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The Worst Movie I Have Ever Seen.


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I recently caught the end of possibly the worst film I have ever seen. It was called 'King Maker' I think and was a quite high budget Thai movie. I only saw the saw ten minutes but I was totally perplexed as to how it had been produced. It seemed to be an English language movie with a mix of a Thai and none Thai cast. The quality that made it so terrible was that the cast seemed to have been instructed to speak English in the most over the top hammy fashion that I have ever seen in any movie. It actually seemed like it was a very badly dubbed movie ever though it wasn't :o . All the male actors spoke in the same way that the Thais dub western movies. It’s actually difficult to explain. I was actually confused when I watched the few minutes I saw. I would like to have chance to watch it again from the beginning to try to pin point why it was so bad. The costumes and set and scenery were actually quite good it was just the terrible dialogue and delivery that ruined it. Has anyone else seen it or know anything about it?

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Obviously you don't get to watch a lot of Thai soaps ? If you did you would realise that that is how Thai's act. I find it quite amusing. Reminds me of the Rock when he acts, as in " Get Shorty ".

Talking a crap films. I watched the last X Files movie the other day. I want to believe. Now that is what you call a bad movie. No story line. and NOTHING to do with UFO's or paranormal just Russians snatching bodies for parts. When it ended I was still waiting for it to start. :o

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Saw the same movie, and concur with your observations. Abominable.

And, IMHO, the second-worst movie has to be the latest 007 movie "Quantum of Solace," during which I and the rest of the audience could not stay awake.

Edited by toptuan
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Obviously you don't get to watch a lot of Thai soaps ? If you did you would realise that that is how Thai's act. I find it quite amusing. Reminds me of the Rock when he acts, as in " Get Shorty ".

Talking a crap films. I watched the last X Files movie the other day. I want to believe. Now that is what you call a bad movie. No story line. and NOTHING to do with UFO's or paranormal just Russians snatching bodies for parts. When it ended I was still waiting for it to start. :o

I know what you mean about the soaps. It was exactly like a Thai soap but mouthed by English speakers in English. That’s what was so confounding. The director was directing none Thais to act like Thais. It must have been a weird experience for the cast. The whole thing demonstrates just how bad the stuff on Thai TV must be. It really is worth seeing if you've not seen it.

I agree about the Bond movie. I watched it the other day and thought it was very poor.

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I recently caught the end of possibly the worst film I have ever seen. It was called 'King Maker' I think and was a quite high budget Thai movie. I only saw the saw ten minutes but I was totally perplexed as to how it had been produced. It seemed to be an English language movie with a mix of a Thai and none Thai cast. The quality that made it so terrible was that the cast seemed to have been instructed to speak English in the most over the top hammy fashion that I have ever seen in any movie. It actually seemed like it was a very badly dubbed movie ever though it wasn't :o . All the male actors spoke in the same way that the Thais dub western movies. It's actually difficult to explain. I was actually confused when I watched the few minutes I saw. I would like to have chance to watch it again from the beginning to try to pin point why it was so bad. The costumes and set and scenery were actually quite good it was just the terrible dialogue and delivery that ruined it. Has anyone else seen it or know anything about it?

"Worst Movie Ever" would actually be an accomplishment. "Pink Flamingos" by John Waters is probably the worst movie that I've ever watched all the way though. It's a classic.

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I recently caught the end of possibly the worst film I have ever seen. It was called 'King Maker' <snip>

This movie was so bad that I had to comment on it in a movie forum (to which I never contribute - it was just that bad I had to say something to somebody, anybody!...)

Here was my review:

"Seriously awful acting 26 May 2008


Unfortunately, this has been showing on Star Movies here in Thailand for the last week or so. It's complete rubbish acting. As another member said, this movie is a good example of 'how not to act.' I haven't seen a movie so poorly acted in a long time. The actors (can you call them 'actors'?) are completely flat and deliver their lines with the passion of a dead dog. I would say that in order to truly understand how bad the acting is, you would have to see the movie... but that would be akin to torture.

