the crazy farang!

This is not a joke - I actually do this and it works. But I don't have many friends now.....


and now we know where the term "farang bah!" originated from. :o

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I'm sure its been said before many times, but I'm convinced its all about Fear with dogs. They Fear you or can smell your Fear.

Don't show any fear, and you'll most likely be fine. easily said than done with a '"well fed - non soi dog" I suppose.

If its going to bite you anyway then you need to defend yourself , No stick then I'm sure a good punch between the eyes will stun 'most' non fighting breeds. a swift elbow would certainly do the trick and save your fingers. If it did have a 'habit' of biting people then I'm sure it would have already been taken care of the Thai way ;-)

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Blast the stupid dogs in the face, probably only one time and they'll never bother you again. Two times, for sure they will never bother you again.

there are far too many abused dogs around , no need to add to the number by squirting them in the face with bleach.

we're not talking about abused dogs, we are talking about non-trained,agressive, idiot owned dogs. Also, I first said ammonia, which will not be harmful but definitley will sting eyes and nose.

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Did you really go to the police and did the police really say some of those things?

My girlfriend was once bitten by a ferocious dog near here house in Bangkok. She reported it to the police and the owner had to pay both the medical and compensation. The latter was 1,000Baht. She was asked whether she wanted to have the dog put down. She said no.

The owner of the dog was then ordered by the police to keep it chained up inside. She would be prosecuted if she let the dog out on to the streets again alone and without a muzzle.

If this OP is speaking the truth, then he needs to get a second opinion.

Dear Thai Eye, I can tell you I most definately went to the Police about this & I can tell you thats exactly what was said, I actually went over this twice with him to make sure I understood. Fortunately the dog did NOT puncture my skin & I guess if I hadnt reacted in the way that I did it may have been alot worse that it was, but the Policeman did state, as I said that if I had been injured its owner would be responsible for medical cost etc, however fortunately everything was in-tact & I'm not about to go back and feed this dog my arm again, just in order to have a hospital visit paid for.

I can assure you that I don't come onto TV and invent this attack or invent the visit to the Police Station. The post is a brief version of what actually happened. I was interested in knowing that thai eyes GF was attacked and the Police offered to put it down. The Policeman actually asked me what would happen back in my own country if this happen & I told him the proceedure (which could possibly lead to the dog being destroyed) and he's eyes nearly came out of his head.... "We Don't do that in Thailand".

There was some great info in this, stuff I hadnt thought of & a couple of people pointed out that I shouldnt run past the dog (because they only get more excited) and I want you to know that I was at walking pace everytime I was near these dogs, I also made plenty of eye contact & when it happened today & when it was trying to get a second hold on me I instantly adapted Simons response of yelling anyway....I think I may have even used the same word he says...perhaps thats my mistake....dog only speaks thai :D .

As for the bleeding hearts that talk about not hurting the dog....I wonder what they would think about it if their young child was mauled to death by a dog like this one.....just like that young thai boy was not so long ago north of Bangkok somewhere. From what I recall, those dogs that were involved in that attack were not destroyed but were given to the army or the Police to use.

As for the owner of this dog, she clearly has a problem....shes an a#sehole....I use to deal with these type of people for a living, my GF spoke with her very respectfully & she made it quite clear right from the start that she didnt like farang & I shouldnt be there. She was rude straight up & has had ample opportunity to do something with these dogs. Its obviously an issue in the area because shop keepers further along the road vented their frustration with these dogs to us.

I am sure that I am not the first person to fall victim to this dog and I am sure I won't be the last....but next time I will be ready :D

Thanks for your tips....TV members are ace :o:D

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1. To give them some bones to make friends. They won't bite you again.

2. Some people buy the poisons made in Thailand and throw to those dogs. When they eat, they'll die.

Purely out of interest, what was the poison and where can you buy it.

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Yes but don't only shout at the dog, run at it before it starts to run at you. By the sound of things you could also try running at the owner and shout <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> as well.

Good luck


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Yes but don't only shout at the dog, run at it before it starts to run at you. By the sound of things you could also try running at the owner and shout <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> as well.

Good luck


I've been known to do that also shouting the same words more or less. Done it to whole packs of the Village Dogs with the same results. Does raise a few smiles in the Village. I do feel a bit foolish afterwards though. Glad I'm not alone in my madness :o

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It isn't the dogs fault but the owner. She is by law required to take full responsibility for the actions of her dog.

Hitting a dominant dog or one who is likely exhibiting fear based aggression only exasperates the problem. Personally I like to fight the battles I know I can win, fighting a 40lb dog is not one of them.

In situations like this the best strategy is avoidance and contacting the police. A small can of mace might work in an emergency.

Most sane and objective post i have read on this subject . Many Thai cannot control their children due to lack of neccessary training at an early age , why do you expect them to train or control their dogs ? For the dog so called lovers , you are as bad as these unthinking owners , you think dogs are more important than humans by the way you think , you are so wrong , any dog that attacks and bites for no reason should be put down before it kills some-one as in that poor child who was killed by the FAMILY PET DOBERMANS just because she walked in the gate OF HER OWN HOME , shame on you and your terrible way of (not) thinking .

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Yes but don't only shout at the dog, run at it before it starts to run at you. By the sound of things you could also try running at the owner and shout <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> as well.

Good luck


Then what do you do if she shouts yesyesyes? :o

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We have a large German Shepard & he can be aggresive at times, my wife says if he bites someone thats not invited in side the borders of the home then thats ok but outside then payment as to be made & loss of the dog if the attacked complain to the police.