I cringe as the leading lady delivers her lines, and the rest of the cast with their accents (fake or contrived) is equally heinous. Another actress with the fake British accent was pretty, yes, but good lord was her accent terrible. Mix that with her (lack of) acting and you have a disaster. She should just have said nothing and I could have accepted her as the pretty girl. Oh my, we just got to the scene where the leading lady's lover says "Really me?" after a forced crying scene from her. Laughable. No, really, I just laughed out loud.

The sets and the art directors offer some saving grace to the film. Some of the sets are colorful and some of the scenes are rather nice (minus the actors).

The old magic potion lady? What?! Another member mentioned the 'modern' love song that was in the movie. Totally inappropriate for a period piece set some 500 years ago.

I understand the movie was considered 'Big Budget' in Thailand at the time of it's production. I would be seriously upset if I were the producer of this movie. Just goes to show that money does not necessarily make a good (or even mediocre) film.

I would give the King Maker a 1 out of 10, but the costumes and sets make save the film from such a rating. 2 out of 10."

One word: Brutal. I hear the producers took a bath on this one... They were shamed out of Thailand for some time... but word on the street is that they've come back and are trying a second film in Thailand... we'll see how that goes. Even Thai Soaps do not cast 2 runway models as female leads, I have no idea why King Maker thought they could make it work... Cindy and Yo - stick to the ramp, please.

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I recently caught the end of possibly the worst film I have ever seen. It was called 'King Maker' <snip>

This movie was so bad that I had to comment on it in a movie forum (to which I never contribute - it was just that bad I had to say something to somebody, anybody!...)

Here was my review:

"Seriously awful acting 26 May 2008


Unfortunately, this has been showing on Star Movies here in Thailand for the last week or so. It's complete rubbish acting. As another member said, this movie is a good example of 'how not to act.' I haven't seen a movie so poorly acted in a long time. The actors (can you call them 'actors'?) are completely flat and deliver their lines with the passion of a dead dog. I would say that in order to truly understand how bad the acting is, you would have to see the movie... but that would be akin to torture.

I cringe as the leading lady delivers her lines, and the rest of the cast with their accents (fake or contrived) is equally heinous. Another actress with the fake British accent was pretty, yes, but good lord was her accent terrible. Mix that with her (lack of) acting and you have a disaster. She should just have said nothing and I could have accepted her as the pretty girl. Oh my, we just got to the scene where the leading lady's lover says "Really me?" after a forced crying scene from her. Laughable. No, really, I just laughed out loud.

The sets and the art directors offer some saving grace to the film. Some of the sets are colorful and some of the scenes are rather nice (minus the actors).

The old magic potion lady? What?! Another member mentioned the 'modern' love song that was in the movie. Totally inappropriate for a period piece set some 500 years ago.

I understand the movie was considered 'Big Budget' in Thailand at the time of it's production. I would be seriously upset if I were the producer of this movie. Just goes to show that money does not necessarily make a good (or even mediocre) film.

I would give the King Maker a 1 out of 10, but the costumes and sets make save the film from such a rating. 2 out of 10."

One word: Brutal. I hear the producers took a bath on this one... They were shamed out of Thailand for some time... but word on the street is that they've come back and are trying a second film in Thailand... we'll see how that goes. Even Thai Soaps do not cast 2 runway models as female leads, I have no idea why King Maker thought they could make it work... Cindy and Yo - stick to the ramp, please.

I fair review I think. I felt the same way, that I just had to talk to someone else that had seen it too. I went into work the next day I was greeted by a friend with 'I watched the worse film I have ever seen last night!'. I felt much better that I hadn't just imagined it to be so bad.

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Saw the same movie, and concur with your observations. Abominable.

And, IMHO, the second-worst movie has to be the latest 007 movie "Quantum of Solace," during which I and the rest of the audience could not stay awake.

Anyone remember "Howard The Duck"?


I loved Howard the Duck, brilliant film.

Can remember back in UK about 8 years ago, channel 4 had a special film night once a week titled: the worst films ever made.

They showed 20 altogether over 20 weeks. Once aired viewers were given the opportunity to vote for what they considered was the best of the worst.

I can remember they voted as the worst film of all time was: The Wild Women Of Wonga. The Invasion of The Flying Saucers came second.

As for the new James Bond film, I haven`t seen it but I think now that 007 movies have been completely played out.

They should call it a day and throw 007 into the archives as old classic film memories.

Edited by sassienie
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"Quantum of Solace" as ibe if the worst movies ever? Wow! You must not have seen very many of them. "Quantum of Solace" was not as good as "Casino Royale," but it was not a horrible movie. It was watchable, and Daniel Craig was good. There are many, many worse movies (just watch HBO on any given day.)

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Not having seen the movie, but a quick YouTube search uncovered this *trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOgTzE4FxOA

*Warning: Brace yourselves as viewers may find the following scenes uber gringeworthy

Yes, must agree, total crap.

Well I have just watched the trailer and didn't find it particularly 'uber gringeworthy'. Pretty normal stuff (crap) for a trailer!

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I was living in an apartment building in Saraburi when they were filming this, and the set construction crew was using a big storage room to make and store a lot of props and sets for this film. So, I had an interest in seeing it having talked with some of the crew. I also met several farang guys who were extras in battle scenes, but this was after it was long made.

I concur. The Kingmaker is on my list of worst movies I have ever seen along with Yes (only movie I ever walked out on in a cinema) Spawn and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. It is probably the worst of those four on my own personal list. This movie sucked big time. I kept hoping it would get better and because of the personal connection, sadly, I didn't walk out. I regret that wasted 90 minutes to this day. I mean, I could have been walking around The Emporium or picking my nose for that time.

Oh, also, this was an international production. The production people or company who got this done were from England, I believe. They wanted it to be released all over the world, thus the English dialogue. However, they got a Thai director to direct everything in English, and of course most crew were Thai. However, you can't blame Thailand for this one as it was really an international project from the start. Of course, it was a horrible, dismal failure. Acting sucked but I think you have to place more blame on horrible editing, horrendous dialogue and on and on from there. I mean, it had the guy who played the dwarf in the Lord of the Rings, and he isn't that bad. This looked like a high school production. And, actually, I have seen better high school videos than this. Completely &lt;deleted&gt;.

Edited by Jimjim
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I think the problem was dialogue and the delivery of the dialogue.

My English friend was also an extra in the film. He told me that it was a great film, but he has gone native to the extent that he won't hear a bad work said about anything Thai, not even this crap film :o

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Dialogue, acting, editing, plot etc. There were many things wrong, but most obviously the dialogue. I think your friend was just defending a film in which he was in and didn't want to admit it was absolute crap.

I have seen another absolute crap Thai film (unfunny slapstick comedy), again with people in it as extras whom I have met doing my own extra work. However, I have seen a couple of absolutely stellar Thai films along with some average Thai flicks. Like any country, it's got it's good ones and bad ones. But the bad ones are bad.

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Cloverfield without doubt is the worst movie that i have seen ever.

regarding Quantum of Solace, not the worst movie ever but i can say its the only movie i have ever fell asleep in the cinema watching, so certainly not in my top 10 movies put it that way.

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Cloverfield without doubt is the worst movie that i have seen ever.

regarding Quantum of Solace, not the worst movie ever but i can say its the only movie i have ever fell asleep in the cinema watching, so certainly not in my top 10 movies put it that way.

I didn't mind Cloverfield, but I think that was because I was expecting the worst from it before I started watching. I found the same watching Transporter 3 recently. I expected it to be so bad that when watching it was actually bearable.

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