I don't understand this lady's reaction as we always say sorry when he gets aggresive around strangers & always call him back.

I am pleased this has come up. I didn't realise that the police were so supportive.

Hopefully I don't meet your dog on the street, running up and snarling at me. I will now definitely be going to the police and putting in a report. And the answer will be a resounding "Yes, can I pull the trigger please?"


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Yes but don't only shout at the dog, run at it before it starts to run at you. By the sound of things you could also try running at the owner and shout <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> as well.

Good luck


Then what do you do if she shouts yesyesyes? :o

Oblige/oblige/oblige , make the dog more jealous 555

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It isn't the dogs fault but the owner. She is by law required to take full responsibility for the actions of her dog.

Hitting a dominant dog or one who is likely exhibiting fear based aggression only exasperates the problem. Personally I like to fight the battles I know I can win, fighting a 40lb dog is not one of them.

In situations like this the best strategy is avoidance and contacting the police. A small can of mace might work in an emergency.


Edited by onnut
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We have a large German Shepard & he can be aggresive at times, my wife says if he bites someone thats not invited in side the borders of the home then thats ok but outside then payment as to be made & loss of the dog if the attacked complain to the police.

I don't understand this lady's reaction as we always say sorry when he gets aggresive around strangers & always call him back.

I am pleased this has come up. I didn't realise that the police were so supportive.

Hopefully I don't meet your dog on the street, running up and snarling at me. I will now definitely be going to the police and putting in a report. And the answer will be a resounding "Yes, can I pull the trigger please?"


If he bites someone who is not invited inside the borders of the home THAT IS OKAY?

When he gets aggressive we always call him back and say sorry , will you give him back his arm all nicely bandaged ?

That is what you are saying , listen to yourself , AFTER S-ITE HAS HAPPENED , then you APOLOGISE ? What kind of individuals are you ? Methinks you have become to Tha-ised you absolute , unthinking excuse for a caring human . Smarten up now or face the consequences of owning a DANGEROUS ANIMAL , what is a human life worth if you cannot call him off , priceless .People like you make me PUKE , YEUK .

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We have a large German Shepard & he can be aggresive at times, my wife says if he bites someone thats not invited in side the borders of the home then thats ok but outside then payment as to be made & loss of the dog if the attacked complain to the police.

I don't understand this lady's reaction as we always say sorry when he gets aggresive around strangers & always call him back.

I am pleased this has come up. I didn't realise that the police were so supportive.

Hopefully I don't meet your dog on the street, running up and snarling at me. I will now definitely be going to the police and putting in a report. And the answer will be a resounding "Yes, can I pull the trigger please?"


If he bites someone who is not invited inside the borders of the home THAT IS OKAY?

When he gets aggressive we always call him back and say sorry , will you give him back his arm all nicely bandaged ?

That is what you are saying , listen to yourself , AFTER S-ITE HAS HAPPENED , then you APOLOGISE ? What kind of individuals are you ? Methinks you have become to Tha-ised you absolute , unthinking excuse for a caring human . Smarten up now or face the consequences of owning a DANGEROUS ANIMAL , what is a human life worth if you cannot call him off , priceless .People like you make me PUKE , YEUK .


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Yes but don't only shout at the dog, run at it before it starts to run at you. By the sound of things you could also try running at the owner and shout <deleted> <deleted> <deleted> as well.

Good luck


Then what do you do if she shouts yesyesyes? :o

Listen Mate, I don't want to brag but I'm an Aussie & in the outback sometimes a blokes gotta do, what a blokes gotta do even when the sheila is dead f#*ken ugly....I've seen some fairly ordinary looking buzzards getting around thailand too and im pretty confident they don't brew that much beer in thailand >>>>> shes a very ugly thai woman & swings a mean broom stick too(probably rides it to work) :D

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We have a large German Shepard & he can be aggresive at times, my wife says if he bites someone thats not invited in side the borders of the home then thats ok but outside then payment as to be made & loss of the dog if the attacked complain to the police.

I don't understand this lady's reaction as we always say sorry when he gets aggresive around strangers & always call him back.

I am pleased this has come up. I didn't realise that the police were so supportive.

Hopefully I don't meet your dog on the street, running up and snarling at me. I will now definitely be going to the police and putting in a report. And the answer will be a resounding "Yes, can I pull the trigger please?"


If he bites someone who is not invited inside the borders of the home THAT IS OKAY?

When he gets aggressive we always call him back and say sorry , will you give him back his arm all nicely bandaged ?

That is what you are saying , listen to yourself , AFTER S-ITE HAS HAPPENED , then you APOLOGISE ? What kind of individuals are you ? Methinks you have become to Tha-ised you absolute , unthinking excuse for a caring human . Smarten up now or face the consequences of owning a DANGEROUS ANIMAL , what is a human life worth if you cannot call him off , priceless .People like you make me PUKE , YEUK .


So you have joined the unthinking phsyce of the dog lovers eh ? What makes YOU OR ANYBODY ELSE (UN)THINK that you can call the dog off ? A prospective dangerous animal NEEDS TO BE RESTAINED BEFORE IT PROVES ITS POINT , after the fact is both inefective and unredemable to my my way of thinking . Any excuse by an owner AFTER THE FACT is a mili-second too late to give back a life or a disability , get real for gods sake , is the dog more important than the future of even a dispicable human being ? Think , think and think again , how would you feel , or like to live with , an incapacitated future for a dogs actions just because THE OWNER LOVED IT TOO MUCH to train or restrain it ? You also make me PUKE but twice as much .

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